Lux's Farewell

486 Contact Points [0480]

486 Contact Points [0480]

For most people who come to the Freljord for the first time, ice fishing and the subsequent whole fish feast seem to be an interesting folklore activity, full of exotic flavors.

Since the ice cave was built by the ice elemental mages, the attitude of the diving hunters of Walrus' Fang changed a lot towards them in the subsequent banquet. For a while, the atmosphere can be regarded as "the host and the guest enjoy each other and enjoy each other".

In the midst of this joy, the expressions of the few ice elemental mages who were born in fisherman's families in Demacia were somewhat unnatural.

The exotic style in the eyes of others, in the eyes of those who really understand fishing, it is an indescribable heaviness.

Fishermen in Demacia may not be able to catch such big and fat salmon or herring, but fishermen in Demacia never need to go into the water by applying walrus grease in the deep winter and in the astonishingly cold fishing.

Maybe the walrus oil has the function of keeping warm, but from the purple-red body after they come out of the water, and the action of gulping down the amazingly greasy walrus milk, it can be seen that it is not easy to enter the water in the cold season .

In Demacia, although the fishermen cast their nets to catch fish, it was hard work, but this kind of hard work was in no way comparable to the diving hunters of these walrus tusks.

It can even be said that in Demacia, the only thing they can think of that requires people to dive is the pearling industry.

Those pearl divers who dive underwater, collect large shellfish, and obtain pearls from them are the only profession in Demacia that requires underwater operations. However, pearl divers are different from diving hunters. The places where they move are warm males. In Duhaiwan, the pearls picked are precious items that only nobles can afford, so no matter the working conditions or living environment, these diving hunters cannot compare.

Only those who really understand Demacia's fishing industry will understand what kind of life that these divers who go fishing in the deep winter represent a life with twice the result and half the effort.

Therefore, they looked at the feeling of ice catching, as if farmers who were used to plowing cattle saw human plowing.

They don't think it's exotic to farm with human power, they just think that these people are really backward and poor - they don't even have cattle.

On the second day after the banquet, many diving hunters of Walrus' Tusk got up early and gathered around the courtman's tent, as if expecting something.

However, until noon, they couldn't see the scene they expected to happen—these Demacians from the south didn't even have diarrhea!
How can this be?

Deep-sea hunters of walrus tusks know that sea fish caught on ice in winter is completely different from other times. People who eat it for the first time often suffer from diarrhea symptoms, and it is the kind of oily diarrhea that cannot be stopped.

In the Walrus' Tusk tribe, even children who have just started eating fish go through a process where they need to eat more and adapt to the winter catch before their diarrhea stops.

But these foreigners from Demacia were busy all morning, and none of them showed symptoms of diarrhea, as if they were born diving hunters!
They obviously don't know that the main cause of this diarrhea is the discomfort caused by excessive intake of mana - in cold waters, especially in the cold waters of Freljord, fish in winter not only have extremely high oil, Moreover, there are still a lot of magic power residues. For people who do not have natural magic power in their bodies, these magic power residues are excessive tonics. If they eat it, they will suffer from indigestion, resulting in excessive oil that cannot be absorbed, and then the symptoms of oil discharge.

As for all the magicians, eating these fatty fish will not cause stomach discomfort, but will make them radiant and full of energy.

Just like the "special food" provided by Kalya in Shurima in order to allow Lux and Ino to adapt to the state of not resting for a long time, the winter fish in the cold sea is also a great tonic. !

In the end, the diving hunters who failed to see these people had no choice but to disperse, and began to go back to prepare for this afternoon's ice fishing - ice fishing under the thick ice layer seems to be more rewarding than fishing in thin ice seas There will be more, if this is the case, then we must make a few more votes while the ice cave is still there!

As noon passed, when the temperature was the highest after the day, the diving hunters came to the ice cave again. After the shattered ice and ice floes were cleaned up by the archons, they made preparations again, carrying heavy fish The fork dived into the water and started today's fishing.

Behind the crowd of onlookers, Eno and Grandma Walrus formally discussed many topics about the future of Walrus' Fang.


"Great boy, isn't he?" Grandma Walrus looked at the excited crowd near the ice cave and said in a proud voice, "We have lived here for generations, and the ice-catching skills are perfect. In Demacia, No one should be able to do it, right?"

"No." Ino shook his head, "Of course, there is no need."

"No need?" Grandma Walrus shook her head lightly upon hearing the words, "Don't say such self-deceiving words, little girl—you are all spell casters, so you should know how precious these ice-caught fish are, ah The Varoosa tribe is willing to be our ally because we can provide them with kipper meat."

"This is your main advantage, I've made a note of it." Ino nodded, "However, Demacia is not the Freljord. If you are willing to migrate, I'm afraid they don't need to work so hard except in winter." way of fishing."

"I have different ideas about migration." Grandma Walrus shook her head, and took out a leather water bottle, "We can move to Demacia to live in other seasons, come back here in winter, and return to Demacia. Port Briar, ice fishing."

"To ensure your unique advantages?" Eno concluded in quite straightforward words, "It can also avoid technology leakage."

"On the one hand." Grandma Walrus shook her head, "Walrus Tusk has lived here for generations, and everything we have is closely related to the land here. If it weren't for the more frequent wars in the Freljord, I wouldn't have The one who chose to leave with his clansmen."

Ino narrowed his eyes, waiting for the other party to continue talking.

"You saw the ice-catching process." Grandma Walrus took a sip of walrus milk and continued, "But the materials for ice-catching need to be collected here."

"Is there a walrus nearby?"

"Walrus? There are indeed in the north, but you misunderstood." Grandma Walrus couldn't help smiling when she heard this, "Although this is walrus milk, it is not walrus milk."

"What's that?" Ino's eyes widened in astonishment, "It does look like milk, but it's a bit too viscous."

"It's sea fish oil mixed with Erniuk's milk." The walrus grandma didn't hide anything, and explained with a smile, "This is an ancient legend. It is said that the ancestor of the walrus tusk mixed fish oil with Erniuk's milk. Raising an unweaned walrus calf, this walrus taught him to dive and made him the first diving hunter."

"Later, during a cooperative fishing, they were attacked by baitfish." Grandma Walrus continued, "Walrus covered him to escape, but he was killed by baitfish himself. In order to get revenge, he waited until the cold winter When he arrived, he smeared his partner's grease on his body, and stabbed any unresponsive baitfish with the tusk of the walrus."

The story is not complicated, but it has a unique flavor of the Freljord - and what is interesting is that the content of the story is closely related to the life of the Walrus' Tusk tribe, as if it really is the source of this tribe.

"Is this true?" Ino couldn't help asking, "About walruses, walrus milk, and walrus fat?"

"I don't know, this story is very old, maybe even older than this port." Grandma Walrus narrowed her eyes, and shook her head gently, "The people of Walrus' Fangs were actually tied to Port Brill a long time ago." It's decided, we are willing to join Demacia because we don't want to be involved in the war, but at the same time, we don't want to give up our traditions and civilization."

"If that's the case." Ino stroked the hilt of the saber with his hand, "I actually have a better idea."

"A better idea?" Grandma Walrus was a little surprised by Yinuo's reaction, "Tell me?"

"Perhaps Priell Port can be used as a permanent contact point." Ino smiled, "as an intermediate point of communication between Demacia and the Freljord."

"Communication?" Grandma Walrus repeated the word, and her expression finally became serious. "As far as I know, the communication of multiple tribes has always meant war. If the purpose of Demacia is war, then I'm afraid Have to reconsider."

"No, it's not war, it's trade." Ino shook his head, "Business, buying and selling, Demacians are not afraid of war, but they will not take the initiative to provoke war. You have heard of the Demacia robbery. Looting the Freljord? The Freljord tribe looting Demacia?"

"That's because the Freljord tribe is poor." The old woman saw it very clearly, "Although buying and selling is not a war, it is also a robbery."

Ino's eyes widened in surprise. Although she knew very well that the other party was a very thorough old man, when she heard the phrase "Business is not war, it is also looting", she still felt a little unbelievable.

"There used to be merchants in Brier Port." Grandma Walrus shook her head lightly. "I don't know the price of their goods, but I know that they will definitely die when they encounter looters, but they happen every year."


"People are always greedy and insatiable." Grandma Walrus continued, "And if you face the threat of death in a transaction, you will definitely get a lot."

"You are a wise man." Ino rarely used an honorific, "However, my lord did not come here for plunder."

"Lord?" Grandma Walrus blinked her eyes in confusion, "You mean, Warmother?"

"...That's sort of it." Ino didn't bother with this word, "Business can not only be plundering, but also exchanging what's needed."

"It's true that there isn't that much wine here." Grandma Walrus reluctantly accepted, "Other than that, what else do you have?"

"Food, cheap food, a lot of food." Ino's face showed a confident smile again, "There are also various tools and daily necessities that can make the life of the Freljord people better."

"We're fine now." Granny Walrus sensed that something was wrong, but since she had almost zero experience in this area, she obviously didn't know what Ino was referring to, "You plan to share with Avaro?" Is Sa doing business?"

"That's right." Ino nodded, "We can buy furs, fish meat, ore, and even pine wood; we can sell food, wine, and tools. This has nothing to do with war, it's just for a better life .”

Granny Walrus narrowed her eyes.

"And, as long as it does not violate the laws of Demacia, we respect customs and traditions." Ino continued, "If necessary, Demacia is also willing to provide help, such as that ice cave."

Grandma Walrus' expression eased.

"Ice fishing is a tradition of Walrus' Tusk. Demacia allows you to conduct ice fishing in non-private and non-regulated waters, and is willing to help, such as making ice caves." Eno continued to explain, "This is your Tradition, Demacia will not stop it, but will welcome it, and the ice-caught prey is also your own."

"No need to make an offering?"

"It's not offerings, it's taxes." Ino shook his head, "Taxes are collected from you and used on you—such as making ice caves."

"If that's the case, what do you want?" Grandma Walrus pointed at the root of the problem again, "So, why did you accept us?"

"I heard that in the Freljord, reporting to the group to keep warm is the first rule to survive the cold winter." Ino smiled. "In Demacia, this is to unite for a better tomorrow."


At the successful end of the first Ice Cave Fishing Conference, Miss Ino, the special envoy of Fossbarrow in Demacia to the north, met with Granny Walrus, the leader of Walrus' Tusk.

Based on the principles of solidarity, mutual respect and mutual assistance, the two sides exchanged in-depth views on the future development of Walrus' Tusk.

Granny Walrus pointed out that in the increasingly tense Freljord, peace and development have become a problem. The arms race between Avarosa and Winter's Claw has made the Freljord's small tribes face severe challenges. In this case, the concept of unity and a better tomorrow proposed by Demacia is undoubtedly very groundbreaking.

Special Envoy Ino emphasized that Fossbarrow has always adhered to a policy of tolerance and welcomes any group or individual who is willing to abide by the laws of the North to join. Fossbarrow insists on trade in the North, has always opposed war, and opposed solving problems through violence.

Special Envoy Ino clearly pointed out that the problem in the Freljord is a matter of development, not force. Only peaceful development and adapting measures to local conditions can truly solve the survival dilemma faced by the Freljord people.

Grandma Walrus spoke highly of the words of Special Envoy Ino. After the meeting, on behalf of Walrus Tusk, she signed the relevant documents to join the Northern Cooperation Organization. The two parties plan to establish the first business in the Freljord The demonstration area, with practical actions, explores the possibility of trade and peaceful development in the northern border of the Freljord.

 Carya's Small Classroom: Pearl Fishers in Xiongdu Bay:

  In Xiongdu Bay near Xiongdu, Demacia, there are some pearl divers. They can dive and catch precious aquatic products such as shellfish and crustaceans. Because the pearl oysters they catch are the most famous, they are called pearl fishers. people.

  The pearls picked by pearl divers are subdivided into different grades based on luster, size, color, shape and other conditions. Among them, the super pearls are often the treasures pursued by the nobles of Xiongdu. It is a precious gem.

  PS.64k/200k, come on RNG, although I was really not optimistic about them at first, but I have to say, they did a great job!

  There is no game today, and more will be added next!
(End of this chapter)

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