Lux's Farewell

Chapter 477 [0471] Twists and turns

The arrival of Silas seemed to be the spark that ignited the powder keg, making the situation in Severljord this winter a bit strange.

Winter's Claw finally figured out the reason why the previous looting of Avarosa was always unsuccessful, and relying on Silas to disguise as Avarosa's reinforcements to lure the defenders in the stronghold from the defense of the city wall, in order to Avoid siege warfare, which they are not good at.

Under the influence of poor information, Sejuani led the team to penetrate Avarosa's defense system in one battle, and forcibly ran over the Nyuscala pass.

Compared with the Freljord battles in the past where the whole family fought in one wave, Sejuani, who led the Winter's Claw warriors, undoubtedly used the trick of speed and speed to the extreme.

After the soldiers of Winter's Claw crossed the Newskala pass, relying on the amazing endurance of the Juvask wild boar, they ran out of the forced marching speed that could only be achieved by one man, two horses, or even one man and three horses in other places. The army assaulted and set off with light clothes, heading straight for Frost Harbor, intending to bring Avarosa a greeting from Winter's Claw!
If it were any other tribe, they would be beheaded with a high probability by Winter's Claw.

But Avarosa is different.

After getting the news, Ashe remained calm in the face of danger. While gathering troops and asking the allied tribes to stand behind the strongholds of the city wall and wait for help, he led the most elite squad with all the blood of ice to take the initiative to attack, and began to harass Rin along the way. Team of Winter's Claw!

Because they are more familiar with the terrain, Ashe and her elite team can always lurk as close as the Winter's Claw commando wants to, and then rely on the favorable terrain to carry out small-scale attacks. Under Ashe's command, this This kind of attack sometimes occurs in the early morning and dusk, and sometimes in the middle of the night. It doesn't want to cause much damage, but it wants to make people feel at ease.

On the thousands of miles of ice field from Newskala Pass to Frost Harbor, the Winter's Claw warriors, outnumbered and powerful, discovered for the first time that snow could speak!
Counting the manpower, the damage that this team can cause each time is not too great, but just as Ashe hoped, their presence made the already high-moralized Winter's Claw fighters tense up and moved slowly. down.

The Juvask wild boar could still run every day, but the people sitting on the wild boar's back became anxious, and the situation of the battle began to change.

After discovering that Ashe personally led the team to follow and harass, Udyr immediately asked to retreat - he had seen a similar situation in Ionia, and what it looked like when the Noxus army was harassed by the Navoli Brotherhood He is very clear.

However, Sejuani, who has always respected him and valued his opinions, insisted on the soldiers of Winter's Claw to step up their pace.

"Ash wants to use this method to hold us back!" Before the bonfire, Sejuani's attitude was firm, "But at the same time, this also means that she has finally left her lair!"

"But it's meaningless, we can't catch her in the mountains!" Udyr frowned, "We are not familiar with the mountains and rivers here, even if she leaves the thick walls, we can't catch her Sly mouse!"

"But the mice will always return to their nests!" Sejuani's eyes were firm, "She will never give up on Frost Harbor, without Ashe personally sitting in charge, Frost Harbor will be very fragile!"

And almost at the same time, in a leeward cave in a mountain depression, Ashe also conveyed her belief in victory to the most elite fighters around her.

"Winter's Claws are about to lose their hold." Although Ashe's mental state is not good due to lack of rest, she is still radiant and confident in front of the soldiers. "Their speed of action has slowed down. A lot, and their morale is no longer high, and the supplies they collected west of the Nyskala Pass cannot be transported! As long as we drag on, victory will be ours!"

"The raiders haven't been able to find new food and supplies since we found them and followed them, and they're running out of food now!"

"If this continues, they will kill their mounts to satisfy their hunger, and at that time, no matter how strong a warrior is, they will eventually be annihilated in the cruel Anivia's breath!"


Winter's Claw is still advancing, and Avarosa is still harassing.

This almost "you fight yours, I fight mine" battle has been going on for seven days.

Sejuani is still leading the force to march. She plans to rectify a little bit at a place that is one to two days away from Ningshuang Port, break the boat, and then travel day and night. Before Xi returns to aid, arrive at Ningshuang Port and launch a siege battle!

Although it's a pity that Silas didn't steal Ashe's power, and couldn't pretend that Ashe was defeated and let Frostport collapse without a fight, but without Ashe's command, Frostport may not be able to persist in their battle mother return.

Sejuani believes that in just one morning or afternoon, the excellent fighters of Winter's Claw will climb to the top of Frost Harbor and occupy the city!
Because there is no tribe without the war mother, there will be no power to fight for a long time!

On the other side, Ashe firmly believes that if the Demacians in the south can use the tactics of fortifying the walls and clearing the country and defending the city, then we Avarosans can also use it!
Although the city walls of Frost Harbor are not as tall as Fossbarrow's, they are still strong enough to stop the Winter's Claw marauders!

When a person is killed, he will die. As long as he stands on the city wall, even an untrained furnace household can easily kill a battle-hardened warrior.

With myself harassing and restraining from the outside, so that Winter's Claw cannot get supplies; there are soldiers relying on the city wall to defend inside, attacking inside and outside, and forming horns with each other. Even if Winter's Claw has more people and stronger fighters, the result will inevitably fail.

After all, this is the West Freljord subcontinent. Here, Avarosa can afford it, but Winter's Claw cannot!
Running thousands of miles, the soldiers are extremely fast.

A snow harassment, focusing on exhausting the enemy.

After a fight, both Sejuani and Ashe found each other's weaknesses, and the two battle mothers chose the clear card at the same time.

In the icy breath of Anivia, heavy snow fell one after another.

Less than [-] miles away from Frost Harbor, the team of Winter's Claw stopped as usual and began to eat.

This time, under Sejuani's order, they took out all the food, killed Ernuk, who was not in such good condition in the team, and held a bonfire party of amazing scale.

Then, just when Ashe, who was watching them from a distance, felt something was wrong, this huge team did not rest as before, but took the initiative to leave the warm and bright bonfire, urging the gradually impatient Juvask Wild boar, set off again in the dark.

After discovering the problem, Ashe led the team back to help immediately, but even if they were more familiar with the surrounding terrain, the two legs of this elite team were destined to be unable to run past the four legs of the Juvask wild boar, Sejuani Take the lead in this decisive battle.

After a night of marching, Sejuani finally saw Ningshuang Harbor from a distance when the sky was slightly bright.

Even if Ashe reacted immediately and took a shortcut back, by the time she led the team back, it would probably be noon.

And this morning, the fate of the two tribes will be decided here.


Although she simply closed her eyes on the back of the steel mane, Sejuani's mental state was surprisingly good.

The height of the city wall of Frost Harbor exceeded her expectations, and the thickness was a bit abnormal. Although it seemed that it was no longer feasible to directly mobilize the Juvask wild boar to attack the city wall, the panicked expressions of the Avarosans on the city wall still made her feel She is in a good mood.

"Call that Silas over here!" she shouted excitedly, "Who will give him a bow and lend him a bit of the power of the ice blood, so that he can shoot an arrow to the top of the city!"

According to Sejuani's request, Silas drew his bow and set an arrow, exhausted all his strength, and shot an arrow on the top of the city.

Just when the defenders of Avarosa were about to laugh at the opponent's poor shooting skills, large swathes of ice spread from the place where Silas shot.

At the same time, under the city wall, the soldiers of Winter's Claw shouted in unison.

"Ash is dead!"

The shouts under the city wall made the defenders of Frost Harbor visibly shaken. Although someone quickly pulled out the arrow and confirmed that it was not the magic arrow used by Ashe, taking this opportunity, Sejuani decisively ordered The warriors of Winter's Claw strike.

Although there were no professional siege equipment, the warriors of Winter's Claw rushed to the city wall immediately, and then relied on the momentum of the forward rush, threw a lot of ropes to the top of the city, and then began to climb.

As for Frost Harbor, after some panic, the warriors on the city wall quickly counterattacked—a few warriors who could use True Ice weapons directly began to cut the ropes soaked in animal and vegetable oils, without Zhenbing. Soldiers with ice weapons and unable to cut the rope in a short time are holding shields on the rope and waiting for work, and when someone climbs up, they will shoot up with the shield.

Behind these soldiers in the front row, more soldiers who were on the second line and did not contact the enemy used weapons such as slings and began to launch long-range strikes under the city wall.

Although this battle is considered primitive in terms of siege equipment and defense equipment, in terms of combat intensity, even the Battle of the Gate of Sorrows between Demacia and Noxus was not as good as this frosty battle. Hong Kong War.

The extreme weather of the Freljord and the breath of Anivia, which is full of magical power, make ordinary war instruments useless. In the extreme climate, even steel will become fragile and brittle.

But this does not prevent the offensive and defensive sides from using the existing conditions as much as possible to cause trouble for the other party as much as possible.

As for Winter's Claw, Sejuani, wielding the flail of the North Wind, personally led the assault, almost occupying a piece of the city wall on the second climb—and an Iceborn warrior like her who has the ability to change the situation of a local battle by herself , the number exceeded 20 people.

But even so, the Avarosa people still defended the city wall firmly—just as Ashe planned at the beginning, the towering city wall greatly enhanced the combat effectiveness of the defenders, even if it was an ordinary stone, thrown from the city wall It's enough to make your head bleed.

In the battle of defending the city, the large number of archers in Avarosa brought huge damage to Winter's Claw. These archers arranged on the city wall took advantage of shooting from high places to easily penetrate The warriors of Winter's Claw didn't have much defense, and a round of arrows shot down, and even the brave warriors had to retreat temporarily.

During this period, Sejuani also tried to lead a team to directly attack the tower, but even without Ashe personally commanding, Avarosa's few remaining elites were arranged near the tower, and with the close-range shooting of the archers, even Sejuan Ni personally led the team to charge, but they couldn't go down in one go.

In less than two hours, the army of Winter's Claw launched three large-scale charges, but the towering city walls of Frost Harbor still stood.

When the sky was bright, seeing that the surprise attack had failed, Sejuani simply launched her team and launched a three-sided attack on Ningshuang Port. exposed flaws.

As long as the enemy on any section of the city wall shakes, Sejuani will lead the team to launch a fatal blow.

On the city wall, the Avarosa warriors who had not experienced many actual battles in the past were also a little confused by this sudden high-intensity battle-the peaceful rise of Avarosa was not without experience in battles, but such a powerful opponent I really haven't seen it.

In addition, Ashe took away the most elite soldiers, although the defenders on the city wall still have a considerable advantage, their morale is not high at all, and their spirits have begun to become tense.

As Sejuani thinks, Ashe's new Avarosa is indeed "a group of weaklings huddling together for warmth", and they are very united, but that is when Ashe is by her side.

Even if they knew that Frost Harbor was lost, their hard work would be ruined; even if they knew that behind them was the last stronghold of the tribe, with all their tribesmen inside, these Avarosa warriors would still be afraid and shrink back.

A rookie who hasn't experienced many battles can't be compared with a veteran who has been through a lot of battles. Even Lux, who is extremely talented, behaved extremely awkwardly in the simulation training against the beetle for the first time.

Therefore, even with the advantage of the city wall, the situation of this battle began to gradually tilt in the direction Sejuani expected.

Finally, when the sun had fully risen and the snow had rested for a while, the brutal death on the north wall of Frost Harbor shook the defenders.

Sejuani, who was keenly aware of this, launched a surprise attack without hesitation, and rushed to the city wall with the reserve team that had been ready for a long time.

This time, a section of the city wall finally came down with a drum.

Then, before Sejuani, who had gained a firm foothold on the city wall, breathed a sigh of relief and sent her hands to open the city gate, a shrill eagle's cry resounded across the battlefield.

Simultaneously with the crowing of the eagle, there was also a crystal clear magic arrow like a spear. This arrow shot from the mountain northeast of Frost Harbor and exploded into an ice flower on the top of the city. .

Ash... is back!

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