Lux's Farewell

493 The beginning of the negotiation [0487]

493 The beginning of the negotiation [0487]

In Karya's sharp evaluation, Tryndamere finally stood out from the crowd of warriors, and won the championship of this warrior trial with 23 ice sea worm heads.

Then, according to the consistent style of the Freljord, the follow-up will be a series of banquets, where Ashe will show her means and personal charm, so as to retain as many warriors as possible, and announce that The blood alliance of your choice.

While preparing for the banquet, Eno and Ashe also formally started negotiations on the trade issue in the coming year.

There is no doubt that this is a negotiation that has a huge impact on the situation in the Freljord and Demacia. Both parties in the negotiation are very aware of this, but in terms of the negotiation specifications, the number of participants is only ten .

Ashe took four assistants, and Eno also took four assistants.

Ashe only brought four assistants, mainly because there were not many people in the Avarosa tribe who could understand the meaning of trade, and the trial banquet was being prepared, so there was a shortage of manpower.

On the other hand, Eno brought only four people because the others had their own tasks to do—when Avarosa was preparing the banquet, they would help enthusiastically, and by the way, according to Eno's request, collect their own information you want to know.

Of course, from the perspective of the Avarosa people, this is not really sensitive information, at most it is just talking about geography, weather, and gossip about other tribes.

Although the Avarosa tribe opposes excessive drinking, this does not prevent the Avarosas from bragging—everyone is bored in winter, and now there are a group of guests from afar, even if the Avarosas do not Know what trade these guys who call themselves Dematians are talking about, but they are also happy to share their amazing stories with these "Ashe Warmothers say they are friends".

On the first day of the negotiation, when Ino and Ashe had just reached an agreement on the issue of equal trade, and the content of the trade deal had not been mentioned, they dispersed, and the intelligence team that collected information according to the content of Carya’s teaching, Got a lot of great information.

In the mouths of the Avarosa people, many brave warriors seem to be the supermen of the Freljord. They can stomp their feet to cause avalanches and move their hands to flatten the mountains. The members of the intelligence team were stunned.

There is no doubt that the reliability of this kind of information mixed with a lot of bragging content is very limited, and it is very difficult to extract effective information from it.

At this time, the importance of group action is reflected.

Scattered action to collect information will bring a considerable degree of information overlap, and comparing these two information can screen out a lot of unreliable content.

After all, people prefer to brag about themselves, but few people are willing to brag for others.

As for the content that is not very easy to screen out to be true or false, it will be marked out, and we will understand it later-the intelligence team will conduct a comprehensive analysis of all collected information based on the reliability and quantity of the source. Credible rankings will eventually be collected and organized by a dedicated person.

Objectively speaking, the collection and processing of this kind of information is quite vague, and it may not be very accurate on specific issues, but it can be like big data, through the collection and arrangement of miscellaneous information, and provide future benefits for future generations. Sparrow's decision-making on the northern border issue provides intelligence basis.

In Runeterra, when it comes to intelligence organizations, most people’s first reaction is the notorious war stonemasons of Noxus. They are not only the engineering troops of the Noxus Empire, but also a team that is good at disguising, buying, wooing and even assassinating. spy organization.

War stonemasons often disguise their identities, sneak into different regions and different organizations with different identities, steal the information needed by the Noxus Empire, and even directly become the vanguard of the invasion when necessary.

Although Kalya had always looked down on Noxus' military empire system, but in Runeterra, which was full of kingdoms, Noxus' mobilization ability was undoubtedly a step higher than his opponents.

Now, when the war masons of Noxus are split in two, fighting against each other, in the icy Freljord, a brand-new intelligence organization is finally gradually gaining its own skeleton, veins and soul.

According to Kalya, what the intelligence team is currently conducting is routine information collection and has no intention of targeting the Avarosa tribe. However, these seemingly ordinary information have greatly helped Ino who is negotiating. .

For example, on the issue of currency selection, Ashe's suggestion is to "use gold per unit weight", which is also a common method for limited-scale commodity exchanges between different tribes in the Freljord .

After getting a general idea of ​​the original trade level of the Freljord through the intelligence team, Ino quickly put forward some conditions that were more favorable to Fossbarrow during the negotiations on the second day.

"We could create a currency that would represent the value of a commodity."

"You mean, gold coins?" Ashe is obviously not the usual Freljord who knows nothing about the outside world. After hearing Ino's proposal, she instantly understood what the other party meant, "That's too troublesome." Well, I think that only a small amount of gold is needed to compensate for the price difference in a transaction, and we don’t need gold coins.”

"But this is more convenient, and it is also conducive to the development of private trade." Ino insisted, "In addition to the Forsbarrow caravan I represent, if you are willing to use gold coins, there will be more merchants Willing to come to the Freljord, to Frosthaven."

"I use gold, but they are still willing." On this point, Ashe saw clearly, "You will use gold to mint gold coins, but the artisans of Avarosa cannot spend their time here. If gold coins are used to Trade, and we'll mint gold coins in exchange for our goods—Avarosa needs food, needs tools, but not gold coins."

"What if you can also participate?" Ino asked rhetorically, "Since it is a gold coin used for trade, it is natural for both parties to jointly mint it."

"The craftsmen in Avarosa are very busy and don't have time to spend on casting these gadgets." Ashe emphasized again, "Miss Ino, I can't accept this condition."

"It doesn't have to be done by your craftsmen." Ino shook his head and continued to explain, "You can also provide currency materials, such as inlaid pieces of pure ice in the center of gold coins, as a declaration of cooperation between the two parties .”

Hearing Ino's wonderful idea, Ashe was a little dazed.

 Kalya's Little Classroom The Primal Trade of the Freljord:

  In the Freljord, there is no unimpeded currency. Under the scarce production level, a small amount of precious metals is the only way they can find the difference.

  PS.86k/200k, severe diarrhea, uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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