Lux's Farewell

472 Reconciliation on the chessboard [0466]

The excavation of the artificial lake is in full swing, and without interfering with the construction, the "chess players" that Sithlia can choose are very limited.

The law-enforcers were all working, and most of the non-working ones were attending lectures. In the huge camp, there were very few people who were free and could accompany her to a game of Wangzhi's assertion.

After two rounds, in the end she only found Fuquelin an opponent who could match her in chess.

Speaking of which, Fauqueline is really one of the few cat winter people in this camp - after completing the tree cultivation experiment in frozen soil, Fqueline, who was overdrawn with magic power, was suspended from all work and stayed in the camp to feel at ease training.

For a young man like Fuquelin whose magic power is still growing, the damage caused by the magic power overdraft is permanent. Even if he tries his best to make up for it and cultivate with peace of mind, the upper limit of magic power after he grows up will inevitably be affected.

Therefore, everyone in Team 77 agreed that Fuquelin's work had been completed, and she no longer needed to go to the construction site.

Everyone is kind, but this kindness is somewhat tormenting for Fukline.

In the huge camp, only a few logistics teams and clerical teams are still working, and the temporary houses of other teams are empty. Staying here all day is really too boring for a 16-year-old girl.

Even though Lux brought her a few books from Forsbarrow on purpose, she still felt aggrieved.

And at this time, Sithlia began to look for a chess friend to play the king's assertion with her with the idea of ​​"contacting the magician". Although Fuquelin was relatively new to these soldiers, she still agreed. Invited by Cecilia.

Then, a question posed in front of them.

Fauqueline...doesn't know the king's assertion.


"You've never played King's Assertion?" Sithlia's eyes widened in disbelief when Fuquelin hoped to learn how to play this kind of flag first, " is this possible?"

"No one has played with me since I was a child." Fauqueline lowered her head, "I saw others played, but I can't."

Sithlia narrowed her eyes at this answer.

Why is no one playing with Fauqueline?
She didn't ask this question, but considering Fukline's identity, she had some answers.

The awakening of demons is often accompanied by serious loss of control and destruction of magic. Although Sislia doesn't know Fukline's past, she should have been a different kind since she was a child, right?
Sighing secretly in her heart, Sisilia unfolded the chessboard.

"Then I'll teach you the rules first." Sithlia didn't have any resistance to teaching beginners, "In the game of King's Assertion, our goal is to occupy the opponent's main city, protect Your own main city is not occupied."

Fauqueline nodded—this is easy to understand. In the upper left corner and lower right corner of the chessboard, there is a special stronghold marked with the main city.

"At the beginning of the game, we have to arrange our chess pieces according to the following rules. First, all chess pieces must be arranged in the stronghold grid where the camp, pass and city are located."

"In addition to these three grids, there are farmlands, jungles, swamps, and hills, but these places cannot be directly occupied or directly used to arrange chess pieces."

"These unoccupiable areas can be passed freely, but a certain price needs to be paid when passing, and the specific price is determined by the chess pieces of both sides in all the stronghold grids connected to these grids."

"In addition, there are a large number of roads and plain grids, they are not occupied, they are only used as fast passages."

"The rule for arranging the initial chess pieces is that each knight chess piece counts three points, and no more than three chess pieces can be hidden in one's own camp and city; shield formation chess pieces and sword formation chess pieces each count one point, and any number of chess pieces can be concealed in one's own side Each piece of long-feather chess pieces counts two points, and any one can be hidden in one's own city, and the attack distance is increased by one; each flying-wing chess piece counts five points, and any one can be hidden in one's own city. Any stronghold; Illumination Guard is not billed, there is only one, and it can be placed in any city of your own side, and the total points of all the above chess pieces must be less than 100 points."

"The number of points that different strongholds can carry is also limited, and there will be penalties for exceeding the number of points."

"In each round of action, the two sides mobilize the chess pieces in each stronghold according to the number of rounds. After the chess pieces arrive at the opponent's stronghold with chess pieces, the two sides need to clearly place all the chess pieces involved, and then calculate their points, and according to Different strongholds determine the outcome of the battle."

"For example, for the first pass, the attacking party's points need to be twice as large as the defending party's before they can declare occupation; if they reach five times, they can declare annihilation and occupation, and they need to be unable to act for two rounds."

"Comparatively speaking, the defense of the camp is very difficult. As long as the attacking side has more points than the defending side, the defending side will be defeated; if the points are doubled, one round can be skipped to achieve annihilation and defeat."

"Different types of chess pieces can form a team to cooperate, but the speed of their actions should be the lowest among them..."



The rules of Wangzhi’s assertion are quite complicated—the essence of this chess game is a “battle simulator” that does not need to consider logistics. The two sides need to fight on a chessboard with very complicated terrain, using various methods to implement Strategic deception, and then occupy the stronghold until the opponent's main city is captured.

For Fauqueline who was in contact with it for the first time, the collection of various rules made her both novel and confusing.

Fortunately, in order to take care of the beginners, Sisilia thoughtfully chose the disadvantaged start, using [-] points against [-] points.

Of course, even so, Fuquelin still lost miserably - she was completely unable to judge the composition of each of Sithlia's teams. In the third round, Fei Wing completed an ambush in the swamp and passed the judgment. , the army she had assembled was eaten up by two bullets, and the entire team was forced to stagnate for two rounds.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Sisilia directly broke through on her own, and together with the infantry who were slowly dawdling on the battlefield, launched a strong attack on Fuquelin's front line pass. In order to avoid being surrounded by the army, Sisilia simply gave up. I chose the option of annihilating the enemy and storming, and chose to let the opponent discard a chess piece and then withdraw from the battlefield.

Then, relying on this pass, relying on Feiyi's powerful maneuverability, she staged a good show of encircling the point to fight for aid, and wiped out all the pawns that Fukilein had gathered around the pass, and finally It was only then that the main city was taken leisurely.

After the first game, although Fuquelin lost miserably, she said it was an eye-opener-Sisilia's tactics seemed to open the door to a new world, which made her very addicted.

So, she quickly picked up the chess pieces and started her arrangement again.

Fauqueline VS Sithlia, the second round of the king's assertion, begins majesticly!
And then... Fuquelin, who was unwilling to admit defeat, lost.

But even if it was one hundred to seventy, she still lost two rounds in a row. It was not until Sithlia chose the lowest fifty-point start in the third round that she tasted the taste of victory for the first time.

However, after the excitement of occupying the opponent's main city passed, Fauquelin finally discovered that the taste of this victory did not seem to be very good.

There is no way, this kind of one-hundred-fifty battle, the gap between the chess pieces of the two sides is really too big, Fuquelin only needs to leave enough soldiers at the two key passes, and then gather the army to push all the way That's it - at most, when passing by swamps and hills, places that may face ambushes and punishments, separate out a chess piece to find out.

After three battles to siege the pass, Fauquelin finally annihilated all Sithlia's chess pieces, but after a game of King's assertion, she only felt that she was crushed by her natural high points, Won, but not quite.

"Sisilia!" Fuquelin, who was completely familiar with the other party, simply decided to try the most exciting one, "Let's do one hundred against one hundred at a time!"

"One hundred to one hundred?" Sithlia's eyes widened, "This, isn't it good?"

"What's wrong, should you let me see the real difference?" Fukui Lin looked very open-minded, "Come on, I have learned to be cautious now, even if I can't win, I can still win." Make my territory as solid as gold."

Facing Fuquelin's insistence, although Sislia was a little embarrassed, she still followed the other party's request and showed her full strength.


A quarter of an hour later, Fauqueline began to doubt life.

" could this be, this team should be Fei Yi's!"

"That's a blindfold. I mixed the flying wings and the infantry together. When dividing the troops, I pulled the infantry out alone. I only took one step forward, but there was a pass beyond one step, so you thought it was the flying wings."

"But, do you have so many flying wings?" Fauquelin said incredulously, "You arranged a total of 33 chess pieces at the beginning. Could it be that there are [-] flying wings among them?"

"That's right, fourteen flying wings, six cavalry, and twelve infantry."

"Where's your light guard? Mixed with the infantry?"

"It's the same as the division of the infantry, it's mixed with the infantry." Sislia lifted the pawns for besieging the city, "Do you have enough points for this city?"

"Fortunately, that's enough..."

"Well, very good, I lost one infantry piece and retreated to the side of the Swamp of Sorrows..."

"Not good!" Before she could breathe a sigh of relief, Fauquelin realized something was wrong, "You're ambushing me again!"

"A little trick, use the failed siege to complete the reorganization and ambush. You miscalculated the time to pass. Now, discard the two pieces and stagnate in the swamp!"

"Fortunately, there are flying wings—"

"Don't forget, there are guards of light in my team. Since you have flying wings, you can only discard flying wings—an unexpected harvest!"

After being ambushed and directly lost two flying wing pieces, coupled with the loss of the front-line pass, the balance of the battle instantly tilted, and Fauquelin quickly dropped her helmet and armor.

"Among the beginners I've seen, your performance is quite good." This time Sithlia didn't lie, "It's a good idea to be able to endure the choice of solid collection and arrange the team to outflank from behind in advance. Quite a rare thing..."

"If there is a mage in the chess piece, I will definitely not lose!" Although she had already clearly recognized the gap between herself and Sisilia, Fauquelin couldn't help but speak stiffly, "Your formation here is not comprehensive!"

"Mage?" Sithlia blinked her eyes, completely unexpected that the other party would say such a sentence, "How do you add the words of the mage?"

"It's very simple. A mage can spend a certain number of rounds to change the attributes of the grid, just like what we do now!" Fauqueline said proudly, "What kind of jungle or swamp can be changed to plains!"

Sisilia was a little surprised. She thought that the other party would say that the mage points were high, but she never expected that it would change the terrain...

Still, it does sound interesting!
In this way, Sisilia and Fuquelin made the king's assertion for a day, and when the other court warriors came back from casual work at night, Fuqueline could already win Sisilia's [-] points!

It's not honorable to win [-] to [-], but it's not considered "to build a stronghold and fight a dull battle". Fuquelin, who finally occupied the main city, even jumped three feet high!

It's a pity that the happy time is always too short. Sithlia, who still has patrol missions tomorrow, is still busy. No matter how reluctant Fukline is, she still has to go back.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." Looking at the lost Fukui Lin, Sithlia simply left her king's assertion to her, "You can also teach everyone how to play, teach all the guardians!"

"Is it really possible?" Fauqueline was inexplicably surprised, "Can you lend it to me?"

"Of course!" Sisilia nodded, "Also, you can try to make one yourself."


Sithlia lent her king's assertion to the newly-acquainted Archon who was completely different from what she had known in the past, and happily returned to the soldiers' camp.

And at the Archon camp, Fukuilen excitedly shared today's experience with everyone—after hearing all this, all the members of Group 77 would give her a special training If not, he muttered to find a way to make a pair of chess and cards out of wood.

Although Sislia's visit this time seemed to be just scratching the surface, and it was just a few games of chess, it caused ripples in the delicate situation.

There is no doubt that this kind of communication is what Lacus and Karya like to hear and see. Only with communication can understanding and acceptance be achieved. Wang Zhi's assertion seems to be a good start.

However, it's a pity that Lacus and Kalya don't have time to celebrate now.

Just when Fuquelin and the members of Group 77 began to think of ways to improve the level of King's assertion, Lux received a very bad news.

The next batch of supplies for the soldiers and Archons might not reach Fossbarrow until later.

For Lux, although the temporary camp is still not out of cooking, there is no doubt that the delay in supply is a very bad signal.

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