Lux's Farewell

505 Fiona's expectation [0499]

505 Fiona's expectation [0499]
In order to avoid damage to Fiona's reputation, Sebastian ordered the news that she "had an unsuccessful duel with a guy who didn't know where she came from and had a good conversation" was blocked by Sebastian.

And Fiona didn't pay too much attention to this-because after talking with the man who called himself Jax but kept secret about his past, she had already got a lot of answers she wanted.

Don't look at Jax's provocations before the battle and the taunts during the battle, which are quite heartbreaking, but in the conversation after the battle, he has no reservations about his combat skills and combat experience.

This is undoubtedly very valuable knowledge for Fiona who has already mastered the skill of the sword dance waltz and is eager to go further.

"Dueling with rookies is useless." Jax saw Fiona's "training method" almost at a glance, and criticized without hesitation, "Even if you can't find a master, you have to face opponents of different styles." , different types of opponents, which will benefit your skills."

"But Demacia has only this kind of opponent."

"Then leave Demacia." Jax responded without hesitation, "If you want to go further, you can't be implicated by the world."

"I am a Demacian." Although she was not interested in the political games of the nobles, Fiona still expressed her attitude without hesitation, "I will not give up my motherland."

"Then find another way to help your country, and don't get involved with stupid politicians." Jax seemed to have experienced it, "You have your own eyes, your own ears, your own judgment, and what you should know is right, what is really loving your country."

"Are you from Noxus?" Jax's statement was a little suspicious, so Fiona put her hand on the hilt of her sword, her eyes narrowed slightly, "What are you implying?"

"I'm not a Noxian." Jax didn't seem to care about Fiona's defensive attitude, "I'm an Icathian, a man who lost his homeland, these words are just sentiment But that's all, a real swordsman must learn to stay focused, and learn to withdraw from politics and other dirty things."


Jax's words made Fiona fall into silence. She really couldn't understand why the person in front of her, whose martial arts were at the pinnacle in her eyes, would say such wonderful words.

"Go and practice more, little girl." Facing the silent Fiona, Jax laughed loudly, "Your sword skills are good, but there are too many bells and whistles in it, attacking from above , attacking the enemy's weakness is indeed a good idea, but keeping it in mid-air the whole time is really too formalistic."

"This is exactly the elegance of Laurent's swordsmanship..."

"Only living people are qualified to speak of elegance. Don't substitute the position of nobility into pure swordsmanship."

"You are denying the artistry of fencing."

"Extraordinary skill and constant victory are the only art."

"Then why is there a wonderful harmony between your every move?"

"The most natural moves always look harmonious."

"Then how do you have natural moves?"

"Practice more, learn more, don't stick your vision to one place."



As if Fiona had passed some kind of test, Jax answered almost everything he asked, without hiding anything.

The content of the questions and answers on both sides are very basic questions, and what Fiona needs are the answers to these basic questions.

As Jax said, stripping away all identity factors, the purest issue of martial arts.

Through the conversation with Jax, Fiona was able to examine her heart again, and she was surprised to find that after gradually integrating into the noble society of Demacia, many aspects of herself were indeed assimilated silently.

Although Jax's description in some aspects is a bit too harsh, but sometimes Fiona is just like what he said, and there are many bells and whistles mixed in the swordsmanship that shouldn't be there...

In the end, Fiona had to really consider Jax's suggestion, whether she should leave Xiongdu, stay away from politics, stay away from the nobles, and broaden her horizons.

However, due to her love for Demacia, Fiona didn't find a good place for a while.

Seeing that Fiona listened to the words, Jax finally got up to leave.

According to what he said, there is no one worth fighting here.

Fiona was obviously taken aback when she heard this, and then mentioned Xin Zhao's name with some doubts.

In her opinion, the spear skills of this Chief Steward are practical and powerful, and he is obviously a good opponent.

But to her surprise, after hearing Xin Zhao's name, Jax was silent for a short while.

Afterwards, Jax said in a relaxed tone that "people who regard protection as the only meaning will often fall into short-sighted blindness", and rejected the proposal without hesitation.

I don't know if it's a hallucination, but Fiona always feels that when talking about Xin Zhao, Jax's attitude is a little strange.

In short, after this conversation, Jax left Xiongdu without hesitation.

After a period of thinking, Fiona decided to join the army in the northern border or the front-line battlefield of Green Tooth Peak. According to what Jax said, to see more skills and styles, and to observe the world with her own eyes. .

Then, before she could find a chance to communicate with her father, Lux returned.

Lux's return caused quite a stir in Xiongdu, and taking advantage of this opportunity, Fiona finally found a way to leave. She found her father, and after a long talk all night, she formally joined Lux camp.

For the Laurent family, Fiona's behavior represents the loyalty of the family, which is of great benefit to Sebastian's subsequent marriage; and for Fiona, she can finally Get out of the cage, go to the north, and see a whole new world.


Unlike Sona and Ino who held a lot of power from the beginning, Fiona declined Lux's promotion and insisted on starting as a private soldier. Therefore, on the way from Demacia Xiongdu to Fossbarrow, she and Together with ordinary soldiers, they travel during the day and attend classes at night.

Even though Fiona was only interested in swordsmanship since she was a child, Sebastian has always taught noble etiquette and German history personally, so she thinks she is familiar with these.

As a result, when Lux began to speak, Fiona was surprised to find that what she said seemed to be somewhat different from the history she knew.

No, it cannot be said to be a gap, it should be said to be a different angle.

The history learned from Sebastian is almost from the perspective of the nobles. It tells about the ancestor of the Laurent family, a knight whose surname was not Laurent at that time, who followed His Excellency Oren to leave the Noxie Empire experience.

Therefore, regarding the experience of Debang when it was established, most of the time Sebastian told about His Excellency Sohu Knight.

But on Lux's side, it seems that from the very beginning, there was no difference between the ancestors of these nobles and the refugees who followed them to flee the war. Everyone was not elegant at all, and they were just a group of survivors in the context of the war. .

This kind of narration is undoubtedly very fresh to the soldiers who are used to the exaggerated poems of bards-although Demacia has the habit of recording history, even if it is history that does not want to be known, it must be recorded Then it was sealed up again, but there has never been such a history recorded from the perspective of civilians.

In Lux's story, each historical figure is never a flat paper man. They all have their own emotions and ideas, even if they are regarded as "brilliant and great" in Demacia. "His Majesty Oren was not born noble.

Everyone will be confused, everyone will be confused, and everyone will be helpless, but even so, they still choose to believe in each other and support each other. Starting from Noxie, they continue to accept those who are willing to join, and finally under the shelter of the rune tree, establish From what is now Demacia.

With vivid narration, well-designed literacy lessons, homework that needs to be thoughtful but does not delay the march, coupled with the exquisite soundtrack, Lacus successfully completed the literacy task of this private army, which also made their spirits obvious. There has been a change.

Fiona is not unfamiliar with the mental outlook of Demacian soldiers. For most soldiers, joining the army means having a clear path to advancement and gaining status and glory.

And these soldiers who followed Lacus all the way to the north, besides having the same desire for honor and status, were also full of trust and expectations for Lacus. Under normal circumstances, this kind of trust and expectation is often experienced by some military veterans. , Generals with outstanding records can only have it.

All this gave Fiona, who is seeing the world with her own eyes, according to Jax, many different experiences.

After arriving at Fossbarrow, Lux's performance was undoubtedly even more astonishing.

Fiona watched in amazement as she led the demon-infested—oh, now called the Archon—to break ground in winter and change the world; she watched her combine magic with many aspects to carry out plant cultivation experiments in the North; The Freljord trade is about to start, and the blue ochre powder is directly produced in Vero Village...

In a trance, Fiona actually came up with the idea that "this is very similar to the first construction of Germany she described".

In terms of knowledge, Fiona gained a lot.

However, in terms of martial arts, Fiona didn't gain much—in the barracks, the soldiers' style was still typical "Demacia style", which didn't inspire her at all.

Especially after the mission to the Freljord returned, and the story about challenging the ice trolls and ice sea worms began to spread among the archon, Fiona felt a pity.

At this time, Lux began to recruit Fossbarrow Orion.

Facing this opportunity, Fiona, who had been promoted to the team leader because of her outstanding performance in training, recommended herself without hesitation, hoping to participate in this recruitment—and then, Lux, who was short of manpower, did not hesitate to give her Promoted a military rank, and then handed over the whole thing to her.


Since the private manor and training ground belonging to Earl Laxana have not yet been built (it will not be built for a while, Lacus has no interest in this aspect), the selection of soldiers this time is the same as in the past. On campus.

With the help of a recruiting lieutenant borrowed from the Third Legion, Fiona completed the recruiting event very smoothly.

The recruiting process was actually lackluster. The only thing that aroused Fiona's interest was the part of personal martial arts demonstrations. Through the personal demonstrations of the confident hunters, Fiona saw for the first time what is the northern style.


Nothing like that.




I have the final say.

Because they are all hunters, most of the recruits will use bows and forks as their weapons.

These people's archery skills are generally good, but their archery postures and skills can only be described in various ways.

At first glance, the skills of these people using forks can only be described as rough, but after watching too much, Fiona found strangely that these moves may be designed for enemies with large size and strength. , can really give Fiona a little inspiration!
After the recruiting activity was successfully concluded and the wind of northern trade was officially released, Fiona took the initiative to find Lux ​​and put forward a mission application of "I hope to go to the Freljord to see it".

Lux naturally welcomes Fiona's request—although Ino will personally lead the team for the first and second Freljord trades, it is impossible for every northern trade in the future to be led by Ino handles it himself.

In this case, if Fiona is willing to participate, that would be great!
"If you are willing to participate, it would be great, Captain Fiona." Lux obviously breathed a sigh of relief, "Ino will lead the trade this time, take this and go to Ino, she will give You assign specific tasks."

In this way, Fiona got a note with Lux's personal seal on it, found Ino, and successfully became the vice-captain of the guard for Fossbarrow's first Freljord trade this summer.

Then, just as Fiona was preparing her personal belongings for the journey to the Freljord according to Ino's request, an unexpected visitor found Fiona.


Looking at Jax who was still wrapping himself tightly, Fiona was quite surprised when she received a message from the security office and learned that she had an appointment with a visitor and left the camp.

"How did you come here?"

"Traveling so far, traveling so far." Jax waved his hand, as if he didn't intend to say more on this issue, "Fiona, you are the captain here, right?"

"Yes." Fiona nodded, "You want to join the army?"

"No, no, no, no." Jax kept shaking his head, "I want to meet that Lord Laxana, can you introduce me?"

 Karya's Little Classroom Fossbarrow Fighting Style:

  In the fight with wild beasts, the Forsbarrow people gradually formed a habit of strictly controlling the distance - the hunting fork can attack the wild beast, but the beast's minions cannot catch the hunter. This is the hunter's favorite fighting style.

  This kind of combat habit is actually not suitable for large corps combat, but it has unique advantages in mountain combat and scout combat.

  PS. Although Mr. Dai occasionally gives chances, Chaowei is too outrageous. Does he love replenishment more than his desire for victory?
(End of this chapter)

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