Lux's Farewell

495 Internal and external training [0489]

495 Internal and external training [0489]
Leaving Frost Harbor, Ino took the ice elemental mages who felt his heart and went south along the original road, passing through Frozen Tide Harbor, Crushed Ice Harbor, and Briar Harbor, and finally returned to Fossbarrow smoothly.

Half of the 54th group of 11 ice elemental mages stayed in the Freljord - don't get me wrong, they didn't sacrifice, but stayed in Frost Harbor and Frozen Tide Harbor in the form of intelligence teams , Icebreaker Harbor and Briar Harbor.

At the beginning of every month, the Iva line will cruise on this road and send the key information they collected back to Fossbarrow. These four strongholds are Fossbarrow's intelligence information in the Freljord Dedicated line.

In addition, the returned Ino also brought back a very sincere trade agreement. If it goes well, Fossbarrow can send the first caravan northward to trade at Frost Harbor in the spring. up!
While waiting for the arrival of spring, Fossbarrow had plenty of time to collect and acquire supplies for trade.

On the other hand, in Fossbarrow, Lux's social research project finally took shape.

In Xiongdu, Mrs. Augesa sent back the news. So far, Lacus finally has a clear idea of ​​the scale and industry of Demacia's fur trade.

On this basis, she also had an estimate of the amount of fur that the Fossbarrow trade could accept—and on this basis, Lacus also had the ambitious idea of ​​expanding the fur processing industry and launching the Fossbarrow fur brand , building a fashion design center in Fossbarrow, etc., and really started to deal with it.

However, unlike the smooth sailing of Ino's negotiation journey, Lacus encountered some moderate problems on Fossbarrow's side.

She had gone deep into the Orion family to understand the issue of the fur processing industry, but she learned that "I usually have to take care of the children at home. It is impossible to work in the factory like a miner's family. If the Earl wants to deal with fur, he will directly hand over Just give it to me, I have my own secret recipe."

The launch of the Fossbarrow fur brand is a good thing. When she returns to Xiongdu, she can design a stunning enough fur for herself, attracting attention in the name of aristocratic model, and it will somewhat cause a wave of turmoil.

But regarding the fur clothing design center, Lacus found embarrassingly that even if she showed her name, even if Xiongdu's Art Support Association was fully mobilized, she would be willing to come to the North to try and show off in Fossbarrow The number of people is still pitifully small.

Juxiong is not easy, but even if you stay in Xiong, you paint for the caravans that come and go here every year, even if you participate in the soundtrack of weddings and ceremonies here, even if you do tailors here, most of the artists in Xiongpiao are unwilling to go to Fukuoka. Spiro.

No one likes the bitter cold in the northern region. After the news of Lux was passed on by the Art Support Association, only a few people who were originally born in the northern region would pack their bags after thinking about it.

Lux, who was full of ambitions, suffered a heavy blow in the face of reality—to be honest, she felt that there was nothing wrong with her plan, but when it was actually carried out, it was full of unsmoothness and unfeasibility.

It was for this reason that when Kalya came back and asked about the results of her homework, Lux looked quite depressed.

"I thought this would bring amazing development to Fossbarrow." She pursed her mouth, and talked about her plan aggrievedly, "As for the large amount of fur that the Freljord may bring, I investigated Fossbarrow and even the entire Demacia fur industry intends to integrate and upgrade in the same way as in Zaun."

"There is no problem with the idea, but encountered difficulties in the process?"

"That's right, Fossbarrow people can't understand the unified treatment I proposed, and there are not many people who can design fur in Xiongdu who are willing to come to Fossbarrow." Lacus lowered his head deeply, golden The long hair seems to have faded, "I seem to be whimsical. They all respect me and are willing to believe me, but the development of this matter is completely different from what I imagined."

"It's normal, Lacus." Kalya didn't speak sarcasm this time, but comforted softly in a rather gentle tone, "It's not whimsical, it's just that I didn't grasp it well in some processes."

Lacus blinked her eyes, seeming a little uncomfortable with Kalya's relief.

"Let's ask one question at a time." Carya said in a relaxed tone, "Let's start with Fossbarrow's fur processing industry."

Lacus nodded, and Ino who was listening was also thoughtful.

"According to what you said, you went deep into the Orion, and really saw the way the Forsbarrows handle fur, and even tried it yourself. The Orion and the Orion's family are very kind to you, and you don't have too much. Scared, right?"

"That's right." Lux nodded and replied, "But when I mentioned that I could build a factory to gather the furs together and process them in a unified way, she said that this is whimsical, and it's not as good as each company can process the furs and then process them together. Good furs are sold together."

"What she said is very realistic, and it is the reality that Fossbarrow has experienced so far." Carya commented, "According to what you said before, the life of this Orion is not bad, right?"

Lux nodded.

"Then, why would a family with a decent life sell the furs they obtained from hunting to Fossbarrow's fur processing factory at a lower price according to what you said, and then the people who usually process the furs, Are you still going to work in a fur processing factory?" Carya asked rhetorically, "Their life is not a problem now, it is very stable, why should they spend time torturing themselves, and then face a new and unfamiliar environment?"


Lux obviously can't answer this question, because although in her estimation, the efficiency of the new production method will be greatly improved, due to the impact of the Freljord fur, I am afraid that in terms of income, the increase will be very limited, just as The enthusiastic northern lady said, this is "pure nonsense".

"Now, do you understand where your problem is?" Kalya continued, "You haven't thought about it from the perspective of those involved in your plan. This is the crux of the problem—from the direction It is said that your idea is very good, and I just use this method when I come here, but when it comes to practical problems, it is not enough to have a [good idea] to solve the problem.”

"So, the question about fur designers is the same, right?" Lacus pursed her lips, "Although their life in Xiongdu is not very good, but with the help of the Art Support Association to find a job, at least they can live well." They can't go on, so they don't want to come to Forsbarrow and try something completely unfamiliar."

"That's right." Carya's tone was gratified, and then changed the subject without warning, "How is the construction process of the artificial lake? Is it going well?"

"It went very smoothly, and the progress even exceeded expectations." When it came to this topic, Lux finally seemed a lot happier, "Although the weather is getting colder and colder, the enthusiasm for the work of the Archon has increased. Sona organized several Many people have found their hobbies after work.”

"Then do you know why I mobilized all the Archons to build an artificial lake in the first winter?" Carya continued to ask, "Have you thought about this problem?"

"It should be to convince the people of Fossbarrow that the Archon is trustworthy, and let them understand that magic is not terrible, but a brand-new productivity."

"This is only part of it." Carya chuckled, "More importantly, it will allow us to gain the trust of the Forsbarrow people, making them willing to truly accept us and the new order we bring, because we can The new order we have brought is proven to be good."

"So, if I want to realize my ideas, I must let the people involved in these ideas understand that it is better to do so, and it is more beneficial to everyone." Lacus let out a long breath, "Use The most direct and clear way!"

"That's right, you can't acquiesce that everyone has received the same education and vision as you." Kalya continued in a childish tone, "Since you have all come into contact with civilians, you should I understand that what everyone wants is to have enough food and clothing, to be free from disease and disaster, and to enjoy family relationships, and that’s all. Even Yinuo, what she wanted at the beginning was to become an excellent maid beside [Light of Light] ] That's all..."

Ino who was mentioned suddenly widened his eyes helplessly.

After being manipulated by Tiana and leaving the Arcatraz, she really wanted to be the most reliable maid around Lacus, and even the reason for accepting Karya at the beginning was to hope that through this method, she could better understand, Get closer to Lux.

Although in various later experiences, Ino saw a wider world, and under the guidance of Kalya, he gradually understood and agreed with Lux's thoughts, and even when he thought of his past self, he felt silly and cute , when Kalya was suddenly called directly by her name, she still fell into a daze on the spot, and then her toes were clenched.

Teacher Kalya is good at everything, why does he like to turn over old accounts?
However, seeing that Lux's mood improved a lot, Ino finally narrowed his eyes.

Wait, could it be because Mr. Kalya...isn't very good at comforting people?



After Lux got over her depression, Kalya went over all of her plans with her in detail.

It can be summed up in one sentence: There is no problem with the thinking, but the action is too hasty.

According to Kalya, if you want to concentrate your power in Fossbarrow and build a fur processing plant, you can't just rely on verbal mobilization. For fur, the price of fur should be lowered first.

At the same time, the site selection and preparation of fur processing plants can be carried out simultaneously.

Then, wait until the hunters of Fossbarrow can't meet their daily income needs only by hunting and processing the furs obtained from hunting, and then start recruiting workers.

During this process, for the transformation of the production method from the family workshop to the factory worker, Lacus also needs to mobilize the archon to publicize and conduct technical training. Only in this way can Fossbarrow get used to it Orion families who process their own fur in the form of manual workshops accept the working method of large-scale fur production and processing.

Even with the cooperation of the Freljord trade, this process will take at least two or three years. Moreover, in order to avoid problems in the lives of Forsbarrow hunters due to the reduction in fur prices, Lux must also prepare during this period. Other livelihood projects aim to improve the basic living standards of Forsbarrow people as much as possible.

According to Carya's plan, in the next period of time, the fur industry and mining industry will become the important pillar industries of Fossbarrow, but before the two industries can truly become the economic engine of the North, the current Fossbarrow's The hunter family will experience the throes of a reformation.

However, thanks to Fossbarrow's natural economy and production level being low enough, as long as Lux holds the Archon in her hand, carries out large-scale livelihood engineering transformation during the throes and promotes Fossbarrow's trade level, the hunter family will suffer a lot. Pain, at best stagnation.

"That is to say, in the next three years, the standard of living of the herb pickers in Fossbarrow will increase rapidly, and some professional magicians will focus on the domestication of rare plants." After listening to Kalya's narration , Lacus Moose suddenly realized, "The furs imported by the Freljord will have an impact on the local hunters in Fossbarrow, but because Fossbarrow's economy itself is in development, the impact is not It will not make their lives difficult, it will only make them feel dissatisfied!"

"That's what it means!" Seeing that Lacus understood what she meant, Kalya also let out a sigh of relief, "As a foreign lord, your current base is the Archon, so you need to use the Archon to build large-scale projects. The ability and the commercial benefits you can bring to Fossbarrow will allow Fossbarrow to maintain its development—and as long as Fossbarrow maintains its development, then you can calmly dispatch and upgrade the industry.”

"As for the herb picking industry, industrial upgrading can be carried out together with technological progress!" Lacus draws an analogy, "Many specialty plants in Fossbarrow can only grow naturally and are picked by herb pickers, but the 77th group The archons can provide them with different living environments. In the absence of external changes, the herb pickers can work with the 77th group of archons to explore the artificial domestication of these economic plants. During the exploration process, little by little Incorporated into the new order!"

"That's it." Karya heard the words, and finally there was a bit of relief in his tone, "Reforms are the worst way to avoid anxiety. The best way to solve problems and destroy the old order is to completely dissolve it in the new order. This is the real inner and outer cultivation."

"What about my homework this time?" Lux enjoyed the teaching with recognition very much, "Is the grade okay?"

"You can correct your mistakes, so you did a pretty good job, almost admirable." Facing Lax's tone of complimenting me, Kalya also picked up her most troublesome tone, "Dear noble model, Laxan Your Excellency Count Na."

 Carya's Small Classroom Demacia's Design Industry:
  In Demacia, designer is a respectable profession, and it is also the employment direction of most artists. However, most Demacia designers are either children of noble families who do not inherit titles, or come to settle in Demacia Being a foreigner is a rather unpopular profession.

  PS.94k/200k, there will be another chapter in the second half of the night, and EDG, come on!

(End of this chapter)

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