Lux's Farewell

474 Clouds of the Freljord War [0468]

In addition to Ino and the eleventh team, Shivana and Ivar were also sent to Mithral City.

Of course, these two dragons were not there to transport things, and the two dragons alone could not transport much. The main reason they were sent was to investigate the situation of the Freljord War.

Although the dragon bird knight brought back the news that "the barbarians in the north are gathering", the specific scale and goal of the gathering are not known.

No way, under the blowing of Anivia's breath, even a dragon bird with the blood of a dragon can hardly fly in the Freljord for a long time, and the dragon bird knight on the dragon bird's back is even more likely to be Frostbite, so even with the help of the Air Force, the Second Northern Army Corps in Mihril City can find very limited information.

But Shyvana was different from Ivar.

As elemental dragons (Ivar is also a frost elemental dragon), they are naturally more adaptable to the environment of the Freljord, so they can conduct a large-scale investigation centered on Mithral City to investigate the Freljord intelligence.

The elemental dragon can go where the dragon bird knight can't go, and the elemental dragon can inquire about the news that the dragon bird knight can't get to.
Although there is a high probability that Mithril City will not believe the news brought by Shyvana and Ivar and will still go all out to strengthen the guard, but the assembly of the Freljord barbarians can help Lux confirm Fossbarrow The next step is to prepare.

If it is confirmed that the Freljord people are about to go south, then the work of excavating the artificial lake will have to be suspended, and all the archons will start combat training!

In this way, after some simple discussions, Ino led the 11th team, directly led by Shivana and Iva, and set off in the dark that night, heading straight for Mithral City.


There is nothing wrong with the news brought back by Dragon Bird Knight.

To the north of Mitrílín City, on the Sangjgra Plain across the Dragon's Spine Mountains from Mitríl City, there is indeed a Freljord army gathering.

Moreover, it is a huge army, a huge army that is enough to make any country or force need to be encouraged and be very careful after getting the news.

Because this army comes from the Winter's Claw.

As one of the largest tribes in the Freljord, the Winter's Claw has always been known for its tolerance-whether you are a shaman, a beast spirit walker, or a blood of ice or blood of the storm, only you have powerful power and are willing to fight for you. Fight for Winter's Claw, and Sejuani welcomes you to join us.

Therefore, Dang Sejuani set up a banner representing the assembly here, and the news that Dang Winter's Claw was going to gather in the Sanjigra Plain spread throughout the Great Plains of Freljord in the breath of Anivia At that time, all kinds of fighters were moved upon hearing the news.

The tribe of the Freljord has always been tight and loose. The tightness is that everyone in the tribe is regarded as brothers and sisters and must obey the orders of the war mother, and the looseness is that they usually do not act in unison. Even if they plundered or fought, they always fought on their own. Even if it was Sejuani, there were only a few elites from the headquarters who followed her in her usual actions.

This kind of wonderful contradictory unity is likely to cause chaos and internal division in other places, but in the Freljord, the looters of the Winter's Claw acted independently in this way, and the Winter's Claw Claw's hunting grounds expanded from the original corner of Ornkar to all parts of the Freljord Plains today.

As long as Sejuani gives an order, the Winter Claw fighters who usually plunder and develop everywhere will complete their assembly in a short time, and then follow the instructions of the war mother without hesitation, and rush to any enemy, like a terrifying The torrent is general, drowning the opponent!
The tactic of hunting like wolves allowed Winter's Claw to defeat the difficult Ice Son, expelled the cowardly Ibratar, and defeated the mighty Doris Lakan. Wherever the Winter Claw's banner went, , even the Northern Legion of Noxus can only proceed with caution and defend Fort Drever—even a few years ago, Darius, the commander of the Noxus rebels, was once killed by Winter's Claw Raiders captured!

At the northern foot of the Longji Mountains, which stretch for thousands of miles, there are hunting grounds for Winter's Claws everywhere. Sejuani, who has united all combat forces, can easily mobilize a daunting army.

If it weren't for the fact that the Dragon's Back Mountains are too dangerous, and the fortresses in Demacia and the northern border of Noxus are too strong, Sejuani and her warriors must let the warm-blooded people in the south know what Winter General is. to!

Outside the temporary camp, Sejuani rode a Juvask wild boar named steel bristle by herself, and waited patiently for her loyal warriors under a high banner.

From a rational point of view, issuing a summons in winter is not a good choice.

However, even though Udyr, who had returned from Ionia and was very influential in the tribe, had always opposed it, Sejuani still chose to call the warriors at this time.

It's not because she is rebellious and unwilling to listen to her own father's words, but because Sejuani has received news from Freina that Scarmother has found a loophole in the defense system of the Avarosans!

After confirming the accuracy of the news, Sejuani couldn't wait to meet her old friend Ashe.

The horn sounded, and the wind and snow stopped.

Sejuani saw two teams coming from different directions from a distance, and then they gathered together—just like Avarosa and Winter's Claw, who were just a small tribe when she was a child, when every summer , Every time it's time to go on a pilgrimage to the Ornkar Rock, the teams of Avarosa and Winter's Claw will join together like this.

Sejuani was the first Ashe I met at that time.

After meeting her new peers, Sejuani, who had already been "invincible all over the world" in the tribe, stood up "Freljord" to challenge Ashe - she heard from her grandmother However, Ashe's mother, Glenna, once defeated her own mother, Korkia.

At that time, the two young girls with great potential could not afford the True Ice weapon and fought with wooden swords, but in the end they were evenly matched.

Sejuani, who failed to win, had a little bit of admiration for Ashe besides the envy of "your mother is very strong". Although she couldn't explain why, Sejuani always thought it was very comfortable to be with Ashe , Very comfortable, since then, a wish of "let Ashe join Winter's Claw" has quietly taken root in Sejuani's heart.

Happiness always comes suddenly. At the age of 16, Sejuani met Ashe here, and then, from Ashe's mouth, she heard a bad news: Glenna was betrayed, and the Avarosa tribe there is none left.

While comforting Ashe, Sejuani brought her back to her tribe, guaranteed her to join, and made a vow of companionship with her. Sejuani thought that she would realize her ideal at that time, But never expected, the two parted ways because of a group of strangers.

Even today, Sejuani still can't understand Ashe's stupid choice. In her opinion, when winter comes and food is in short supply, destroy the tribes that share the hunting ground with her, so that more warriors of Winter's Claw can survive. Come down, this is a matter of course - although the other party has a covenant with himself, it was signed by the priests of the Frost Guards, and it should have been torn up.

As a result, when the raging flames burned, Ashe stood up stupidly, trying to save those weak and stupid people...

Yes, the strong are supposed to do the impossible, but equally, the weak and stupid are not worth saving.

At that time, Sejuani's heart relented, and she finally let Ashe go, allowing those weak people who should have died in the flames to become her furnace households, and let them leave Kuchar.

Since then, Sejuani has completely hardened her heart. After awakening the blood of ice and picking up the weapon of pure ice, she defeated her mother Korkia in a duel and became the master of Winter's Claw. The new generation of war mothers completely expelled the dictating frost guard priests in the tribe, absorbed all available power, and started their own journey of conquest.

What she didn't expect was that Ashe led those weak guys all the way away from the most competitive hunting ground, and ran to the Severljord subcontinent, and actually pulled a brand new Avarosa.

Unlike the respectable Glenna, Ashe violated the ancient traditions of the Freljord people and began to build cities, accept business travelers, and even trade with warm-blooded people!
Such a blasphemous behavior made Sejuani completely give up on this former friend. She no longer wanted Ashe to change her mind, but only hoped to lead Winter's Claw to flatten everything in Avarosa and tell Ashe the truth. In the Freljord, toughness is the way to survive, and looting is the way to thrive!

I am used to trading, and I am used to relying on furnace households for production. As a result, I can only become less and less courageous, and finally become a harmless snow rabbit, and become food for ice wolves!

However, what Sejuani didn't expect was that the weak Avarosa people actually relied on the city walls and projectile weapons to cause a lot of trouble to the looters under their command.

What made her even more incomprehensible was that the people of Avarosa always seemed to be able to guess their own movements. Every time they assembled an army and wanted to take down the city of Avarosa with all their strength, the other party would always withdraw before the siege and Take away all the supplies in the city, and even burn those that cannot be taken away in advance.

The result is that Sejuani wanted to raise troops to go to Luo several times, and complained about her interests, but Ashe would always avoid fighting and fight against the wall.

Since she couldn't give up the hunting grounds of the Freljord Plains, Sejuani couldn't spend a long time in the West Freljord subcontinent and Ashe. A good way is to at most send out a small group of looters to bring some trouble to the Avarosa people without any pain.

But this time, the situation is different.

According to the news sent back by Scar Mother, they picked up a special warm-blooded man from the south when they routinely robbed Avarosa this time.

This warm-blooded man found the way the Avarosas have always used to avoid the raids of their own army-it turned out that Ashe domesticated the polar snow sculptures and used the aerial vision to find out the reality of each of his own actions. When I arrived, I met a small group of enemies defending the city to the death, and I met a large group of people who fortified the wall and cleared the field.

What a cunning method!

Maybe this is what she learned from the warm-blooded people in the south?

Hmph, this kind of trick may be able to hide it for a while, but how can it be possible to stop the footsteps of Winter's Claw?
It was precisely because of this information that Sejuani summoned all the looters regardless of the cost in the cold winter. She wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to directly penetrate all the defenses of Avarosa and take down Frost Harbor!
According to Ashe's habit, she will definitely hoard a lot of supplies in Frost Harbor. This time, Sejuani must let her understand that no matter how many supplies the weak hoard, they are just for the strong.

Unknowingly, heavy snow began to flutter again.

In order to boost morale, Sejuani ordered to take out all the spirits in Winter's Claw, and allowed the soldiers to have a good drink before they officially set off!

More and more soldiers gathered, and the atmosphere in the camp gradually warmed up.

The drunken warriors began to dislike each other. Although the same tribe could not fight with weapons because of drinking, this did not prevent them from wrestling with each other, wrestling, or even punching each other, bruising the nose and swollen face of those who looked uncomfortable.

In addition to the conflicts caused by "what are you looking at" and "what are you looking at" after being drunk, many battles also have an obvious performance meaning-many young fighters take the initiative to challenge those well-known guys, The first time after winning, he will look at Sejuani.

They are showing their strength, hoping to become Sejuani's guests and her blood allies.

However, it is a pity that the wishes of these soldiers are probably doomed to fail.

Sejuani needs the blood alliance, and she doesn't mind uniting the warriors of the tribe through the blood alliance.

But at least this winter, she doesn't plan to accept the blood alliance—she doesn't want to be pregnant, especially at this time, the conquest of Avarosa will be a long battle, and she doesn't want to make herself become a child because of pregnancy and childbirth. Get weak.

So, facing the powerful fighters full of hormones, she just shook her head, looked away, and looked up at the sky.

Then, Sejuani accidentally discovered a looming figure above the sky.

It looked like a bird, but it was bigger than any bird Sejuani had ever seen!
Remembering the news that Flaina brought her, Sejuani immediately narrowed her eyes.

"Warriors of Winter's Claw!" she cried, turning her head, "take out your axes and bows—look at the sky, there are the eyes of the Avarosans! Now, prove your valor! Time is up!"

The Winter's Claw warriors who had plans for Sejuani immediately shouted and picked up all kinds of throwing weapons. Axes aimed at the bird in the sky.

The next moment, the bird, who was hit by several arrows, had an ax hanging from his body, and was almost entangled in a lasso, struggled a few times crookedly, quickly turned around, and fled towards the south in embarrassment.

Although they failed to shoot it down, the Winter's Claw warriors who saw this scene still cheered and laughed.

Amidst the laughter, more teams arrived at the assembly point, and more bonfires were lit. The entire Winter's Claw tribe seemed to be a hand clenched into a fist, accumulating all the fighting power.

This time, Sejuani plans to punch hard!


Three days later, when Ino arrived in Mithral City, what she saw was an unprecedented sign of tension.

Not only the regular army of the Second Army in the Northern Territory, but even the militia, all the young and strong in Mithral City were mobilized!

Even though the snowflakes were flying, all kinds of defense equipment were still placed on the city wall. Not only that, crossbow arrows and stone bullets were also stacked on the city wall, and placed in the area ready for use, completely in a posture of combat readiness.

A lot of wooden watchtowers were temporarily erected on the city wall. The soldiers on them looked into the distance one by one, and their spirits were tense. It seemed that the next moment the enemy would rush to them, and there would be a terrifying battle!
It is not that Ino, who grew up in Mithral City, has never encountered the Freljords going south to plunder, but in the past, even if a small group of barbarians came to the city, Mithral City seems to have never been so nervous!

On the broad city wall, soldiers patrolled one after another. When Ino and the 11th group of archons came outside the city, dozens of heavily armed soldiers appeared behind the crenel.

It is completely the standard of first-level security!

what is happening?
Just when Yinuo was puzzled, a person on the city wall recognized her.

"Ino, is that you?"

Ino blinked, and finally recognized the identity of the person who spoke after a while, so he nodded decisively.

"That's right, brother, it's me—I came here on the orders of Count Laxana to deliver a batch of grain."

The soldiers on the city wall seemed to relax a bit. After a while, the city gate finally opened, and Yinuo's brother came down with a team of shield guards to receive Yinuo's identity certificate.

While giving his identity certificate and waiting for the follow-up inspection and notification, Ino asked his brother the reason why Misilver City was so heavily guarded with some strangeness.

Then, she heard a shocking news.

"The savages of the Freljord are most likely going south... just this morning, the dragon bird knight who entered the Freljord for investigation a few days ago came back when the wind and snow were slightly light." Ino's brother He whispered, "He was hit by an arrow in his left shoulder, and Dragon Bird was seriously injured, and he died not long after landing—this was the first time the barbarians of Freljord attacked Dragon Bird Knight. There will probably be a bloody battle in Mithral City."

Hearing the news, Yinuo finally widened his eyes in astonishment.

"Besides, this matter may not only involve Mithral City." Her brother added, "Forsbarrow should also be more careful, you must remind Earl Laxana—according to Dragon Bird Knight risking death The news brought back, this time the barbarians of the Freljord gathered, the number of bonfires exceeded one hundred stacks!"

"Are all the barbarians in the Freljord crazy?" Ino shook his head and said, "Or do they have some special weapons that dare to go south to attack the northern defense line?"

"I don't know about that." Her brother shook his head, "The general will meet you soon, so you can ask him about the specific situation. It is related to the defense line of the northern border. This information must be given to all the lords and the northern border. shared by all legions in the territory."

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