Lux's Farewell

467 [0461] Interesting connections

467 [0461] Interesting connections
Although it is impolite to say so, the industry leaders in Forsbarrow, compared with those in Xiongdu, are really not fundamentally different from the barbarians further north.

In Fossbarrow's three-acre land, there are only a few people who can be called income, and there are only so few people who can support them-the weak economic foundation cannot support an overly complicated social structure, except The president of the chamber of commerce, Sambol, has some experience in travelling, and the other presidents are actually more... simple.

Especially the president of the mining association.

After receiving the draft for comments sent to him by Lux, he just flipped to "under the supervision of the Forsbarrow government" and didn't look back.

Nothing to see.

In Demacia, we have blue ochre, and we know how to mine it!
You know a hammer blue ochre, and you came to supervise us?

However, when he was reminded by Sambol and saw the back, the content of Lacus' draft for comments made him perform a wave of face-changing on the spot.


Because in addition to supervision, Lacus also gave policy help: she planned to build a blue ochre deep-processing production line in Forsbarrow.

Ore washing, crushing, sintering, secondary crushing, fine grinding, color preparation, printing and dyeing...

These can all be extended!
According to the results of the investigation, Lacus generously drew a big pie - the blue ochre dug out by Forsbarrow in the past had to be transported to Seka Town. Demacia's blue ochre dye is in a completely different dimension.

The miners are not stupid, they also want to do the picking and processing of raw materials together to increase profit margins just like the herb pickers.

But the problem is, they can't.

One person can collect herbs by himself, and one family can prepare them by themselves, but if they want to deal with blue ocher, Fossbarrow has not enough manpower, and natural conditions do not allow it!
But now, Earl Laxana has tied "mining supervision" and "business development" together, and is willing to support Fossbarrow's direct processing of blue ochre, and bear the initial subsidy-this is the same as the direct request of Blank White Teeth. Regulating the mining industry is not a concept!
If this Earl Laxana can do it, let alone supervise the Mining Association, she can be her dog himself!


Looking at the head miner who seemed to be possessed by a sled dog, Sambol helplessly covered his face.

"Don't get excited!" He said sullenly, "As I thought, in your draft for comments, His Excellency the Earl also promised some benefits."

"No, that's not a few, that's a lot!" Mr. Sled Dog jumped up from his seat, "I've been annoyed to see those bums in Seka Town—"

"Stop, stop!" Sambol put down his hand, "I'm not interested in the grievances between you and those guys, now I just want to know, is the Earl's words feasible?"

"Feasible?" Mr. Sled Dog seemed to be put on the bridle suddenly, and the whole person fell silent for a moment, before he spoke again, " seems feasible."

"If it seems impossible, it won't be in front of us." Sambol just wanted to slap the other party at this time, and then lifted him from the back of the neck, "You are the president of the Mining Association, miners They are all counting on you!"


Mr. Sled Dog finally stopped talking nonsense. He picked up the draft for comments again, turned to the back, and began to read carefully line by line.

The other presidents were not in a hurry, just quietly waiting for the head miner to read and chew carefully.

After a while, the president of the Mining Association showed excitement and hesitation on his face.

"Accordingly, it should be possible." His tone was a little subtle, and finally he lost the enthusiasm he had for making fun of him before. "However, there is no specific time marked in it, which makes me a little uncertain."

When the other presidents heard the words, they looked at each other indistinctly, and then seemed to be relieved.

"Everyone." Sambol said again, "It seems that the Earl is indeed sincere, but we still need to see how much."

Hearing what he said, the presidents all nodded.

"She knows about Fossbarrow," continued Sambor. "Not to compliment her, but I've never seen such a character among the noble lords I've seen."

"But it's always a good thing." The president of the Herbal Gathering Guild and the only woman present said hoarsely, "I heard her speech yesterday, and I agree with one thing, Fossbarrow is hers. Territory, she must work hard to manage it."

"Noble management has a price." The president of the Hunter's Guild heard this and frowned, "Even if she really wants to be tax-free for five years, what happens after five years? I don't know about nobles, but I know, When wild beasts breed in spring, I dare to break the hunting bow of any bastard who dares to hunt a female beast with cubs—and in autumn, there will be prey for opening the bow!"

"According to this, Fossbarrow is considered to be the middle of winter at best." Sambor understood what the old hunter meant, and said with a smile, "Even if Your Excellency the Earl has fulfilled all the promises, I'm afraid Fossbarrow will It's not spring."

"Will it be spring after five years?" The old Orion stuffed a bunch of tobacco leaves mixed with sedge into his mouth, and began to chew, "This time is a bit delicate, if it really happens, when the time comes We're afraid we're going to cut the flesh."

"Even if a giant bear in the north has cut off a hundred pounds of meat, it is more terrifying than a fox." The president of the Herbal Gathering Guild suddenly said a proverb by Fossbarrow, "Before a fox becomes a giant bear, it begins to grow." Worried about cutting the meat?"

"So, Granny Nadine is going to give it a try?" The old Orion chewed even faster, "It seems that the sincerity of His Excellency Earl is more than mine!"

"How can it be!" The old lady waved her hand with a smile, "There are not many people in the Herbal Gathering Guild. Your Excellency the Earl is from the Crown Guard family. A little leakage between your fingers can make our lives more comfortable. This is similar to that of hunters. The guild is not the same thing, your people are all over Fossbarrow, you are all great guys, so naturally you won't be tempted by such a little thing..."

Grandma Nadine's words made the old Orion a little proud - in terms of the number of organizations, the Hunter's Guild is the largest among the four, and most of its members are young and middle-aged, and its influence in the northern border has always been higher than the other three.

Moreover, before Lux came, the Hunter's Guild had many connections with the Third Legion, and most of Fossbarrow's militiamen were selected from among the hunters.

Therefore, even though it was a bureau organized by Sambol, in the eyes of the old hunter, he was the key to everything!

If the Hunter Guild doesn't nod, it won't be easy for the Earl to do anything!
Picking up the trash can next to him, the old hunter chewed a few mouthfuls, then spit out the tobacco leaves and sedge fibers in his mouth, then leaned back slightly on the chair back.

"As far as I'm concerned, you can't believe everything that your Excellency the earl says." The leader of the hunter, who had organized the language, said in a tone of concluding remarks, "She didn't say the time, so let's just go on and on - when will it start?" Get started, when will we start to cooperate."

The old hunter's attitude is very clear, and it can be summed up simply in one sentence: If you don't see a rabbit, you won't scatter an eagle.

solicit opinions?

Before seeing tangible benefits, keeping silent and not adding trouble to you is my greatest respect for you.

In his opinion, because of the arrival of His Excellency the Earl, the generals of the Third Northern Army Corps have said that they will no longer recruit militiamen next year, and that the good guys in their guild will not be able to eat military rations. up.

As for regulation...

When the big pie hits the ground, there is something to talk about!
Regarding the old hunter's views, Mr. Sled Dog blinked his eyes after hearing this, and seemed to understand a little bit, while Sambol and Granny Nadine kept subtle silence.

"Then let me explore the way." Grandma Nadine took the initiative to say, "I really don't know what can be supervised by the herb pickers who pick and dry themselves... If she can really help I went through the finished product and helped me pick out the poisonous weeds inside, so I have to thank her!"

The old lady's words made the old hunter squint his eyes, but in the end he just reached into his pocket and grabbed a few tobacco leaves, but he didn't put them into his mouth after all.

That's fine, let the Herb Pickers Guild try it out.

In case that Earl really has two hands, then the Hunter Guild has more people, so they can eat more.

Hunter Well, always have some patience.

Shoot the first bird, isn't it?

The "Big Four of Fossbarrow" can be regarded as gathering and parting in a hurry-seeing that winter is coming, except for Sambor, the other three are very busy.

Then, just when Sambol sent them away one by one, and was about to go back and study for details, Grandma Nadine, who had already left, made a circle and came back again.

"Sambol." When we met again, the president of the Herb Pickers Guild squinted his eyes and said with a playful expression, "You are very capable?"

Seeing Grandma Nadine go back and forth, Sambol was visibly taken aback—then he couldn't help shaking his head.

Where is this going?!

"Grandma Nadine." He smiled helplessly, "Stop teasing me."

"It's not that I'm teasing you, it's that you're hiding it from me!" The old woman pointed out, "If I don't react, I'm afraid you've already sold me out to Your Excellency the Earl, right?"

"Ah?" Sambol was a little confused this time, "How is this possible?"

"You're still pretending to me, aren't you?" Nadine's mother-in-law put on a straight face, "Some time ago, people from your chamber of commerce took the initiative to investigate Ling Jiang. I'm afraid it was the earl's intention, right?"

"Ling Jiang?" Sambol thought for a moment before he understood Granny Nadine's meaning, and then shook his head decisively, "You mean the merchant in Piltover? She did visit a lot of herb collectors through me, but that's not the case with the Earl. It doesn’t matter to you—to tell you the truth, I didn’t make any money in the end, and people think that Fossbarrow’s supply is unstable and can’t do big business.”

"Merchant of Piltover?" Granny Nadine couldn't help snorting when she heard the words, "Is that Miss Butler who is not His Excellency the Earl?"

"How is it possible!" Sambol waved his hand subconsciously, "The nobles are all arrogant, even the servants are the same. I have traveled all over the world for so many years, and I have never seen any noble butler pretending to be a businessman—"

As if realizing something was wrong, Sambol's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally he became tongue-tied, and his whole body froze in place.

That's right, other nobles are indeed very reserved, at least on the surface.

But this Count Laxana is no ordinary nobleman!

Don't tell me, she can really do this kind of thing—otherwise, where did the content of the solicitation draft come from?
"Grandma Nadine, if you said you didn't mention this to me, I didn't realize it, would you believe it?" Sambol pulled the corner of his mouth with difficulty, showing an awkward but polite smile, " Let me also explain to you, what the Chamber of Commerce wants to do is to look at the artificial lake built by His Excellency the Earl this winter, and then give a clear conclusion."

"So I became the one who got into the car first?" Nadine said with a smile, "That's right, we don't have a lot of herb collectors, so it's okay to be a pawn once—"

"Don't say that!" Sambol was as embarrassed as he could be when he heard the other party running on him, "When it comes to manpower, I'm the least one—and I'm relying on you!"

"Okay, okay!" The old lady waved her hand, signaling to the other party not to continue to be polite, "I know what you are thinking... Aren't you just afraid that Your Excellency the Earl will blow his air and fail to keep his promise?"

Sambol didn't speak, acquiescing to this meaning.

"Put your heart in your stomach." Granny Nadine grinned, "Your Excellency's method is much stronger than you think, among other things, by next spring, this artificial lake will definitely be able to stop Dragon's Back A glacier sliding down a mountain!"

Such resolute words made Sambol a little astonished, and he didn’t know what to say for a while——Obviously he had seen the Earl disguised as a maid with his own eyes, obviously he got along with her all the way, and obviously she had no idea what to say. Fossbarrow's initial understanding was obtained from himself, but why does it seem that Granny Nadine believes in her more than himself?
Yesterday's speech was the first time they met, right?

"Don't ask me why, I won't tell you." Granny Nadine obviously understood Sambol's doubts, "But at least the artificial lake is definitely not a problem——for this lord, it's okay to take it. The medicine men's guild followed."

Such categorical words made Sambol completely dumbfounded. Although he also had a good impression of Lacus and was very moved by her draft for comments, he must be reluctant to accept supervision.

"Stop moaning here, too." Although Granny Nadine is old, she still maintains the boldness unique to women in the northern border, "It will be bad if you don't eat the toast at that time - just cooperate fully , let the old stubborn himself go to hell!"

old stubborn?
Sambol reacted for a while before realizing that Granny Nadine was referring to the president of the Hunter Guild.

Is he going to be unlucky?

But that's the Hunter's Guild—this kind of organization with weapons in its hands, even in other places that have always been ruled by nobles, has great autonomy!

"Anyway, let's cooperate well!" Granny Nadine didn't say any more, but stood up on her own, "I still have to go find those idiots in mines... You guys, don't worry at all!"

As she said that, the old lady refused Sambol's persuasion, and quickly left the business hall by herself, walking towards the Mining Association.

"Ah Ling, Ah Ling!" While striding down the spacious and deserted streets of Forsbarrow at a speed that didn't match her age, Granny Nadine couldn't help snorting, "I haven't seen you for many years, but you Find me a good job!"

 Carya's Little Classroom Hunter's Tobacco:
  Hunters who need to maintain a high degree of concentration for a long time have relatively high requirements for many hobbies, and tobacco is one of them.

  In order to avoid the smell of smoke on their bodies, the hunters of Fossbarrow often chew the thin strips of tobacco leaves mixed with sedge and other fiber-rich plants, which can not only excite themselves, but also avoid being caught by some sensitive smellers. Beasts smell the smoke, affecting hunting.

(End of this chapter)

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