Lux's Farewell

469 [0463] Magic changes the world

469 [0463] Magic changes the world
Although Lacus has long been used to "listening to Kalya's words", after realizing the scope of the artificial lake planned by Kalya, she still instinctively felt unbelievable.

Lux doesn't know much about engineering construction. If she has to say it, she has only dug mines in Zaun for a few days, presided over the renovation of the downtown area of ​​Zaun, and supervised the construction of the new port of Zaun.

Coupled with the understanding of the history of the Zaun people digging canals, in Lux's perception, engineering construction is a matter that requires a lot of manpower and material resources.

Even with magic, the progress of the project can be speeded up to a certain extent, but to dig out such a large artificial lake planned by Kalya, it still requires less than a thousand magicians and only takes one winter. It's unbelievable.

"Vazuan's technology has its merits." Seemingly understanding Lacus' doubts, Kalya explained cheerfully, "They did a good job of allowing civilians to participate in the project. What Madu didn't do, but when it comes to the construction speed of the project, they are not qualified at all."

Both Lacus and Ino blinked.

"Just take these drawings." Carya continued, "Ino, when you were in Zaun, you also participated in the front-line coordination. Just take the drawing as an example. According to the way of Zaun, draw the project How to do the picture?"

"Reconnaissance, measurement, calculation, verification, and drawing." Ino nodded, and subconsciously replied, "Finally, the drawing team forms a picture."

"Well said." Kalya agreed, "But do you know how I drew these drawings?"

Ino shook his head.

"Look carefully at the lines on the picture and feel it with magic power." Kalya reminded, "Although Shivana is responsible for this picture, it should actually be considered my work."

According to Kalya's method, both Lacus and Ino expanded their elemental vision, and they were surprised to find that among the drawings provided by Kalya, most of the lines and symbols representing terrain and engineering requirements exuded Unique to Shyvana, there is even a burning aura of fire element.

"This picture was drawn using magic? Are these lines materialized magic power?" Lux suddenly asked, "Wait, let me take a closer look... the traces of various elements, and an aura similar to simulated training!"

"The perception is quite sharp." Kalya chuckled, "I have done some research on space magic. When drawing these lines, I just need to let Shivana take me to fly quickly, and at the same time shrink the path on paper and record it. Just come down—to be honest, I asked Ino to take me to find the dragon before, not only to train the air force, but also to facilitate construction. If you don’t have the ability to fly and just rely on walking, then even if you have this method, drawing is very troublesome .”

Hearing what Karya said, Lux was stunned.

There is no doubt that Karya's "drawing method" has exceeded her imagination.

In Runeterra, a place where "measurement, calculation, and calibration" has not really formed a standard, the way Karya draws is already at the modeling level.

Through Shyvana's high mobility, Karya can use space magic to record her own path of action, and then record the key terrain information of the engineering operation area in great detail and build a model.

Then, he ran the "simulated artificial lake" again, and then drew the engineering information, and finally formed this stack of drawings.

It is true that the person who drew these blueprints is Shivana, but to be precise, Shivana is more like a pen and a scanner. All the information is "copied" down!

After figuring out the joints involved, even though Lacus and Ino thought they knew Karya very well, they still felt a little amazed in their hearts.

Before this, they never thought that besides using earth elemental magic to move sand, magic has this kind of application!

Smacking their lips, the two little girls quickly glanced at each other, almost at the same time thinking of the small world of Karya and the sand dunes there.

Could it be that the world was copied by Kalya from a certain place?
"Although the scale of this project is not small, the construction difficulty is not too great." Kalya didn't know that they were thinking about the world of simulation training, and was very satisfied with their shocked attitude, "Fossbarrow There are few people. Although the melting water from the snow-capped mountains will be rumbled over in the form of glaciers, the actual runoff is not high, and the construction of this artificial lake is not difficult—and, the courts are all very qualified Mage, like me, few people can master space drawing skills, but among the magicians, there is a guy who has a unique perception of space..."

It seemed that he was a little excited about talking about the project. It was rare for Kalya to talk about a lot of past events. In his narration, Lux finally understood how rare it is to have a spellcaster with a unique talent.

According to Kalya, when the magic power is abundant, the excavation of the earthwork cannot be easier for the caster—whether it is by bombing or by digging, the caster can always do it with a level that is difficult for ordinary people to excavate. In an unmatched way, rapid engineering construction is carried out.

In contrast, many seemingly ordinary tasks are extremely troublesome to do.

For example, the reinforcement of the lakeshore, the control of the slope of the lake bottom, the solidification of the structure of the frozen soil, and the quality assurance of the project under the huge temperature difference, etc., these are the big ones.

If you just dig a hole, relying on these spellcasters is not too easy!


After spending the whole morning, Lacus and Ino finally had a concrete idea of ​​"using magic to dig an artificial lake".

For them, this was new territory, and most of the engineering experience accumulated in Zaun had to be reinvented.

After Kalya finally finished explaining all the construction ideas, while digesting the information, Lux asked a question in doubt: "If spellcasters can do things that ordinary people can't do so easily, why do you have to do it?" Still insist on the industrialization of magic? Just to let more people become spellcasters?"

"No, this is a very complicated matter." When asked about this topic, Kalya's tone finally stopped being excited, "How should I put it... In your opinion, what was the model of the Shurima Empire? The kind that use Ascendants to do big projects."

"Although I have only been to a part of the area, I think it is very good." Lacus blinked and said truthfully, "You have cultivated a lot of animals and plants suitable for various places, and built amazing projects, many of which even Remaining Ze so far, apart from the fact that the source of power is somewhat biased, it is almost perfect."

"I thought so too at the beginning." Kalya smacked her lips, "But later, Shurima was divided—even if I demand that education be treated equally, the entire Shurima is still in a state of extreme division... …If Shurima can be as united as it was in the early days of the founding of the nation, a hundred battles in Icathia will not make it fall apart."

Lux's eyes were dull. Obviously, this part of the content is a bit out of line, and she still can't understand it for the time being.

"Everything has a price. The Ascendant has created all the brilliance, so when the contradictions cannot be reconciled, the empire will fall apart, and those ordinary people who share this glory because of the Ascendant are in this revolution. I can’t do anything.” Carya sighed softly, “Forget it, let’s not talk about it, the empire of a thousand years always has all kinds of weird and bad things, all I can do is to start again, try my best. Maybe lay a firmer foundation, let’s not talk about this-well, Shyvana, you go and call Sona, her schedule should be almost out.”

Sona's schedule is indeed out.

Although there are more than 80 groups of people to attend the class, the actual arrangement of the courses is actually not complicated - because the talent of the Archon is taken into account when grouping, so the content of the courses that people in the same group need to teach are similar.

In other words, for a lecture, a group of people can be regarded as "one person".

The course for more than 80 people is in the charge of Lacus, Ino and Sona. In fact, it is not difficult. At least in this winter, they should be able to handle it.

Compared with the courses, it is more difficult to schedule the real part of the work.

Even if Karya can give each group a construction plan, but the manpower responsible for determining the construction supervision is seriously insufficient.

After all, these mages are all rookies. No matter how detailed the construction plan given by Kalya, they may not be able to fully understand the requirements and purpose.

At present, only Kalya knows how to do the entire artificial lake project, and apart from Kalya, even Lux and Ino know little about it, let alone those who have never had such "magic engineering experience" Archon!

The chief engineer and chief designer are top-notch, but below the chief engineer, all the staff are rookies who don't understand anything!
This is the biggest difficulty of this project in Carya's eyes.

It's a pity that this problem can't be rushed. Even Karya can only make the construction goals of each team as standardized as possible, and then start with simple work, and the team leaders of each team will supervise it on their behalf.

Fortunately, the Archons are very enthusiastic about their work. Even though the temperature in Forsbarrow in winter is very low, after getting the proposal and arriving at the scheduled construction location, the Archons are still full of enthusiasm, and the entire project site is full of enthusiasm.


As the sun rose from the snow, Brenoklin and the members of the 77th group were taken to the predetermined location according to Carya's request.

Unlike the group that was densely packed not far away and was about to start digging and dusting, most of the talents in the group that Brenoklin was in were related to magic power.

Therefore, according to the previously distributed plan, their job content is to plant trees.

Specifically, along the lakeside edge route planned by Carya, trees are planted along the way.

To be honest, Brenoklin and the team members were very confused when they received the plan—didn’t it mean that we were going to dig an artificial lake, why did we come to plant trees?

In this regard, Yinuo, who was in charge of distributing the task book at the time, also gave an explanation.

"Fossbarrow's permafrost is not very stable. To stabilize the lakeshore, in addition to rock strengthening it, a forest must be planted ten yards away from the lakeshore."

This kind of statement made Bnocklin and the members of the 77th team feel very novel and very interesting-although in winter, the frozen soil seemed as hard as a stone, but in the previous autumn, the land here was It's soft. Although they don't know what seasonal frozen soil is, if they want to come to this kind of land, even if they dig a lake, sooner or later they will slowly subside and backfill by themselves.

The combination of tree planting and rock reinforcement to maintain the lakeshore sounds like a good idea!
Ordinary people may not know it, but Group 77 has been dealing with plants all year round, and naturally knows the importance of plant roots for soil reinforcement!
With such an arrangement, all the members of Group 77, who were worried that they would not be able to help them, were full of energy.

They really don't know how to dig soil and dust, but they can only say that they are very good at planting trees!
Bnockling can speed up the growth of trees, and the acceleration effect is directly related to the magic power he provides.

As long as the saplings are planted in the soil, in one afternoon, Bnooklin can make it grow into a big tree that needs to be surrounded by hands!

But... Before starting to plant trees, according to the requirements of the plan, what they have to do first is to choose a tree species that can grow on frozen soil and is easy to plant.

There are many types of trees around Fossbarrow, but most of them are low shrubs-it is difficult for ordinary trees to grow in this seasonally frozen ground.

In order to find a tree that can grow on permafrost under artificial catalysis conditions, Bnocklin and his team began to catalyze various trees experimentally.

This is a rather tedious task.

Lacus collected a lot of Fossbarrow's tree species through Fossbarrow's chamber of commerce, and after these seeds were handed over to the 77th team, they would be fed by Bnocklin and three other team members who could directly promote the growth of plants. Catalysis and primary screening were carried out on frozen soil.

Through magic acceleration, confirm whether these seeds can germinate on the frozen soil.

Because there are many tree species, it takes a lot of magic power and time to fully catalyze it into a big tree, so this kind of screening is only for germination, and stops until it grows into a sapling.

Then, among the saplings that successfully passed the primary screening, they continued to carry out secondary catalysis and tertiary catalysis.

After spending half a month, Bnocklin finally succeeded in finding a tree that can normally grow on the frozen soil: Longji larch.

This coniferous tree native to the foothills of the Longji Mountains can adapt well to the permafrost environment and can germinate and grow directly in the permafrost environment.

In order to confirm its reliability, after initially determining the tree species, Fauquelin quickly followed up and began to simulate the rise and fall of Longji larch.

Fauqueline, who is only 16 years old this year, is the youngest member of Group 77. She is the little girl who can catalyze the growth of plants and quickly complete the life of plants.

Randomly selecting a larch sapling spawned by Brenoklin, Fauqueline began to give its life cycle a sudden acceleration.

The Longji larch, which germinated and became seedlings in the winter permafrost environment, grew rapidly and soon became an adult pine tree.

At the same time, the three members of the 32nd group (dubbed as the temperature control group) worked together to reciprocate the permafrost and the surrounding air with the catalysis of Fauqueline, and began to simulate the four seasons year after year. Variety.

Time seems to be accelerated. Whether it is the growth rate of Longji larch or the change rate of surrounding temperature, every hour is a season.

Three days later, the larch seemed to have grown for 18 years—it was already a towering tree!

During these three days, the three people in Group 32 could work in circles, but in order to maintain the magic effect, Fauquelin could not let go at all in order to sense the life changes of Longji larch in detail and prevent the trees from withering in advance!
On the first morning, Fuquelin was just supporting the sapling with one hand.

At noon, she needs to hold the little tree with one arm.

In the evening, when the trees bloomed for the first time, Fauqueline put her arms around the pine tree, smelled the grease, and was fed a meal.

On the second day, she couldn't hold the tree any longer, so she could only climb up the branch.

Fuquelin is young, her magic power control ability is not good enough, and she can't maintain a stable supply of magic power even when she sleeps - in this case, she can only force herself not to sleep, and survived these 72 hours .

When Bnocklin announced the success of the experiment, confirming that Longji larch can be catalyzed to be planted in permafrost, and the work of Group 77 entered the next stage, the exhaustion that had accumulated for a long time finally completely overwhelmed Fuquelin's consciousness.

The whole person was light and light, and she fell directly from the tree.

Bnocklin and others caught her immediately—but even so, Fukline didn't wake up, and when Bnocklin sent her back to the camp, she was still snoring loudly.

In the temporary camps and construction sites, there are still 77 working teams working as hard as the 85th team.


Once again the blizzard was blowing over Forsbarrow.

In this blizzard, 86 working groups and more than 900 court practitioners took turns studying and working.

These all-geniuses, who have never been treated as true geniuses and who are accustomed to underestimating themselves, have shown the power of magic for the first time under Carya's plan.

They used their own methods and strength to turn the obscure construction drawings into reality bit by bit.

They don't have any experience, so in order to meet the requirements of the job, they jerky control their magic power and use magic to simulate everything.

During this process, they didn't care about the overdrawing of their magic power, and they didn't care about braving the wind and snow.

In their hands, magic is no longer a disaster, but a tool to change the world.

While changing the world, they are also quietly changing themselves—perhaps in Noxus, powerful magic means powerful combat effectiveness and a high social status.

But here, in Fossbarrow, a group of geniuses that all the warbands of Noxus would loot, the first lesson in magical practice was to use this power to create a new life for themselves.

In the snowstorm, the diggers were still digging, and the tree planters were still planting trees. Lacus and Ino were giving advanced classes to several elemental magic groups and energy magic groups respectively.

But Kalya, who was supposed to help Lacus prepare lessons, returned to her own small world like a fish.

In the small world, yellow sand blew past, and there was a lot of noise.

It was as if it was snowing heavily outside.

 Karya's Small Classroom Plant Catalytic Magic:

  Although it seems that they both accelerate the growth of plants, there is an essential difference between Bnocklin's magic and Fuquelin's magic - the former consumes one's own magic power to make plants grow faster; the latter uses one's own magic power to speed up the growth of plants. The life cycle of a plant.

  The former can be regarded as transforming magic power into the growth of plants, while the effect of the latter is closer to time magic, speeding up plants as a whole.

(End of this chapter)

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