Lux's Farewell

468 [0462] The Birth of the Archon

468 [0462] The Birth of the Archon
When Lux finished the basic teaching and rushed back to Forsbarrow from the temporary camp, she was quite surprised to find that three of the four preliminary drafts she sent out received clear and affirmative answers.

The Chamber of Commerce, the Mining Association and the Herb Pickers' Guild expressed their willingness to accept the supervision of the lord and work together to promote the overall development of Forsbarrow.

Are Forsbarrows so easy to talk to?

To be honest, although the draft for comments was officially released, Lux just regarded it as a vaccination.

Originally, she was already mentally prepared and shelved this issue for the time being—wait until the artificial lake was repaired, and then use it as a means of credit guarantee and demonstration to integrate these non-governmental organizations.

At that time, after a winter of construction, the management personnel on my side will have some experience, and with the support of the Fossbarrow people, my integration will be a matter of course.

As a result, I never expected that just after a bad check was issued here, the goods were happily shipped over there...

what's the situation?
Just when Lux was puzzled, Ino explained the specific reason.

Grandma Ling, the predecessor of the Unspeakable Man, came to the northern border with some of the Unspeakable Men who were "willing to truly devote themselves to the normalization of magic". This iceborn mage who was born in the Freljord and spent his childhood in Fossbarrow, Using a "personal network", he persuaded the president of the Herb Pickers' Guild, and then made the three guilds make up their minds to get on the train of Earl Laxana.

Lacus was surprised and delighted when she got the news.

Yinuo told her about Grandma Ling, but she never expected that the other party would really be willing to leave Xiongdu and come to Forsbarrow!
Even though this is the place where she grew up, the other party is still enough to make her respectful for being able to make this decision.

So, she formally met with the old man for the first time.

Grandma Ling, who had lost her magic power, looked very kind, as if she was the old lady next door, and the atmosphere between her and Lacus was very relaxed.

"I'm no longer the patriarch of the Reticent Man!" Holding Lux with one hand and Ino with the other, the old lady said with a smile, "Without the magic power, it's only a matter of time for me to go back to Fossbarrow." Look for the shadow of yourself—you are the future of Fossbarrow and Demacia!"

"Serious words, serious words!" Lux couldn't help shaking her head when she heard the words, "The northern region is bitterly cold, I just hope to make life easier for the people of Fossbarrow."

"Back then, what the ancestors of Demacia wanted was to make everyone's life safer and easier." The old lady seemed to see through Lacus's mind, and her tone was still understated, "I come from the Freljord. I just envy the unity and kindness of Demacia. The Freljord's law of the jungle is not suitable for me, so I left the tribe early... If Fossbarrow can become as prosperous as a male capital under the influence of magic, Then I have no regrets!"



Grandma Ling didn't delay Lax for too long. After expressing her attitude, the old lady left her temporary office and headed towards the Herb Pickers Guild.

While Lacus and Ino, who stayed in the office, held the hilts of their sabers at the same time.

"Teacher Kalya, did she find something?"

"After this little girl lost her magic power, she became transparent." Carya chuckled, "Many immortals can't even see through this realization!"

"So, does she know what we are going to do?" Lux hesitated, "Even what it means?"

"No, no, no, you misunderstood." Carya denied this statement, and explained, "She doesn't know more, and it is impossible for her to understand what kind of waves you will make. She's ready to ride the waves they've made—I don't think she understands how much magic adds to productivity, or what a magic education means, but I think I believe that even if Fossbarrow's future changes with each passing day, she will look at it happily like today."

Lux blinked her eyes, seeming to realize something.

"Most people are not fools." Carya continued, "Unknown things that are different from the past will indeed make people uneasy, but everything is developing in a better direction or in a worse direction. Everyone can see this, let’s go and do it, Demacia has provided you with such a large number of excellent spellcasters, can’t you build a splendid Fossbarrow District?"


The approval of the three guilds made Lux, who was a little more relaxed, get busy again.

It was originally expected to be the work after the completion of the artificial lake, but now it is suddenly brought forward. Lacus needs to select some professionals from the already small number of people to start supervising the three guilds.

Fortunately, during the autumn and winter, the three guilds in Fossbarrow had no jobs. At this time, three butlers who specialize in accounts were squeezed out to learn about the operating conditions of each guild, which was considered a head start.

After dealing with the "temporary queue jumping", Lacus went to the temporary camp again.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and the basic courses on the devil's side need to be accelerated. Once the permafrost solidifies, the project will officially start!

Before that, apart from being a part-time teacher, there was another problem that was not too hard, but she had no clue, which was placed in front of Lacus.

The demon-stricken needs to be called differently.

Like darkin, demon-infested is a derogatory term in itself.

But if magic is normalized, there's something wrong with the term "dye"—it's not a bad thing, why use "dye"?

These talented mages should have a unique title of their own, a title that can show the style of a new generation of spellcasters, instead of continuing to use the derogatory title of demon-infested.

Regarding this issue, Lacus, Ino, Sona and Shivana gathered together, together with Karya, and discussed for a while.

But it's a pity that everyone is giving up names, and after discussing and discussing, they haven't been able to find a name that fits perfectly.

Whether it's "League of Mages" or "Mystic," something doesn't sound right.

In desperation, Lux simply decided to take this question as an "homework" and hand it over to everyone in the camp—by working together, a reliable new name could be found.

After receiving this "homework", many spellcasters showed amazing enthusiasm.

Even if they accept Lux's belief that "magic talent is not a shameful original sin, but an extraordinary talent", everyone is unwilling to act on the name of the demon-infested person.

Now that Earl Laxana is seeking a new title, everyone naturally offers their suggestions.

From the second day on, Lux received a large number of proposals, most of which were meaningless.

Some are very broad, such as "Guardian of the Law" and "Magic Asylum", with unclear language and characteristics; some have obvious directional and regional characteristics, such as "Mage of the North" and "Forsbarrow Mystical Alliance", which is not conducive to the future development; some simply use Lax's name, such as "Laxana Defense Force" and "Laxana First Legion", which are eye-catching.

And among the strange names of the group of demons dancing wildly, there are also some that look very similar.

For example, "Faji Alliance", a pun, means that this organization is not only the savior of mages, but also will help the world in the future-but it is somewhat awkward, and the meaning is not easy to understand directly, so I don't take it.

There is also the "Law Union", which is a mage study and work association throughout the whole process. It is stable and has distinctive characteristics, but unfortunately it is too plain.

In the end, among the large number of names with explanations, "Royal Law" has the highest degree of recognition.

Yu is defense, but also control, and even implies the meaning of "royal" - the namer did not write this point, but Karya caught it at a glance.

In the end, under his insistence, Lacus finally officially announced that the title of demon-infested person was abolished, and the title of "spellcaster with official recognition" by Fossbarrow was given to magician, and the current temporary camp of the magician was carried out. registered.

The morale of the Archons with their new names was boosted.

This is not only a brand-new title, but also a brand-new identity. The confirmation of the name of the Archons means that the Archons have their own organization and their own position in Fossbarrow. According to Lacus, After the artificial lake is completed this winter, the Archons will formally become a normal status of Fossbarrow in the form of a guild.

For those who have been regarded as evil and disasters all the year round, and have difficulty seeing people normally, the Archon is a new beginning and an unprecedented strong belonging.

With this belonging, these archons from various parts of Demacia began to spontaneously prepare more expressions of identity for this organization.

Archons must have their own coat of arms!

Therefore, a few courtiers who have learned painting designed their own coat of arms based on the "Lakshana coat of arms" designed by Laxana, adding the symbols of elemental magic and energy spells, and It was painted on the gate outside the temporary camp for the first time.

The paint is made from a few pieces of blue ochre that I picked up nearby.

The Attire of the Archons!

In the past, everyone wore prison uniforms, but after coming to Forsbarrow, although Lacus had a rich family, she couldn't prepare such exquisite clothes for everyone—the course just happened to talk about magic patterns, so she drew magic patterns The coarse cloth robes became the representative attire of the royal court.

Song of the Archons!

When Lux was lecturing, the music that Sona played casually to cover the soldiers was filled in with lyrics, and became the song that the Archons hummed in their spare time.

The archons from all parts of Demacia will also use their own means to add a little "hometown flavor" to this endless song.

With amazing enthusiasm, the archons who have obtained a new identity are trying to fill the weakness behind this identity, and this fanatical identity conversion also promotes their enthusiasm for learning. When Fossbarrow ushered in When the first snow fell, all the archons in the 82 magic groups in the temporary camp finally completed the basic course of "knowing magic".

Theoretically, their next stage should be the basic spell-casting course, but considering that everyone here is a true genius, this step will take a combination of small and large lessons. The site selection of the artificial lake is carried out in the form of practical lessons.


Sona is scheduling a practical class.

Lacus, Ino, and Shivana looked at each other in front of a pile of artificial lake construction drawings provided by Karya.

Shyvana, who spent her childhood in Piltover, still has some basics-under Kalya's guidance, she completed the drawing task very well, but as a draftsman, Shyvana has no idea what these drawings represent. with what meaning.

"To be honest, the construction of this artificial lake is still very difficult." After the three little girls looked at each other, Kalya finally said, "Sylvana took me to study the soil structure, tissue and water content here. I have done investigations on other factors, and also used the method of flying to study the traces left by the rolling of glaciers over the years. Only then did I get a preliminary construction plan-I don’t have much experience in permafrost construction, only Nerima Jie’s Thousand River Drainage Project.”

After hearing that "the construction is very difficult", Lacus and Ino were very nervous, but after hearing Karya say that they were inexperienced, their hearts were completely suspended.

As a result, Karya's next sentence was "Thousand River Drainage Project", and the two girls who had seen the project with their own eyes couldn't help but rolled their eyes at the same time.

If the multi-segment sluices in Miyin City can be regarded as a successful project that takes into account beauty, reliability, and convenience, then the Thousand River Drainage Project outside Narimajah City and at the foot of Mount Targon can only be said to be ingenious.

The melting water from the snow-capped mountains on Mount Targon has been planned to form countless streams, which converge into small rivers. The small rivers criss-cross on the gentle slopes in the west of Narimajie, pass around the city, and converge into the Shurima River, which flows eastward. And go, all the way to warm and nourish Shurima thousands of years of time.

The entire project involves permafrost, rocky beaches, and deserts. The altitude difference is huge, and the amount of melted water fluctuates hugely. However, even today, it is still stable and reliable. Carya, who presided over the project, said here that he "has no experience." many"……

Both Lacus and Ino couldn't help snorting.

"The melting water from the snow-capped mountains here in Fossbarrow is quite special. It melts in the form of glaciers, so the artificial lake must carry the task of intercepting glaciers. Looking at it, Carya continued to introduce the design idea, "In order to carry the glacier enough to crush a river, the depth of this lake must be more than fifty yards."

fifty yards? !

Although they had never worked in engineering, Lux and Ino couldn't help but widen their eyes when they heard this number.

You are not digging an artificial lake, you are clearly digging a sea!

"We're going to dig an artificial lake with a depth of fifty yards and a circumference of more than twenty miles in just one winter." Speaking of this, Carya chuckled, "I know, it sounds unbelievable—but Magic is just so incredible."

 Carya's Small Classroom Fossbarrow Artificial Lake:
  According to Carya's plan, this artificial lake should be called a "reservoir" more appropriately. Its volume will be about one billion cubic meters, and it will be gentle in the north and steep in the south. It can accommodate glaciers and carry the hydraulic resources of Fossbarrow.

  If you have to compare...the storage capacity of the Three Gorges is 393 billion cubic meters, and the volume of this artificial lake will be one-fortieth of the Three Gorges.

  By the way, the total projected water capacity of the Thousand Rivers Drainage Project exceeds 1000 billion cubic meters - under the command of Karya, the Ascendants have been repairing it for decades.

(End of this chapter)

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