Lux's Farewell

498 [0492] Archon in action

After Spring's speech, Fossbarrow seemed to be a behemoth that had ended hibernation, and officially began to move.

Although in the spring speech, Lacus outlined a bright future for Fossbarrow, but for every Fossbarrow person, at least this spring, in addition to an extra activity called "Going to the Lake" Outside of activities, life hasn't changed much.

However, in places invisible to ordinary people, many interesting changes have indeed taken place in Fosbarrow.

For example, at the request of Grandma Nadine, among the first group of herbal gatherers to enter the Dragon's Ridge Mountains, there were several more archons and several soldiers responsible for "protecting the safety of the archons".

The addition of these people makes the initial picking team responsible for leading the charge of all herbal pickers and exploring the growth of overwintering plants this year look a bit bloated.

However, with Granny Nadine speaking, and the supplies of these Archons and soldiers are all carried by themselves, the members of the initial mining team will not say much, at most they are curiously looking at these Archons and soldiers , secretly doubting whether these guys can keep up with their own footsteps.

This is not malicious speculation, nor does it distrust the excellent physical fitness of Demacian soldiers, mainly because the snow-capped mountains of the Dragon's Ridge Mountains have always been steep, and the initial harvesting team wanted to find out the growth of overwintering plants and determine the best picking time , Often have to climb mountains and mountains, and even climb ice walls with ropes and ice axes.

People who have not received professional training are really unable to walk on the ground like the initial picking team—even ordinary herb collectors can't keep up with the initial picking team!

However, Fuquelin, who traveled with the team, was very confident.

As the first group of guardians who knew of Kalya's existence, the youngest, Fuquelin, was the most core person among the guardians accompanying the team.

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That's right, now Fuquelin is Lux's younger junior sister. After returning from the Freljord, Kalya synthesized the performance of the archons and set up a private magic training class to train those archons he is very optimistic about. , and in the 77th group, because of her special talent, Fauqueline is quite popular with Karya.

How much does Karya like this little girl who can naturally catalyze the growth and decline of plants?
Lux was so envious that he wanted to cry when he gave Fuqueline a lesson—it was very different from the extreme strictness when facing "combatants" like Lacus and Yin Nuo, but it was astonishing for Fuqueline's talent A scholarly mage, Kalya's patience is surprisingly good.

Carya, who has always been a strict teacher, is so kind when facing Fukline. As long as Fauqueline has a little achievement, she can draw inferences from one instance, and Carya's encouragement and praise will be in place directly.

According to Carya's words, researchers are treasures, they are the ones who will truly bring about technological progress, and they must be given super-standard respect.

Of course, super-standard treatment also means that Fukui Lin has to take responsibility, such as this exploration operation - entering the Dragon's Crest Mountains before the ice and snow have melted, and going to the cliffs to check the growth conditions and status of plants. Obviously, this is an extremely difficult challenge.

As a little girl who spent three full years in the Arcatraz, Fukuilen's body is quite weak. Even after completing the transplant experiment of Dragon's Crest larch and recuperating for a whole winter, she still looks like a Sick looking.

In order to ensure the safety of the little junior sister, Lacus contributed the leather vest and breeches she received on her 14th birthday. This outfit is said to be made of sea dragon leather, and the price is quite astonishing.

In addition, in order to ensure that Fuquelin will not get sick due to natural conditions, among the archons accompanying the team, there is a fire elemental mage who is in charge of the human-shaped stove, and an ice elemental mage is responsible for cleaning the road and providing pure water.

One-third of this team of guardians is simply Fukline's "exclusive support staff", so we must ensure her safety during this trip!
And the accompanying guardians also liked this timid little girl very much. As the youngest guardian, everyone was willing to take care of Fukuilin.

In this way, after everything was ready, the archon, soldiers, and preliminary harvesting team assembled, left Fossbarrow, walked towards the snow-capped Dragon's Crest Mountains, and began to explore the growth of plants in the northern border this year.


Walking in the very center of the team, Fauquelin looked eagerly at the snow-covered plants on both sides of the path.

As a natural botanical mage, she has a natural curiosity and longing for plants, but unfortunately, at the time of departure, Nadinson, the captain of the initial mining team and the leader in charge of the team, repeatedly emphasized that in order to avoid delays in the exploration time, , Affect this year's picking harvest, the team must move forward according to the itinerary plan, without delaying time.

"We will leave six hours of investigation time for you at each inspection point, but that is based on the premise that you don't waste time on the road." The serious Nadinson looked businesslike, "I You don’t understand your work, and you don’t understand mine, so we don’t judge each other, it’s better to cooperate with each other.”

In this case, even though Fauqueline was full of curiosity about these plants that she had never seen before, she could only watch helplessly.

Then, just as her eyes fell on a tree with white bark that she had never seen before, Fukline's feet suddenly slipped, and she lost her balance.

However, before she fell, a not-so-strong but powerful hand supported her first.

"Don't look around, Fuquelin!" Sithlia shook her head helplessly, "I know you are very interested in these plants, but before looking at them, you must first look at your feet!"


Fauqueline seemed to bow before being straightened again by Sithlia.

Seeing the embarrassment on her face, but she couldn't help but look at Fukline around her, Sislia could only sigh helplessly in the end.

As the first Archon she knew, Sithlia, who had played many games with Fuquelin, knew exactly what kind of person this little sister was—her mind was very flexible, and she was very flexible in handling things. She is down-to-earth and serious, but her curiosity and desire for knowledge are a little too strong. When playing chess, she will even take some dumbfounding steps out of curiosity.

She has always liked plants, and she has just spent the winter in the camp, and now she has seen so many types of plants that she has never seen before. I am afraid that just relying on reminders is not enough to make her focus on the road!
"Fufu!" Sithlia tightened Fuquelin's hat, and called out her nickname in a low voice, "Stop looking around, promise me, if you can go through this journey with all your heart and soul, you will reach For the first investigation point, I will write a letter to ask my family to send Yuncong's Yuncong flowers!"

"Yun Cong Hua?" Fukui Lin's eyes brightened when she heard the name, "Is that the Yun Cong Hua you told me that can bloom under the snow?"

"That's right." Sithlia nodded, "I'm from Yuncong. Laxana is currently counting family letters and delivering them in a unified way. I will ask my mother to send a pack of Yuncong flower seeds!"

"But's a long way from here!" Fukuilin blinked her eyes, "Yuncong, it should be near the Green Tooth Peak, right?"

"Fufu still knows about Green Tooth Peak? Aren't you from Needle Creek County?" Sithlia said in surprise, "Don't worry, the seeds of Yunconghua are very small, and they should be wrapped in paper with the letter. It can be delivered!"

"Then it's settled!" Fauquelin said seriously, "From now on, Fauqueline has nothing else to do!"

Under the lure of Yunconghua seeds, Fukuilen managed to concentrate and stopped looking at the various plants on both sides of the path. When it was time for a break at noon, Yin Nuo praised her for being serious and told her to keep working hard in the afternoon.

During the march in the afternoon, Fukuilin really made persistent efforts and truly focused on nothing else—not that she was more serious, but because they arrived at the entrance of the mountain pass for this exploration trip not long after they set off in the afternoon.

With the steep increase of the climbing slope, Fauqueline has no energy to look around, she must concentrate on her feet - in this kind of snow-covered mountains, even if everyone is lined up in two rows, the people behind step on the front People stepped on the snow nest to move, but due to the uneven terrain under the snow, walking with one deep foot and one shallow foot will still lose balance accidentally.

For Nadinson, the team leader, the snow in the Dragon’s Back Mountains this year is at the normal knee level, but his snow-covered knees mean that the snow has no thighs for Fuquelin, even if there are snow nests that people in front of him walked through. , she started on the road, but it was still quite difficult.

In this case, it can only be said that it is thanks to Sithlia. If she hadn't been holding Fukline on her arm to help her maintain her balance, I am afraid that Fukile would have fallen into a rolling gourd after walking down the mountain road in the afternoon. up.

It was getting late, and when the team arrived at the hunter's hut where they rested for the first night, if it wasn't for the sea dragon leather vest and breeches provided by Lux, Fauqueline would have been soaked and frozen.

"This year our speed of action is a bit slow." Nadinson said seriously in the narrow hunter's lodge due to the large number of people entering, "Although when we arrived here, it was only slower than the original plan. Two quarters of an hour, but in the mountains at this time of year, even two quarters of an hour could be fatal."

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Nadinson." As the chief person in charge of the Archon, Fauquelin immediately stood up, "I'm not yet familiar with the way of driving in the mountains, and I won't be able to do so tomorrow!"

Raising his eyebrows, Nadinson didn't say anything in the end—if he didn't know that the little girl in front of him was the most important person on the side of the Archon, he would definitely think that the other party deliberately sent someone who he couldn't blame to recite it. pot.

For this little girl who worked hard but couldn't walk fast due to physical reasons, and who was the core of the Archon's operation, Nadinson had no good solution.

In the end, he could only say "rest early", got up and left the hunter's hut - there were too many people in this operation, and he planned to simply build a shed outside the house next to the house.

Then, just after Nadinson went out, he was shocked to find that beside the hunter's hut, a house made of ice had been built, and it looked even bigger than the hunter's hut!
"There are too many people this time, and the hunter's hut can't rest." The magician who just finished building the hut said to him with a smile, "So I just built an igloo here."


Nadinson's eyes widened in astonishment. He stared blankly at the igloo, and suddenly an unbelievable thought occurred to him.

Could it be that the person in front of him is a mage?
Apart from magic, Nadinson couldn't think of any means to create an igloo out of thin air!
"Mr. Nadinson, I am indeed a spellcaster." As if guessing his thoughts, the magician who built the igloo handed him a letter, "Mr. Not evil, I will prove it to you in the following journey."

"Mother knows your identity?" Nadinson took the letter, and under the light of the torch, he glanced at it. "Aren't you all Archons?"

For this question, Nadinson didn't get an answer. The other party just smiled and then grinned, as if he didn't intend to respond positively.


In the end, Nadinson took the stronger members of the team and slept in the igloo with their clothes on for the night. During the period, some people were curious about the origin of the igloo, but Nadinson said, "Don't worry about it." Hurry up and go to sleep" to get over to the lake.

The next day, Nadinson, who didn't sleep well, woke up early, organized the team, and began to arrange breakfast.

Then, just as Nadinson was boiling water to nibble on cold rations, Fauqueline found him and handed him a handful of apparently freshly roasted acorns.

"Let's eat some warm acorns!" The little girl happily shared the acorns that were roasted just right, the outer shell was cracked, and could be eaten as soon as they were broken. "It's delicious!"

"You brought acorns?" Nadinson was not polite, and took the acorns directly, "I don't think you have brought too big a package..."

"I didn't bring it, it was Brother Brenochlin, he found an oak tree last night!" The little girl said with a smile, "This is the acorn he harvested in the morning!"

Nadinson instinctively felt the absurdity—there were indeed some oak trees growing in the mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forest at the southern foot of the Dragon's Back Mountain Range, but it was early spring, so how could there be acorns at this time? !
Didn't you pick that thing up when you entered the mountains in autumn?

He looked at the steaming acorns in his hands suspiciously. It was indeed a familiar smell of roasted acorns, and it was a treasure. Only the herbal pickers who entered the Longji Mountains in autumn but before the first snow fell could taste the flavor. Such a rich acorn.

But now is the early spring, the early spring when the ice and snow have not yet melted!

Full of doubts, Nadinson didn't bother to eat acorns, and hurriedly asked Fukline about the origin of these acorns. If there is really an oak tree in the mountain that can produce acorns in spring, then the harvest of this trip to the mountain will be great. up.

Moments later, Nadinson was brought to the oak tree by Fauqueline.

Nadinson carefully looked at this oak tree. From the perspective of an experienced herb picker, he felt that it was an oak tree in early autumn.

Look at the leaves, look at the state of the bark—it seems that because the surrounding temperature is too low, this oak tree even experienced autumn freeze, and many twigs began to dry and fall off when the wind blows!

What the hell, this is clearly an autumn oak tree!
"How did Bnocklin harvest the acorns?" Nadinson said with difficulty, "Using... magic?"

"Yes, using magic!" Fauqueline showed a proud expression, "Brokeling is best at controlling the growth of oak trees, but unfortunately the land by the lake is too wet and stuffy to grow live oak trees, otherwise I had plenty of acorns to eat last winter..."

Looking at the oak tree in front of him, which appeared strangely in early spring, but in early autumn physiologically, and listening to Fauqueline's proud narration, Nadinson only felt that his worldview had gone wrong.

In his impression, mages are the possessors of powerful power, and people in the north are not as sensitive to the issue of "evil magic" as people in the hinterland of Demacia, but because the Freljord spellcasters Most of them don't do personnel affairs, so their impression of the mage is also very negative.

But the hot acorns in front of him, and the familiar but unfamiliar oak tree, completely overturned Nadinson's cognition. He opened his mouth, but found that he had nothing to say at all—so, he took out his mother again. On the letterhead left for himself, his eyes fell on the last line.

"Start from the beginning, just like the first time I took you into the Dragon's Crest Mountains, feel and record."

After being stunned for a while, he shook his head helplessly, put away the letter, then broke open an acorn in his hand, and threw it into his mouth.

"The acorns taste really good." A smile finally appeared on Nadinson's serious face, "The roast is also very good."

"Brother Braum is a master of grilling!"

"Mr. Braum, is he also an Archon?" Nadinson's smile was a little stiff, but soon returned to normal. "He baked it with magic? No wonder there is no smell of wood."

"Brother Bnocklin said that it is best to use oak wood to bake, but unfortunately there is too little time." Fauquelin also put a nut in her mouth, "But I think it is delicious!"

"It's delicious, but you can't eat too much." Nadinson nodded after adjusting his mentality, "Especially if you can't eat it when you are on the road, it will hurt your stomach."


"Also, if you find anything edible during your next break, please let me know in advance." After a pause, Nadinson added, "It's a bit of a treat to eat such a good acorn after it's roasted and dried." wasted."

As he spoke, he broke open an acorn again, threw it into his mouth, and chewed vigorously.

Between the lips and teeth, the unique oily flavor of acorns began to pervade, the corners of Nadinson's mouth turned up slightly, and his eyes narrowed at the same time.

Record from scratch...

It's really a headache to have such a mother who is so old but always doesn't like to talk well—does your son look like a prejudiced, serious and stubborn fool?
82 Chinese Network

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