Lux's Farewell

490 Love and Peace [0484]

490 Love and Peace [0484]
It never occurred to Ash that a Demacian whom he had met not long ago had noticed that he was going to select a blood alliance in this trial.

Is it so obvious?

It shouldn't be, if it is so obvious, when I agreed that the Avarosa people can also participate in the trial, why did so few respond?
Or is it that Miss Ino, who claims to be a messenger, has extraordinary powers of observation?
"No wonder you said that you can find the best observation position." Just when Ashe was a little embarrassed, Ino gently changed the topic, "In this case, you really need a good observation position! "

For Ino's flexible Freljord-style ridicule, Ashe could only shake her head with a wry smile.

Although Ino guessed some of her thoughts, there are many things Ashe still can't say - don't look at the fact that Avarosa and Winter's Claw declared their victory in the war, but whether Sejuani or Ashe, Both ran into trouble after the war.

Leaving aside Sejuani's side, on Ashe's side, she was somewhat unable to suppress the cries of the hawks in Avarosa.

War has a huge impact on an organization, even for a very flat organization like the Freljord tribe that has long been accustomed to war.

Before the war broke out, Ashe was able to deal with all the problems encountered by the Avarosa tribe that needed to be solved by force through personal force or the force of the elite team around her. Therefore, under her leadership, the Avarosa tribe focused on development. , For armaments, it also took a new approach of "replacing with engineering", and solved the defense problem by building defense lines.

This approach is very effective in the face of a small number of looters—with the protection of the city wall, small-scale looters are simply unable to break through the wall built by the Avarosa tribe, even if they are guarding the wall. It's just a group of people who are not good at fighting, but relying on the wall, they can still defend their tribe.

In this way, as long as Avarosa doesn't want to use force to expand his territory, it seems that they really don't need to use force at all.

However, the arrival of Winter's Claw shattered all Ashe's fantasies.

Facts have proved that in the case of facing an opponent of the same size, the wall cannot really solve the problem. A large part of Sejuani's helpless retreat this time is because she chose to move forward lightly with obvious risks. During the war, Ashe was frightened into a cold sweat. If Sejuani fought steadily and solved the logistics problem, then in the follow-up battle, Avarosa would have almost no chance of winning.

Originally, within the Avarosa tribe, there were only a few young Hawk factions who wanted to use force to expand. Although they bluffed fiercely, they respected Ashe the most. These people jump up and down to say what, as long as Ashe doesn't nod, they don't have any mass base.

But with the end of the war, the situation finally changed - after seeing the methods of Winter's Claw, many people, like Ashe, realized that they could not face the enemy only by relying on the defense of the city wall. People began to want Avarosa to form his own army.

In the Avarosa tribe, few people would be willing to support and most people would not participate in forming a team of looters to rob the outside world.

But if an army is formed to defend against invaders, after the war, everyone will agree.

In addition, Ashe himself is aware of the problem, so no matter what, Avarosa must act.

Then, another new question was posed in front of Ashe.

Who will train Avarosa's army?
In Winter's Claw, rookie fighters will grow into veterans in the looting after another, but does Avarosa have to wait until the enemy comes to invade him before starting actual combat training?

This tribe, which was pulled together by Ashe, has always been imaginative in terms of development, but in terms of martial arts, it has never had anything to do with abundance. Even Ashe, who can fight the most, has always relied on "panel attributes" The crushing" to fight, pure hard power.

In terms of combat and training, Avarosa is a rookie!

Unwilling to use robbing to level up like Winter's Claw, the way Ashe can think of is to find people with combat experience and pass on their combat experience, just like what the Avarosa tribe has always done In that way, combat is also regarded as a technology and spread among fighters.

It was with this idea that Ashe used her status as the heir of Avarosa to start recruiting warriors within the Sifreljord.

In addition to the Avarosa tribe, many warriors from other tribes and ice travelers without tribes are experienced and experienced people. Their skills and experience will greatly speed up Avaro The construction of the Sa army can be regarded as greatly reducing casualties.

The only problem with doing this is what to use to recruit these experienced fighters.

Avarosa's name is very famous, but the name of Avarosa's successor is not so famous. Through this name, many warriors can be attracted, but I want them to fight for the Avarosa tribe , Selflessly imparting one's own experience and skills... This requires the other party to become a member of the Avarosa tribe.

And the only way for Ashe to let these capable people take the initiative to join Avarosa is to marry.

To put it bluntly, at least for now, the Avarosa tribe is still a tribe where "the weak are warmed up by Ashe with newspaper groups". Many tribes whose lives are difficult and cannot survive are very happy to join Avarosa.

But at the same time, those tribes who are free and have their own hunting grounds and fishing grounds are not very interested in Avarosa—even the tribe of Walrus’ Fang, whose next generation does not have a cold-blooded war mother, is discovering that Avarosa After the Varoosa tribe would also be involved in the war, they chose to fall to Demacia.

Because although Avarosa has developed, it is still not strong enough.

Tribes on the verge of life and death join Avarosa and survive.

But the tribe with a healthy life joined Avarosa, but they only got the restriction of not being able to plunder at will-at most, the name of the successor of the will of the three sisters.

Regardless of the overwhelming response when recruiting warriors, Ash dared to say that if she explained the series of rules that need to be followed after joining the Avarosa tribe, I am afraid that most of these warriors would leave after this trial. Go, without hesitation.

The strong can live well by themselves, why join Avarosa?

For love and peace?

Sorry, there are only a small number of people who have this kind of thinking—even those who participated in this trial, except for those who have enemies with Winter's Claw and have no tribe, most of them are here to make a name for themselves.

To keep these people, Ashe can only temporarily hide the second half of love and peace, and use love.

Avarosa's large number of unmarried people of the right age is the biggest advantage Ashe left behind these people, and as Avarosa's war mother, Ashe herself must also take action.

Ashe never made it clear in the group, but only hinted that the warriors in the group can also participate in the trials and compete with warriors from all over the world.

Unfortunately, very few responded.

For Ashe, choosing a blood alliance from the warriors is the responsibility of being a war mother.

So on the one hand, she was very calm, and on the other hand, she was somewhat unwilling, so she finally couldn't help but say a few more words in front of Yinuo, an outsider from Demacia who had nothing to do with these things. Eno discovered the subtlety.

Fortunately, Yinuo overcame this in time, and did not continue to talk about this issue, so Ashe was slightly relieved.

Either way, it's easier to say something.

Perhaps it was because some little secrets brought the distance closer, and then the chat between Ashe and Ino became more and more harmonious. Although they came from different places and grew up in different cultural environments, they subtly shared some similar ideas .

Of course, more importantly, a sand sculpture seems to know Ai Xi very well, understand Ai Xi's thoughts and concepts, under his prompting, Ino and Ai Xi established a personal friendship very smoothly.

"I'm already looking forward to the next negotiation." When the sky began to brighten and the trial was about to begin, Ashe said in a tone of anticipation, "What a surprise, I believe that Fossbarrow will become Ava The best friend of the Rosa tribe."

"I think so too." Eno also stood up with a smile and replied, "This must be a win-win cooperation."


Ashe rested by the fire for a short while before starting to prepare for the competition. On the other side, Ino stood up and temporarily left the temporary camp under the pretext of "going to see the trap in advance".

"How do you know her so well?" Ino asked eagerly in a place where no one was around, "Ms. Kaya, have you met her before?"

"No, this is the first time I've seen Ashe—or even my first time in the Freljord."

"Then why do you seem to know her so well?" Yinuo was really full of doubts, "I even feel that you know what she is thinking!"

"Not really, it's just that I've lived a little longer, and I've seen everyone."

"Don't try to fool me with this kind of rhetoric." Ino frowned dissatisfiedly, "I admit that Teacher Kalya does see clearly sometimes, but no matter how clearly he sees, he won't even know what the other party is thinking. You can guess, this is no longer something that can be explained by tacit understanding!"

"... If I have to say it, maybe I used to be a little similar to her?" Karya was silent for a long time, and finally gave an answer that stunned Ino, "If you can't do love and peace, you should do it first." half."

Wait a moment.

Considering Kalya Shurima's status as the regent prince, the amount of information in his words...

It seems to be a little big.

 Carya's Small Classroom Main body of the Avarosa Tribe:
  At present, the main members of Avarosa are a large number of ice travelers without tribes, and those who came to join Ashe after losing their war mother. Most of these people are furnace households, and the proportion of those who can become warriors is not very high. one.

  Considering that most of the tribes in the Freljord are all soldiers, the Avarosans can be regarded as true pacifists.

  PS. 7.8k/200k, I get excited every night, but when the sun shines, I feel sleepy, hopeless.

(End of this chapter)

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