Lux's Farewell

Chapter 499 [0493] Cassia Dorothy growth environment simulation

Starting from Nadinson, a silent tacit understanding began to spread among the first-time pickers.

Some people vaguely guessed the identities of these Archons, but they kept their faces because they trusted Nadinson; some didn't find anything, and only thought that the hot acorns were delicious.

But in any case, the archon is using his own way to integrate into the initial mining team little by little. Although they still keep secrets when casting spells, they are never hesitant to share the delicacies they make with magic.

For the initial mining team, in addition to climbing mountains and ridges, insufficient supplies are also a difficulty. For the convenience of movement, they cannot carry too much supplies, so they often only eat high-calorie dry food.

As a field worker, the dry food of the herb pickers is specially made. This kind of wheat cake soaked in animal oil and vegetable oil many times can provide enough calories, but it is really disgusting to eat.

Many herb collectors are very old. In addition to bad joints, they often have gastrointestinal problems. A large part of the reason is that dry food stimulates the stomach.

Now that they have the guardians with them, they are pleasantly surprised to find that although the food conditions are still not comparable to those at home, compared to eating dry food in hot or even cold water, it is already a world of difference.

There is Bnockling that can forcibly accelerate the growth of plants. Even if the season is not right, the initial picking team can still get fresh fruits. In addition to nuts such as acorns and pine nuts, Nadinson also instructed Bnockling to speed up the growth of plants. The growth of berries such as purple berries and black bell clusters allows everyone to eat out-of-season fruits.

Even if the climate and soil conditions are not right, and because Brucklin is completely unfamiliar with these plants, the taste of the final berries is not as good as that of acorns and pine nuts, but it is still surprising enough.

Although a few nuts and some fruits are not enough to "buy" all the herb pickers and let them give up their worries about mages, but as people who have been dealing with various wild plants all year round, they are very clear about what the abilities of these mages mean.

If plants could grow regardless of the seasons...

This will bring earth-shaking changes to the lives of herb collectors!
Even Nadinson, who had followed his mother's request calmly and followed the Archon's actions from the beginning without prejudice, now had to find Bnocklin and ask him if he could let the plants bear fruit all year round.

"No, it's impossible." Regarding Nadinson's question, Brenoklin denied it on the spot without hesitation, "Although I accelerated the growth of plants, I essentially used my magic power to supplement what they needed for growth." Nutrients, for me, it is very difficult to supply a first-time harvesting team, the kind of plant fruit you mentioned all year round...I can't do it even if I squeeze it dry."

Nadinson doesn't understand magic, but he understands what Bnocklin said to some extent - as long as the magic power is replaced by strength, it can be understood.

"What a pity." Nadinson shook his head first, and then seemed to think of something, "Wait, according to what you said, as long as you are willing, as long as you are given an oak tree, you can continuously produce acorns?"

"Uh, specifically, after suffering excessive magic, the plant will die. For example, an oak tree can produce three to five additional acorns, and if there are too many, it will wither."

"That's it." Nadinson finally nodded, seeming to breathe a sigh of relief, "I thought you could be like those mining mice, with a mine, you can dig forever!"

"How is that possible." Brenoklin laughed dumbly, "Magic is not omnipotent."


With the improvement of the logistics level, the mental state of the initial picking team members is obviously better than in previous years-although participating in the initial picking team is not only an honor, but also means that they can get a subsidy from the Herb Pickers Guild, but For the members of the initial mining team, if they can, they don't actually want this subsidy.

The cold winter has not dissipated, so I have to go to the ice of the cliff hundreds of feet to observe the quality of the plants. This is a desperate job.

Now that we have eaten well and rested well, everyone's mood is obviously better than in previous years.

And as the convenience brought by the guardian appeared in his body, most of the members of the first-time mining team looked at the guardian with a little bit of approval.

Then, on the third day after leaving Forsbarrow, the preliminary mining team finally climbed a not-too-high mountain and reached the first exploration point.

"Here is the first investigation point." On the top of the flat hill, Nadinson greeted Fauqueline, "These low ones, which are tightly crouching on the rocks, are the cassia dorosa. , its stamens have a special aroma, it is said that it is very popular as incense - however, it has not yet recovered from overwintering, the white wax on the stems and leaves is still very thick, but the plant is still plump and strong .”

"So, is your job done?"

"It's done." Nadinson nodded, "This is just the first detection point."

"Very good, then, Wild Plant Observation Team, prepare for the experiment!"

Fauquelin, who was originally timid, suddenly took a deep breath at this moment, and then issued instructions in an unquestionable tone.

And as she said these words, all the guardians quickly gathered and surrounded her.

"Build a temporary greenhouse." Fauquelin pursed her lips and looked at the ice mages in the team. "The ceiling should be as transparent as possible, and you must maintain the stability of the igloo greenhouse throughout the process!"

"No problem." The ice mage who personally killed two ice trolls during his trip to the Freljord smiled confidently, "Leave it to me!"

The next moment, he came to a place three steps away from the Kasidorus flower selected by Ino. Imitating the spellcasting method that Ino was used to, he opened his hands into palms and slapped the ground heavily.

Where his palm touched, a large number of ice crystals began to spread and grow at an astonishing speed, and soon grew into an arc-shaped ice wall.

Under the astonished eyes of all the herb pickers, the ice wall drew a perfect arc, and finally built an igloo that was about the size of an elevator car. Xun wrapped up in the house.

"Is the roof okay?" After finishing the spell, the ice mage's face turned slightly pale, but his expression was somewhat self-confident, "This kind of transparency?"

"Very good, it's sunny today." Fauqueline leaned down, gently stroked the leaves of this cassia dorosa flower, and nodded slightly, "The sun is better now than when it was cloudy. hurry up!"

While speaking, a kind of wonderful power flowed out from her slender fingers, and slowly poured into this cassia dorosa plant.

And with the injection of power, this flower seemed to have been ordered, and began to grow rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Beside her, Nadinson and Sithlia saw the release of magic for the first time. Even though they already knew Fukline's mage status, they had eaten a lot of acorns spawned by Bnooklin before. But this was the first time that he saw spells directly.

Subconsciously, they even held their breath, staring fixedly at the fast-growing cassia dorosa.

Cecilia only thought it was miraculous, but Nadinson looked at it, but found something was wrong.

Why is this Cassidorose flower different from the oak trees and shrubs that were also promoted by magic before, but it seems to have germinated in advance?

Besides, why is it getting a little hot around here?

Nadinson blinked suspiciously, and after scanning the surroundings, he landed on Braum, who had been in charge of heating the team's food before. This young man has quite exquisite barbecue skills. Nadinson even thought that if he If I were willing to open a restaurant in the business district of Fossbarrow, I would definitely frequent it.

But now, Braum opened his hands and faced each other in front of his chest. From his palms, a wave of warmth was spreading in the igloo little by little.

This guy is not a fire mage, but a rare temperature mage!
"Brother Braum, maintain this temperature rise, and wait for my order!" Fauqueline controlled the growth of Cassia Dorothy and felt its growth state, and at the same time arranged for the other guardians naturally. Work, "Sister Anna, help control the humidity! Humidify at a constant speed!"

"It grows in the crevices of the rocks, and the temperature on the ground is not easy to control!" Bloom first raised the temperature in the ice room, and then when he pressed his hands on the ground, he finally couldn't help frowning, "The rock is too big for me to control!"

"Then try to control it as much as possible to ensure the surface temperature——Uncle Nadinson, you know about Cassia Dorothy, please help me see if there is any problem with its growth!"

"Oh, oh!"

"Water, water, sprinkle water!" Less than a quarter of an hour later, as the cassia dorosilis straightened up, without Nadinson saying anything, Fauqueline seemed to be connected with it, and continued to issue The cultivation instructions were issued, "Maintain the air temperature, continue to increase the air humidity, and simulate the spring rain environment!"

"Wind, blowing, now!"

"One more rain!"



Although Nadinson, who was asked to be an observer, knew that he should not sneak away when he was assisting in observing the growth of Cassie Dorothy, but the scene in front of him was completely beyond his knowledge, and he couldn't help but think wildly .

Now, Nadinson already knew the purpose of these archons coming here, and he also knew why in the spring speech, His Excellency the Earl vowed that he would "soon find a suitable growth environment for the plants in the north".

In the past countless years, people who gather herbs have tried to grow or transplant these plants with seeds, plants, but because it is difficult to artificially simulate the wild environment, and these plants have not been domesticated for a long time, this kind of experiment can only fail. In the end, it has been passed down from generation to generation, and today's herb pickers hardly think about planting them.

But now, these archons used their own methods to demonstrate the importance of magic in the plant cultivation process in front of Nadinson—although he didn't understand magic, Nadinson could also understand that through this simulation, Maybe these archons will find a way to artificially grow kassidoros flowers!
As an important spice, cassia dorosa only grows in high mountains, not only difficult to pick, but also the annual output is pitifully small.

And now, if it can be grown in abundance by Forsbarrow...

At this moment, a subtle emotion mixed with excitement and worry appeared in Nadinson's heart.

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