Lux's Farewell

484 [0478] The rookie who goes deep into the Freljord

484 [0478] The rookie who goes deep into the Freljord
It's okay if you don't pay attention, when these drinkers started to look at these ice travelers, they were surprised to find that among the fifty or so people, there were a lot of light-haired people, and they were all wearing thin clothes!
If you wear thin clothes, you are strong. Needless to say, under the blow of Anivia's breath, those who dare to wear clothes that are too small for their own strength have already been frozen into popsicles.

In comparison, even the guards of the Avarosa tribe who followed their war mother Ashe to the Port of Briel before were at this level—the biggest difference between the two sides is that the Avarosa warriors often Wearing leather armor or jerkins, these ice travelers wear lining and robes or capes, nothing more.

You know, Avarosa is almost the most famous tribe in the Sifreljord subcontinent now. Even if this tribe is not famous for its amazing fighting power, the warriors who guard the war mother are definitely not mortals.

And now, these ice travelers who have never heard of it are actually similar to Ashe's guards...

In the Freljord, the ice travelers were either not wanted by the tribe, or they were split from the tribe. These guys who are not easy to mess with at first glance are obviously the latter.

If this is the case... Many people have already remembered the rumors they heard not long ago.

A few quick-witted guys quickly drank their glasses and left the tavern quietly-a few minutes later, they met again in the war mother tent of the Walrus Tusk tribe.

Apparently, they thought of a piece.

With so many guests coming suddenly, the war mother of Walrus Fang was also a little confused.

In this cold weather, what does it mean that the tribal young man doesn't go to the tavern to brag, but suddenly comes to see himself as an old woman?
And they don't look nervous, it seems that the Winter's Claw is not here?

That's right, the war mother of Walrus' Fang is an old woman. This winter is the No. 60 eight winters after she got her own name-she is so old that compared to the war mother, The people in the tribe who she watched grow up with her own eyes prefer to call her Grandma Walrus.

"Grandma Walrus!" A guy who was still drunk in the tavern just now looked sober, "Today, a group of amazing guys came to the tavern!"

"Great guy?" Although she is old, Grandma Walrus is not blind or deaf. Hearing what he said, the old lady showed a puzzled expression very cooperatively, "Is it some special guest?"

"It's a group of ice travelers who have never seen before, and they are buying supplies from that old stingy guy." The visitor continued to explain, "I saw with my own eyes, all young people, and the leader is the white-haired ice blood!"

This walrus grandma is not confused. When she heard the ice blood, she became serious.

"Then what about the rest?" She said anxiously, "Is it Fudo or Warrior?"

"It should be fighters, or even spellcasters!" Another person rushed to the mouth and said, "They are all wearing very little clothes!"

Hearing this, Grandma Walrus immediately understood the purpose of these people looking for her. She quickly put on the walrus fur coat. After a moment of hesitation, she simply took it off and changed into a thin coat. Then she got up and walked towards the tavern go.

"Go, go and see these young people!" She was so excited that she didn't look like an old man at all, "Thanks to Ashe, she threw a stone into the calm lake water!"


When the old lady pushed the door and entered, Ino was chatting with the tavern owner—according to Kalya, gossip is also an important means of gathering intelligence. The gossip news may not be true, but the background of the gossip is usually true.

However, Yinuo is obviously not a person who is very good at chatting. Although she took the initiative to speak while the boss was preparing the marinated fish, the other party didn't respond much, and seemed to be a little afraid of her, which made Yinuo a little embarrassed.

Respect is understandable, but fear, this is not what she wants to see.

As for those ice elemental mages sitting in the tavern drinking...

Their current Freljord still has an obvious accent. What news can they gather at this time?

In fact, Ino’s main purpose of coming to this small port was just to exchange some supplies—although it’s almost three hundred miles away from Fossbarrow, but from the perspective of the Freljord Well, Briar is also a proper backcountry, and there is news of a hammer.

Just yesterday, Ino and his party finally completed the final language teaching, and their guide also went south and returned to Forsbarrow after some instructions.

In fact, at the end of the great war, not many people were willing to come out for activities. The guide who sent them here was already doing his best.

Now is the time for Yinuo and the ice mages of group 11 to "start their careers", so everyone is somewhat stiff, which is completely understandable.

However, what is incomprehensible is that just as Ino was chatting with the owner of the tavern, the door of the tavern was pushed open again, and a big and round old lady strode in front of Ino.

"Little girl, did you also go to Avarosa?" She said straight to the point with the candidness unique to the Freljord, "Think about Briel Port, Avarosa has it, We all have them too—two cups of walrus milk, bastard!"

Facing the words that seemed to be a solicitation from the other party, Yinuo blinked his eyes, and his brain fell into a shutdown state for a moment.

How did she know that she was heading for Avarosa?

Wait, Avarosa has it, and Port Briel also has it?

Everyone in the Freljord is eager to engage in trade?

"Tell me, what do you have?" Although it was a bit strange, Ino responded in the same calm tone as before, "Avarosa has it, and you all have it?"

"We have fish, a lot of fish, enough fish to feed all of us." The old lady knocked on the bar, "I also have a status that matches you."

Ino blinked.

"The people of Avarosa are very sincere, but so am I." After receiving a cup of drink that looked like milk from the tavern owner, the old lady handed one cup to Ino, and poured the other cup smoothly Drank it down, "My walrus is old enough, and Walrus Tusk needs a strong leader."

Ino started to get confused.

The powerful phrases unique to the Freljord are sometimes difficult to understand, but the words of this old lady seem particularly difficult to understand—even though her accent is obviously closer to that of Demacia, Eno sounds extremely confused , she really couldn't understand that she was too old and Walrus' Tusk needed a leader, what did this have to do with trading.

It seems that this kind of tribal internal affairs should not be said to oneself, right?
Just when Ino was full of confusion, Kalya suddenly spoke.

"She's hinting at you joining Walrus' Tusk!"

Hint yourself to join Walrus' Tusk?

"She seems to have misunderstood your identity, thinking that you are a great ice blood." Carya continued to explain, "From what she said, it seems that she is willing to train you as an heir, remember the previous Has the guide repeatedly emphasized that in the Freljord, reporting to the regiment for warmth is as normal as war."

"But what does that have to do with Avarosa?" Ino remained calm, but secretly asked quickly, "Did I hear you right, Avarosa?"

"That's right, it's indeed Avarosa." Kalya agreed with her statement, "I don't know about this, so we can use words to test it a little bit."

"A test of speaking skills?"

"This is also an important way to collect intelligence, come on, learn from me!"


Although theoretically speaking, this operation was mainly for training intelligence collectors, but now there was an unexpected change, and Carya had to log in from a different place for an on-site teaching.

Just think of it as an eye-opener for these rookies!
It was rare for Eno to feel the role of the "ruthless simultaneous interpretation machine" played by Lacus, and repeated Kalya's words expressionlessly.

"But Avarosa always has more credibility."

"But there are more of them." The old lady seemed to have already prepared her speech, "The news, like Anivia's breath, has spread throughout the Freljord, and everyone is rushing to Frost Harbor. Hope to follow the successor of the three sisters."

"Yes, the successor of the three sisters." Ino nodded, and then under Karya's signal, he emphasized his tone, "Ice blood."

"Me too." The old lady pulled out a crystal clear dagger from her waist and nailed it to the table, "Like you."

Ino stretched out his hand and held the weapon. An indescribable, biting cold feeling spread from the palm of her hand and reached the depths of her heart—this was the first time Ino had come into contact with Zhenbing, even though she had already I heard from the guide that Ice Bloodline can use True Ice, but only after actually touching True Ice can Ino really understand what kind of existence it is.

Gritting his teeth slightly, Ino maintained a poker-face, pulled out the dagger, put it in front of him and looked at it carefully.

"It's really beautiful." There was something ethereal in her voice, "but to be honest, I don't really need it."

The old lady's eyes instantly became subtle.

Putting the Zhenbing dagger on the table with a blank expression, Ino reached out and picked up an empty cup, and with just a slight shake, the cup was filled with ice cubes.

She moved her fingers, and an ice cube jumped into her mouth spontaneously, which was chewed by her. This is a favorite item of many people in Zaun Tavern. Yinuo learned and used it flexibly, and it really calmed down the person in front of her. old lady.

Grandma Walrus was obviously a little confused.

Although Ino and the members of the 11th group were all wearing lining and robes, they didn't look like warriors, but to be honest, before Ino made a move, she had no idea that the one in front of her was actually a spellcaster!
What the hell, when will the Priest of the Frostguard care about his backcountry?

At this moment, Grandma Walrus even felt a little bit wronged in her heart. She just came out to drink some soup when Ai Xi was "recruiting talents from all over the world" in Ningshuang Harbor. It is also for the inheritance of the walrus tusk!

The result was good, the first time I made a move, I met a group of frost guard priests...

Wait, a group of Frostguard priests who are going to defect to Avarosa?

Grandma Walrus's heart tightened suddenly, and she subconsciously grabbed the dagger on the bar, but missed nothing - just as she made a move, a mass of ice had completely wrapped the dagger .

At the same time, the 11th group of ice elemental mages, who had been silent before, remained motionless.

"You revealed your details." Ino stood up and looked down at the old lady in front of him. "Now, we can talk in detail."

"We are allies of Avarosa!"

"This is good news." Ino smiled for the first time, "I just want to know about Avarosa—they are recruiting, right?"

"You don't know?" Grandma Walrus showed a startled expression again, "Then why did you come here?"

"I came here to clarify this point." Ino waved his hand, indicating that everyone else could sit down, "I'm not interested in your tribe."

The old lady looked at Yinuo hesitantly, as if she wanted to see something from Yinuo's expression, but unfortunately, Yinuo remained expressionless, and in the end, she could only sigh helplessly.

"It's not a secret." The old lady seemed to resign herself to her fate, "Avarosa has gone through wars, and by the way, His Excellency Ashe is recruiting people to fight against Winter's Claw."

"To fight against Winter's Claw?" Ino narrowed his eyes, "Has the war come to an end?"

"Winter's Claw has returned without success." Grandma Walrus nodded. "You should ask the ice travelers in the north, the Demacians."


Although she was called to reveal her identity, Yinuo always maintained her superficial calm, neither affirming nor denying. She took a deep look at the old lady in front of her, and finally picked up the cup that she had handed to her before.

"Tell me what you know." Ino took a sip of the viscous walrus milk in the cup, resisting the discomfort in his tongue and throat, and maintaining his calm face, "as compensation for being rash."

Grandma Walrus finally showed a smile on her face. She ignored the dagger that was still frozen in the ice, tapped the bar again, and ordered another glass of Walrus milk.

"It's really interesting, it's really interesting." She drank the fishy and greasy liquid again, "The rumors are true, Ashe is indeed not an ordinary person."


Yinuo didn't speak, just quietly looked at the old lady in front of him.

"Of course, so do you." Grandma Walrus laughed. "You're here, the rumors are true, so can you tell me, is it true that Demacia is willing to accept the Freljord?"

This time, it was finally Ino's turn to be stunned - not only Ino, but even Kalya didn't expect that the old lady would use this method to turn against the general.

Go to Demacia?

Have the Freljord been reduced to this now?

Is she continuing to test, or does she really have this idea?

"Demacia is preparing for war, guarding against a possible war." Ino finally did not answer the question directly, "What will happen in the future, we will know when the war is over."

"The war is not over, the war is just suspended." This not-so-powerful walrus grandma finally showed the wisdom of a Freljord elder, "I hoped that the tribe would have a powerful new war mother , but now, I prefer to join Demacia."


"If a walrus tooth is broken, it will not come back to life." The old lady said in a nostalgic tone, "Now is not the time."

 Karya's Little Classroom Freljord moved south:
  In fact, among the northern population of Demacia, a considerable part of them are Freljord people from the north—like Grandma Ling, who are unwilling to die hard in Freljord in the war and bitter cold. There are many people, and these Freljord people will always go south in sporadic and small-scale, enter Demacia and become Demacia.

  However, there has never been a large-scale (above the tribal level) Freljord's southward migration, and most of the people who went south were desperate ice travelers.

  PS.55k/200k, JDG played well!However, Hope's recent state needs to be adjusted somewhat, and I hope that JDG can make persistent efforts in the knockout round!
  In addition, this chapter says that there seems to be a problem recently.

(End of this chapter)

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