Lux's Farewell

480 Lux's homework [0474]

480 Lux's homework [0474]
Forming an organization dedicated to collecting intelligence was something Kalya had long hoped to do—not only because of the Freljord War this time, but also because Lux now lacked her own news channel.

When in Shurima, Lux could still eat Kalya's coffin and do things with some wonderful information provided by Kalya, but in the north, near the Freljord, what do you want? Information, it depends entirely on yourself.

On the official side of Demacia, Lux can get first-hand information through the Crown Guard family and even the Lightshield royal family.

As for the folk news, even the news of the Freljord, Lux is completely blinded now. Although she can get a glimpse of the leopard from the gossip of various chambers of commerce or taverns, it is obviously not enough to satisfy Lux. intelligence requirements.

Just like the Freljord War this time - because of this war that has nothing to do with Demacia, the entire northern region is in turmoil, and the excavation of the artificial lake is almost suspended. News, Avarosa has a trade request, I'm afraid Lux ​​is still nervously guarding against "the Freljord who may go south"!

In the past, the Demacia Northern Legion wanted to collect information about the Freljord, and they could only rely on sending dragon and bird knights for high-altitude reconnaissance.

But for Lux, her wrist is undoubtedly much more flexible.

Not only can you rely on Ivar to conduct more convenient and larger-scale high-altitude investigations, but you can also use the Frost Mage to conduct investigations directly as a traveler on the ice field!

Although these Frost Archons don't know how to investigate at all... But it doesn't matter. Frost mages naturally have a special status in the Freljord, and they want to inquire about some unimportant news. big.

And through these "not very important news", Carya can provide them with a special intelligence class, let them learn to analyze and identify these news, and thus arrange a pair of eyes and a pair of ears for Lux on the ice sheet.

After that, with these "special skilled workers" as the basic framework, and then from the special to the general, Fossbarrow will have his own organization that can obtain and analyze information from various channels!
After all, as the stalls get bigger and the Archon’s lectures become more and more detailed, it’s impossible for Kalya to control a person to follow him around the streets, Collecting information little by little, the efficiency is really too low.

And all of this must start with the Freljord after the war——After the battle between Avarosa and Winter's Claw, the situation in the Freljord is bound to be chaotic, and the muddy water is the worst. It is suitable for fishing, and this is the best time to teach the rookies of the 11th group!
Lux, Ino and Sona got together again and had a brief meeting.

In the next period of time, Ino will take Kalya and the 11th group of frost mages on the "Iva" to fly over the Dragon's Back Mountains and go to the Freljord to inquire about news.

During this period, because of Karya's absence, the advanced spellcasting courses needed to be suspended.

Because some time ago, the construction of the temporary camp was temporarily suspended for a period of time in order to prepare for the war. It happened that when Karya was away and the advanced class was suspended, the construction period was resumed and the previous progress was made up.

The excavation work only needs to be maintained step by step. The "technically difficult subject" such as tree planting by the lake has almost been completed. At present, except for the reinforcement plan of the lake bank embankment after the completion of the main project, other projects have not yet been finalized. There are not many engineering problems anymore.

"Lax, for at least the next month, you will be a truly independent lord." Before leaving, Kalya said with a smile, "The last time you led a team from Demacia to Fu Spiro did a good job that way, I hope there will be no problems this time!"

"Of course it's no problem!" Lux showed a confident smile, "Mr. Kalya, don't look down on others. I was also a beloved leader in Zaun back then—"

"The situation in Fossbarrow is not as simple as in Zaun. Before I leave, I will leave you a homework question." Kalya ignored Lacus' confident answer and continued, "Frey How will Erdrod's trade affect Fossbarrow and what it means to our cause? I hope you can give an answer from a logical and rational perspective based on your understanding of Fossbarrow—— It can be written or oral."

Lacus hasn't been left with homework for a long time, and even when she was overwhelmed by homework before, she has never been left with this kind of "predicting the future" homework.

However, this question is indeed what Lord Forsbarrow should think about and consider the most.

In the past, as long as Lax was willing to ask, Kalya would always break up everything he could think of and tell Lax, but this time, Kalya simply comforted her once before, teaching her not to make random analogies. I said it carefully.

Lax originally thought that Kalya would explain it in detail at this meeting, but Kalya took this issue as a homework and left it to herself!

Suddenly there was an extra assignment, and Lacus was a little sluggish.

"Okay, just think about it slowly - walk more, see more, listen more, I can only advise you so much." Kalya seems to be very happy to see Lacus' ignorant look, " Let's go, Ino, call the members of the 11th group, bring five days' rations, and go to Grandma Ling, I think she should be very happy to be your guide, and introduce you to the Freljord!"


Karya walked swiftly.

The members of the 11th team had just returned to the temporary camp and started bragging about what they had seen along the way. They were assembled again, and then, under the mixed envious and jealous eyes of other teams, they began to collect supplies by head.

In the evening of the same day, members of the 11th team left the temporary camp and headed towards the city of Fossbarrow.

As for Lux, who stayed at the temporary camp, after announcing the news of the resumption of work and hosting a bonfire party, it was difficult to fall asleep after returning to her tent.

It's not that she couldn't fall asleep without Kalya, the main reason is that the homework Kalya left her really made her sleepless.

In the past, Kalya had always been responsible for such issues and thinking—as Lux's external brain, Kalya could always help Lacus deal with problems very properly in terms of strategy.

And Lux, who is used to trusting Kalya, usually only needs to deal with the immediate problems.

To use an inappropriate metaphor, Kalya is like a system and NPC that release tasks, always dismantling a huge problem or a distant goal, dividing it into problems that Lux can handle, and then Hand it over to Lux.

As Lux said, in Zaun, she used to be a beloved leader and organized many projects and activities, but in fact, in every activity, Kalya first explained its meaning and function, and then After clarifying the specific process, hand it over to Lacus for specific execution.

Although in the process, Lux is also learning to analyze the situation and make plans bit by bit, but compared to the wily and calculating Kalya, she still has a big gap.

This time Kalya's departure, although the homework left for her is to "think about how the Freljord's trade will affect Fossbarrow and what it means for Lux's career", but Lacus has a I have a hunch that if my answer satisfies Kalya enough, the follow-up trade with Fossbarrow may have to be completely handed over to myself.

Realizing this, Lux was both nervous and excited.

Although Kalya is a very kind person except for a few bad tastes, in terms of education, he actually rarely praises others—even sometimes Lacus acts like a baby and wants to get a little praise, but all he gets is It can be a good read without distraction.

Lacus respects and even worships Kalya, so she is very eager to get Kalya's praise from the bottom of her heart.

And now, Kalya's test is such an opportunity, and Lacus has already felt Kalya's hope for her.

From the time we met, Karya never seemed to worry about his magical talent. Even when he was climbing Mount Targon, he still calmly arranged everything for himself, but now, for the first time, he will control The power is in my own hands...

How does this make Lacus not nervous or excited?

So, the next morning, Sona saw an excited, tired, and even somewhat nervous Lux.

"You don't seem to be resting well?" Sona stroked the strings hesitantly, "Lax, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, unprecedentedly fine." Lux clenched her fists, "Let's go, Sona, let's go have breakfast together, I have a lot of things I want to talk to you... I've never been this way because of an assignment Nervous and excited."

Sona blinked her eyes, and immediately understood what Lacus meant, the corners of her mouth couldn't help twitching, she could only nod in the end, and had breakfast with Lacus.

During this period, Lacus has been talking about her own ideas and plans. Although she has not made strategic planning from the beginning and judged the impact of one thing, she has been with Karya for so long, at least in terms of seeking truth from facts. Lux has made it very clear.

Therefore, according to Lux's idea, she should start from the chamber of commerce and first go to see what impact the Freljord's products can have on Fossbarrow besides money income.

For this entry point of Lux, Sona agrees very much.

After all, according to Mrs. Bouvier's teaching, if you want to learn about any industry, you must go to that industry to learn about it. Since you want to think about the impact of trade in the north, it is normal for the first step to fall on the chamber of commerce.

Then, according to the previous habit in Zaan, Lux began to prepare the specific issues that need to be investigated when going to the chamber of commerce to investigate.

While preparing the question, she discovered some uncertain factors: According to Lacus' idea, she needs to roughly estimate the content of the northern border trade, but the current situation is that she only knows the part of Fossbarrow Specialties, don't know what the Freljord can sell.

"Fur and ore, these are the only things I'm sure the people of the Freljord will have." Lux frowned, "It's a bit troublesome - fur and ore are also the main products of Forsbarrow, and the ore is okay , Different types of ores have different uses, and there doesn’t seem to be much internal competition, but for fur, it seems that whether it is the fur from the Freljord or the fur from Fossbarrow, they are all used to keep out the cold.”

So, here comes the question, will the Freljord fur brought by the northern trade be too small to have any effect on the current Demacian fur trade, or will it be too large and the price too cheap? And what about squeezing Fossbarrow's native fur?
In order to clarify this issue, one must first understand the current fur trade situation in Demacia.

In Demacia now, is the fur trade in short supply or in excess of demand?Is this situation stable over a long period of time, or is it subject to violent fluctuations?
Blinking her eyes, Lux was a little surprised to find that she seemed to be able to solve the problem easily?

After crossing out "Ask questions about the fur trade", Lacus quickly wrote "Know the specifics of the fur market" below, then thought for a while, and added "Know the fur market shift and other fur markets".

After these two questions, Lacus dismantled the questions in detail. For example, behind the point of "knowing the specific situation of the fur market", she marked the price, scale, transportation, channel, output, use, Processing and so on a long list of keywords.

Vaguely, Lux suddenly felt that her behavior was a bit familiar—wasn't this what she had been doing when she was investigating in Piltover?
It's just that Karya only said that it was to investigate Piltover, and didn't say why he could learn about Piltover in more detail.

Moreover, compared to the previous investigations, what Lux wants to know this time seems to be more and more detailed.

Thinking of this, Lacus was a little strange, why didn't Carya need to investigate so much to understand Piltover?
Is it because I have experienced too many such investigations, so I already have some kind of division in my heart?
Shaking her head, Lux wrote down the question, and then stopped thinking about it for the time being.

Putting away the detailed investigation rules, Lacus spent the morning routinely supervising the construction site, and then went straight to Fossbarrow City without even eating lunch, and started today's investigation.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Sambor, who was accountant at the Fossbarrow Chamber of Commerce, was shocked to see Earl Laxana who came to visit.

Then, just when he was wondering why the other party came here suddenly, Lux took out his investigation notes.

"About Fossbarrow's trade issues, I have something to ask you." Lux sat upright, looking very serious, "Mainly related to fur trade issues."

Sambol nodded subconsciously upon hearing this.

Ask, you are the lord, you have the final say—since Sambol has chosen to trust Lacus, he is still willing to cooperate with this matter.

Then, as Lux asked the questions she had prepared one by one, Sambol quickly lost the initial ease.

Big drops of sweat oozed from his forehead, rolled down his cheeks, and wet his lapel fur coat silently.

Count Laksanna's questions are all related to the fur trade.

But what Sambol never dreamed of was that he couldn't answer many of these questions!
Regarding the scale of the fur trade, transportation links, price fluctuations, etc., Sambol did not say that he could answer them easily, at least he answered them easily.

But when the question came to "fur processing products", "fur distribution channels" and "competition in fur trade", Sambol was a little confused.

God is so pitiful, he is just the president of the Fossbarrow Chamber of Commerce, even if Fossbarrow's fur trade does have to go through his hands, but in the end, he just buys furs through the Hunter's Guild in Fossbarrow, and then Selling them at exhibitions in Xiongdu according to different quality and quality, in the final analysis, did not break away from the scope of merchants, earning hard money for running errands.

And these questions from Lux... made Sambol feel like the master of the fur trade. In order to better control this trade, he asked the same questions!
Questions that had never been thought of before came one after another, and the thoughts that made Sambol’s mind flashed one after another—although Lux was not really proficient in trade, she “learned” in Zaun Three years later, she returned to the northern border of Demacia. She was naturally much higher than Sambol in terms of thinking!

Trading is about buying low and selling high.

Sambol knew this, and he also knew that the furs in the North were cheap, and the furs in Xiongdu were expensive, and he had channels on both sides, so he was a distributor of Fossbarrow furs.

But Lux's question seems to be in detail to find out how much money Fossbarrow's fur trade can make, and how much money can be made from the fur trade in Demacia-how can this not make Sambor sweat like that? rain?

While trembling with fear, Sambol couldn't help but start thinking wildly.

Why does Count Laxana care so much about the fur trade?

Could it be that what is she going to do with the fur trade?
But what can she do with the fur trade?

She shouldn't have a source of fur, right?
Just when Sambol was full of doubts, Lux asked about fur purchases, and when he heard this, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in Sambol's mind.

Who is the fur trade most important to in Forsbarrow?

Hunter Guild!
So, is Earl Laxana trying to cut off Fossbarrow's fur trade and give the Hunter's Guild, which relies on the fur trade, a drastic drudgery?
Don't forget, the hunter guild was unwilling to cooperate before!
 Karya's Little Classroom Original Fossbarrow Trade:
  Demacia's business and politics are closely related, and Fossbarrow, which had no lord before, has always been excluded from this political business, and its own products are not many, because the trade is quite primitive, even if It is a chamber of commerce, and at most it buys special products in the northern border and sells them in the male capital to make a profit.

  PS.39k/200k, Taobo, Taobo, what kind of snakeskin are you playing?Who do you look down on?I can see that I am really angry.

(End of this chapter)

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