Lux's Farewell

Chapter 478 [0472] 2 losers

Ashe's return announced the failure of Sejuani's quick victory strategy. The morale boosted Avarosa people finally temporarily forgot the fear of death after seeing their war mother.

The walls couldn't stand.

Sejuani, who realized the problem, now needs to consider how to withdraw from the battle - she looked past the swarming Avarosa people who were fearless and fearless, and looked at the inside of Frost Harbor and the city wall. Under the dense tents.

Due to lack of productivity, although the Avarosa built a tall city wall, they were unable to search for enough stone or burn enough bricks to build residential buildings. Therefore, including Ashe's War Mother Hall, most The buildings are still tents.

At most, it has changed from a mobile tent to a permanent tent.

In order to avoid the direct attack of wind and snow as much as possible, under the city wall of Frost Harbor, many tents are densely packed together - in Demacia, there will be no such dwellings near the city wall, but in Ningshuang Frost Harbor, the Avarosas apparently had no such experience.

Narrowing her eyes slightly, Sejuani quickly found a solution. She took the Winter Claw banner from the guards behind her, and then shouted loudly: "The cowardly battle mother of Avarosa has already I'm back, I'm going to fight her head-on!"

Although it was a retreat, when Sejuani said it, it subtly added a bit of bravery. The soldiers of Winter's Claw cheered for a while, and their morale was actually somewhat boosted.

"Now, I need a few real warriors to teach these Avarosans who only know how to hide behind the city walls a lesson!" Sejuani continued, "Light up the torches you carry with you, go and light their tents, light their tents, Their warehouses, tell them with all-consuming flames that cowering behind the walls are doomed!"

Sejuani's words once again aroused cheers from the Winter's Claw warriors. Amidst the cheers, many of them took out the ignition devices they carried with them, ignited all the combustible things around them, and rushed towards the city wall under.

For setting fire, the Winter's Claws obviously have their own unique views. Even after hearing Sejuani's shout, the Avarosa warriors were already prepared, but they still bypassed the defense of these people like loach. Rushing to the camp closest to the city wall, I found the most flammable oil-soaked rope or tanned fur.

Amid the anxious and angry shouts of the Avarosa people, raging flames burned, and billowing thick smoke began to rise.

As for the "warriors" who set the fire, as if they had accomplished a feat worth boasting about, they laughed in the flames and let the weapons of the Avarosans pierce through their bodies, and finally died in the flames.

The fire started from the camp under the northern city wall, and then started to burn all the way south with the wind. The tumbling flames seemed to be the flames showing off their might, which made the eyes of the Avarosa tear. One side rushed to the city wall, wanting to leave behind all the invading enemies.

However, Sejuani and other Winter's Claw warriors took this opportunity to get off the city wall, mounted their mounts, turned back to the main formation, and began to meet the returning Ashe.


Ashe also saw the fire in Frost Harbor from a distance.

Like other Avarosa people, seeing the raging flames began to burn, Ashe was also eye-opening, but the anger did not go to her head, she did not go to talk to Sejuani, but bypassed Rin The encirclement of Winter's Claw returned to Frost Harbor from the direction of the sea.

When Ashe returned to Frost Harbor, the fire in the city was basically under control—the Avarosans who lacked fire-fighting means quickly destroyed some tents and used a barrier to block the spread of the fire.

It's a pity that although their actions have been very fast, almost a quarter of the tents in Ningshuanggang have been burned to ashes in the flames, and a warehouse near the north of the city has also been burned. Food was burned.

The excited Avarosa warriors petitioned to fight one after another, and some even cut their faces, vowing to make the raiders of Winter's Claw pay the price!
However, Ashe, as a battle mother, does not agree to go out of the city to fight, nor does she allow any form of pursuit.

"War mother!" The war priest who delivered the news for Ashe had lost an arm. When Ashe issued the order to prohibit going out of the city to fight, he prostrated in front of Ashe in pain, "Winter's Claw Someone burned down my home and took off one of my arms, this hatred cannot be eliminated no matter what!"

"It is for revenge that we stay in Frostport." Ashe raised her voice, "The marauders of Winter's Claw have no supplies, they have nothing to eat now, and soon the hunger and cold will Will be the messenger of our vengeance, bringing the coldest pain to them!"

Hearing what Ashe said, the warriors of Avarosa finally calmed down a little bit, of course, just a little—many people still couldn't accept watching the looters leave, and couldn't accept revenge only by cold and hunger.

Rather than let the enemy freeze and starve to death, they hope to complete their revenge by themselves.

"We suffered a shameless sneak attack by the Claws of Winter." Ashe, who knew the thoughts of the soldiers, continued, "In Frost Harbor, we launched a heroic counterattack, but judging from the results, our combat experience is not as good as these calamities. Raiders come in abundance—it’s not because we’re not brave, but because we lack actual combat and haven’t experienced a lot of battles. Although we have the determination and courage to defend our homeland, we don’t have the means to protect everything!”

Ashe's self-examination silenced everyone, even if they didn't want to admit it, these Avarosans who had personally experienced the battle had already realized the huge gap between themselves and the enemy.

As Ashe said, their combat experience is not as good as those marauders!
"So, everyone who has experienced this battle is a precious seed. You cannot waste your precious life on revenge that can be accomplished by wind, snow and hunger. You must spend the rest of your life Pass on the experience gained at the critical moment of life and death!" Ashe raised her voice again, "Living with shame and hatred is a braver choice than impulsive death, warriors of Avarosa, our Life goes on and we still have to get through this year's extraordinarily cold winter!"

The warriors of Avarosa fell silent. Although they were willing to believe in their war mother, for the Freljord people, it was far more difficult to bear the humiliation than to give it a go. Xi, waiting for her to continue.

"Today, if one more warrior falls here, there will be one less watchful eye in the herd in spring, and the cunning direwolf will have one more chance to sneak up on Ernyuk's calf." Ashe opened her arms, "Moreover, I guarantee that today's sneak attack will never happen again! From today on, Avarosa will not only accept homeless people, but also brave and skilled fighters. In addition to the towering city walls , we also need people who specialize in guarding the city wall - if you want revenge, then train well in the future!"


Relying on her personal prestige, Ai Xi finally suppressed the enthusiasm of the fighters to pursue, and continued to be vigilant while cleaning up the ashes in the city.

And in this case, Sejuani was very uncomfortable.

As mentioned earlier, in order to be able to make a time difference, Sejuani and her Winter Claw elite stayed up last night, abandoned all the big animals, marched all the way through the night after a full meal, and then shook off Ashe The elite team he led arrived at Ningshuang Harbor in the early morning and launched a surprise attack on the city.

As a result, at a critical moment, Ashe's return led to the failure of the siege battle, and after the battle, Ashe did not lead his team to chase it out. Even though a large area of ​​his home was burned, he still sat on the city wall and waited, as stable as an old dog.

This result is unacceptable to Sejuani.

Due to the harassment of Ashe and her elite team before, Sejuani's plan to feed the enemy was greatly reduced. Unlike the battle east of the Nyskala Pass, since the two sides began to contact, Winter's Claw has never They failed to break through any large strongholds, and even occasionally raided a few small tribes along the way, and got some supplies from these unlucky bastards, but the number was quite limited.

Even if Sejuani rushed all the way, the number of soldiers following her exceeded [-], but the rations they carried with them couldn't even last a single meal.

Under the blowing of Anivia's breath, the winter in the Freljord has already arrived, and the Winter's Claw army that can't take down Frost Harbor has almost run out of food now.

People are iron and rice are steel. Without food, the warriors of Winter's Claw will soon fall into weakness. No matter how powerful a warrior is, under the debuff of hunger, they will become lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Advance, can't go in; retreat, can't go back, Sejuani suddenly lost her mind.

"Let's go." Just as she was pondering, Udyr finally said in a low voice, "Let's go first while you can get rid of them!"

"...Where are you going?" Sejuani gritted her teeth, "If you go back the same way, I'm afraid not even one tenth of the people will be able to return to the Nyskala pass."

"We can go around a little bit. There are not no places where we can resupply along the way." Udyr replied, "The guide said that from here to the Nyskala pass, there are many other places besides Avarosa." Tribal existence—Although we cannot completely defeat Avarosa, we can also change the targets of plunder."

"But the savings of those small tribes may not be enough." Sejuani shook her head, "We must find a large tribe in order to obtain enough supplies for a safe retreat."

"We still have a lot of mounts."

"No, these mounts cannot be moved." Sejuani shook her head, "This is the basis of our battle. The warriors of Winter's Claw will not abandon their weapons and mounts. They are not useless Ernuk!"

"Then what do you want to do?" Udyr frowned upon hearing this, "Are you still going to continue to attack?"

"No, let's go north and make a detour from the frozen plain!" Sejuani took a deep breath, "You go to contact the bear people, you are a beast spirit walker, you can communicate with them, right?"

Sejuani's words made Udyr's eyes widen. He looked at Sejuani in surprise, as if surprised by her decisiveness and boldness.

"Bearmen, they are not easy to talk to." Udyr rested his right hand on the tattoo on his left arm, "They are the lost ones, people who lost themselves and fell into madness under the power of Volibear, cooperate with them Not a wise choice."

"But you are a beast spirit walker." Sejuani looked at her sworn father with burning eyes, "I have seen you communicate with the power of the old gods."

"This is not a simple matter, we can return through a more secure means—"

"That means failure." Sejuani rarely interrupted Udyr, "War mother shouldn't fail, it will make the clansman disappointed in her."

Udyr's lips quivered.

The tall and strong beast spirit walker narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the war mother riding on the back of the Juvask wild boar in front of him in a daze. On Sejuani's body, he saw the decisiveness of his former lover, as well as a Ambition and aspirations completely different from hers.

An indescribable pride and worry surged from the bottom of his heart, Udyr could only let out a heavy breath in the end, and then nodded silently.

After getting the answer she wanted, Sejuani grabbed the battle flag representing herself and held it up high.

The warriors of Winter's Claw begin to gather.

"The cowards of Avarosa don't dare to fight us!" Sejuani's voice was still high-pitched, full of passion and fighting spirit, "Then let's go and wipe out Sifreljord and their allies. Everyone in the world knows that the Avarosa people are nothing but a bunch of cowards who only know how to hide behind the city walls!"


Thick dark clouds obscured the sky again.

Under the blowing of Anivia's breath, heavy snow fell again, covering the scorched earth in Frost Harbor and covering the bloodstains on the city wall.

Between Winter's Claw and Avarosa, the first large-scale battle quietly drew a comma in the heavy snow—both Ashe and Sejuani knew very well that this was not end.

The people of Avarosa are licking their wounds behind Frost Harbor, waiting for the arrival of spring; while the warriors of Winter's Claw followed the Warmother, and after crossing the Icethorn Mountains, they crossed the North Mountain with difficulty. Territory of the bear tribe.

Udyr used his amazing willpower to survive the test of the will of the old gods. Here, Winter's Claw recruited a group of lost allies-then, together, the two sides swept the entire frozen plain.

In this primitive and wild land, Sejuani got enough supplies and finally returned to the plains of Freljord smoothly, ending her expedition as a victor.

After the army of Winter's Claw left, a survivor named Tryndamere climbed up from the ruins of his tribe's destruction. He dragged his seriously injured and dying body, and began to pursue a journey of revenge.

Winter's Claw destroyed his tribe.

Then, he will go to the forces that are hostile to Winter's Claw.

After several inquiries, Tryndamere embarked on the road to find the Avarosa tribe.

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