Lux's Farewell

476 Winter offensive [0470]

When Ashe received the news that the Newskala pass had changed hands and that Braca was killed in battle, she was a little confused.

This time, Winter's Claw moved too fast, and the Avarosa tribe had no preparations or defenses at all, and they were completely caught off guard!

In the past, the large and small settlements that could stagnate the Winter's Claw, but this time, they were completely crushed in front of the abnormally assembled army in winter.

Even the Nuskara pass, which is of great significance in Ashe's defense system, was defeated because of the death of the guard. Sejuani and her Winter's Claw army were relying on the enemy for food After the victory, there is no restriction on plundering, traveling hundreds of miles a day, unstoppable!
When Ashe got the news, the vanguard led by Sejuani had already arrived in Oyamaka—if Winter's Claw didn't slow down, it would probably be less than ten days before their front reached Frost Harbor.

Bad news came one after another, but Ashe still had to force herself to calm down quickly.

Sejuani is coming in menacingly, but you can't panic now, and it's not the time to panic. For Ashe, whose tribe was once separated, and her mother and father died in front of her, the surprise attack of Winter's Claw was not her. She has seen the worst things, and the current situation is far from enough to make her despair.

"Summon all the blood of the ice." Ashe took a deep breath, then looked up at the war priest who was always protecting her, "At the same time, I sent envoys who can tame snow sculptures to deliver news to the west. We will not provoke war, but we will not fear war!"

The war priest who passed the test this year puffed up his chest, loudly responded to the order of the war mother, and then quickly conveyed it. When he left the hall and the other ice blood warriors had not arrived, Ashe was Lowering his head, he let out a long sigh.

This young man is one of the people who hope to go out to plunder this winter. He has hinted many times before that "we can use tougher methods to survive the cold winter."

In previous years, this kind of stunned youth needed more education, but this year, in order to resist the advance of Winter's Claw, I'm afraid Ashe will have to rely on their drive.

The family knows their own affairs, and the united Avarosa is "a report group for the weak to keep warm." Within this group, anyone who dares to fight to the death and is capable of fighting to the death is extremely precious.

Rubbing between her eyebrows, Ashe took out a handful of tobacco from her close-fitting pocket, and sprinkled these crushed tobacco leaves onto the red charcoal fire in the hall.

These powders with a lot of broken stems, which even the poor smokers look down on in Demacia, are rare refreshments in the Freljord. As the flames suddenly lit up, Ashe's Her nerves finally eased a little, and her eyes fell on the Ukarpi in the center of the hall, which depicted the topography of the Severljord subcontinent.

In the Freljord, the accuracy of the map is often pitifully low. The Freljord people who have no surveying and mapping ability usually prefer to use the guide's description to understand the terrain. To them, the map is often more like a string A plan with a course of action.

But Ashe's map is different. Although the terrain and terrain in many places are also very rough, at least in the core area of ​​Avarosa from the New Scala Pass to the Frost Harbor, the terrain and terrain are extremely detailed. Pretty precise.

Moreover, at the request of Ashe, the people who drew the map also made different marks with natural minerals of different colors to represent the tendency of certain strongholds.

Among them, the blue color representing Avarosa and the stronghold belonging to the Avarosa tribe, the range will expand when the map is updated every year.

Ashe's gaze turned to the map, to the Nyskala pass.

Ashe has walked through the pass between the mountains of the Dragon's Back Mountain Range more than once. To be honest, she can't imagine why the pass will easily change hands, and she doesn't understand why the always prudent Bu Kara will attack rashly, which will eventually lead to the loss of strategic points.

But now is not the time to complain. After confirming that the New Scala pass has changed from blue to dangerous red, Ashe must make up his mind and determine the next move strategy of Avarosa.

Whether it is a head-on confrontation and defeating the raiders of Winter's Claw; or, as in the past, relying on strongholds and cities for defense, making the city walls your own vanguard.

The messenger who sent the news said that the number of Winter's Claws is more than [-]. Considering the opponent's marching speed and the current weather gathering, if the number is true, then I'm afraid it would not be a good idea to fight head-on-not only is it not easy to win, but And even if they win, next year the eyes of the herd and the hands of planting cassava will be reduced a lot.

In the past few years, Avarosa is ushering in a baby boom. If possible, Ashe doesn't want to pay too heavy a price.

But now that Sejuani is here, she won't let it go. Considering that the other party seems to be able to bypass Snow Sculpture's detection, and the speed of her actions is extremely fast, it may be very difficult to defend the city alone...

Biting her lips lightly, Ashe finally narrowed her eyes. At this moment, she remembered when she was a child, when her mother was still there, the Avarosa tribe attacked Fossbarrow in winter.

How did the Demacians to the south do it?
They removed everyone outside the walls and took all the food outside the walls.

Now, can I also use this trick to deal with Sejuani? Winter's Claw's supplies must never be transferred through the Nuskala Pass, where the mountains are steep, even if it is Yukar or Erniuk. It will slip up and down.

Winter's Claw has assembled an army, tens of thousands of soldiers and countless mounts to eat horses. I am afraid that relying on looting alone will be a lot of pressure, right?

If you can persuade all the tribes along the way to abandon the easily captured strongholds, take away all the supplies of the tribes, and then find a way to retake the Nyskala Pass, will it be able to trap Winter's Claw?
Salmon, which is extremely difficult to deal with in the sea, is destined to jump for a short time once it is brought to the surface of the water; and no matter how powerful the enemy is, if the stomach is empty and there is no food, it is probably no different from the salmon without water!
Thinking of this, Ashe's eyes finally gradually lit up—when the ice blood of the Avarosa tribe gathered, a rough battle plan had already formed in her mind.


When Ashe found the weakness of the Winter's Claw army, Sejuani, who was rushing all the way, also realized the trouble brought to her by the Nuskara pass.

Although the victory over Bukhara in the duel gave the soldiers under his command great momentum, but the news about her afterwards made Sejuani unhappy at all.

"The Nyskala pass is too dangerous, Sejuani." Udyr said with a serious expression on this issue, "We have gained a lot, but we can't transport it through this dangerous pass—except for the soldiers' rations, We don't have a single supply."

"Beast Spirit Walker." Although the relationship with her mother, Kogia, was in conflict, Sejuani was full of respect for her actual sworn father, Udyr, "You will listen to the voices of all spirits, isn't it even so? Is there a way?"

"There is no way." Udyr shook his head, "Ernuk in the team is unwilling to climb the slope, even a war horse with only oat grass in its head is afraid of the steepness of the pass—if we can tame the snow monster, maybe we can Have the opportunity."

Taming the snow monsters is of course nonsense, and Udyr obviously used a more euphemistic way of saying that this pass cuts off the Winter's Claw army.

"That's really troublesome." As if she had expected it long ago, Sejuani grinned, showing a smile mixed with arrogance and arrogance, "Then, let's leave the injured people behind and let them take the wounded with them." All our booty, escorting the newly accepted cubs to leave, return to the Sanjigra plain, wait for me to return victorious, and then distribute the booty!"

Obviously, even if this looting is a complete victory, Sejuani is still unwilling to stop, and only hopes to complete all her efforts in one battle and completely win Avarosa!

Udyr was still a little worried about his daughter's thoughts.

Udyr, who had personally participated in the Ionian War, once witnessed the disastrous defeat of the mighty Noxus army in Navoli-although from the perspective of the Freljord, the fighters on both sides in this battle None of them are particularly brave (at least not far from the Ice Bloodline), but the relationship between victory and defeat made Udyr think a lot.

Although I have never heard of "You cannot wear Lu Jin at the end of the crossbow", but at the last moment of the Battle of Presidium, when the headquarters of the Noxus army was raided, the commander had an accident, and the Noxus army forcibly gathered After the aura was lost, Udyr was deeply impressed by the defeat of the army.

The scale of the war is very large, but the victory or defeat may be in an instant. Those who fight for a long time, even the strong-willed fighters, may not be able to hold back!
And now, Winter's Claw is facing a similar situation - if you don't stop now and continue all the way west, the Nyuskala pass will block all supplies and support, making this half-month-long battle High-intensity raid, start from scratch again!
"Don't worry, Beast Walker!" Seemingly guessing Udyr's worries, Sejuani showed a disdainful expression, "Ash and her new Avarosa are not powerful enemies, they Losing the bravery of the Freljord, like the warm-blooded people in the south, they only know to hide behind the city wall and tremble. As long as we have a way to draw them out from behind the tall city wall, there is no need to doubt the outcome of the battle. "

Udyr nodded upon hearing this.

"I didn't have a good way to deal with the turtle shells they built before, but now, a guy from the south has defected to us-his ability is so easy to use, while Ashe didn't realize all this, I must A wave crushes Avarosa!"

When it came to the guy who had defected to the tribe, Udyr's expression became a little subtle.

The Demacian who calls himself Silas has an incredible ability to directly steal the power of others.

Although the shaman who decided to accept him said that it was the power given to him by the three sisters, it was a pity that the Juvask wild boar that the shaman rode on saw everything and gave it to Udyr in its entirety...

Therefore, when Silas still wanted to hide it, Udyr revealed his secret in one word, forcing him to show his real skills.

Why did the stable Bukhara take the initiative to fight when the Nuskala pass was easily captured?

That's because Silas stole the power of an Avarosa Allied tribe's war mother and tricked Bukara into thinking it was an Allied force coming to support her!

Cheat-like imitation abilities and the hazy night allowed Silas to fool Bukhara.

Where have the Freljord seen this?

When, in Avarosa style, she took the initiative to meet this rare ally, Winter's Claw launched a deadly surprise attack.

However, unlike what Silas thought was a wave, Sejuani only regarded his actions as a way to lure the enemy into battle. Even though she had an absolute advantage in the scene, she still generously gave the opponent a chance to duel , and then majestically smashed Bukhara's head with the North Wind Flail, completely winning the battle.

But now, according to what Sejuani said, she is planning to repeat the old trick, relying on Silas's imitation ability and the mutual support between Avarosa and its allied tribes, luring them to fight one by one, and then confronting them head-on. its beat!

Realizing this, Udyr nodded with some satisfaction.

He likes this tactic very much. Although using Silas's imitation ability is somewhat unspeakable, considering that this is just a way to kill those Avalor who first violated the Freljord tradition and hid themselves behind the city wall. The method introduced by the Sa people seemed to make things acceptable.

"So, we have to go straight to the west, right?" Udyr blinked his eyes, "arrive at Frost Harbor as quickly as possible, as a support army?"

"Those who can't keep up should stay behind as a reserve team and plunder more." Sejuani nodded, "I know Ashe very well. Although she is a good hand, her heart is too weak, and even we don't It must be disguised as reinforcements, even if she just pretends to be desperate and wants to join Avarosa's furnace, she will accept it stupidly... How can the soldiers under her command have strong willpower with such a weak war mother?"

From the perspective of the Freljord, Sejuani's words seem to make sense-if the core war mothers in a tribe are soft-hearted, then the warriors will naturally not have such a strong will to fight.

However, Udyr, who had personally experienced the Battle of Ionia, couldn't help but frowned slightly when he heard this.

When it comes to soft-heartedness, no one is more soft-hearted than the Ionians—but in Preshidian, the soft-hearted Ionians are like the most powerful blood of ice, fighting to the death without retreating, and the battle forcefully given to them Mother offers a surprise beheading...

No, it's not the same.

Shaking his head, Udyr dismissed this strange idea from his mind.

The Avarosa are not Ionians, that's different.

They don't have the will to defend everything.

In this battle, Winter's Claw will win!

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