Lux's Farewell

497 [0491] Spring speech

In different places and with different people, in order to achieve the effect, the strategies adopted in speeches are naturally different.

In the magnificent square, although the content of the King Demacia's enthronement speech is close to the people, it is essentially just what the nobles listen to. Therefore, behind the plain sentences and wonderful descriptions, there are often aristocratic metaphors.

In the Zaan tavern, the speeches of the solidarity workers must be clear and insightful, and can mobilize everyone's emotions through the common experience of the Zaan workers to the greatest extent, so that everyone can rush along with them.

In Fossbarrow, facing the northerners who have just ended a long "cat winter" and have not yet fully entered the working state, Lacus used the method of visiting Fossbarrow City. Comfortable homely tone.

In the most northern style of expression, as if it was just chatter, he told how he did a big thing quietly in winter, and talked about how he hoped that Fossbarrow would change this year.

Lacus had heard this tone all winter, and most Forsbarrow people would use this tone when they talked about their children, even if they talked about brats and little bastards, as if their children were extremely naughty bastards, But in fact, they remember any little achievement of those children better than the children.

Lacus naturally has no parenting experience, but this does not prevent her from giving full play to her learning advantages and flexibly using the skills that the Fossbarrow people learned in La's homework in speeches.

"If you want to build water conservancy, you must first know where the water comes from."

"The water in Fossbarrow comes from the Dragon's Back Mountains. When the snow melts in spring, the glacier rumbles and grinds out a new channel, and the subsequent meltwater flows southward from this channel."

"But the problem is that every year, the roads made by glaciers are different. These seasonal rivers are like soup in a shallow plate, let alone used for water transportation. Even if you wash your feet, you don't have to worry about getting your thighs wet. "

"So, the first step in building water conservancy is to gather the water for soup. At least one soup basin must be prepared."

"So, I led people to spend a winter's time digging a big soup pot for Fossbarrow's soup plan—however, the soup may be a little slow to drink, and now there is only ice in the soup pot."

The figurative metaphor elicited a burst of low laughter from the Forsbarrow people. There was no irony in this kind of laughter, but only understanding and empathy.

At this point, most of the Forsbarrow people who listened to the speech had already understood why the huge lake was dug.

"Now that there is a soup bowl, and the soup is slowly melting from the ice, the next step is to figure out how to drink it into your mouth."

"Such a big soup basin cannot be used with a spoon. If you want to use the water, you must let it flow. Only the flowing water can carry transportation, communicate trade, and produce more Forsbarrow. Sell ​​it, sell it to Pinara, sell it to Edessa, sell it to the capital of Demacia!"

"Only in this way can we exchange our harvest for other things we need-in summer, instead of wearing fleece sweaters, we can pull a few feet of fabric and make new ones for our families. Clothes; when you are sick, you don’t have to pray that it can be cured by Forsbarrow’s local herbs, but you can have holy water and medicine from other places to treat it.”

Strictly speaking, these words of Lacus are pictures, but she knows Fossbarrow very well, so she knows what the people of Forsbarrow need, and what kind of cakes should be painted, so that Fossbarrow people will Feel fragrant.

Since there is almost no silk, cotton, or linen textile industry in the area, the Fossbarrow people wear fleece sweaters even in summer.

The family of hunters she visited back then, the elder sister who had shown her fur processing techniques, her favorite piece of clothing was an ordinary blue cotton robe, which was worn by her husband when she got married. The complete dragon spine lynx skin was exchanged for—it was not Sambol black, but the Chamber of Commerce’s annual transport capacity was limited, and there was no space to transport too many supplies.

For the Fossbarrow people, joining the army not only means that they have a way to rise, but also various military supplies are also something they are quite fancy, the most important of which are the three sets of military uniforms from the inside to the outside.

In food, clothing, housing and transportation, clothing is the biggest pain point of Forsbarrow's lack of material.

As for the medicine, it is because before that, Lux, who used to pretend to be an intern of the Illuminati, also visited many families who suffered from shadow erosion. From the mouths of those helpless Fossbarrows, Lacus not only learned about the shadow erosion at that time. The situation, and even some understanding of the life-and-death medical technology of Fossbarrow.

If the Fossbarrow people are sick, if it is a minor ailment or a problem that can be treated by special herbs in the north, then everything will be fine.

But if you need to use more therapeutic drugs produced elsewhere, you will have to resign yourself to fate.

These are all things that Lacus discovered through observation, and the people of Fossbarrow are very concerned about but can't do anything about it. Therefore, here, she directly tells these contents in front of all the people of Fossbarrow.

The analogy of digging a soup pot and drinking soup can help the people of Fossby understand why an artificial lake should be built, and the following example tells the people of Fossby that water conservancy construction can truly solve everyone's plight and bring about changes for everyone.

When Lux said "there is holy water and other medicines for treatment", the laughter among the crowd has disappeared—many people who have always felt that the lord is very familiar are surprised to find that she seems to be the same as that time at that time. When the epidemic was prevalent, the "Illuminati trainee from Xiongdu who instructs the use of holy water" was exactly the same!
Then, when these people were confused, Lux on the podium blinked.

"Thanks to the Archons who came to Fossbarrow from the Silencers of the Illuminati." Lux continued, "They spent a whole winter digging on the hard frozen soil with their own methods. This soup bowl; and this year, they will spend a year connecting this bowl of northern soup with the Meilan River for us."

While speaking, Lux took the initiative to applaud, and as the applause sounded, the representatives of the Archons were invited to this podium which was much bigger and stronger than before.

Starting from the first group, Lux introduced to the Fossbarrow people the type of project each person represented in a very proud tone. Some of them dug lakes, some built dams, some rammed earth, Some filled the surrounding hot melt lake, some planted trees to protect the dam for the lake, and some provided logistical support for the entire camp...

Before today, Lacus had an open and honest conversation with Fossbarrow's private army. After a long history of education, coupled with Sithlia and Fuquelin's ice-breaking, this army is no longer against The Archons are full of disgust—especially after the artificial lake is finally built, no matter how stubborn the soldiers are, they have to admit that with the leadership of Earl Laxana, these enchanted... Archons can do some serious business .

They really weren't like the bastards who were sent to continue serving time.

After doing the ideological work of the army, Lux finally brought these talented spellcasters into the city of Fossbarrow for the first time, brought them to the people of Fossbarrow, and publicly announced their titles as the guardians of the law. .

The Fossbarrows don't know who the Archon is, but they still have the most basic respect for the man who spent the winter digging Fossbarrow's soup bowl.

However, this is just respect. At the beginning, no one applauded with Lux.

Then, just when the scene was about to become embarrassing, Boole, who suffered from a strange illness last year and lay in bed for several months, was weakened, and his old mother, who was dependent on him, suddenly took a hard shot together. hand.

In addition to them, there are many people who had contracted a disease last year and were finally cured by the holy water or took a long time to heal themselves. They also clapped their hands vigorously as if they understood something.

Phrases such as "Illuminati", "Holy Water" and "The Earl has long been here" began to circulate among the crowd, and more and more people began to clap their hands. The applause was like sporadic splashes at the beginning, and gradually It turned into a roaring river, and finally intertwined into a vast ocean.

The Archon, who was a little embarrassed on the stage, proudly puffed out his chest amidst the applause.

Three days ago, when the artificial lake was officially completed, they, as engineering representatives, had already received the internal praise from the Archon.

But now, they were pleasantly surprised to find that this praise may not only come from the circle of archons—for these people who were once abandoned by Demacia, standing on a high podium and accepting Demacia The people of West Asia applauded the truth, something they never dreamed of.

In all fairness, their exploits deserved all praise, and mere applause was not enough to reward them for their contribution to Forsbarrow.

But for those who used to be demon-infested, a fair evaluation and a sincere thank you are precious enough.

From now on, they can no longer live in makeshift camps.

Amidst the applause, the Archon finally saw the warm sunshine again.


After talking about the significance, ideas and necessity of water conservancy projects, Lux untied her speech and focused on this year's plan.

Combined with the previously issued draft for comments, she proposed three important proposals.

First, to strengthen commercial trade in view of Fossbarrow's property and business environment.

This year, the artificial lake is still mainly in the water storage stage, and the meltwater from the snowy mountains that exceeds the capacity will be introduced into the river last year. Therefore, the transportation method from Fossbarrow to Demacia Xiongdu has not changed for the time being.

However, because Lux has "little contacts" in Xiongdu, the large-scale trade once in summer can now add multiple small-scale trades. Fossbarrow will use A form of small-scale trade that helps the Forsbarrows sell more goods and merchandise.

At the same time, the Archon will also purchase other specialties from the northern border, and join them in the trade of Fossbarrow. This part of Lux did not specify, but the main content is the Freljord trade and Mithral City trade.

Second, try to reform the herb pickers industry in Forsbarrow.

With the support of the herb pickers guild, the old herb pickers who cannot climb the cliffs by themselves will cooperate with the magicians to try to use artificial cultivation methods, planting herbs including Lingjiang, Fuwucao, and Cassia Dorothy in the The special spice crops in the northern border.

I believe that with the help of the Archon, Fossbarrow will soon experiment with an environment suitable for the growth of these plants-and considering the astonishing price of Runeterra's natural spices, this will be the source of Fossbarrow's future wealth!

Third, for the mining industry in Fossbarrow, Lux will lead the integration of resources.

Specifically, starting from ore washing and crushing, we will regain the blue ocher industry chain bit by bit!

Fossbarrow, as the origin of blue ochre, can only earn a little basic mining money, which is really a loss to grandma's family. Lacus, who has been in charge of the work in Zaan for three years, knows better than anyone else that the blue ochre industry is very important. An industry that absorbs a large amount of labor is the best industry for cultivating organizations, and it is also the industry that is easiest to accept progress!
Therefore, whether it is to make Fossbarrow rich or to lay the foundation for Fossbarrow's take-off, the blue ocher industry will definitely be the focus of the next work!

In the past, Fossbarrow had no water to wash ore, and no hand to break it.

But now that the artificial lake has been built, although it is not enough to support Fossbarrow's water transport trade, there is no pressure at all for small-scale ore washing and drainage!

With the artificial lake as the water source for ore washing and mages participating in ore crushing, Fossbarrow will use the most shameless price war to directly defeat and absorb the ore washing and crushing plants in the south. Get ready for next year's "Victory Pursuit"!
The three proposals were all supported by the heads of the chamber of commerce, the mining association, and the herbal pickers' guild, and the details were repeatedly discussed by Lacus and them, which naturally fit Fossbarrow's situation.

Now Lacus used the most popular way of speaking to connect them with her own vision and told the people of Fossbarrow, which naturally caused the audience to cheer one after another!

At this moment, it seems that everyone has seen a bright future and is waving to themselves!

At the end of the speech, she made an agreement with the Fossbarrow people that everyone would meet here before winter, and then she would report to all the Fossbarrow people that during this year, the spring The results of the speech program, summarizing the achievements and changes of Forsbarrow over the past year.

Amidst the thunderous applause of the Fossbarrow people, Lax ended her spring speech this time. With the artificial lake that was quietly built last winter, most of the Fossbarrow people present were very impressed with Laxanne. Earl's promise, looking forward to the changes in Forsbarrow this year.

Although this kind of expectation is not enough to make them take the initiative to make too many changes, the optimistic view and willing support have already satisfied Lux.

Trust is built little by little.

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