Lux's Farewell

481 [0475] Doubtful Sambor

481 [0475] Doubtful Sambor

This isn't Sambol's wild imagination, it's actually a somewhat personal grievance about Lux's problem.

Apart from cleaning up the Hunter's Guild, Sambol couldn't think of any reason to "thoroughly investigate Fossbarrow and even Demacia's fur trade".

In his cognition, the output and trade of fur is a very unstable thing. Since Earl Laxana will not collect taxes in Forsbarrow in a short time, and plans to build a Water conservancy and road opening, then when taxes start to be collected, the scale and situation of Fossbarrow's fur trade will naturally be completely different now.

Even if you want to study how the fur trade tax is collected, at least you have to wait until the roads are repaired and the scale of trade stabilizes, right?
Now you ask this... It's really meaningless!

In Sambol's eyes, this Count Laxana would never do meaningless things!

So, after thinking about it, it seems that the only reason for her to care about the fur trade is the uncooperative Hunters Guild.

There are only a few major industry guilds in Fossbarrow. The Chamber of Commerce, Mining Association, and Herb Pickers' Guild have all made it clear that they must follow the earl's lead. The Hunter's Guild with an unruly attitude is naturally a bit disgusting.

Therefore, in this case, it seems that there is no problem for Count Laxana to find a chance to clean up the Hunter's Guild.

After the martial law in the north this time, Sambol could see very clearly that the relationship between the Hunter's Guild and the Third Northern Army in the past was completely unreliable now.

When Fossbarrow was under martial law, the Hunter's Guild would organize militias to help clear the walls or mobilize supplies to cooperate with the Third Legion's operations.

But now that Earl Laxana has come, this time a larger-scale martial law has been implemented. Throughout the process, the Hunter's Guild is the "executed" and can no longer participate in the organization.

Although Sambol doesn't know what class is, he can clearly find that even the Third Legion, which was once relatively close to the Hunter's Guild, has not contacted the Hunter's Guild much after the arrival of Earl Laxana.

Unfamiliar, really unfamiliar.

Under such circumstances, it would be a lie for Sambol to say that he has no solidarity in his heart.

And now, Earl Laxana found himself again, took out a list, and began to carefully ask questions about the fur trade. Why didn't this make Sambol think of drawing from the bottom of the pot?

This Earl of Laxana is really rich and powerful. The caravan she brought to Fossbarrow before bought a lot of goods back. If she really plans to do something about the fur trade, I am afraid that the Hunters Guild will really do something. will be hit!

No, it can't be like this. Although the old Orion is a bad-tempered and stubborn breed, Fossbarrow's situation has been stable for so many years. Something big will happen!

The northern border is not Xiongdu!
Thinking of this, Sambol began to organize his language, trying to give some advice on the sidelines.


Lux obviously wouldn't know what Sambol was thinking.

She came here purely to learn about the fur trade in Fossbarrow, and to see if she could estimate how the fur from the north would impact the local area after the Freljord trade started.

Unfortunately, Sambol couldn't answer all the questions, which made Lux unable to make her own judgment for a while.

Then, just as Lux was trying to disassemble the problem and get her own answer from other aspects, Sambol started her own insinuation.

Intentionally or unintentionally, he mentioned "Fossbarrow's fur production is unstable", "many hunters will even take their lives while hunting", "there are a lot of Fossbarrow hunters" and other issues about the Hunter's Guild, which made Lacus endure I couldn't help but blinked.

She knows all this!

The size of the hunter guild's industry, in the previous investigation, Lux has been very clear - in Fossbarrow, which is difficult to cultivate, hunting is a way of life for quite a few people.

Why are you suddenly telling me about hunters now?

"The interests of the hunters are what Fossbarrow focuses on." Although she didn't know why Sambol digressed, Lacus began to say, "It's important to increase hunters' income or allow hunters to work in safer jobs." This is the problem that I, the lord, need to deal with—there is another problem, how is the quality of different furs in Fossbarrow usually divided? Is this division method common in the entire Demacia?"

Sambol was a bit confused.

He felt that Count Laxana seemed to understand what he meant, but he didn't seem to understand; and he seemed to have understood the meaning of the count, but he didn't seem to fully understand it.

Although it is now a private occasion, Earl Laxana just made it clear that she hopes to increase the hunter's income and make the hunter's job safer. Does this mean that she is not targeting all hunters, but only the Hunters Guild?
Then she asked herself about the quality of the fur. Is this a pun, asking about the division of members of the Hunter's Guild?

Sambol, who really couldn't figure it out, could only "play stupid" in the end, and really answered Lacus one by one according to the fur trade.

Finally, after Lux finished asking all the questions she had prepared and had a clearer but not detailed understanding of Fossbarrow's fur trade, she got up to leave and left the chamber of commerce temporarily.

The sweaty Sambol picked up the cup and gulped down a large glass of water, then stood up abruptly.

No, you still have to talk to the old hunter.

Even if you are an old stubborn donkey, now is not the time to confront His Excellency the Earl—after all, she is the lord of Fossbarrow, and if you confront her head-on at this time, you will only find yourself in trouble!


Sambol hurried to the Hunter's Guild, but he didn't see the guild's president here.

According to the left-behind hunters, their president "brought a group of good men to go to the Longji Mountains to set up traps."

Under the covers?
Put a hammer under this time of martial law in the whole city!

Maybe this old stubborn donkey took someone to scratch his tongue?
After all, in the past, every time the northern border was under martial law, the hunters' guild's masters would lurk into the Dragon's Back Mountain Range to catch the lonely Freljord barbarians-it was for this reason that they and the first The three armies are closely related!
Realizing this, Sambol became even more annoyed.

Well, now I even have a reason to deal with you - when the whole city was under martial law, you took people to the Longji Mountains in the north, even if you knew you were trying to catch your tongue, but if your Excellency the Earl Punish you, that's nothing more than justifiable!

Thinking of this, his whole face stiffened.

"This is nonsense!" Sambol said in a bad tone. "Now the whole city is under martial law, and every stronghold must be fortified and cleared. Your president still leads people out of the city? Is the martial law really a display?"

"But haven't we always been like this?" The hunter who was suddenly spit on his face was stupefied, "The Third Legion can't afford dragon and bird knights, so we usually have to test our falcons to find out news, although the falcons can't stand it." The snowstorm in the Freljord cannot pass through the Dragon's Back Mountains, but the previous few barbarian attacks were also our first warnings?"

"But it's different this time!" Sambol couldn't help but sighed when he heard the words, "Now that Fossbarrow has a lord, it should be Count Laxana who cooperates with the Third Legion's defense, not the Hunter's Guild— —You said you were on guard, so have you received an official order from the Third Army?"

"Got it." The other party obviously didn't understand what Sambol was worried about. "The same militia appointment order as before, but the signer is not only the general of the third army, but also the count..."

"Didn't he act rashly if he didn't receive the order—wait, he was ordered to go out to investigate?" Sambol was also confused, "And it was signed by the general and the earl?"

"Yes." The hunter who answered the question was very aggrieved, "The content is the same as before, except that there is an extra place in the signature column. After getting the order, the boss took away all the experts who are good at taming falcons. Haven't come back yet."

Hearing this, Sambol couldn't help pressing his temple.

It seems that there are some deviations from my own understanding?
Could it be that Your Excellency the Earl has no intention of targeting the Hunter Guild?
Or is this just a superficial effort, and the overall situation is the most important when there is a possible war in the northern border?

At this moment, Sambol thought of a lot, but after much deliberation, there was no definite result. Could it be that those endless questions from His Excellency the Earl were really just to understand the fur trade?
Is it because I am too nervous?
However, His Excellency the Earl is obviously a person who makes up his mind before moving. Before she became the lord of Fossbarrow, she disguised herself as a servant and came here to investigate in person. Now that she is asking herself about the fur trade, it is definitely impossible. Purposeless?

Sambol shook his head, suppressed the turmoil in his heart temporarily, and left the Hunter's Guild—after much thought, he finally planned to ask Granny Nadine.

Presumably she would see it more clearly than herself?


In the evening of the same day, Sambol took the initiative to visit the Herb Pickers Guild and asked to see Granny Nadine.

Then, here he was surprised to find that Nadine's mother-in-law was already receiving guests.

"You came just in time, Sambol." After being brought to the living room, Granny Nadine waved to him, "Come here, let me introduce you, this is A Ling, you can call her Grandma Ling. "

Sambol blinked. Although he didn't know the identity of this Grandma Ling, he still bowed respectfully and called her "Grandma Ling".

"Is he the president of the Fossbarrow Chamber of Commerce?" Grandma Ling looked at Sambol with a smile on her face, "It looks like a real kid..."

"You know what Fossbarrow looks like. If you're not a real child, who would want to stay here?" Granny Nadine looked proud, "It's bitter and cold in the north, and we must unite Together, we can live better."

"Yes, we must unite and unite all Fossbarrow people." Grandma Ling nodded, with a look of deep approval on her face, "It just so happens that you are the president of the chamber of commerce, so I'll come and ask you ——If, I mean, if, then, Fossbarrow gets a lot more furs and a lot of special ores, and you stand in your position as the president of the Chamber of Commerce, what will happen to Fossbarrow?"

There are a lot more special ores, a lot more... fur?
Why is it fur again?

Sambol's expression was subtle. He first made two simple guesses about the ore question, and then combined the previous answer to Lacus's question about fur.

Since I have just answered it once, Sambol's response this time is very smooth, and it is not like an impromptu answer. After Grandma Ling finished listening, she looked at Granny Nadine next to her with a slightly subtle expression.

"Don't look at me like that, A Ling." Although I haven't seen you for many years, Granny Nadine clearly understood what Grandma Ling meant, "I didn't reveal anything, if you didn't come today, I wouldn't have known that the lord How courageous... To be honest, I believed it because of you how you praised her and the little girl named Yinuo before, but until today... it's a bit interesting."

"That's quite interesting." Grandma Ling blinked her eyes when she heard that. "So, Sambol, did anyone ask you about the fur trade?"

"...Your Excellency the lord came to the chamber of commerce this morning." Sambor hesitated for a moment, and finally chose a euphemistic way of saying, "Ask me some professional things."

"Hahaha, I knew it!" Grandma Ling looked like that, "Act after planning, and then act after planning. When she was in Xiongdu, she was like this. She was very cunning—how, I didn't Did you lie to me?"

"So, next spring, it is really possible to start trade with the Freljord?" Granny Nadine finally became serious. "Are you sure, that Avarosa is indeed a credible tribe?"

"It should be credible." Grandma Ling also pursed her lips, "Besides, I told you, Yinuo took someone to find out the news. Even if I am old and dim-witted, I will be deceived, Yinuo will not, right?"

"If you are old and mature, you will be deceived, and that little girl named Yinuo might be able to understand the truth!" Although Granny Nadine's tone was a little more joking, her expression was still serious. "Besides, we all know the situation in the north. If you can go to the north, can she too?"

"She took over my responsibilities, so of course it's possible." Grandma Ling looked determined, "Besides, that team is not simple, all of them have a common identity!"

"A common identity?" Granny Nadine finally narrowed her eyes, "Okay, A Ling, are you here to pave the way for me in advance? After accepting the Freljord trade, do you want to accept the identities of those people?"

"Your Excellency is really sincere this time." Grandma Ling did not answer directly this time, "When the spring is warm and the flowers bloom, everyone will see the newly dug lake, new trade goods and routes, and naturally understand everything. I will tell you in advance. Said it was not foreshadowing, but leaking the secret!"

"You are really, as always, eloquent!"

"Each each other!"

Seeing the two men over seventy years of age complimenting each other here, Sambol, who served carefully, was even more puzzled.

To trade with the Freljord he understood.

But the foreshadowing in Grandma Ling's mouth... what is that?

 Karya's Small Classroom Northern Border Defense System:

  The northern legion and the local lord together constitute Demacia's northern defense system. Under a complete defense system, any order needs to be signed by the legion general and the lord.

  PS.4.3k/200k, Taobo, are you making snake skin?

(End of this chapter)

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