Lux's Farewell

494 Frame of trade [0488]

494 Frame of trade [0488]

The Freljord does not have a common exclusive currency. Small-scale transactions are bartered, while large-scale transactions are based on barter, with precious metals making up the difference.

However, as long as she thinks about it for a while, Ashe will understand that minting coins is profitable. In her opinion, if Fossbarrow mints the currency traded between the two parties, it will be a net loss.

However, in the face of Ashe's doubts, Eno made a suggestion that she hadn't expected at all: the two parties jointly minted coins.

"It's fairer!" Speaking of joint coinage, Ino spread his hands, "Using pure ice and gold to make currency specially used to make up the price difference is acceptable to both of us."

"Sounds okay." Ashe nodded first, and then her face showed just the right doubts, "But why don't we just use gold to make up the price difference, and we must add a time-wasting link?"

"Gold is very precious, but everyone has it, and the price is very unstable." Eno obviously understands why Ashe insists on trading with gold, "And, as far as I know, the gold reserves in the Freljord should Not enough to support a deal between us."

"How is this possible!" Regarding Ino's statement, Ashe was the first to express disbelief, "Avarosa will also conduct small-scale trade with other tribes, and in these trades, we have accumulated a large amount of gold reserves !"

"That's a Freljord-style mass." Regarding Ashe's vague description that lacks specific data, Eno gave a very direct evaluation, "Forsbarrow's caravan traveled hundreds of miles through the wind and snow to come Here, bringing much-needed supplies to Avarosa, the price can’t be lower than selling them locally, right?”

"This is natural." Although Ashe is very happy to start trade, it is obvious that she has no idea about the price of items, especially the price of Demacia. "Although the discussion on the price has not yet started, but Avarosa will definitely not let his friends suffer."

"That's the problem." Eno nodded. "I heard that Avarosa once bought a batch of oats from Walrus' Fang. Is the price the same as the weight of meat?"

"Yes, this time." In terms of the internal affairs of the tribe, Ashe is well-informed, and she even remembers the details of a transaction a few months ago. Erniuk, who was too thin after weaning."

"So, if gold is used, how much gold do these oats cost?" Ino asked, "According to the general situation of the Freljord."

Although under normal circumstances, you don't need to use gold to buy some oatmeal, but after thinking for a while, Ashe still gave the answer.

"Probably, gold as heavy as a hand?"

Ino rubbed the space between his brows. The Freljord, who lacks precise weights and measures, always likes to use these weird units when describing weight.

"So, are you willing to use gold as heavy as a hundred hands to buy oats?" After a little calculation, Eno gave an answer that made Ashe fall into silence, "There are many other Forsbarrow has plenty of goods, but if it’s just gold, I’m afraid Avarosa doesn’t have enough gold.”

Hearing what Ino said, Avarosa finally realized the seriousness of the problem. If what the other party said was true, then I am afraid that his gold reserves are not sufficient!

"Avarosa also has goods that can be exchanged." After thinking for a while, Ashe finally came out, "As long as the price difference is not so large, isn't there no problem?"

"The road from Fossbarrow to Avarosa is not easy." Ino shook his head and said in a somewhat helpless tone, "Avarosa needs food in winter, but furs need food in summer. The quality is the best, and the trade between us may not be completed at the same time."


Ashe hadn't thought about this question at all—or, in the Freljord, this kind of transaction that spanned time had never happened before.

The transactions between the two tribes have always been delivered by one hand and the other hand. At most, a little gold can be added. There is almost no situation of "what you give me in spring, and what I will give you in winter". Have many tribes this winter? It's hard to say!

"So, we need a currency, a currency that is made by both parties and is valuable to both parties." Looking at Ashe who was lost in thought and reached a blind spot in thinking, Ino continued with a smile, "Using gold coins, Wrap Zhenbing, this is my suggestion."

"But how to do it?" The question here is a bit complicated, and Ashe couldn't react immediately, "Send some craftsmen each?"

"To show our sincerity, in the first trade, we will accept small pieces of Zhenbing, which you can't even make arrowheads, as a supplement to the price difference." Eno continued to talk about his solution , "Then use these True Ices, we will mint a batch of coins and bring them during the second trade."

Ashe narrowed her eyes, lost in thought.

Behind her, several negotiating assistants are looking at me and you, and they seem to be a little puzzled—isn't it a mark representing how much money was lost during the transaction?Why did Ino make it so complicated?

The same is true of Your Excellency Zhanmu. Obviously, according to the other party's intention, the fine ice that she doesn't use can also be used in exchange for tokens, which is obviously a good thing. Why does she still seem so hesitant?

"Do you have a way to deal with Zhenbing?" Ashe, who was silent for a while, finally raised her head, "The only one who can process Zhenbing is Zhenbing."

"I can use True Ice." Ino held a dagger in his hand, pinching the back of the dagger with his fingers without any pressure, "Although I don't use it often."

Ashe nodded, and after thinking for a while, he asked a question about currency price evaluation.

"On this point, we can negotiate again when we conduct trade for the second time." Eno smiled, "At that time, with two trade experiences, we can openly and honestly give the specific value of these currencies. Suggested."

Ashe nodded, fell into thinking again, and then raised the question about currency specifications again.

Then there is the question of the minimum value of money, the scope of use of money...

However, no matter what she asked, as long as Yinuo understood it, he could always answer it seamlessly.

Apparently, Eno had a very detailed plan for currency-related issues, and this plan fully met Avarosa's needs, and at the same time seemed fair.

But the more problematic this plan is, the more strange Ashe feels—intuition tells her that there must be some secrets hidden behind this coinage that seems to be a step-by-step process that seems to benefit both sides.

This Demacian with a smile on his face from beginning to end spent so much time preparing a plan for joint coinage, there must be a purpose behind it, but Ashe couldn't find it.

Such a situation made Ashe, who always likes to think, quite uncomfortable. However, after some inquiries and found that this plan did not have any problems for Avarosa, she could only admit helplessly that the other party might propose a joint coinage. It should have something to do with Demacia's own situation.

It's a pity that these Demacians came all the way through the wind and snow, and they already know a lot about the Freljord; but in Demacia, the towering city walls stopped the Freljord people. I don't know the internal situation of Demacia at all.

Fortunately, Ashe is not a suspicious person, and in addition, Eno's attitude has always been very frank, so she will not give up because she can't figure out the content and logic behind the joint coinage - just as Eno said However, when the two sides have not yet established trust and trade takes a long time, this joint coinage is the best way to lubricate trade.

As for what the other party is going to do with this special currency covered in Zhenbing...

Then let them go on their own.

So why did Ino insist on a joint mint?
There are three main reasons.

First, the trade in the northern region does require currency. As she said, since the shipments from Fossbarrow and Freljord did not match up, to lubricate this transaction, currency is necessary— —The joint coinage is a condition acceptable to both parties.

Second, Fossbarrow needs to firmly control the trade entrance and exit on Fossbarrow's side, and at the same time use the profits brought by this trade as political capital when necessary.

Trade can bring profits and promote the development of Fossbarrow, but if there is a channel of joint minting, compared with direct money, Fossbarrow will have a wider room for manipulation.

Thirdly, Carya needs to collect Zhenbing—or in other words, the pure element of Zhenbing, which is of great benefit for the magicians to further master magic.

Ashe thought that Ino would spend time processing the pure ice himself, but in fact, Kalya had already thought about processing the first batch of finely crushed pure ice as the main content of the follow-up study and assessment of the archon.

That's right, it is impossible for non-ice blood to directly contact Zhenbing, and severe frostbite will occur, which is inevitable for extraordinary people.

But through magic, Zhenbing can be touched indirectly and processed carefully.

The process of processing Zhenbing is a very good way to learn magic without fighting!
Although the simulated training is very effective, it is a real "one-to-one ace coaching". Now there are more than 900 Archons in Fossbarrow. If you want to engage in simulated training, you will squeeze out Kalya and Lacus. I can't stand it!
Moreover, the purpose of the Archons learning magic is not all for fighting. Although in the future Fossbarrow, some of the Archons will join the army and form the Fossbarrow Mages Group, but more of them Some of them will become magic engineers or even magic theorists, engaging in more peaceful jobs.

The former can be practiced using simulated training, but it is very difficult for the latter to improve.

During the Shurima Empire, Shurima University occupied more than [-] hectares of sandy land outside the city of Shurima, and there was a lot of space extension and distortion, which could support the magic theory of Shurima University Research and magical technology advances.

Even the first-time students need to do a series of complicated magic experiments and exercises—in addition to theory, magic also needs to be practiced!
Fossbarrow's artificial lake project is only the most basic magic practice. If you want the talented mages like the Archons to become the seeds of Demacia's magic civilization, you must give these seeds sufficient watering.

For the next stage of archon, there is no better practical content than "processing ice through magic"!

After discussing the issue of joint coinage, the subsequent negotiations went very smoothly.

After all, both Fossbarrow and Avarosa really need this trade channel for mutual exchange, and both have hope for peaceful development and exchanges.

In addition, the first trade was originally contact and tentative, and the psychological expectations of both parties were not high. After building the trade framework, the speed of subsequent negotiations can only be described as fast.

In this way, on the fifth day after the Warriors Banquet, Eno and Ashe really finalized the specific content and process of the first business exchange operation in the northern border.

Then, just the day before Ashe announced that she would swear a blood alliance, she and Ino, the "plenipotentiary envoy", recorded the results of the negotiation on a piece of rough Ernuk skin, and cut themselves The index finger left a bloody handprint at the end.

The specially treated Ernuk skin turned black after it came into contact with the blood of the icy blood, and then a professional cobbler cut the skin open, and each side held a piece, and formally made an oath .

Declining Ashe's invitation to witness the oath of the blood alliance, in the night of that day, Ino took forty ice mages and embarked on the road back to Fossbarrow—same as in Port Brill, composed of seven people. The intelligence team was left at Frost Harbor.

They will stay here to further collect information about Frostport and even the Freljord. At the same time, they will also serve as Fossbarrow's liaison here, and they can communicate through Ivar when necessary.

After leaving enough paper and charcoal for recording information, Ino bid farewell to these ice elemental mages who had been carefully selected by himself, and led the others, and finally set foot on the way back to Fossbarrow .

The strong wind is still howling, and the heavy snow is already heavy.

Most of the ice elemental mages have only done some insignificant work along the way. For intelligence work, they do not have the same talent as magic.

But when they look back and think about it, they will find that even though the traces of their work quickly disappeared in the wind and snow like footprints on the snow field, when they looked at the vast snow field again, their hearts were full of tears. There is no more confusion and fear before.

There are some things that you will only know if you have really experienced and done it.

Perhaps, this is the meaning of practice.

 Kalya's Little Classroom: Ice Processing in the Freljord:

  The way the Freljord people process the pure ice is usually to directly hit the pure ice with the pure ice and sharpen the pure ice with the pure ice, so in most tribes, the pure ice is passed down smaller and finer .

  So, why do people still use large pieces of True Ice weapons?

  That's because Lissandra will select warriors who are loyal to the Frostguard tribe and bestow them with Precious Ice.

  As for where the true ice of the Frostguard tribe came from, no one knew.

  PS. 90k/200k, my stomach is healed, but still a little weak... Come to the heat!

  PSS. I am not optimistic about RNG, it is true, but RNG is so bad, and it is only the top eight. Now that TES wants to come, I still think it is heavyweight.

(End of this chapter)

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