Lux's Farewell

Chapter 506 [0500]

Chapter 506 [0500]

For Jax's request, Fiona didn't realize what was wrong at first.

Although Jax had directly expressed his natural distaste for political positions, in Fiona's view, Lux was different from other nobles and other politicians.

Therefore, if Jax understands Fossbarrow's development, has goodwill towards Lacus, and even plans to defect, this is a very normal thing.

Still, she asked Jax why he wanted to see Lux—just as a matter of routine.

However, what Fiona didn't expect was that for this simple question, Jax hesitated and seemed very embarrassed.

Hmm, something seems wrong.

Ask yourself to help see Lacus, but why do you want to see Lacus but don't want to say it?

Even if Fiona and him are considered "friends of martial arts", isn't this too suspicious?
Could it be that he really had some thoughts that he shouldn't have?

The next moment, just as Fiona started to grab the hilt of his sword, Jax pulled out a letter from his bosom.

"Give it to Miss Lacus, she should understand what I mean."

a letter?

Fiona looked at Jax, then at the letter, still hesitating.

It is said that words and symbols can also be the carrier of some kind of magic. Although Jax does not look like a mage, it is still a very dangerous thing to rashly hand over such things to Lux.

Wait, what did he just say, he said "Lax"?
Why would Jax use this nickname for Lux?

"You knew each other before?"

"It's not really acquaintances, but there is always some relationship." Jax was still vague, "You can tell her that an old friend from Icacia wants to meet her."


Fiona remembered this place, and Jax once said that he was from Icacia—he used a special accent when he said Icacia, so although he only mentioned it once, Fiona was deeply impressed.

What does this have to do with Laxana?
Why would he call her Lacus?
At this moment, Fiona only felt that she was at a loss. She didn't take the letter directly, but left Jax to wait here, and went to see Lacus first.

"Fiona!" Lux raised her head from a pile of documents as if she had been diving for a long time, sticking her head out of the water, "What's the matter? Sit down, sit down and talk!"

It can be seen that Lacus is also very reluctant to deal with these messy documents - but there is no way, because of the lack of manpower, many things need to be handled by her personally, especially the Archon side, after staying in Fossbarrow Afterwards, they occasionally had some conflicts with the local residents, all of which needed to be resolved by Lacus herself.

"Someone found me and hoped to visit you through me."

"Oh, did you find any good players?" Lux looked very interested, "You also want to participate in the escort of the Freljord trade?"

"No, it's not." Fiona shook her head immediately, "It was a request from a martial arts master. He said he was an old friend from Icacia."

This time, Lux was stunned.

Icacia... She heard Kalya mention this place many times. It was the southeast corner of the Shurima continent, where the Icacia War broke out and where the Shurima Empire began to fall apart.

Now, there is a person who says that he is from Icacia and is his old friend?
Lacus herself definitely doesn't have such a friend, and there is no doubt that this must have something to do with Kalya!
But the trouble is, Carya is not here now - he was taken away by Sona to participate in today's event at the Archon's side!

In this case, should I hope that person waits and asks Sona to come back, or go to meet him directly?
"What's his name?" While thinking to herself, Lux asked, "Icacia?"

"His name is Jax." Fiona nodded, "He claims to be from Icacia."

Hearing the name, Lax's expression became a little subtle - Jax hadn't heard of it, but she had heard the name Ajax mentioned by Ino and herself, and it was Karyajan who said it , The ultimate in fighting skills.

Ajax and Jax, could it be the same person?

"Take him to the living room." Lux finally pursed her lips and made a decision, "Wait a while, I'll be there soon."


According to Lux's request, Fiona took Jax to the living room and said goodbye first.

Jax didn't care. After nodding, he waited here for Lux's arrival with peace of mind.

While waiting, he kept looking around.

Although it is a living room, in Jax's eyes, everything here is completely different from Shurima. There are no magnificent decorations, carefully designed lines, and no portraits to show his history. , just an ordinary big room.

Jax liked the simplicity of the place.

The only thing that made him a little unacceptable was that he sat here for a quarter of an hour, but he didn't even have a cup of tea—not even scented tea.

Then, just as he was thinking about whether to take out two boiled eggs to eat, the back door of the living room opened, and a young girl came in front of him.

"I'm sorry, I'm busy with business." She looked at herself with a smile, and then sat across from her naturally, "Mr. Ajax, I'm very sorry."

Jax instinctively wanted to nod in understanding, but the nod was only half done, and turned into a bow.

Although Jax had unparalleled control over his body during the battle, it seemed strange even for him to stop in the middle of nodding.

"I'm Jax." He tried to salute him. "Not Ajax."

But it's a pity that the traces of performance in this sentence are too obvious, so that there is a smile of "know it all" on Lux's face, nodding while saying "yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes" on the face of Lux, which made Jax quite a headache. .

Sure enough, I am not suitable to come!
Although he was very helpless, Jax cleared his throat and forcibly changed the subject.

"This time I came from Icacia, mainly to bring some news to Miss Lacus." He said in a business-like tone, "It is mainly about the achievements Icacia has achieved so far and the difficulties it is facing... "

"What does this have to do with me?" Seeing that Jax took out a stack of manuscripts that he had already prepared from his arms, Lax interrupted him directly, "Mr. Ajax, we are meeting for the first time, right? ?”

"Call me Jax!" Jax gritted his teeth, "Let's stop playing around in circles, Miss Lux, I'm showing off!"

This time it was Lux's turn to be dumbfounded. She never expected that Jax would be so impatient. He couldn't take it any longer after she simply said a few words.

"I used to be Ajax, but now I have already lost my former glory, and this time I came here with only one main purpose!" Jax stood up, and an invisible momentum spread out Come on, making Lux's hair almost stand on end, "That's... fundraising!"

Soliciting donations? !
How could someone in this world so confidently solicit donations?

Also, what are you fundraising for?
"You are Mr. Kalya's heir, right?" Jax ignored Lacus' sluggishness, and continued on his own, "Since you have inherited Mr. Kalya's power as Prince Regent, you will naturally have to bear this responsibility. Obligation, the restoration of Icacia requires the support of a lot of manpower and material resources—”

"Wait a minute, wait a minute!" Lux quickly waved his hand and interrupted him, "Mr. Ajax, if I remember correctly, you are from Icacia, and the Shuri where Icacia and Mr. Karya were at the beginning The Ma Empire, is it a hostile relationship?"

"What's the matter?"

"What's wrong?" Lacus snorted, "As Carya's heir, why should I donate to Icacia?"

"Okay, you admit it." Contrary to Lax's expectations, Jax seemed to have received some kind of promise, nodded in satisfaction, and sat back on the chair, "Admitted that you belong to Mr. Kalya The heir is fine."


Lux was a little confused.

So, this guy, whom Karya called a master of weapons, was digging a hole for himself just now?

Where is your warrior heart?

"In fact, as early as after the Icathian War ended, the Icathian survivors took the initiative to abolish the royal family and chose to join the kingdom to become part of the Shurima Empire." Seemingly satisfied with Lux's performance, Jia After sitting down, Max explained slowly, "After the Shurima Empire collapsed because of an unworthy person, Icacia, as a joining kingdom, is now the actual Shurima Empire..."

It can be seen that Jax spent a lot of time memorizing the manuscript, and he is very familiar with the timeline and the attribution of the name.

According to him, after the Battle of Icacia, the surviving Icacias formed the Icacia Self-Government Committee that "can fully represent Icacia", and passed the committee's No. [-] resolution to abolish the Icacia royal family— —Although almost all of Icacia's mage kings were dead at that time, there was not much difference between whether they were abandoned or not.

Then, although the Shurima Empire had declared war on Icacia at that time, it did not withdraw its previous order to join the Shurima Empire, so the Icacia Autonomous Committee passed the No. [-] resolution to join the Shurima Empire.

According to the joining invitation issued by the Shurima Empire before, Icacia has the status of joining the kingdom and some territorial autonomy. The ruler needs to be downgraded to a governor and swear allegiance to the Shurima Empire, and the Icacia Autonomous Committee fully accepts it. meet these requirements.

You see, isn't it clear that Icacia does have the power and status to join the kingdom.

However, due to the expansion of void fissures and the voiding of the land, the Icathian Autonomous Council and the Shurima Empire were separated, making it difficult for the two sides to communicate.

Until later, the internal conflicts of the Shurima Empire could no longer be suppressed, and the various factions left. Among them, the infrastructure construction faction represented by Azhi was trying to restore the infrastructure of the Shurima Empire. Cassia's ecology.

"Ms. Zhi is a respectable person." Speaking of A Zhi mentioned by Kalya, Jax was very respectful, "She hopes to mend the cracks in the Shurima Empire like repairing the earth, but unfortunately, sorry Rema didn't wait for that day."

"We feel sorry for the collapse of the Shurima Empire, but according to the laws of the empire, after the death of the royal family and the collapse of the empire, the joining kingdoms should take on this honor." Jax took out a piece of paper and continued to stick. Read, "I believe that when Miss Lacus was wandering in Shurima, she also saw many city-states that stole the power and name, but in fact, it is the Kingdom of Icacia that is truly qualified to inherit the glory of Shurima."

After a long list of words, there is only one core content: Shurima is orthodox in Icacia!

"So, as Mr. Kalya's heir, shouldn't you contribute to the construction of the Shurima Empire?"

There was a lot of information, and Lux ​​couldn't help rubbing her temples.

What the hell, what is this all about?

According to Karya, the Icathians were unwilling to join the Shurima Empire at the beginning, and the Shurima people were unwilling to accept Icathia as an equal. Why did Icathia start to use forgiveness instead? Rima is orthodox?

Good guy, now on the entire Shurima continent, can a regime be pulled out to claim to be the orthodox of the Shurima Empire?
What is this all about?

And, what did Jax just say, fundraising?

Because he is Kalya's heir, he came to collect donations on behalf of the Shurima Empire?
Obviously these things seem to be the same thing when they are said, but when they are combined together, they only make Lacus feel angry and funny.

"Mr. Ajax." Controlling the corners of her twitching mouth, Lacus said in a rather helpless tone, "The distance from Demacia to Icacia is more than ten thousand miles; and neither is Fossbarrow What kind of extra manpower and property, although I have respect for your actions to rebuild Icacia and expel the erosion of the void, but there is really nothing I can do to help you with donations."

"No, no, no!" Jax shook his head immediately after hearing the words, "Not from Demacia, not from Fossbarrow, but from Vazuan—I have a letter of proposal here, about Vazuan A proposal to open a special trade route with Icacia, I hope you can sign the proposal here..."


Looking at the letter of proposal in their hands, the Lux people were stunned.

What does this have to do with Zaun?

You came to Fossbarrow, approached me with a rather outrageous connection, hoping to raise a donation, but the donation was in the form of "establishing a duty-free trade route between Vazuan and the Kalong port of Icathia"? !

Can anyone tell me what is going on here?

 Kalya's Small Classroom Shurima Orthodoxy and New Icathia:
  After the outbreak of the Icacia War, with the invasion of the void, most of Icacia became ghosts, but in the southeast corner of Icacia, a small number of Icacia survivors survived under the protection of the Mage Council. They then also became one of many "Shuriman Orthodox" as Jax tells it.

  PS. The free episode will be updated this month, and the super chapter is expected to be updated at the end of the month.

(End of this chapter)

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