Lux's Farewell

479 End of War and Trade Proposals [0473]

The war between Avarosa and the Winter's Claw has finally come to an end here.

This is a war in which there is no loser on the surface, but in fact both sides are losers.

As for the Avarosa tribe, although Ashe conducted a self-examination of the loopholes in her own defense system, she still declared victory in the war. Not disheartened and braved the severe cold, rolled back to the Sanjigra Plain, and finally did not even occupy the Nuskala Pass, so this is a victorious anti-aggression war!
Similarly, on the side of Winter's Claw, Sejuani also declared her own victory. After all, they were the active offensive side from the beginning to the end. Even if they failed to win Frost Harbor, at least they wiped out Severljord In many areas of the subcontinent, many small tribes that were close to the Avarosa tribe have been cleaned up, and they have successfully earned the reputation of Winter's Claw.

In terms of face, both Avarosa and Winter's Claw have assumed the victor's posture.

But on the inside, Ashe and Sejuani couldn’t help showing their teeth when they counted after the battle—whether it’s Avarosa, where a part of Frostport was burned, and the allied tribes were crying for reinforcements, Or Winter's Claw, whose food reserves have been almost exhausted, and whose looting income is completely insufficient to make up for the shortfall, has not earned any substantial benefits in this war.

For the next period of time, they all need to carefully lick their wounds, quietly reflect on the gains and losses in this war, and then look to the future.

Next time, neither Avarosa nor Winter's Claw will be as full of loopholes as this time.

All in all, however, the war was finally over as the Freljord approached the coldest winter.

Whether it is a fearful Fudo or a physically and mentally exhausted warrior, you can take a long breath and start looking forward to the arrival of spring.

But obviously, the Demacians in the south don't know this.

After the truce between Avarosa and Winter's Claw, the three legions gathered at three key strategic fulcrums in the northern border of Demacia are still waiting for the battle.

The First Legion was in Irwindale, the Second Legion was in Mithril City, and the Third Legion was in Fossbarrow. The soldiers of the three legions were tense and cautiously guarded against possible attacks.

In addition to this legion, the lords of the three cities were equally nervous.

Especially Lux—after getting news from Ino and confirming that "the people of the Freljord are about to go south", she even suspended the construction of the artificial lake and began to temporarily change the courses of the Archon.

Not to let them go to the battlefield, but to teach them to protect civilians in the midst of war.

Then, before the temporary shelter plan designed by Karya was completed, news came from Grandma Ling.

"The war is over."


"The war is over?" Seeing Grandma Ling and hearing her say this with certainty, Lux was somewhat confused, "The Freljord chose to attack Urwendale?"

"No, no, the Freljords haven't gone south." Grandma Ling said with a smile, "This is a civil war... I heard that the Winter's Claws attacked the Avarosans. There's a big fight in Frosthaven."

"Winter's Claw? Avarosa? Frost Harbor?"

Apparently, even with Kalya around, Lux's intelligence and cognition range only includes the vicinity of the Dragon's Back Mountains, and the Freljord Plain or the West Freljord Subcontinent farther away, she doesn't know anything about it at all.

"I've never been to those places." Grandma Ling saw Lacus' doubts and shook her head slightly, "But in short, this action and assembly are not aimed at us."

"But the dragon and bird knights in Miyin City were attacked. Since they were not targeting us, why did they attack the dragon and birds knights?"

"Maybe it was just an accidental injury." Speaking of this, Grandma Ling could only shake her head, "There is no neutral party in the war in the Freljord, and everyone involved in the war will become a part of the war. For the Winter's Claw at that time, the Dragonbird Knight might have been regarded as an Avarosan."

Blinking her eyes, Lacus finally could only accept this somewhat absurd but true statement after careful consideration, and then she finally let out a long sigh of relief.

"Thank you very much, Grandma Ling." Lacus said, "If you hadn't found out the specific news, I'm afraid we would still be on high alert."

"Necessary vigilance must be maintained." Grandma Ling waved her hand, "This news is also from some of my old friends in the Freljord... This war is also a serious battle for them. After being involved in the war, they are also forced to become part of the war, which is not an easy thing."

"So, they asked you for something?"

"It's an old request." Grandma Ling showed a smile on her face, "It's mainly about trade in the northern border... Specifically, the Avarosa hope to start trade in Fossbarrow, using their fur and specialty products in exchange for our food and other supplies.”

Lax was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, and then realized that Grandma Ling had taken the initiative to find her not only to provide information for herself, but also as a lobbyist for the Avarosa people!

"There doesn't seem to be a tradition of doing business with the Freljord in the northern border?" Thinking of this, Lux's hand began to rub the hilt of the saber subconsciously, "In my impression, whether it is Mithril City, or Fossbarrow, hardly any trade with the Freljord?"

"Indeed not." Grandma Ling nodded frankly, "Although I am from the Freljord, I have to admit that most of the Freljord people have no sense of trade at all." The concept, and even the recognition of the transaction, is only concentrated in the scope of a very small number of people."

"There is only barter between friends, but no real trade." Lux nodded, and concluded, "Because each tribe is a scattered individual, without a unified attitude and cognition?"

"On the one hand." Grandma Ling obviously didn't want to say more on this issue, "But it seems that the people of Avarosa are different."

"Why is it different?" Lux didn't bother with the cultural issues of the Freljord, "They are special?"

"It's very special. If I hadn't visited some old friends in person after returning to Fossbarrow, I wouldn't have believed that there was such a strange creature in the Freljord."

"Alien?" Grandma Ling's words made Lacus raise her brows, "An alien...the leader of the Avarosa people?"

"That's right, it's the war mother of the Avarosa tribe, Ashe who claims to be the descendant and heir of Avarosa." Grandma Ling nodded, "Although I haven't seen her, several of my old friends said , she is the appearance of Avarosa in the legend."

What does Avarosa look like?
Who is Avarosa?

Lux remained calm on the face, but she asked Kalya in her heart—but unfortunately, Kalya didn't know anything about the Freljord, so he couldn't answer Lacus' question.

"Avarosa is one of the legendary three sisters of the Freljord, the source of the Freljord civilization. In many ancient epics, the three sisters are the first generation of the Freljord civilization. Leader, the three of them worked together to unify the Freljord." Grandma Ling explained in as simple a language as possible, "Their names are Avarosa, Serilda, and Lissandra."

Lux had heard the name—from Frey's mouth, Frey said she was the Frost Witch, leader of the Frostguard priests in the Freljord, and her enemy.

"How long ago did the three sisters happen?" Thinking of this, Lux asked in surprise, "Thousands of years?"

"Maybe nearly ten thousand years? Who knows how long those ancient songs have been sung in the ice and snow of the Freljord." Grandma Ling shook her head, "I'm not from Notai, so I don't know much about history .”

"Lissandra lived tens of thousands of years?"

"You know Lissandra?" Grandma Ling froze for a moment, then smiled, "No, you misunderstood, it's not that Lissandra has lived for tens of thousands of years, but Lissandra's inheritance has lasted for tens of thousands of years. Before a Lissandra dies, her disciples will always inherit her name and become the new Lissandra—how can there be anyone in this world who lives for tens of thousands of years!"

Lux's face showed a look of "that's how it is", but she couldn't believe it in her heart.

She has indeed never seen someone who has lived for tens of thousands of years, but she really has one here who has lived for thousands of years.

It is also the source of civilization, maybe Lissandra can really live that long?
"In short, according to my old friends, this Miss Ashe perfectly fits all the qualities of Avarosa in the legend, and she also has a longbow of pure ice in her hand, which is said to be left by Avarosa. Grandma Ling obviously didn't know what Lacus was thinking, so she quickly passed the topic of Lissandra, "She formed a new Avarosa tribe, began to build cities, and organized manual farming, fishing, and herding .”

Lux blinked in disbelief upon hearing this.


"That's right, farming. When I heard the news, I couldn't believe it." Grandma Ling showed a surprised expression on her face, "Fishing and grazing have always been the traditions of the Freljord. It is through these means that we can feed the warriors-but farming, I have never heard of it, if not all my old friends said so, I almost thought they were cheated by that Ashe."

"And now, this Ashe, and her Avarosa tribe, still want to make a deal with me?" Lux concluded, "Exchange the specialties of the Freljord for the food of Fossbarrow?"

"That's it." Grandma Ling nodded, "To be honest, if everyone I know didn't say that Ai Xi is a trustworthy person, I wouldn't come to you today... Although I always hope that Freire Zhuo De and Demacia should not always maintain confrontation, but I know exactly which side I am on, in my opinion, at least this Ms. Ashe is worth meeting."

"I'll think about it." Lux thought for a while, and finally nodded, "But not now—at least not until after spring, now that Fossbarrow hasn't completely disarmed, and we don't have anything to talk to her about. trade."

"That's natural." Although she didn't get a clear promise, Grandma Ling was obviously relieved, "In this way, I have an explanation to them."


After seeing off Grandma Ling who came to visit on her own initiative, Lax returned to her office, and while sending someone to call Ino and Sona over, she consulted Kalya's opinion.

Even though she already has some administrative experience, Lux still needs some reliable advice when it comes to Avarosa's trade issues.

"Trade is not a bad thing." Kalya gave his judgment immediately without any hesitation, "Actually, in my opinion, Fossbarrow should try to trade in the Freljord."

"I am very aware of the profits in trade." Lux sighed, "But this profit is not one-way, we can make a lot of money by relying on the Freljord trade, but the other side will also Get lots of food, grow yourself—it always reminds me of Piltover and Noxus."

"It's okay to think by analogy, but you can't mess with analogies." Karya heard this, and his tone was a little subtle, "Piltover just helped Noxus transport a lot of supplies, but he never controlled Noxus. The lifeblood of trade... Besides, the Freljord is developing, isn't Fossbarrow the same?"


"Your pressure is still a bit too much recently, Lacus, don't think about it." Kalya comforted softly, "In terms of development potential, the Freljord is completely incomparable with Demacia. Be yourself, Then no one can compete with us!"

Lacus blinked her eyes, and then she also realized her nervousness—the comprehensive combat readiness, curriculum reform, and project stagnation during the recent period made her somewhat anxious and restless.

Now suddenly hearing that Grandma Ling brought back good news, while he was relieved, he was indeed a little worried about gains and losses.

"Then put the northern border trade on the agenda?"

"Just know it in your heart." Kalya affirmed, "At least we will talk about it next year."

"Then I called Ino and Sona for nothing?"

"How could it be for nothing?" Carya chuckled, "Although there is no need to discuss the northern border trade, there is a more important issue in front of us now!"

"What issue?"

"Resume work, as well as the investigation of the Freljord!" Kalya continued, "Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never end in a hundred battles—Grandma Ling is trustworthy, but her news may not be absolutely true. For trade, it is natural to collect information first!"

"But, where do we still have people to go to the northern border to investigate?" Lux's eyes widened. "And the Freljord is unfamiliar with the place, and there is no guide!"

"That's not a problem." Kalya said in a relaxed tone, "Don't forget, you don't need to use your feet to measure the ground for scouting—we can also use flying!"

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