Lux's Farewell

471 The Power of Cooperation [0465]

471 The Power of Cooperation [0465]

Frey couldn't accept Lacus' statement, thinking it was a weak and unreasonable thing, and it was the warm sunshine of Demacia that made her lose the courage to fight.

So, Frey chose to leave.

Anyway, she already has an understanding of magic power and the existence of the Shadow Realm, so she might as well go to the snowfields of the Freljord to sharpen herself - in her opinion, the result of working with Lux here is only Will make myself as weak as she is.

I have told you what I think is the right thing, but you are naive and unwilling to accept it, then I can only leave.

For Frey's departure, Lux naturally would not stop her—after confirming that Frey was going north to return to the Freljord, she graciously allowed her to leave and wished her a smooth journey .

A turmoil disappeared, neither the members of Group 21 nor Lux paid much attention to the Freljord who left.

Because there is no need for Lacus to say, everyone has a unanimous agreement: she is not the same as us!


The excavation of the artificial lake continues.

Although the temperature in Fossbarrow is getting lower and the permafrost is getting harder every day, the progress of the project is accelerating at a speed visible to the naked eye. His talent is enough to be imprisoned and enlightened.

Take the most basic frozen soil excavation as an example.

At the very beginning, each group excavated independently.

The 18th group of earth element group is the fastest digging group at this stage. The twelve members of this group are all natural earth element mages and have the ability to manipulate the soil. After learning the application of magic power, they On the first day of work, he showed a good digging ability.

Under the control of their magic power, a large piece of soil was excavated and piled up in the designated area. Other groups are still trying to find a way to work, and their work has been fruitful.

Then, it didn't take long for the 18th group of archons to discover that although everyone's talents are similar, they are quite different in specific terms. Some are good at controlling the earth element, some are good at shaping the earth element, and some are good at Loose soil, if you want to further improve efficiency, maybe you can try group division of labor?
With this in mind, and with the encouragement of Lux, the members of the 18th team began to try to assign a certain kind of work to a certain person.

The loosening of the soil, the digging of the digging, the transporting of the soil, the building of the soil-the spontaneous division of labor in the simplest form appeared.

This method of cooperation has further accelerated the excavation speed of the 18th team. The twelve people are distributed in four links, as if they are workers on the assembly line. Deal with hundreds of thousands of liters of permafrost!
Undoubtedly, this work efficiency and division of labor has been praised by Lux—and the focus is on division of labor, not excavation. According to Lux, the true way of unity is to learn from each other's strengths. The content of group work The subdivision is a massive improvement that deserves praise.

Considering Lux's status, this praise undoubtedly made the members of the 18th group hold their heads up. Even if they just walk in the camp, they usually look vigorous.

Especially the leader of Group 18, Launi, who is usually very honest and always smiling, after being praised, can bring the topic to his own work performance no matter what he says.

"The food is pretty good recently!"

"That's right, the vastaya in group 21 cooks so much, the meat in my bowl almost catches up with the soil dug up during the day."


Launi is not very good at showing off, so every time he shows off, he is very blunt, but usually he is still warm-hearted. When the camp was first established, he helped everyone a lot. Facing this guy's showing off, everyone It's not good to say something...

At the beginning, even though he acted a little bluntly, everyone agreed with him at most and passed.

But seeing this guy start to go on and on, the other groups couldn't see it anymore.

Yes yes yes, there are 18 groups of talents in you, all of you are good at dealing with soil, and digging the ground must be fast.

But what Earl Laxana praised was your division of labor and cooperation—cooperation, who wouldn’t?

Look at the 32 groups and 77 groups, didn't they cooperate to simulate the planting of Longji larch?
We can too!

Thus, a wider cooperation began.

Originally, according to the task book provided by Kalya, many of the content itself had the attribute of cooperation. Now, after some stimulation from Launi, other groups began to quickly think of a way.

The direct control of the soil may not be as good as those soil mice in the 18th group, but if different groups work together, it will be hard to say!

There are quite a few people who are good at each link of excavation, some are good at loosening the soil, some are good at carrying, but the combination is not as easy as 18 groups!

Soon, some "joint working groups" consisting of two, three, or even four or five groups began to appear.

The vibration and sound team cooperates with the force field control team. The former triggers vibrations to loosen the soil, and the latter directly directs the dust to throw the loose soil to the predetermined position.

The ice element team cooperates with the cutting and crushing team. The former simply freezes part of the permafrost, and the latter cuts it out, then uses ice to lift it from below, and then lays ice rails to transport it to the designated location.

The rock and soil element team, the fire element team and the water element team cooperated to first thaw and settle the permafrost, and then separate the mud and water for separate control, which also greatly accelerated the work efficiency.

At the construction site, different types of magic are combined and cooperated in different ways to complete various similar or dissimilar tasks more or less quickly.

Some element teams and energy control teams acted alone, and some fought on their own, quickly excavating the frozen soil that was difficult for ordinary people to dig.

Some special groups (such as the 77th plant spawning group and the 78th space perception group) have carried out targeted training on certain aspects under the arrangement of Karya.

Of course, there are some groups that really can't help much. In this case, they either go to do logistics like the 21st group, or simply learn language and reading, and help Lux deal with the documents.

In this small temporary camp, the wonders of magic and magic education are vividly reflected.

On the construction site not far away, a large pit is being dug at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it is getting bigger and deeper day by day!
Seeing such an astonishing performance, Lux felt extremely gratified.

In the eyes of the soldiers responsible for guarding the temporary camp and supervising the demon-infested, this can be said to be a miracle.


When Sisilia was young, her mother once told her about the horrors of demon-infested people.

In her mother's narration, the demon-infested person is a "monster that eats children raw" and "the source of all disasters". Noxians are worse.

And after growing up, although Sislia understood that it was just a way for adults to scare children, she still didn't have even a little affection for the demon-infested person—even if she had never seen the demon-infected person.

Therefore, when she learned that Earl Laxana would bring a group of demon-infected people northward, Sithlia regarded this operation as an armed escort.

Earl Laxana is indeed worthy of the name of a noble model, she is willing to undertake the detention of so many demon-infested people!

However, Sithlia didn't think too much about these demon-infested people, because she really didn't have time to think about it-after becoming Fossbarrow's private army, Lacus quickly gave these rookies strength. .

In fact, even before Lux officially set off from Xiongdu, her private army had already started training. Every morning, these rookies would be woken up by a sharp whistle, put on heavy loads, and go to Start running around the city outside the city.

A good day starts with off-roading with heavy loads.

Under such circumstances, Sithlia had no time to think about it. Before a large dose of training, the human brain would naturally empty out.

During that time, Sisilia was immersed in high-intensity training every day, and finally changed from a reserve soldier to a real soldier.

After a short and powerful speech, Count Laxana led the team to leave Xiongdu and finally started to go north.

It’s also interesting to say, maybe it’s because of Sithlia’s natural physique, or maybe it’s because she’s used to high-dose training, even if the road to the north is not smooth, she walks down with great ease.

Then, just when Sithlia began to subconsciously think about the demon-infested person accompanying the team, and began to plan to find someone to play the king's assertion, the literacy class of Earl Laxana began.

Sithlia, who was born in Yuncong and planned to join the army since she was a child, can read and write. Many tasks that are troublesome to other soldiers are not too difficult for her—but the same is true for many other soldiers. The history of this story also aroused some thinking in her case.

Sithlia has read very few books and doesn't know much about the history of Demacia. Although she is indeed proud of being a Demacia, it is actually difficult for her to tell where this pride comes from .

In the narration of Count Laxana, Sithlia learned about the past of Demacia and the stories of the ancestors who seemed to exist in fairy tales.

Sona's soundtrack, Carya's material, and Lux's narration seem to bring Sithlia back to the war-torn era!

Different from the old-fashioned facial makeup stories of bards, in Lux's narration, all the ancestors of Demacia are real people, they have their own joys and sorrows, and have their own joys and sorrows. Many noble families His ancestors were not as great and righteous as their family records, but at the most difficult moment, they made a greater choice than the far-fetched ones in the books.

The timid will still die to protect the elderly and children, and the brave also need companions to protect their backs. Some people stop after initial safety, and some still move forward...

Sithlia is just a little girl in the country, not a glorious nobleman, let alone "her own glory", but in the narration of Lacus and the music of Sona, she seems to feel that the ancestors are Follow him all the way north.

It is also in this narrative that Lux refers to spellcasters among the First Men, to the "gloomy Shurima" who gave their lives to save Oren.

Sithlia was quite surprised by this story, and she instinctively wanted to question it, after all, it was a demon-infested person.

But after hearing so many stories, she unexpectedly found that she seemed to be able to accept this story—perhaps, as Earl Laxana has always said, people cannot be summed up by one characteristic, even mages cannot be summed up. Not necessarily all bad.

Of course, because of Demacia's consistent propaganda and customs, Sithlia at most believes that "there are good people among mages", and it is impossible to have no prejudice against mages at all.

Later, the team arrived at Forsbarrow, and Sithlia was assigned to the temporary camp as a guard.

Although the temporary camp is very desolate, Sithlia feels very at ease—the cultural class is still going on, but the intensity of daily training has been reduced. After training, she finally has time to find someone to play a game with. King's assertion.

Soon, an elemental dragon descended from the sky, and then Earl Laxana announced that those who passed the flying wing test would have the opportunity to ride the dragon.

After receiving the news, Sisilia became very excited—she was eager to try, and secretly made up her mind that in order to pass the flying wing test, she could even temporarily give up her beloved king's assertion!

Then, Sithlia, who made up her mind, quickly discovered that she did not have a special training method, let alone what method the Earl would use to test.

Cecilia was free.

Just when Sithlia defeated most of the soldiers on the chessboard and began to seek defeat alone, she heard that these demon-infested people who claimed to be archons would use hard work to complete their own redemption this winter , to build an artificial lake for Fossbarrow.

Sithlia has never seen the artificial lake, and it is relatively free now, so she is very interested in this construction site.

So, even though it was already winter, she would still go to the construction site to see how the devil-infected people were busy when she was on guard.

Looking at it, Sisilia realized something was wrong.

These devil-infested people seem to be completely different from what I imagined!

Look at their skillful posture when digging the soil, and look at their enthusiasm for work!

Although the content of the work is different, it seems that when they work, they are no different from the farmers who work in the fields in their hometown!

In her heart, the seeds that had been sown intentionally or unintentionally in the past began to germinate. Looking at the artificial lake that became bigger and deeper day by day, Sithlia suddenly had a wonderful idea.

"Perhaps, as His Excellency the Earl said, not all demon-infested people are bad people?"

Sislia didn't know why she had this "rebellious" idea, but after tossing and turning for half a night, she took out her kingly assertion the next day and planned to contact these devil-infested people .

Think of it as finding a new opponent to play chess with!

Hmm... Maybe it would be more polite to call them Archons?
 Karya's Little Classroom: Fossbarrow People of Maodong:

  Due to its proximity to the Freljord, even with the Dragon's Back mountain range, the north wind in Fossbarrow has a certain magical power in winter-so, if it is not necessary, the Fossbarrow people usually hide at home in winter. work.

  It is for this reason that the Fossbarrow people's birthdays are generally concentrated from September to November.

  PS. RNG really has you. Looking at the state of the summer playoffs, I thought they would be in the top [-] at most. How come the play-in match got off to a bad start... Longcha has already given a chance!

(End of this chapter)

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