Lux's Farewell

488 Ambush [0482]

488 Ambush [0482]
After a short rest for one night, Ino bid farewell to Sazhuo who was hesitant to speak, left the Icebreaker Port, and continued northward along the coastline.

It has already entered the core area of ​​the Avarosa tribe, and the distance between the various strongholds is not so far away. If there is a smooth dialogue, the intelligence team can reach the next stop before the next day's dark: the frozen tide port.

Freezing Tide Harbor gets its name from the unique freezing tide phenomenon nearby.

This is the end of the remaining veins of the Feilong Mountains. The residual veins extending into the sea hinder the circulation of ocean currents, making waves here all year round.

And once winter comes, Anivia blows along the Feilong Mountains, and the roaring waves will freeze in a short period of time, eventually forming layers upon layers of frozen giant waves—the name of Frozen Tide Port is derived from these cliffs. The freezing tide is coming.

Here, Ino doesn't have to bother to find the coastline, he just needs to follow the frozen tide.

Originally, it was a very peaceful journey. The intelligence team had enough supplies, and everyone was obviously in good spirits. However, it seemed that due to the oversupply of supplies, the intelligence team walking not far from the freezing tide quickly attracted the attention of some predators.


Sea worms are the top predators of the Freljord ocean.

They have bloated worm-like bodies, keen tactile receptors, compound eyes that can open and close underwater, and ring-shaped mouthparts full of sharp teeth. Any prey they stare at, as long as they are bitten, will die It's not just as simple as peeling off a layer of skin.

Lose at least half of your body!
The ice sea worms that live in cold and shallow waters are the smallest members of the large family of predators, sea worms.

Although compared to the body of the soul-devouring sea worm, which is only a hundred feet, the body of the ice sea worm is only thirty to fifty feet, and perhaps it can only be described as a miniature.

However, even so, ice sea worms are still one of the most dangerous types of sea insects, because they are the most intelligent of all sea insects.

Unlike other sea worms that rely on the instincts of wild animals and wait around in tunnels dug with ring-shaped mouthparts, ice sea worms not only ambush, but also track, intimidate and even lay traps.

These cunning guys will forage alone when food is plentiful, and they will move in groups after winter. Under the ice cover near the coast, they will stick their fat bodies tightly to the ice, Feel the tiniest vibrations on the ice with sensitive tentacles.

In order to capture their prey, these ice sea worms will also chew on the ice under the ice sheet, deliberately creating a weak spot in the ice layer. Once the prey comes to the trap, they will suddenly break through the ice layer and devour the prey .

Although looking at the entire Freljord, the food of ice sea worms is mostly large animals such as wild Ernuk and Ukal, and humans are not its main prey, but the traps of these hunters and their terrible mouthparts, Still, when the Freljord mentioned the ice sea worm, their tone was full of fear and even awe.

Even if the number of Freljordians who died in the mouth of the ice sea worm was not as good as that killed by Ernuk, anyone who saw this terrible animal could not help but feel hairy.

And this winter, the ice sea worms in the West Freljord Sea have a particularly hard time.

The war between Avarosa and the Winter's Claw not only affected the human situation in the Freljord, but also affected the natural environment near Frosthaven.

Fortified and cleared, Avarosa drove all wild yukars and ernuks elsewhere, far from near the coast, lest they become prey supplies for the Winter's Claw.

As a result, Winter's Claw ran out of food, and the ice sea worm began to starve.

Without these large prey, ice sea worms lurking beneath the ice are starving.

Although there are still prey such as walruses, seals, and wild boars, the shortfall caused by the sharp decline in the number of Yucal and Elniuk cannot be made up for by other foods.

Even ice sea worms can catch fish, but their body structure predestined that these predators are better at ambushing enemies on the ice and water. The efficiency of fishing is too low to provide them with enough energy of.

In this case, the ice sea worms gathered together can only control the thickness of the ice layer, and at the same time rely on the fish to maintain their lives, waiting for a group of predestined people—it was at this time that Yinuo led The intelligence team left the Shattered Ice Port and meandered towards the Frozen Tide Port.

Coincidentally, the style of the past few days has been outrageous. In order to avoid the cold wind blowing directly, the intelligence team chose to advance next to the freezing tide surging like a cliff.

More than 40 people pulled sleds and stepped on the snow-covered ice layer. Under the ice layer, the hungry ice sea worms finally found their new prey.

Very light footsteps, not the most familiar large prey, it should be a two-legged beast.

Tricky ice worms don't like Twolegs, they can be tough, they can be weak, but no matter how strong or weak, they don't have much flesh.

Normally, large-scale swarms of ice sea worms would not choose to hunt the same swarms of two-legged beasts.

But now, the ice worm is starving.

They have no choice.

Although they were already very hungry, the ice sea worms lurking under the ice still maintained their patience. They twisted their round and fat bodies, and followed the intelligence team patiently along the weak part of the ice layer that they gnawed out. .

Although there is no sunlight underwater, the ice sea worms have the ability to freely judge the time. For the two-legged beasts, they usually choose to attack at sunrise and sunset-this is when the two-legged beasts eat.

And as had happened countless times in the past, at sunset the Twolegs stopped.

Under the white ice layer, ice sea worms stand upright like hairtails. They use the most sensitive tentacles around the ring mouthparts to sense the activities on the ice. They don't need any communication and communication. They quickly judge Out of range of prey.

As if someone issued an order silently, these ice sea worms shrank their necks suddenly, and then raised their heads in unison.

The already gnawed ice layer was pierced by this concerted effort. The moment their heads emerged from the water, the ice sea worms widened their eyes covered by transparent eyelids, and opened the ring-shaped The mouthparts are opened to the maximum, intending to swallow all the prey in one gulp.

Then, they gnawed a mouthful of ice.

Where they judged to have prey, there was actually no prey. What was sliding and rubbing on the ground was just a pile of temporarily shaped ice blocks, while their real prey had already quietly moved away. When they got to the place, they were waiting on a thick layer of ice, ready to fight.

The ice sea worms who gnawed a mouthful of ice were already starving. They had little patience, and finally they could no longer suppress the biological instinct of hunger. This time, they did not cautiously retreat to the water to wait for an opportunity , but chose to twist his huge and fat body, opened his breath again condescendingly, and bit the two-legged beasts that gathered together.

Unfortunately, the two-legged beast they chose this time is not an ordinary two-legged beast.

Although they didn't carry heavy weapons, when the ice sea worm probed, the ice elements had already begun to gather.

The ice elemental mages in the 11th group have not received professional combat training, so they have a bit of good magic power control, which can't help them in a real battle.

But it doesn't matter, as early as when he arrived at the Port of Briar and encountered a group of ice trolls, Ino had already found a way to fight with them-just like those rookie mages in Zaun, although these archons Not enough, but at least it has magic!
The ice elemental mages create an ice wall to protect themselves, and at the same time create an ice puppet and give it to Ino for use. This is the greatest help they provide for the battle!
It was through this method that Ino successfully wiped out a small group of ice troll raiders and saved the batch of ice troll teeth that were used to buy pickled fish meat.

But now, facing the ice sea worm, this trick is still useful.

A thick ice wall rose from the ground, and the ice sea worm that moved suddenly was powerful, but failed to break through the defense with a single blow.

At the same time, a [-]-foot-tall ice statue quickly took shape. This statue made of ice elemental magic is naturally active with ice element, and it is the most primitive puppet. Under Yinuo's manipulation, this statue The ice puppet held a long sword, and while an ice sea worm in front of him lowered his head to bite, he chopped off its head with a single blow.

The worm body that lost its head twisted and fell into the sea water, dyeing the sea water that had just been frozen with a thin layer of ice red, the head of the ice sea worm fell on the ice, and the ring-shaped mouthparts opened again , as if he wanted to bite something.

Then, it was pierced by an ice thorn growing out of the ice, and finally remained motionless.

Seeing this situation, several other ice sea worms dived into the water without hesitation. The next moment, thick red surged from the water. Only then did Ino realize that those ice sea worms that suddenly dived might not be feeling When it comes to danger, it is cannibalism.

This discovery made Ino almost couldn't help shivering.

It was obvious that when they came out together, they looked like they were hunting cooperatively. Why did they fight among themselves on the spot and eat the corpses of the same kind after cutting off a head?

Behind Ino, although the group of guardians didn't see the whole picture of the battle clearly, after seeing the color of the water surface, each of them had a subtle expression.

What happened is not difficult to guess.

"Let's go, let's choose a place with a thicker ice layer, and we've worked hard today." Seeing that the ice cave that was knocked open by the ice sea worm did not respond, Ino simply canceled the rest plan for tonight, "Freyer Zhuo De's field is too dangerous, we should reach Frost Harbor as soon as possible!"

The courtiers, who were greatly stimulated, quickly packed their bags and sleds, and started to advance at full speed at a place far away from the freezing tide, striving to reach Frost Harbor tomorrow!

Then, before it was completely dark, Ino and his party were walking along the coast, and they met another group of people holding torches and carrying weapons, facing the team of Archon, coming from the north.

"Who is it?" At the front of the team, a woman holding a bow and arrow asked loudly, "This coast is dangerous, get out of here!"

"Who are you?" Ino also stood in front of the team, "I'm going to Frost Harbor, visit Ashe, naturally I have to go along the coast!"

"Visiting Ashe?" After receiving Yinuo's answer, the other party was obviously taken aback, "Are you looking for me?"

 Kalya's Little Classroom Soul-Eating Seaworm and Baron Nash:

  Baron Nash in Summoner's Canyon is actually a soul-eating sea worm—but, perhaps because of being infected by the void, it is far more powerful and terrifying than other soul-eating sea worms.

  PS.71k/200k, rehabilitation, rehabilitation!

(End of this chapter)

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