Lux's Farewell

496 New Year's Eve [0490]

After sorting out the problem and finding the direction, Lux just needs to let go and do it.

As the legitimate lord of Fossbarrow, she has the determination and confidence to change this northern border city.

Among all the changes, the first thing that caught the attention of Fossbarrow people was the miraculously completed artificial lake project after a winter.

This artificial lake, more than [-] miles away from Fossbarrow, is located at the birthplace of the Fossbarrow Glacier.

In previous years, Fossbarrow's glacier would start here and crash down.

During the crushing process of the glacier, the rumbling sound will follow the movement of the glacier, like a tidal wave, until it reaches the upper reaches of the Meilan River and completely melts into water.

And behind this rumbling glacier that crushed everything, a new river channel will be formed at one time, and the subsequent snow-capped ice and melted water will form a seasonal river along this path, and finally pass through the Meilan River and finally enter Xiongdu Bay. Conquer the sea.

However, this year, when spring came, the snow melted, and the Third Army of the North finally confirmed that the Freljords would not go south, Fossbarrow was extraordinarily quiet.

The Fossbarrows, who had been guarding the city carefully for the whole winter, finally had the opportunity to leave the city. They were shocked to find that in the place where the glaciers began to slide down and crushed in previous years, there is now a place where the glaciers can hardly be seen at a glance. Great Lakes!

This great lake is oval in shape as a whole, and its depth is astonishing. Looking down from the side, it feels dark, like a mouth devouring the world.

However, such a "giant mouth" does not seem to be scary, because at this time, there are endless large glaciers stuck in this big mouth.

The glacier, which was as accurate as the tide letter in the past, is now stuck by this mouth!

For most of the Fossbarrow people, this is undoubtedly a very novel sight-they have never seen such a large lake, let alone a large snow-capped mountain glacier surrounded by the gentle slope of the north bank and the south bank. Great lakes with steep slopes stuck.

What's more interesting is that around this great lake, densely packed dragon crest larch is facing the spring breeze and thriving. Many hunters and herbal gatherers who have been here before can hardly believe their eyes after seeing this scene up!
These tall trees are at least three to five years old no matter how you look at them, but just last year, this place was still frozen in winter and a lake in summer!

At the very beginning, everyone was just watching the excitement, without even the sound of glaciers rumbling across the ground, they felt that this year's spring was less exciting.

But soon, as people discovered all the details of this artificial lake, they finally remembered that when the winter just entered last year, the new lord was on the largest square in Fossbarrow, in front of all Fossbarrows. A promise made by the Baylors.

In addition to not paying taxes for five years, it seems that there is another... construction of water conservancy, right?
Is this what she did?
Just when the residents of Fossbarrow were feeling suspicious, the clerk of the chamber of commerce who had notified them to listen to the speech before sent the latest notice again.

Your lord, it's time for another public speech! …


Compared with the last speech, this time, the Forsbarrows were more curious about Count Laxana.

In the past, everyone was curious about what a lord is, what kind of person the new lord is, and what changes the lord will bring to Fossbarrow.

And after a winter, this part of curiosity has been reduced a lot—Lax, who just arrived, mainly focused on observation and investigation, and did not do anything hastily. In addition to daily work, she often walked around the streets Visit different homes and learn about the lives of the locals.

Winter is the time when Fossbarrow's gossip spreads the fastest. Even if the whole city is under martial law this year to prevent the barbarians from the north from going south, the spread of gossip has not been affected.

Therefore, up to now, many well-informed people have heard about the situation of Lacus visiting various households. Although this new Lord Lord, although he didn't know much about Fossbarrow before, it seems that at least It is trying to understand and integrate.

Even if Lux hasn't actually done anything so far, the Forsbarrows have a good sense for her.

And now, with an artificial lake "appearing out of thin air", the Forsbarrows are once again curious about Lux.

Was that lake really built by Earl Laxana?
But is a few months really enough to dig out such a lake?

With doubts about this artificial lake, this time Lux's "Spring Lecture" ushered in more audiences.

Compared to last time when a few people came to listen to the speech, this time the central square of Fossbarrow was packed full. Standing on the temporary podium, at a glance, Lacus even had a kind of "memory" I went to the grand square to give a speech” feeling.

Compared with the formal speech given by the king of Demacia in the magnificent square, although Lux's spring speech this time should become a tradition in her opinion, the specific content of the speech is quite easy to understand.

No, not only is it easy to understand, it can even be said that it is not much different from La Jiachang.

"Citizens of Fossbarrow, industrious miners, dexterous herbal pickers, and brave hunters, Laxana is here to extend spring greetings to you all."

"In the past winter, our neighbors to the north were not peaceful, but the tall and generous city walls of Fossbarrow and the endless Dragon's Crest Mountains sheltered us, although staying by the fire and not being able to go out made this winter somewhat difficult. Boring, but now spring is here."

"Over the past winter, I have had the pleasure of visiting some of your families, and it has taught me some of the problems facing Forsbarrow at present, and many desired change."

"Now that the long winter holidays are over and the new year has begun, I need to announce good news, really good news, before the new year of picking, digging and hunting begins. "

"Just three days ago, a new artificial lake was built twenty miles outside Fossbarrow City. I heard that after the lifting of the martial law, many people went outside the city and saw the big lake. Some people said that The lake looks like an open mouth - I like that description."

"Of course, more people have seen this glacier with its mouth in it. That's right, this big lake is what I mentioned when I met you for the first time in this position last year, Fossby It is part of the Luo water conservancy project."

"Water is the source of life, and it is also the artery of business. Before I came to Fossbarrow, I had some discussions with Sambor of the Chamber of Commerce on the issue of Fossbarrow trade. Everyone knows that Mr. Mbor is the president of the Forsbarrow Chamber of Commerce. Every summer, he will personally lead a team to Xiongdu to help you sell a year's harvest and buy what Forsbarrow does not produce. thing."

"And Mr. Sambol told me at the time that Fossbarrow has sufficient water sources, but these water sources will draw a new seasonal river on the land in the form of glaciers every year. Yincheng and Fossbarrow's abundant water sources did not support foreign trade, and many of the commodities produced by Fossbarrow could not be sold to Xiongdu simply by relying on large animals."

"It just so happens that my hometown is Mithril City, so after hearing what Mr. Sambol said, I have been thinking about how to make Fossbarrow like Mithril City, make good use of these precious water resources."

"And now, I've finally achieved some modest results."

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