Lux's Farewell

Chapter 475 [0469] The battle begins!

After simply speaking a few words with his brother, Ino's identity certificate had passed the verification—another team of shield guards came out and escorted Ino and the Archon into the fully guarded Mithral City.

After arranging the Archon in a temporary camp, the shield guard led Ino through several inspection posts, entered the barracks that had already entered a combat state, and finally met Heng, the commander of the Second Army in the Northern Territory. General Charles.

General Henchal is a serious uncle who is nearly 50 years old. He has been responsible for the defense of the northern border in Miriam City for more than ten years. He can be regarded as an experienced "Iron Wall of the Northern Territory".

It seems that because of the tense situation, although he is in the city and has not started a battle for the time being, Henchal is still wearing full body armor, and seems to be completely ready for battle—and since him, what Yinuo saw along the way All soldiers, whether militiamen or regular troops of the Second Northern Army, were also fully armed and ready to fight at any time.

"Miss Ino, right?" Seeing Ino, Henchal didn't make much greetings, "You came from Forsbarrow on the orders of Earl Laxana?"

"That's right." Ino nodded, "Come to Mihril City to transport the food needed for the winter."

"I can't control the affairs between your lords." The serious Henchal shook his head, "But I must explain that there is no one in Mithral City to help you with transportation."

"I brought reliable people here." Eno was clearly prepared for this, "I promise that it will not affect any action plan of Mithral City."

"That's good." Seemingly because of Yinuo's clear and quick statement, the general finally nodded slightly, "Now the barbarians in the northern border are about to move, and the situation in Miyin City is tense. I hope you can understand."

"That's natural."

"In addition, regarding the military situation in the northern border, I have sent a special envoy to Forsbarrow to directly contact the Third Army." Henchal continued, "But since you are here, I will simply say a few words to you , I hope you can truthfully report to Earl Laxana."

"no problem."

"The barbarians in the Freljord are particularly crazy this year." Henchal didn't check the map or take out any documents, but said as if he was familiar with the road, "They gathered a large number of people, and they also attacked our dragon bird knight—— Do you know Dragon Bird Rider?"


"In the past, the Freljord people would not do anything to the Dragon Bird Knight. I think this may be a signal." Henchal continued, "Although Mi Silver City often faces the Freljord Barbarian attacks, but in my impression, this place has never faced a large-scale invasion-although those barbarians are violent, they lack the equipment and equipment needed to siege the city. Under normal circumstances, only militias are needed. The head of the city caused a huge amount of damage to them."

Ino nodded, indicating that he understood.

Mithral had been attacked a few times when she was a child, but as General Henchal said, the Freljords had never been able to do anything about the northern strongholds.

"But this time, judging from the fact that they attacked the dragon and bird knights, it seems that those barbarians in the northern border have also mastered a lot of means of attacking the city." Henchal frowned and said, "They can shoot down those flying in the air for reconnaissance. Dragon Bird Knight, the projectile weapons of the Freljord have obviously improved, so we must not look at them from the previous perspective!"

Ino nodded again.

"You must tell Earl Laxana when you go back." Henchal urged earnestly, "Don't begrudge manpower and supplies, the barbarians in the Freljord are a group of terrible destroyers, we can't even look at Noxxa You can't be too careful with such a group of guys who are no different from beasts!"



After some entrustment, Ino finally passed the "review" by General Henchal, met the person in charge of material management of the Guanwei family, and successfully received the agreed food materials.

Although Miyin City was short of manpower, the supplies were already loaded into carts and horses.

It seems that because of the increasingly tense atmosphere in Miril City, these northern warhorses who were drawn to be draft horses were somewhat restless. It took Yinuo and others a lot of effort to calm down these irritable northern warhorses.

"The grass in this car is harvested and stored in summer." The horseman who is usually responsible for domesticating these horses reminded, "I have added salt, soybeans and oats in advance according to their taste. Now it is cold outside, and the horses need Eat more to keep from losing fat, it is best to feed the horse four times a day, at six o'clock in the morning and evening, twelve o'clock at noon and twelve o'clock in the middle of the night."

"Understood." Ino also served Scarash before, and he was familiar with taking care of large animals, "No problem."

"Northern warhorses have good stamina and fast speed, but they also need to be carefully raised." Seeing these tall northern warhorses being used as draft horses and quilted in front of the cart, the shepherd couldn't help but said again, "They can Eat snow directly, but it must be clean snow, and you must not let them eat snow that has been trampled on the road for convenience..."

"Don't worry!" Yinuo smiled when he heard the words, "I promise, the ice and snow they eat is absolutely clean!"

In the evening of the same day, after a few times of exhortations and a lot of busy work, Ino finally led the guardians and drove the cart pulled by the northern warhorses to leave Miyin City from the south gate.

As the dusk grew thicker, after leaving Mithral City, Ino and the Archons steered their horses, quickly left the avenue, went directly to the frozen canal, stepped on the thick and solid ice cap, and headed southwest all the way.

After Dragon Bird Knight was seriously injured and Dragon Bird died, when Ino brought the Archon back to Fossbarrow with food along the waterway, the entire northern border of Demacia was put on full alert.

The [-]st Army of the North stationed in Irwindale, the [-]nd Army of the North stationed in Mitril City, and the [-]rd Army of the North stationed in Fossbarrow, the three main army groups in the North have all entered the first-level state of readiness. , Soldiers canceled all rotation leave and were always ready to start fighting.

At the same time, militia organizations in the northern border also became active. Militia organizations of different sizes in different places gathered in large and small towns and fortresses in the northern border according to the combat readiness plan.

In the entire northern territory, all the strongholds without walls of more than twelve feet were abandoned, and the residents were moved to the nearest stronghold with walls of more than twelve feet, and the walls were cleared.

The urgent special envoy has already rushed to Xiongdu on a dragon bird. If there is no accident, the main field army of Demacia, including the Fearless Pioneer, will also be mobilized, and will be ready to set off at any time to support the northern defense line.

It's not that the Demacians are nervous, but that they've never seen such an astonishing mass of Freljords, and it's on the Sanjigra Plains!

If these Freljord savages go south, I am afraid that the entire defense line in the northern border of Demacia will face a serious impact!
Considering that the Freljord people always bully the weak and fear the strong, and take advantage of it endlessly, so when they make up their minds, they must fight back fiercely. Only in this way can they dare not go south!

Sejuani was completely unaware of the mental tension of the Demacians.

Even now she thought that the warriors under her command hit "a polar snow sculpture domesticated by the Avarosans" that day!

Although Sejuani was somewhat dissatisfied with not being able to shoot it down directly, the good news is that since then, there have been no strange birds appearing in the sky over the Sanjigra Plain—a lot of thoughtful guys every day All staring at the sky, expecting to spot an uninvited guest, and then perform a bow-shooting eagle to win Sejuani's favor.

And so, as Demacia's northern defenses were mobilized, so did the warriors of Winter's Claw.

In the cruel winter, all those who can cross mountains and rivers to accept the mobilization are all strong fighters. Although when the assembly time is over, less than 2 people have gathered under the banner of Winter's Claw, but these 1 people are All of them are good players.

Sejuani believed that relying on these fighters, she could push Avarosa flat!

No need for any pre-war mobilization, nor any words of encouragement. When the rally time is over and the low-pitched horn sounds, Sejuani only needs to ride the steel mane, and grab the wind blowing from the frozen ground. banner.

Sejuani held the flying flag firmly in her hands, and the thick flagpole remained motionless. Under the watchful eyes of all the soldiers, she raised the flag high and pointed it to the west.

A gust of hot air spewed out from the steel bristle's nose, and this extraordinarily large Juvask wild boar raised its head proudly, and walked in the direction pointed by Sejuani's flag.

Behind Sejuani, countless warriors of Winter's Claw either walked or urged their mounts, like migratory salmon, converging into a silent river, on the Sanjigra Plain, all the way west, rolling and go.

This is destined to be a journey of destruction, looting and killing.

The warriors of Winter's Claw don't have much supplies, so they wipe out any tribe they see, taking all their food and supplies.

They will kill all the old and weak in these tribes, and then absorb the young and strong and children into the Winter's Claw tribe, making them a member of the Winter's Claw.

This huge team seems to be a greedy snake that can't get enough of it. While devouring all the tribes in front of it, it expands the size of the team. It starts from the Sanjigra Plain and rolls all the way to Avarosa. The core area of ​​the tribe.

This time, Sejuani will use iron and blood to tell her former best friend that in the harsh land of the Freljord, power and strength are the only truths!

Ashe has been in a bad mood recently.

Winter in the Freljord came a little earlier this year, and a batch of cassava planted by the Avarosa tribe failed to survive.

Although cassava vines are also edible, and it is not difficult to fill their stomachs, mothers who eat too much cassava vines will have no milk, and weaned children will also find it difficult to digest cassava vines. It is foreseeable that the winter in Avarosa this year It won't be easy.

If the stomach is not full, the mouth will naturally be unable to close—although the Avarosans still trust and support their war mother Ashe, there are more and more voices of dissatisfaction within the tribe.

Many radical young people even put forward a request, hoping to form a team dedicated to looting, just like Winter's Claw, to sweep up the surrounding deficiencies and snatch the winter supplies they hoarded.

Ashe naturally refused.

When she left Winter's Claw and rebuilt Avarosa, it was because she couldn't accept Sejuani's values, and she didn't want to feed her people by killing the old and the weak and plundering others.

Although the days may be tougher this winter, and the children may be malnourished, at least no one will starve to death!
Instead of looting and killing around in winter, it is better to spend more time weaving nets, and try fishing at sea after the ice and snow melt next spring—the few people Ashe sent out to Demacia before A "spy" is now back, and they've learned the Demacian's special tricks for making nets, and maybe they'll be able to catch more fish next spring.

In this case, Ashe could only reject any form of plundering proposal, while personally appease the emotions of the tribe.

Winter is here, is spring far behind?

Growing cassava has proven to be feasible, this year we were unlucky, the breath of Anivia came a little too early, and by next year, we will be able to eat roasted cassava in winter and eat as much as we want!
Moreover, starting from next year, the size of the Yucar group of the Avarosa tribe will soon reach more than a thousand. In autumn, they will be grazing on a large scale to make them full of autumn fat, and they can even be killed for meat in winter!
At that time, the child will not only have Jucar milk to drink, but also meat-the child who has gnawed the bone will definitely grow into the best boy!
Others' words would only be regarded as drawing cakes, but everyone would believe what Ashe said, holding the Avarosa Ice Bow and working so hard to pull together a huge new Avarosa tribe.

In the past ten years, although each year's winter was always difficult, only two winter children survived the name day, but it is undeniable that the life of the Avarosa tribe is getting better little by little.

Cassava is not delicious, and there is always a lingering earthy smell, but it can fill the stomach and let the old and weak who could only be abandoned before survive the harsh winter.

Although Yukaal's milk is fishy and dirty, and hiccups after drinking it will make people feel miserable, but thanks to it, the survival rate of Avarosa tribe infants and young children has increased significantly in recent years.

On the ice sheet of the Freljord, living is a very difficult thing, and what Ashe can do is to make this difficulty less difficult.

Although the Avarosa tribe lacks "the glory of the Freljord" in the eyes of many people, whether they plant or raise livestock, they violate their ancestors and traditions and "learn from weak and warm-blooded people", but no one can deny that, just It was through this method that the Avarosa tribe gained a firm foothold in the Freljord.

And now, another year of severe winter has come, and just as Ashe was thinking about plans for next year, the bad news finally arrived.

The Winter's Claw has waged a raid war.

For some reason, the polar snow sculpture failed to give an early warning as before, so that five days ago, the Newskara pass from the West Freljord subcontinent to the Freljord Plain fell to the enemy.

In a one-on-one battle, the Iceborn warrior Braca stationed at the Nyskala Pass was killed by Sejuani.

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