Lux's Farewell

483 Ino in the Freljord

483 Ino in the Freljord
As for the development direction of the fur trade, Lux obviously already has some ideas.

The next thing she has to do is to carefully study whether the possibilities she has thought of are unrealistic conjectures or practical reality.

And Lux ​​can think of this, not because of how talented she is—in fact, she can think of separating the leather industry from hunting, or using magic to process the fur in the last step, to a large extent. Because of her experiences in Zaun.

For Lux, she has learned a lot in the three years in Zaun, including the part of Kalyal's face-to-face, and the subtle influence of moistening things silently.

It is precisely because of the large-scale production and division of labor between Zaun and Piltover that after coming to Fossbarrow, Lux almost subconsciously thought of using more advanced and efficient production methods to improve Fossbarrow Luo's current production method.

As early as when she was still a model of the nobles of Demacia, Kalya told her that "more efficient and stable production is the development direction of civilization", but it was not until she lived in Zaun for three years and in Shuri Ma walked all the way, and Lax really understood the meaning of Kalya's words.

In addition, understanding the fur industry from multiple perspectives independently and without Karya's guidance can also give Lux a new understanding of the "universal connection of things". Sometimes the truth is like this, you know it is right, It is brought up to let you analyze it and you understand it, but if you want to use it fluently, you need more practice.

A theory without reality support is doomed to be empty, and can only be mastered and understood by a few people. The unity of knowledge and action is the best way to transform the world. Carya can teach "knowledge", and Lacus and Ino have personally walked through it. "Okay" so that at Fossbarrow she could seem very comfortable proposing a direction of improvement that at least didn't seem to have any problems, to deal with the accumulation of fur that the Freljord trade could bring.

And this is exactly what Karya hopes to see.

It is foreseeable that in addition to supervising the excavation of the artificial lake and basic teaching, Lax's free time will be filled by the courses left by Kalya. And the energy training she was asked to carry out also somewhat meant "treating people like livestock".

It's just that Lacus enjoys it, and she believes that her current efforts will surely become an opportunity to change Fossbarrow, and that's enough.


While Lux was busy, Kalya, led by Ino, took the supplies, left Fossbarrow, and started heading north along the mountain pass.

Speaking of which, this trip to the Freljord is also very interesting.

The ice mages of Group 11 are all trustingly waiting for Ino's command.

Although the construction of the artificial lake has not been completed, the big pit has gradually taken shape, which is seen by everyone-for this kind of Laxana-style plan (actually a Kalya-style plan) , the ice elemental mages in the 11th group are quite confident.

Then, just when they were expecting to hear an ingenious plan from Ino's mouth, Ino's answer was "learn the Freljord first".


Planning also requires basics. You rookies, who can't even speak the Freljord, can gather information about a hammer?
Due to the tight schedule and heavy tasks, which was different from the relaxed and happy literacy class before, Kalya directly chose the intensity and asked everyone to take the guide invited by Grandma Ling to go along and learn while walking.

What, you said that it is too difficult to learn while walking, and you have no intention of studying while driving in a snowy day?

What a joke, Kalya deliberately selected so many ice elemental mages for the purpose of "being able to move freely in the cold winter of the Freljord"?

Moreover, in order to make these ice elemental mages more motivated, Karya also kindly set up a "control person" for them.

Ino also needs to learn Freljord from scratch, and her learning progress will be an important indicator for motivating others. Daily conversations are gone, which fully proves that Freljord can be done quickly!

Of course, Ino's Freljord crash course is somewhat cheating, because Kalya is also learning Freljord at the same time, and Ino's learning results are almost the total results of her and Kalya.

However, objectively speaking, the Freljord is indeed relatively simple, primitive simplicity.

Even though it is one of the oldest languages ​​in Runeterra, Freljord does not have a relatively complete and clear grammatical structure. According to the guide, Freljord does not have long sentences.

There are adjective sentences for description, but using more than two adjectives in a sentence can easily cause ambiguity, so most of the time, the Freldrow prefer to use shorter sentences when communicating.

Therefore, in terms of quickness, Freljord does have its own "unique" side, mastering a large number of basic vocabulary, and then combining them in a way that does not cause ambiguity as much as possible can explain Freljord up.

So, seven days later, when the guide led the team to the port of Briel, almost all members of the team had the ability to communicate in Freljord.

And that means the real intelligence-gathering work can begin.


Port Prill, Tavern.

Recently, Anivia's breath has been getting stronger and stronger, and the snow is getting heavier every day. The sea surface near Port Briel is covered by a thick layer of ice.

In this kind of weather, unless you bring enough supplies and go to a place far from the port and deep into the ocean, even an ice troll wielding a big stick and a brute force will not be able to open a hole for ice traps on this layer of ice. .

However, Avarosa and Winter's Claw were fighting. For the Walrus' Tusk tribe in the port of Briar, if they rashly go ice fishing far away from the port at this time, they may encounter trouble.

The combination of the two has directly led to the extremely hot business of the tavern in the port of Brier this year-diving hunters who cannot go ice fishing can only come to the tavern to pass the time by bragging besides raising children at home.

The owner of the tavern has been collecting money recently—oh, no, there is no widely recognized "money" in the Freljord.

Although these dive hunters are all black and fat, in fact, their property is the group with the most property among the Freljord people. If there is no war, the dive hunters of Walrus' Tusk will take advantage of it. In winter, when the oil of cold-water fish is the most abundant, in the pelagic areas far from the coast, the body is covered with walrus oil, and then the ice trap is opened on the less thick ice cover to dive into the water.

Using specially processed swim bladders, these diving hunters can move underwater for more than a quarter of an hour. Such a long time of activity is enough for them to catch a sufficient amount of harpoons with barbs in their hands. A dull fish.

Even the toughest hunters in Walrus' Tusk can band together to catch the baitfish that cruise through the winter.

Although the fish oil of this ferocious fish is extremely precious, its ferocity is quite astonishing, and its danger level is often at the same level as that of sea worms. Even Bilgewater's professional fishing boats that can hunt all kinds of common sea monsters need to be equipped Only professional harpooners can attempt a catch.

However, in the cold waters of winter, these diving hunters can directly complete the underwater siege when the patrolling baitfish has the lightest weight and slowest reaction after breeding. Without the ice blood, this is undoubtedly quite an astonishing record.

The wealth savings of walrus tusk diving hunters with such fishing ability is naturally very amazing. The fish they ice catch are rare and rare in the market. In addition, the port of Briel is close to Demacia, and occasionally there will be bold Even if these skilled dive hunters are slaughtered by a merchant, they can exchange for a lot of good things.

Therefore, even in this tavern called "Tears of the Walrus", the price of a glass of strong ale for a few coppers in Demacia is as high as ten pounds of herring, but a total of more than twenty barrels were sold this winter.

The deep-sea hunters with nothing to do gathered here to drink with the stories, but like the tavern keeper slyly watering the wine, the stories of these old fishermen were often tinged with obvious boasting.

"When I led the team to catch baitfish..."

"Come on, you've only participated in one catch, and you're still the one responsible for picking up the dead fish!"

"How could it be a dead fish? A bait fish cannot die before it leaves the water!"

"So what?"

"How? Before, they dealt with the baitfish together. When it's time to clean up, I'll do it alone!"

"Isn't that a dead fish?"

"I'll say it again, a baitfish can't die until it's out of the water!"

"Ah yes yes yes!"

"You bastard, let's single out!"

"Who is afraid of you?"



Facts have proved that drinking and fighting are often closely linked - for these very boring diving hunters, using fists instead of talking is also a good way to relax and vent.

Then, just when the two guys were about to throw their fists at each other, the door of the tavern was opened, and the breath of Anivia mixed with snowflakes roared in, making the two guys a little more awake, and their hands His movements were also slightly slower.

Seeing that the fight seemed to be going nowhere, some audience members vented their dissatisfaction on the person who opened the door suddenly.

"New here, close the door quickly, I'm still waiting to see—"

Halfway through the conversation, this guy's voice stopped abruptly - because he clearly saw that among the group of people filing in, the young woman in the middle had long silver-white hair, and she looked very thin wearing only one robe.

There's an iron rule in the Freljord: the less you wear in winter, the harder it is to mess with.

And the ones who are more difficult to mess with than the ones wearing less clothes are young people with silver-white hair, because this often means ice blood.

Although the forty or fifty outsiders are not easy to provoke, compared with these seemingly young ice travelers, the ice blood is more scary.

So, after seeing Ino, who was wearing a robe and long silver hair, entered the tavern, the whole tavern fell silent.

The Walrus' Tusk in Port Briar is just a small tribe with few fighters, and they often rely on the Avarosa tribe. Therefore, to a young woman who may be of ice blood, these drunken dive hunters seem to be All sober.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

However, Yinuo was not embarrassed at all. Instead, he naturally signaled to the ice mages in group 11 to find a place to sit down, while he came to the dirty bar.

"Sake, one glass per person, I don't want it." Eno knocked on the dirty bar with no expression on his face, and then threw an equally dirty package on the bar, "This, do you take it?"

The owner of the tavern glanced at the package, and immediately showed an excited look. He nodded hurriedly, and got up to pour the wine.

"Take it, take it." His hands and feet were exceptionally nimble today, not at all like the lazy profiteer he usually is, "There are too many of these, you can change several barrels!"

"Don't want a barrel of wine." Yinuo shook his head, "I heard that Briel's fish meat is very good, I want pickled fish meat!"

The price made the tavern owner hesitate at last, but he quickly began to nod.

"Okay, okay, no problem, these wines are my treat."

Then, just as Ino sat down in satisfaction and waited for the wine to be served, the drinkers finally started to shout after being relieved.

"I've been drinking at your house for twenty winters since I entered the water, and you haven't even invited me to drink!"

"That's right, that's right, when your daughter gets married, it's only a [-]% discount!"

"You old stingy!"



Facing the noisy drinkers, the tavern owner steadily poured and brought out the first batch of sake, and at the same time shouted loudly in a voice that overwhelmed everyone.

"What are you yelling about? If you can find me a hundred ice troll canines, I can also give you free orders. If you can't, shut up!"

This voice was not only high-pitched, but also had an immediate effect—all the drinkers closed their mouths, and began to look at these deep ice travelers with suspicious eyes.

One hundred ice troll canines, which means that they killed at least 25 ice trolls. It doesn't sound like a lot, but considering the exaggerated recovery ability and amazing physical strength of ice trolls, this record is even true for them. For small tribes, it is also very handy.

Even if Walrus Fang mobilized all his strength to find trouble with the ice trolls, it would not be easy to get the canines of these ice trolls.

And now, this leader of the ice field traveler who looks like a bloodline of ice has a hundred ice troll canines...

Thinking of this, the drinkers of Walrus' Tusk looked more subtlely at these deep ice travelers.

 Carya's Little Classroom Diving Hunter's Grease:
  In addition to walrus oil, some tribes also applied seal oil.

  PS.51k/200k, EDG ah, ε=(ο`*))) alas.

(End of this chapter)

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