Lux's Farewell

503 [0497] Hunter's Choice

Unlike the consensus reached between Lux and the herb pickers guild, on Ino's side, the issue of the blue ocher mining industry in Vero Village was far more difficult than Ino expected.

When the mining scale is too small and the mining technology is too primitive, it is a waste of time to introduce technology for professional ore washing and crushing.

With this little blue ocher ore, find a water elemental mage or a rock elemental mage to complete the washing and crushing work—even if you have the opportunity to steal the master, it’s no problem to set up a one-stop small workshop based on magic processing big.

However, this is obviously not what Yinuo wants to see.

Doing so can only solve the livelihood problems of a small number of mages. Knowing the productivity brought by magic, both Lux and Ino have been avoiding the occurrence of "the archon robbing civilian jobs".

The relationship between Demacia mages and civilians is not very harmonious. It's okay for everyone to help each other. Once there is an obvious competition, and it is a competition where mages have an overwhelming advantage, then troubles will follow.

It is not an exaggeration to say that although Fossbarrow is a good place where the sky is high and the emperor is far away, it is suitable for starting a new stove, but if the relationship between civilians and mages is not balanced, the result of Demacia can only be a civil war that breaks out every minute .

The civil war in Noxus next door has not stopped until now, although it is heard that Darius counted a wave of Darkwill, pushed his front into the center of Noxus, and the outposts can even be far away. I could see the Immortal Fortress from a distance, but in the end at the front line of Drekan, the two sides still fell into a stalemate.

The destructive power of the civil war is undoubtedly terrible, which can be seen from the number of envoys staying in Demacia. Even if Demacia was ashamed because of the previous mansion murder and prison escape incident, the envoys from various countries in Valoran are still He leaned over with a sullen face, which fully demonstrated the decline of Noxus.

When Lux sees the hope of reform, she must avoid the occurrence of civil war no matter what!

Based on this expectation, Carya's solution is to use the amazing productivity of the Archon, starting from public construction, to show the value and attitude of the Archon, and then through reforms, while promoting the production level of Fossbarrow, Also create jobs that belong to the Archons.

According to Karya's "cake theory", in Fossbarrow, the new Lux and Archon cannot grab the cake, they can only join forces with the Fossbarrows to make a bigger one, and take a large portion of it , can still ensure that the remaining small portion will be larger than the original Forsbarrow's.

Only in this way, Fossbarrow will be willing to follow Lacus, believe in Lacus, do what Lacus says, try, and truly accept magic.

In order to clarify this point, after Ino returned from the Freljord, Lux, Ino, and Sona held a meeting together to specifically explain the relationship between the archon and the common people, in order to avoid the occurrence of "civilians". feel that the Archons are delaying their livelihood".

Based on these considerations, in regard to the issue of Weiluo Village, Yinuo's solution is to build a diversion canal by the magician, and specially assign two earth elemental mages as the maintainers of this canal, and two water elemental mages as the washers. The technicians of the mine, together with the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled in Weiluo Village, who cannot go to the mine, jointly studied the specific methods of washing the ore. …

As for the crushing of the ore, it is handed over to a special rock elemental mage, but it is best not to contact the villagers of Weiluo Village for this part.

While researching ore washing and crushing, Lacus, the "model of nobles", needs to go out in person, bypass the ore processing plant, and go directly to talk to the lord where the pigment processing workshop is located, whether it is selling favors or letting It doesn't matter if you donate some benefits, in short, you have to bypass Seka Town and contact the next family directly.

Although the ore processing plant in Seka Town not only processes blue ocher ore, but without this income, some people will definitely be affected. At that time, Ino will come forward to attract them to Fossbarrow and let them sing with Vero Village. A confrontation - when the time comes, Eno will be able to use the reason of these "new Fossbarrow people" to hope to expand Fossbarrow's ore mining!

Unlike Lux, who needs to focus on the overall strategy, Eno has become familiar with this kind of management skills during the three years in Zaun. Although she is also a kind person, her nature is not as good as that of Lux. Brilliant Sunshine, these methods are also very thorough, and she has already figured it out after just walking around Weiluo Village.

In this way, after discussing the ore washing and crushing issues with Gillam, Ino hurried back to Fossbarrow with her own manuscript. Regarding her plan, Lux raised her eyebrows, and Sona nodded silently. Kalya completely agrees.

Therefore, as the eight Archons left the team to form a new mining group, changes in the Fossbarrow blue ocher and other ore industries were quietly put on the agenda.


Following Lux's speech in the spring, the medicinal industry and the mining industry, one with great fanfare and the other silently, have all started their own changes.

But in Fossbarrow, the hunter industry with the largest number of people and the most researched by Lacus before, everything seems to be the same as in previous years.

No, it can't say exactly the same.

With the development of the red and blue industry and the collection of goods from the Freljord trade caravan, a silent dissatisfaction began to spread among the Orions.

At the beginning, this dissatisfaction came from the calmness of the hunter industry.

According to the Herb Pickers Guild, the Archons have experimentally found a way to cultivate Xianghongsu, and in Weiluo Village, the miners and the Archons have also produced the first batch of ore washing and crushing. blue ocher material.

In addition, the artificial lake built by the Emperor last winter perfectly carried the glaciers that rumbled and drew a river on the ground in previous years. After the melting water from the snow mountains filled 60.00% of the capacity of the artificial lake, it connected the artificial lake to last year's The temporary canal of the old river channel is officially open to water...

Although it is not yet possible to support navigation, the smooth water diversion project still gave the Fossbarrow people a lot of confidence.

Regarding the issue of water conservancy, everyone is now willing to trust His Excellency's words, and the Fossbarrow people are also optimistic about the trial voyage after the river channel reconstruction next year and the official navigation the year after.

With all these factors together, the hunters are somewhat restless—although there are no very conspicuous and direct results yet, the situation that everyone is changing, but oneself remains the same, still makes the hunters a little uncomfortable. …

Especially among the Orion families who received Lacus last winter, several northern women asked Lacus in a normal way, if the hunter had any plans, and some even directly said that if there is a way, we would like to Herd instead of hunt.

However, for these questions, Lacus's unified reply is "My knowledge of hunters is only from some families who live in Forsbarrow and I have visited, because hunters are the most common occupation in Forsbarrow. Groups, let’s try it with the herbal pickers first.” Anyway, I picked myself completely.

Due to Lux's consistent image of being close to the people, coupled with the indirect news from the Herb Pickers Guild, Forsbarrow Chamber of Commerce, and the Miners' Association, this statement has been widely recognized. There is no impenetrable wall in the world. The other guilds have taken in the butlers, clerks, and law-enforcers brought by the lord. Only the Hunter guild doesn't have even a new face. The difference here is really obvious.

Soon, the hunters found the Hunters Guild.

The huge pressure naturally also came to the side of the leader of the Hunter's Guild, Lalumul, who was called the old hunter by Nadine's mother-in-law.

In fact, from the very beginning, Lalumul did not believe that Lacus could accomplish anything, even though in his opinion, this young lord seemed to be really sunny and really wanted to do good things, but with the attitude of an old hunter From a point of view, a young man of Lacus' age needs to pay a tuition fee.

Therefore, according to Lalumul's meaning, when Lacus is doing something drastic, it is best not to get involved. Instead, wait until Lacus fails and sums up and reflects on some problems. when cooperating.

Of course, when thinking about this issue, Lalumore did not deny that he did have a certain desire for power, and he did not want this little girl from Xiongdu to hand over a large piece of power to him. , and I don't want the Hunter Guild to accept some kind of hellish supervision.

We can take care of ourselves!
Therefore, when Lacus asked for opinions, Lalumul kept watching with cold eyes and did not cooperate.

The result was good, the overturned car did not wait, but the hunters began to envy the changes in others.

Hunters don't think about how difficult it is to change from hunting to herding. They just wonder why the Hunter Guild doesn't have someone sent by the lord to help. His Excellency's ability", because that would make him even more of a clown.

Just when Larimur was in a state of desperation, he suddenly remembered a saying that he had faintly heard last year. The old hunter did not hesitate to visit General Roberts, the commander of the Third Legion. His Excellency the general's mouth confirmed this statement.

The Third Army of the Northern Territory retreated.

Because Fossbarrow has a new lord, the number of militiamen that Fossbarrow needs to call up this year has dropped sharply, and the number of militiamen who have become regulars is almost cleared, except for a few who have rich experience and have cooperated with the Third Army of the North In addition to the fact that most of the middle-aged hunters successfully put on the military uniform, most of the hunters who hoped to eat the emperor's food were told that after Fosbarrow had a lord, the Third Legion would reduce the number of people selected from the militia. …

According to General Roberts, this news will be postponed in the spring, and will be announced in the summer when the hunters are busy, so as not to cause people to fluctuate and cause problems.

While under great pressure, Laliumuer agreed, while leaking the news.

Now it's all right, one stone caused a thousand waves, and Fossbarrow's hunter was blown up.

Why should the lord come to take our place?

That's right, according to the laws of the kingdom, the private army of the local lord and the mobile force during the war should cooperate with the Northern Legion. Forsbarrow asked the militia formed by the Orion as guides and scouts, which was a flexible solution according to local conditions. Now that the lord is here, this flexibility should be abolished.

However, from the perspective of hunters, they only know that in the past hundreds of years, as long as excellent hunters pass the test, they can wear armor, receive military pay, and even become a glorious knight lord after making meritorious deeds. .

They don't care why this happens, it's a matter of course for them.

Now, the arrival of the lord destroys this for granted!

Although there are only a hundred or ten hunters who actually join the Third Legion every year, in Fossbarrow, there are at least a few thousand people who think they can join the Third Legion, and thousands of people are dissatisfied. Enough to cause turmoil-these are thousands of frustrated young and middle-aged hunters!

Even though many Orions who had received Lacus were defending His Majesty, dissatisfaction still began to ferment rapidly among the Orions. Sometimes the cutting off of the ascending channel was like cutting off the source of wealth, a bloody feud.

Lalumul, however, heaved a long sigh of relief.

Although it is a little unethical to do so, I am fighting for the rights of the boys after all!


It's a pity that Lalumul didn't know about it, and Lacus had expected this - in other words, General Robles' initiative to leak the secret was a trap.

If Lalumul keeps his mouth shut, Lux will continue to seek cooperation.

But if Larumle had other ideas...

That Lux will give him a blow in the head.

So, just when Lalumul believed that he could take the hunter's opinion and wait for His Excellency the Earl's appeasement and decentralization, Earl Laxana and General Roberts jointly issued a formal statement.

According to Demacia's regulations, the Third Army in the North will no longer use the militia as its main recruits; but for these militias, Lux has given them a place to settle—although you can't become regulars in the Third Army, you can come to Fossbarrow's private army has become a regular!

Your Excellency the Earl will continue to use the previous assessment method, and will be recruited according to the previous quota. Those who pass the test can join the private army of Fossbarrow, join Earl Laxana's command, and fight to defend Fossbarrow as well!

Although Fossbarrow's Private Army is not as famous as the Third Northern Army in name, Earl Laxana still has the qualifications to be a knight, and the treatment is favorable!

As this news was released in the form of an official announcement, the attitude of the Fossbarrow hunters instantly became subtle.

Lalumul, who aroused the hunter's willingness to join the army before, shot himself in the foot. The accumulated dissatisfaction of the hunters quickly became the positive influence of Lacus. In the spring of that year, Count Laxana generously carried out the "militia conversion training" and personally served as a mentor for the militiamen.

Just as Lalumul gained prestige by bringing in new hunters, Lacus also has her own right to speak among hunters.

Lalumore is indeed a wily hunter, but unfortunately, what he hunts is only animals.

Lalumore, who lived in Fossbarrow, where there were no nobles, did not know that those polite and smiling nobles were also good hunters, and what they hunted was often people.

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