Lux's Farewell

Chapter 470 [0464]

Chapter 470 [0464]

The Archons, who had just started learning magic theory, quickly applied the knowledge they had learned in practice, and applied it to the excavation of the artificial lake that followed.

It is the first time for everyone to learn magic systematically, and they all hold back the enthusiasm of "magic is talent", so they naturally accept the cognition of "changing the world with magic".

Among the many guardians, only Frey was full of doubts.

Frey, who was born in the Freljord and came here as a transfer, did not understand why so many powerful mages dug the ground, planted trees and repaired the dam here?
In Frey's view, these Demacia mages can already be compared with the Frostguard Priests of the Frost Witch. Each of them is extremely talented, and casting spells is as easy as eating and drinking with just a little guidance.

Shouldn't such a powerful spellcaster conquer everything?

Digging a reservoir?
Digging farts!
With such an elite mage, Lux can still teach...

This is so obviously the next Lissandra!
Although Frey hated Lissandra who destroyed her own tribe, according to the concept of the Freljord, this did not prevent her from recognizing Lissandra as an extremely powerful spellcaster and a leader worth following.

Therefore, from Frey's point of view, Lacus can take the path of Lissandra and control everything with powerful magic, instead of leading these talented mages to dig holes here!

According to the views of us Freljord people, your weak behavior should simply dig a hole and bury yourself in it!

At the very beginning, Frey was just dissatisfied, but she still wanted to see Vayne, so she held back her dissatisfaction, thinking how embarrassing you are, I will learn my magic, and then just leave .

Anyway, at Fossbarrow, I've kept that statue for you for so long.

But unfortunately, Frey obviously overestimated his patience.

After going out to see the exit of the Shadow Realm and finding that it was really not easy for her to enter directly, she accepted Lux's suggestion and started studying magic theory.

After briefly asking her what she is good at, Frey was assigned to the 21st group.

The group is a motley bunch, with several vastaya and people of vastaya blood or belief in the Old Gods who have the ability to change form.

After being assigned to this group, even though Frey repeatedly told herself not to meddle in other people's business, she finally couldn't help seeing these good shaman seedlings being inexplicably diverted to strange paths.

Of course, she didn't foolishly try to persuade Lacus or Ino, but used what she thought was already a very tactful way to persuade other members of Group 21, hoping that they could face up to their own strength.

It's also interesting to say that even for this kind of large-scale project, there are some teams whose abilities are not very useful-this is the case of the 21st team.

Whether it is a vastaya, or a descendant of vastaya mixed blood or priests of the old gods, their special magic power only acts on themselves.

The spells of the vastaya are one of the few magic blind spots in Karya. Karya can only teach them the most basic theories, but Karya really doesn't understand the deeper rituals of calling all spirits.

As for the descendants of the priests of the old gods, although Ino has captured part of the power of the Lund python, Kalya really has no time to study it now. Lux and Ino are at most 997, and Kalya is completely in the state of 007. He can only occasionally rest on the sand in his own small world, and has no time to deal with the blood of the giant python sent by Ino.

In this case, the situation of Group 21 is undoubtedly embarrassing.

According to the class photos, they are all basic intensive training, and there is no advanced direction training; as for the work, they are arranged in the logistics support link, and they usually provide logistics support for other logistics teams in the camp.

Although the cooking skills of the mixed vastayas in the 21st group were unanimously praised by all the archons, their work was a bit embarrassing compared to other groups who were sweating profusely on the construction site.

Under such circumstances, Frey chose to talk to the members of the same group after studying, and hoped to pass on to them the skills that she honed on the edge of life and death.

The so-called murderous intentions with sharp blades, in Frey's view, these people obviously lack understanding of their own power, as long as the Archons know how powerful they are, then they will no longer be satisfied with digging pit.

At that time, I can bring these "reformed evil" archons to have a good talk with Miss Lacus - you can't get things done if you work like a stove, you have to stand up and let others know Your mighty!

When others hoard food and you hoard guns, others are your granary. How can you be so miserable? Haha, repairing the reservoir by yourself, is it sick?

Although Frey's behavior did not meet Lux's expectations at all, she did not have any bad intentions. She used powerful power to conquer all dissatisfaction. This is the "righteous way" recognized by the Freljord. She hopes Let Lux walk on the right path.

However, the development of things soon exceeded Frey's expectations.

At the beginning, when Frey said that he could teach everyone some new tricks, the members of Group 21, who were about to fart, all joined together immediately.

Internal learning in the group is not something that is not allowed. As long as safety can be guaranteed, it is the proper meaning for everyone to learn from each other!

However, when Frey started to speak, the Archons present soon realized that something was wrong.

Good guy, what are you talking about?

How to master the power after changing shape, like a wild beast to win with one blow?
How to resonate with the power of the old gods and maintain sanity in the power of rage?
How to use the wild environment to weaken the enemy while strengthening yourself?
Does the content of your teaching mean that we should kill and destroy? !
The guardians of the 21st group immediately discovered the problem - this transfer student is obviously not a good person, he is uneasy and well-intentioned!

As mentioned earlier, most of the prisoners in the Arcatraz Prison who followed Lacus all the way north to Fossbarrow, except for some members serving sentences for real crimes, were "unable to control their own strength, magic potion was ineffective for them, and Willing to leave Demacia" stranded people.

This kind of person does have resentment and dissatisfaction with Demacia, but they also have recognition and love.

Now that I have finally come to the northern border, Lord Laxana has found a way to turn the demon into a talent, and everyone has a new identity. Who wants to be regarded as a source of danger like in the past?

Learning to kill?
Learning to destroy?

Do we still need to learn these things?
You are clearly luring us into darkness!

Frey, who is not a Demacian, only knows that Demacia rejects magic and demon-infested people, but she cannot truly understand the difficulties and pains of these demon-infected people.

The Freljord-style respect for the strong, in the eyes of the Demacians, is a complete demon heretic!

Therefore, Frey, who "kindly gave these spellcasters a little blood", received a collective report in his second class.

That's right, reporting, collective reporting, and the kind with spontaneous arrests.

After some discussion, the other members of Group 21 called the members of Group 20 and Group 22. A total of 31 people worked together to capture the unsuspecting Frey.

At the same time, the team leader of the 21st team, the vastaya mixed-race A Cen directly found the "old villager" Sona.


Knowing that she had caught a spy, Sona naturally didn't dare to delay. She sent people to inform Lacus and Ino, and hurried to the camp where the incident happened. , A group of members of the 20nd group were suppressed there.

Didn't you say you caught a spy?
Why is there a wolf here?
Obviously Teacher Kalya said that with Iva here, the wild beasts will not spy on the camp, right?

Then, when Sona was puzzled, Lux, who happened to be back at the camp to prepare lessons, also rushed over.

"What's going on here?"

Fortunately, the matter was not too complicated, and someone soon stood up and explained the cause and effect of the whole matter - facing their "teacher", although the members of the three groups were a little cramped, they had nothing to hide.

Even because they "discovered the spy", when they told the whole process, they still had a hint of claiming credit.

At this time, Lux also discovered that Frey from Group 21 was missing, and then she heard that the wolf in front of her was Frey...

Although I asked what kind of spells Frey was good at before, to be honest, Lux really didn't pay much attention to this Freljord shape changer.

For them, Frey is just a poor "old man who lost his independence" because of Wei En. Let her join the 21st group, really just to let her learn magic theory. visit class.

It would be even better if Frey could calm Vayne's emotions in the Shadow Realm.

However, what she didn't expect was that Frey was trying to teach the students how to use combat spells?

Learning to fight with magic is not something to avoid - Lux and Ino are very good at fighting with magic. Even Sona, who looks weak, can only describe the result of fighting with magic as bloody.

However, at least the current Archons should not learn to fight yet.

Their magic theory is not solid enough, not systematic enough, and their understanding of magic is not deep enough.

Unlike Lacus and Ino, who were almost considered one-on-one tutoring by Kalya, the learning progress of the archon who took large and small classes was not so fast, and no one wanted to give personal tutoring 24 hours a day.

It is precisely because of this consideration that when arranging the "teaching syllabus", Kalya determined that these archons must "first get used to using magic to transform the world, and then use magic to defend their own labor fruits" learning process.

As far as magic is concerned, these Archons are absolute "minors", and it's not yet time for them to be exposed to combat!

Therefore, Lacus is very dissatisfied with Frey's overreaching.

What made her even more dissatisfied was Frey's words after returning to human form.

In order to eliminate misunderstandings, Frey stated her thoughts frankly—but her "kindness" obviously not only won't be recognized, but made Lacus frown.

Use magic to conquer, use magic to rule?
This is not the right way of magic!

If it's really just for conquest and rule, Lux can be a real and superior noble lord. In Demacia, the status of a nobleman is a better means of ruling than any magic, and the blood of the defending family is reasonable. A legitimate reason to rule!

But that's not what Lux wants, and it's not what Demacia needs!

"Magic is indeed a powerful force." After listening to Frey's statement, Lux couldn't help pursing her lips, "But, Ms. Frey, magic is not only a powerful force!"

"I haven't heard that there is some kind of noble magic in Demacia."

Frey was obviously wrong—the so-called "noble magic power" refers to the "spell caste" in the Freljord, where spells brought about by using the blood of ice are more noble than using the power bestowed by the old gods. Although most of the comparison of different spells still falls on the point of "who is more powerful", it is undeniable that the frost magic of the Frostguard Priests is more popular than the transformation spell of the believers of the old gods.

Frost magic derived from the blood of ice often represents the will of witches in the Freljord, and this is what Frey understands that "magic is not only a powerful force".

"It's not noble magic, but magic should not be used to rule and squeeze." Lux narrowed his eyes, and after organizing his words, he raised his head high, "It should not be used to start wars, lead Come disaster!"

Frey grinned, feeling that Lux probably had some serious illness.

Magic is so useful in battle, why don't you use it?

"In Rune Wars, the heavy pain caused by magic made Demacia overly cautious about magic." Lux looked away from Frey and looked at the thoughtful people around him. Guardians, "I have told you about this period of history. The origin of Demacia's magic ban policy stems from this, from the pain brought by unscrupulous magic to our ancestors - those ancestors who have overcome thorns and thorns. .”

Wherever they looked, the courtiers nodded one after another.

They had heard about this history from Lacus a long time ago.

"But in this world, magic can be used not only for destruction, but also for construction, and this is what we are doing now." Lux continued, "When I established the camp, I made it clear to everyone, In this winter, we will build an artificial lake, a reservoir, a reservoir large enough to carry meltwater from snowy mountains, and completely change the water conservancy environment of Fossbarrow!"

The courtiers continued to nod. This part of the content had already been said when the temporary camp was just established.

"Dig a reservoir?" This was the first time Frey heard the specific goal of this project, her eyes widened in astonishment, and her tone was full of disbelief, "It's impossible, digging a lake is something only a god can do Things—only gods like Volibear and Ornn can do the feat of tearing apart the Five Forks Fjord and digging the Howling Abyss!"

"In Runeterra, there is no rule that only gods can accomplish amazing feats." Faced with Frey's exclamation, Lux's tone was extremely calm, "Compared to kneeling on the ground and offering to God as a priest." Prayer to the gods, begging to get the gaze of the gods to make wishes come true, I prefer to do everything with my hands... There has never been a savior."

 Karya's Little Classroom · Shape Changer:
  This is a collective term for a class of spellcasters who can change their form.

  Some of the shape-changers are because of their blood, some because they have learned the shape-changing spell, and some are because they have obtained the favor of the old gods. They can change their shapes and turn themselves into some kind of wild beast, half-beast or chosen people of the old gods. In this way, a strong combat power is obtained.

(End of this chapter)

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