Lux's Farewell

504 Fiona's growth [0498]

504 Fiona's growth [0498]
Lalumul was still a very prestigious old hunter, and he was still the president of the Hunter Guild, but as Lux directly started recruiting soldiers among the hunters, his power seemed to have lost more than half of it in an instant.

After all, even if there is no Lacus, all Lalumul has is the right to recommend. It is General Roberts who really makes the decision on who can become a full-time member. It was directly recycled.

After such a toss, the life of the Fossbarrow hunters has not changed in any way, but their anxiety has gradually disappeared. This is because the weather is getting warmer and everyone is going to start hunting in the mountains; Because this year's recruit selection is about to begin.

And this year, the recruit selection on behalf of Lacus was none other than Miss Fiona Laurent who left the capital of Demacia and followed Lacus all the way to the north.


Fiona not only helped on the platform when Lux was recruiting soldiers, but also came to Fossbarrow herself—because both Lux and Ino were too busy, the only person who was in charge of the cultural field and had a little leisure time was Suo Na, so in the ensuing recruiting, Fiona was finally chosen by Lux as the plenipotentiary.

Facing this appointment from Lux, Fiona was quite confident.

For the children of ordinary nobles, it is unimaginable to leave the prosperous political center of Demacia Xiongdu and go to Fossbarrow, which is sparsely populated and unshitty.

But for Fiona, leaving Demacia Xiongdu made her feel that the air was fresh, and she was looking forward to the trip to Fossbarrow.

As early as when she was a little girl, Fiona showed a rebellious side. She didn't like to be a lady according to the tradition of Demacia, but wanted to show herself with a sword. Look at the young Fiona Not to mention those who are mediocre and incompetent in high positions, and lack a sense of responsibility to the family.

Therefore, in the engagement ceremony with the embroidered pillow Gaokan, Fiona chose the most drastic means.

break off an engagement.

This turmoil has caused a lot of turmoil in Demacia. The most direct point is that because Gao Kan is a member of the Crown Guard family, according to the tradition of Demacia, Fiona's behavior is regarded as To the challenge of the Crownguard family, Lak, the representative of the Crownguard family who participated in the engagement ceremony, launched a challenge to a duel without hesitation.

Facing the duel challenge from Lacus at that time, Fiona had mixed feelings. She didn't expect Lacus to be so resolute, and she also felt that she was worthless—although Lacus was her father Sebastian often It was used to criticize Fiona's "other people's child", but in Fiona's view at the time, Lacus was a person who "had no self".

What kind of aristocratic model is nothing more than a person who discards himself one by one according to ancient classics!

In the Xiongdu of Demacia at that time, many people envied Lacus, envied Lacus, and even feared Lacus, but only Fiona looked at Lacus with an indescribable sympathy.

Here is a marionette bound by aristocratic decorum!
However, all these cognitions were completely overturned by Fiona at the end of the duel.

The duel process with Lux was not as complete as Fiona expected. According to Fiona's feelings, Lux's basic skills are quite solid, and it is obvious that she has worked hard - she is the same as those embroidered pillows. People are really different.

If that's the case, then Fiona would at most take a look at Lacus, and even feel that she is even more pity--what really made her realize that Lacus was unusual was when the Bishop of the Illuminati announced the "discovery of the oracle", Lak admits defeat without hesitation.

Fiona didn't even think about it in her dreams. In that case, Lux would decisively admit defeat and accept the punishment of the stone crown.

At that moment, she put herself in her shoes, but realized that if she was Lux, she would definitely not be able to accept failure calmly and calmly like Lux.

Facing Lux's choice, Fiona was surprised to find that she only learned to win, not to lose.

That battle touched Fiona a lot, and she began to try to truly understand Lacus, and in the process of understanding, as she grew older, she gradually realized the family responsibility she had to bear.

As the first daughter of the Laurent family, Fiona finally realized that she could have today's swordsmanship and achievements, thanks to the great help provided by her family, but her willful choice before almost dragged her family into the abyss.

Since then, Fiona will still duel with people, but at the same time, she will also do some "less annoying" things for the family's reputation and interests, such as attending banquets and meeting bastards at banquets, Don't throw the cake in the opponent's face the first time, but propose a duel gracefully and calmly.

Of course, Fiona is still full of disgust for her father's policy of expanding influence through marriage.

Everyone is growing.

When Lux crossed the ocean, she saw the birth of power for the first time in Zaun; when she crossed the Great Sai Desert with Ino, looking at the afterglow after the destruction of the Shurima Empire; At the time of her majestic power, Fiona also gradually faded her extremes.

She still doesn't like the red tape of the nobles, doesn't like people who eat vegetarian corpses, and looks down on mediocre people, but she has learned to face her own obligations and learn to control herself in return for the family.

During this period, Fiona often thought of Lux's frankness in admitting defeat.

That is another realm, an indescribable realm.

Then, in the third year after Lux left the capital of Demacia, Fiona touched this realm.


It was an ordinary summer morning, and Fiona got a piece of news that sounded like nonsense.

"Someone blocked a stone bridge outside the city and used it as an arena to challenge everyone passing by."

Facing this news, Fiona's first reaction was "Where did such a stunned young man come from?"

Although Fiona thinks that other people are stupefied, it is a bit funny, but it is undeniable that even the young Fiona could not make such a childish provocation.

However, what Fiona never expected was that the second half of the news was "A small team of guards of the family wanted to expel that guy who didn't know where he came from, but they were defeated one by one, and the family was fooled." shame".

In Demacia, fighting is not a good thing; but losing one out of five is much worse than fighting.

Although the stone bridge is not a very prosperous place, it is also an important passage in the east of the city. The guards of the Laurent family were hit here five times and one was hammered back five times. This incident is not a big deal. .

Originally, Fiona didn't need to do this kind of thing, but she knew the guards who happened to be picked up, and they were all good players—she thought to herself that even if she hit five by herself, she might not be able to easily pick them up. So she was overjoyed to see Lie Xin, so she went out on the horse herself and came to the bridge outside the city.

On this stone bridge, Fiona saw a guy with his head hidden and his tail exposed. His clothes completely covered his body, and he wore a strange mask on his face. He looked very strange.

When Fiona arrived at the scene, this guy was slowly peeling the eggs, quickly lifted the mask and put the peeled eggs into his mouth at a speed that even Fiona couldn't see clearly.

While chewing, he was still mocking the guards who had just climbed ashore and were knocked over by him before, and fell into the river under the bridge.

"Five fight one, but still can't beat, will you fight?"

"One move, it only takes one move to deal with guys like you who have no skills at all!"

"Hello warriors who fell into the water! Would you like an egg to nourish your brain?"

"What are you looking at, do you want to go down and cool off too?"

"Or, are you afraid of the cold, afraid of falling into the water and freezing to death in this summer?"

"Laugh, warrior of Demacia, that's it?"

This guy's words are so mean that someone always fights against him.

Then, it only takes three or five strokes, and the person who fights with him will be thrown into the water by the ugly-looking stick in his hand like a dumpling.

This guy who seems to be able to do anything with ease, even in the middle of the battle will not stop talking.

"Strength, what about strength? Are you using it to compete with breakfast?"

"Step, step, are you going to perform a flat throw?"

"The way you hold the dagger reminds me of a rookie who cooks for the first time and picks up a kitchen knife."

"What you have in your hand is a spear, not a firestick!"

"For your technique, you'd better try using a wooden sword first."



However, what's interesting is that although this guy's tone is quite mean, he did understand the problems of these guys. After he finished speaking, he would send his opponents into the water without hesitation, and then start peeling and eating eggs again. , Eating and mocking.

After watching two fights, Fiona finally got itchy hands and longed to fight—she went straight to the bridge without any hesitation.

"Here comes a guy who looks like it." The other party stuffed an egg into his mouth again, "I hope it's not just about looking like it."

"Fiona Laurent."

Fiona ignored the other party's words and introduced herself self-consciously.

"Finally someone who can speak human - my name is Jax."

After reporting himself, the other party rubbed his hands and quickly picked up his weapon.

It was a thing that looked like a long-handled lantern.

It seemed that the lantern pole was shaking erratically, but Fiona instinctively sensed a danger.

An indescribable pressure enveloped Fiona, as if she had been completely locked by the other party and had nowhere to escape.

Fiona felt that her aura was rapidly fading. She no longer maintained her steadfast and unsteady footsteps, but chose to thrust out the horizontal sword, displaying the technique of advancing the fountain, and began to attack proactively.

The light-footed Fiona was still like a flying swallow even though she was on the stone bridge, and the stabbing sword in her hand was like a flash of lightning, pointing directly at Jax's chest with lightning speed.

Jax seemed to have no reaction to this, until Fiona's blow turned from empty to real, and there was no room for change, he raised the lantern pole very naturally, as if simply stretching his body , blocking Fiona's blow.

The strength of the lantern pole was neither too big nor too small, so Fiona took advantage of the momentum to withdraw her sword very naturally, and at the same time changed her move in the middle, the rapier crossed a Z shape, and attacked Jax's lower abdomen again.

Once again, Jax turned the lantern pole in a circle very naturally, as if juggling, and blocked Fiona's attack just right.

Fiona's two moves seemed simple, as if they were nothing more than an ordinary stab followed by a second stab, but in reality, there were less than ten people who could follow the entire Demacia hero.

Jax, however, not only followed, but with ease.

In this situation, Fiona didn't hesitate at all, and turned around abruptly, and began to attack the opponent's side.

Without any accident, her offensive was easily resolved again.

Twist again, stab again!
Get blocked again!

"What's your name, Fiona... Fiona knows two swords?"

There is no doubt that this is an irony. The irony is that only the two swords that Fiona made are interesting, and the rest are just various repetitions of these two swords.

Even though she knew she had to keep calm during the battle, Fiona still had a surge of anger - when she was watching from the sidelines, she only felt that this guy had a poisonous mouth, but she would only know how poisonous he was after a real fight!
Fiona is upset now because the two swords she started with are indeed the two moves she is most proud of, and what this guy said is true!

Taking advantage of the opportunity of being swung away, Fiona retreated, gritted her teeth, stepped on the fence of the stone bridge, and leaped into the air.

"Nobody taught you, don't lose your leverage—"

Jax's taunt came again, but this time he stopped abruptly in the middle of speaking, because he suddenly realized that Fiona didn't jump rashly!

After leaving the ground, every thrust of Fiona reaches Jax's vitals, making Jax have to block; and every block of Jax will become the motivation for Fiona to jump again.

Sword Dance Waltz!
This wonderful attacking stance gave Fiona a wider attacking space, as well as an astonishing offensive that didn't require extraordinary physical strength, so that Jax could only take back his evaluation and concentrate on dealing with it.

Last time, Fiona, who had just grasped the signs of this tactic, directly caused the effect of breaking the double swords during the duel.

But this time, after a lot of training, Fiona's understanding of this move, and her proficiency in this move are far superior to before.

However, it was such a sword dance waltz that Jax managed completely. In his hand, that unremarkable lantern pole was like a big shield, perfectly coping with all Fiona's attacks!

At the end of the song, Fiona fell to the ground.

Although her body was a little sore, she still instinctively wanted to jump up again—it was at this moment that she remembered the previous duel, that time when Lux frankly surrendered.

So, she retracted her sword and stood with the blade pointing down, posing as a loser.

Jax laughed out loud for the first time at Fiona's reaction.

Afterwards, the mysterious Jax and Fiona talked a lot.

It was also this conversation that made Fiona determined to withdraw from the vortex of nobles, and really thought of leaving Xiongdu.

 Carya's Little Classroom Duel Victory:
  In a duel, if there is one side who draws his sword and stands with the blade down, it means that he admits that his skills are not as good as others, and it is regarded as "surrender and lose half".

  PS. This game...except for the first round, it wasn't exciting enough, and I lost with a headache.

(End of this chapter)

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