Lux's Farewell

Chapter 487 [0481]

Chapter 487 [0481]
With the addition of Walrus' Fang, it means that Ino has a stable rear base. After leaving seven Archons to maintain the ice cave in Walrus' Fang, the intelligence team with supplementary supplies finally left Port Brill, Start continuing north.

And when they set off, the time finally came to the coldest time of the year in the Freljord.

How cold is the coldest part of the year in the Freljord?
Literally, a drop of water turns into ice.

Even high-fat kippers taste as tough as iron boots.

Among the team, several women's iron hairpins were directly shattered into irregular pieces of iron under the cold.

In addition, because he was not familiar with the climate characteristics of the Freljord, Ino did not avoid the sandstorm as he did in Shurima. On the third day after departure, a snowstorm without warning swept the intelligence team Where it was, it lasted a full three hours.

After the heavy snow, the coastline completely disappeared.

And at times like these, the disappearance of the coastline is fatal.

From Fossbarrow to Frost Harbor, the only certain route is to walk along the coastline—on this road, there are a series of port villages such as Briar Harbor, Broken Ice Harbor, and Frozen Tide Harbor. Get supplies.

Walking along the coast, there are no mountains around for positioning. Once you can’t find the coastline, it means you are completely lost. Even the most experienced ice traveler will get lost in the endless white snowfield!

Thanks to the fact that the intelligence team is all ice elemental mages - they can spend the shortest time and the least energy to clear part of the snow, so as to find the edge of the frozen coast, and continue along the winding coast, pulling the artificial sled, carrying With supplies, meandering northward.

The cold-resistant physique of the ice elemental mages allowed them to eat raw and cold pickled fish and chew pure ice cubes, but even so, the morale of the intelligence team began to drop rapidly.

The arrogance and lofty ambitions at the time of departure have disappeared, and many people have begun to miss the warmth of Port Riel, hoping to turn around and return.

Going to find Frost Harbor at this time is simply a test for a warrior!

Under such circumstances, a gentle Ino rarely showed a majestic side.

"We have accepted the mission. This is the mission of the Archon!" She rejected the proposal to return to Port Briel and asked to move on. "Next, we need to move forward at full speed until we reach the next stop, Icebreaker Port!"

Ino's words made all the guardians look at each other in blank dismay, and many of them became hesitant. It is already very difficult to move forward under such conditions, let alone traveling day and night!
"The sled has been vacated a lot, and everyone can move forward in two shifts." Ino straightened his face and continued, "I will work day and night to clean the road—if everything goes well, we should be able to finish the artificial lake Return to Fossbarrow, when the time comes, our 11th group will be the first to complete the task among all the Archons!"

Although the morale was still not high, but because of Yinuo's leading role and motivation, the intelligence team was barely divided into two shifts and began to march alternately.

Thanks to the good weather, there will be no snow for the next few days. Although the weather is terribly dry and cold, under the bright moonlight, the intelligence team can continue to move forward without lighting too many torches.

And Ino also followed his promise, showed his strength in Shurima, and stayed at the front of the team without sleep, looking for the edge of the coast.

After another three days, they finally saw the next stronghold.

Shattered Ice Harbor!

There is no crushed ice in this season. The reason for this name is that the port is the mouth of a river. At the mouth of the river not far from the port, there will be large pieces of crushed ice on the water surface in spring. The port Hence the name.

Unlike Briar Port, which is controlled by Walrus’ Tusk, but has an alliance with Avarosa, Icebreaker Port is already considered the real sphere of influence of the Avarosa tribe, although there are many members of other tribes and foreign people here. Ice traveler, but at least the port manager is already an Avarosan.

And unlike Briar Port, Crushed Ice Port doesn't have any lively taverns.

Although Avarosa grows a lot of hardy cassava, Ashe prohibits wine-making—though she doesn't form a bootlegging organization, she leads by example and never drinks.

After all, Avarosa's food was very precious, and it was a bit of a waste to use it to make wine.

In addition, it is far away from Demacia, and there are no merchants in Demacia selling alcohol, so even the Avarosa people in Icebreaker Harbor will drink, but most of the drinking is obtained from sporadic exchanges with other tribes, or simply A small amount of home-brewed wine.

In this case, there would naturally be no such thing as a tavern in Icebreaker Port.

As for the taverns that were built before the Avarosas took control of the place, they were transformed by Ashe into an activity center after they could not continue to open. The mobilization place where the War Mother order is issued.

At the beginning, people were not used to living without spirits. In the first year after Ashe announced a total ban on large-scale winemaking, many people opposed it.

But with the gradual surplus of food and the increase in the proportion of newborns who survived the name day for several consecutive years, the people of Avarosa have finally become accustomed to spending more time in other places.

It is no exaggeration to say that the population growth of the Avarosa tribe and the rapid promotion of farming techniques are inseparable from these taverns that have been transformed into activity centers. Here, knowledge and technology are respected. She generously shared it with all the ice travelers, and her reputation spread far and wide along with the word of mouth of these ice travelers.

Why was Avarosa able to grow rapidly from a small tribe without relying on military conquest, and become the largest force in the West Freljord subcontinent?

Because Ashe has truly found a way to make life better for the Freljord - as a powerful Warmother, Ashe has the ability to conquer the surrounding tribes, but she chooses not to do so , but in another way, to win respect and support.

When Ino and the intelligence team arrived at Icebreaker Port, they saw a completely different Freljord. This port with very simple buildings and low walls unexpectedly gave everyone a sense of familiarity. .

It seems that it contains some kind of special design, which is quite similar to Fossbarrow's temporary camp.

Under such bad weather, a team of four or fifty people appeared, which naturally attracted the attention of the guards.

After discovering Ino and the others, the guards blew their horns without hesitation.

Soon, a group of heavily armed soldiers climbed up the low wall, and the leader, who looked like the captain, uttered an angry shout.

"Who are you? Where are you from? Where are you going?"

"We are emissaries from Demacia." Looking at the faded Avarosa flag on the port wall, Ino stood up and replied loudly, "We are going to Frost Harbor!"

"Demacia?" The person on the fence asked suspiciously with a strong Freljord accent, "What tribe is that? Shouldn't the south be the Tusk of the Walrus?"

"It's Demacia!" Eno tried to correct him, and took out a long walrus tooth. "Our last stop was the Port of Priel."

The tusks of the walruses are also a representative gift of the Tusk tribe of the walruses. They hunt and kill a small number of walruses before winter every year to obtain the walrus oil needed to smear their bodies in the ice. The tusks of the walruses are They will be specially treated and given to their friends as gifts—in Ashe's hand, there is also a very long walrus tusk.

After seeing the walrus ivory, the attitude of the people on the fence obviously relaxed a lot. In the Freljord, although the walrus is not at the top of the food chain at all, there are very few tribes that are really capable of finding and hunting walruses , who can take out this kind of processed walrus teeth, most of these people should be recognized by the walrus teeth.

So, while maintaining vigilance, the door of the ice-breaking port wall was finally opened, and Ino and the others entered the port smoothly.


In the port, Ino saw the person who had spoken to her on the fence and called Demacia "Demacia".

The other party is a woman who looks about 50 or [-] years old. She has a large frame and a tall body that is common to Freljord people. Her hair color is not pure white, but she wears very little clothes. The spear, the wooden shaft of the spear is black in color, and the material cannot be seen, but the edge of the spear is crystal clear pure ice.

"My name is Sazhuo." She introduced herself, "I am the captain of the Icebreaker Port Guard, and I am also responsible for maintaining the rules here. You said you are a friend of Walrus' Fang?"

"Ino." Ino nodded, "Grandma Walrus asked me to say hello to you."

"Oh? Is she in good health?"

"You can still drink a big glass of walrus milk in one go." Ino spread his hands, "It's also very powerful to deal with those drunks in the tavern."

"That's great, Grandma Walrus." Sazhuo nodded, his expression finally relaxed, "You said before that you are an emissary?"

"That's right, Fossbarrow from Demacia." Ino nodded, "Going to Frost Harbor."

"Demacia, I haven't heard of this tribe." Sazhuo frowned, "It's in the south of Port Briel?"

"To the south of the Freljord." Ino corrected with a smile, "It's Demacia."

"Wait, are you a warm-blooded person?" Sazhuo's eyes widened, "No, something is wrong, you are clearly of ice blood!"

"If you're talking about blood, maybe I do have thin ice blood in my body." Regarding this, Ino was very open-minded, "But I'm sorry, I am indeed a Demacian, not Freire The Drords—at least the generation of my great-grandfather, have lived in Demacia."

"So, did you return to the Freljord to trace the source of the blood?" Sadra looked at Ino, then at the Archon who was wearing a liner and robe behind her, "You also heard Avarosa's successor, returning in response to the call of the three sisters?"

Now it was Ino's turn to be confused.

Didn't you speak clearly?

He said that he is a Demacian, has been a Demacian for several generations, and is the messenger of Fossbarrow of Demacia. Why does this guy in front of him still wishful thinking that he is here to trace the source of some blood?
The helpless Ino could only emphasize his Demacian identity once again, and denied such words as tracing back to the source of blood and responding to the call of the three sisters.

"I am an emissary, representing Fossbarrow's emissary!"

"No, you are of the blood of the ice!" To Ino's surprise, Sazhuo still stubbornly believed that she should be the fate of the blood of the ice, "It was the three sisters who guided you back, otherwise you would not be able to cross the blizzard, Come here from Port Prill!"

"I can come here because I can control the ice and snow." Ino shook his head helplessly, and waved his hands to clear the ice and snow under his feet. "No one guided me. I followed the coastline."

Ino explained it very clearly, but unfortunately, Sazhuo still didn't want to believe it—this caused her attitude to seem quite contradictory. On the one hand, she respected the identity of Ino's ice blood, and on the other hand, she was dissatisfied with her reluctance to accept her fate Attitude.

This kind of contradiction has been accompanied by Sazhuo. Even after arranging a place for Ino to stay, she still tried to persuade Ino to accept her fate...

In desperation, Ino could only use Karya's words to express that his goal was to meet Ashe. If she was really the heir of Avarosa, then I believe she would be able to convince him, but I'm afraid you can't.

Although this kind of statement is a bit offensive, Sazhuo readily accepts it. It seems that in her heart, Ashe is indeed a sacred existence, and has the right to command all ice blood...

This almost fanatical attitude made Ino feel a little familiar, as if the Rakkor people under Mount Targon had a similar understanding of the giant god.

The problem is, in Ino's impression, the giant god is faith!
But whether it is Grandma Ling's description or Grandma Walrus' statement, Ashe is a very enlightened and thoughtful leader, and he is completely different from those giant gods who enslaved the Rakkor people with their beliefs. Why is this called Sazhuo? The guy, but is as fanatical as a giant?

"A person's thoughts and attitudes cannot completely determine what others think of him, even the war mother is the same." Regarding Ino's doubts, Kalya sighed and explained helplessly, "Human, There's always a need for some name."

"Like a Nashirami under the banner of Shurima?"

"It's kind of like that." Carya agreed, "I don't know if Ashe really wants to be the successor of Avarosa, or if he has his own ideals and goals, and he just relies on this name to act, but at present Judging from it, it seems that a considerable part of the members of the Avarosa tribe are united by her side because of this title."

"It doesn't seem like a good thing." Yinuo thought about it, "For this name, maybe Ashe will do something she doesn't want?"

"At least Setaka used to be."

 Carya's Little Classroom Busy Frost Wyrm:
  Although Ivar can also be regarded as the "outsider dragon" of the intelligence team, it did not act with the intelligence team's Archon—its task was to help the intelligence team deliver messages.

  With Carya around, Iva can always pinpoint the location of Ino, thus helping Ino to deliver the message accurately.

  PS.68k/200k, there is one more chapter, plus more!

(End of this chapter)

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