Lux's Farewell

491 The beginning of the trial [0485]

491 The beginning of the trial [0485]

After returning from Shurima, both Lux and Ino obviously felt that Kalya's mental state was much better.

It seems that because she was relieved, Kalya finally stopped being tight-lipped about her past and her own past, but would occasionally talk about it when it was mentioned.

Even so, Kalya will subconsciously avoid talking about some private emotional issues, and Ino and Lacus will also considerately not to mention these aspects.

Today, they only know that Kalya is the regent prince of the Shurima Empire and the teacher of many Ascended, but they can only glimpse the details of the early establishment of the Shurima Empire.

Many times, Lux and Ino would subconsciously subsume the process of establishing Demacia that Kalya had told into the establishment of the Shurima Empire.

In this kind of imagining and substitution, there will be power, fighting, ideals, and reality, but regarding Kalya and Setaka, Lacus and Ino will not go to the "political marriage" anyway. Think about it.

The Karya they came into contact with was an old monster who had lived for an unknown number of years, a chess player who was used to making decisions before moving, and a strategist who could guess people's hearts.

The Kalya they came into contact with later made Lux and Ino preconceived that even when the Shurima tribe was just a small tribe, Kalya was the brains of this small tribe.

But the actual situation was in huge contrast to what they thought.

Wouldn't it be possible that the Shurima language that hadn't fully formed its grammatical scale at that time, whose body was extremely weak compared to the people of Runeterra, who didn't have any spellcasting ability and didn't seem to have any talent for casting spells, could it be the Shurima of a small tribe at that time? Rima can speak, because she has a face...

In a sense, Karya empathizes with Ashe, so he can clearly see everything Ashe thinks like a roundworm in his stomach, and understand her unwillingness and determination from the truth.

And when Kalya hinted at this without hesitation, all Ino could do was to grow his mouth wide in astonishment, and gulped down Anivia's breath.


Others naturally didn't know about Yinuo's surprise.

The sky has gradually shown signs of brightening. Ashe took a short rest and waited for the official start of the trial to be announced. The players who set up the traps have already completed the traps, and those who recharged their batteries have also gathered their strength. Coming soon.

Even Tryndamere, who fell asleep at the first moment, stood up abruptly, sat by the campfire, took out a whetstone, and began to rub the blade of his broadsword.

Soon, the sun leaped over the Feilong Mountains, and the icy morning light illuminated the ice field, reflecting the frozen tide brilliantly.

After completing all the preparations for the trial, Ashe finally announced the official start of the trial.

Amidst the cheers of the warriors, Tryndamere, holding a long knife, was the first to rush out, without the slightest hesitation, heading straight for the layer upon layer of freezing tide on the sea.

This kind of behavior of rushing forward without making any preparations is quite reckless even for the Freljord. Many other warriors despised this guy for his lack of brains, and hurriedly followed in Tryndamere. He rushed to the coast from the back, so as not to destroy the trap he had worked so hard to set up by this reckless man.

Tryndamere, who was dragging a long knife, naturally didn't care about the thoughts of those behind him. He came here to participate in the Warrior Trial, and there was only one purpose from the beginning to the end, which was to join a tribe that was strong enough to fight against Winter's Claw. Revenge of his own people.

Tryndamere, who was born in the frozen plain, knew the least about ice sea worms. For this cunning opponent, the only thing he knew was the basic information provided by Ashe before the match, and Tryndamere had once been in his own In the tribe, he is not a hunter who specializes in hunting. He is a warrior, the one who will confront his opponent head-on. No matter what kind of opponent he is, he will not hesitate at all.

So, all he had to do was to drag his long knife, make as much noise as possible on the ice, attract those beasts, and then chop off their heads one by one!
It was precisely because of this extremely reckless strategy that Tryndamere was not on the same track as the others from the very beginning.

Others hoped to lure the ice sea worms to the sea and take advantage of the location as much as possible to capture them, but the only thing Tryndamere had to worry about was that the beasts would not show up, and his thirsty sword had no prey!

Others were staring at their own traps, or running towards the ambush point they had long been optimistic about, and some even ran to hunt other animals first, hoping to find some fresh flesh and fish out the ice sea worms, while Tryndamere But when he came to the place where the freezing tide was crystal clear in the morning light, with a sudden force, he threw the long knife high above the freezing tide like a wall of ice.

Then, he moved his limbs, and began to climb up the frozen tide with his hands and feet.

The trial assistants who followed him were stunned.

Although there is no planned venue for this trial, normal people would not rush out along the coast for several nautical miles, and then climb over the frozen tide that has been frozen into an ice wall, and go to the favorite place of ice sea worms to fight Bar?

He wanted to persuade him, but before he could figure out how to speak, Tryndamere had already climbed up the frozen tide, and then slid down the smooth side of the frozen tide like a slide, and picked up his long hair Dao continued to run away from the coast.

The trial assistant had no choice but to take out the rope that was going to be used to bind the sea worm's head, seize the time to climb the freezing tide, and hurry up to keep up with Tryndamere's footsteps—no hurry, no, where he is now, the foot said It may be the thin ice that the ice worms have gnawed on. If you stay for one minute longer, you will be in danger for one minute!
An hour later, when the other warriors had just relied on the traps to get ready to fight the ice sea worm head-on, or just caught the prey used to catch the ice sea worm, they were trying to smear the ice with blood, causing the ice sea By the time the worm noticed, Tryndamere had taken his hapless trial assistant far from the coast.

This is the territory of ice sea worms. It is no exaggeration to say that during the entire trial, the trial assistants around him now faced more dangers than most other warriors.

"Don't tremble." Looking at the trial assistant who was moving tremblingly, Tryndamere grinned, showing a smile scarier than crying, "They are not my opponents."

Facing this kind of "comfort", the trial assistant can only show a smile that is also uglier than crying-whether he believes it or not, now he can only believe it.

And in the same way, regardless of whether the trial assistant really believed or not, Tryndamere really regarded him as believing. After completing this "comfort", he swung the long knife in his hand and began to strike heavily. Ice.

Under the ice layer, knocking knocking sound spread far away, as if the god of death was knocking on the door.

However, for the already hungry ice sea worms... even if it is the god of death knocking on the door, they still have to get out and try.

Under the icy cold water surface, one after another ice sea worms wriggled their round bodies that were not as fat as before, drilled out of their lairs on the bottom of the sea, and bounced themselves to the surface of the sea, following their ring muscles Strongly contracting and relaxing, their slimy skins also leaned against the ice above the sea.

The ring-shaped mouth opened, and the tentacles around the mouth were tightly attached to the ice surface. These ice sea worms greedily collected the vibrations from the ice surface, and then their huge bodies quickly trembled with excitement.

Listen to this rhythmic percussion...

Definitely a big guy!

Without any communication, the five ice sea worms started to shrink their bodies at the same time.

The next moment, they opened their mouths outwards, aimed at the weak spot in the ice layer that they had gnawed through, and used the teeth hidden in their mouthparts to push hard against the ice surface.

Ice sea worms, here they come!

 Karya's Little Classroom Tryndamere Tips:
  Tryndamere, who was not a hunter, knew neither traps nor fishing. The only thing he could do was hit the ice with the back of his long knife, imitating the rhythm of Ernyuk's hooves when he walked.

  PS.81k/200k, there should be another chapter in the second half of the night.

(End of this chapter)

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