Lux's Farewell

Chapter 507 Epilogue·The Times Are Calling

Chapter 507 Epilogue·The Times Are Calling

Lux ultimately fails to come to any agreement with Jax.

It’s not that after leaving Karya, Lax won’t make up her own mind, mainly because she doesn’t know the current situation in Vazuan, and her knowledge of Icassia is limited to what Jax and Karya said— In this case, any decision is irresponsible.

Jax can only express regret for Lax's caution. Although his personal force is strong, it is not a factor that can threaten Lax. He can only take the next best thing to record Lax's doubts and prepare to According to Lacus' request, issue a report to get Lacus' help.

This is obviously not an easy task.

Come and go in a hurry, until Jax left, Lax didn't figure out what happened in Shurima after she left Shurima, which attracted an Icathian to go north to Foss Bairo.

It's really weird.


In Runeterra, time is always fair.

In fact, when Lux and Ino left Vazuan and began to go all the way west, crossing the endless yellow sand of the Dasai Desert, and working hard to climb Mount Targon, the competition and cooperation among the Vazuan people never stop.

When Lux and Ino were eating sand in the Dasai Desert, Vazuan made his name for the first time. At the fair, he took out the golden feather of the prince belonging to Karya.

Therefore, when Nashilami purchased a batch of street lamps used to highlight "orthodox Shurima" as "ceremonial vessels", the news of the reconstruction of Vazuan and the appearance of the successor of the regent king also spread in Shurima open.

The reconstruction of Vazuan is okay. After all, it is very common for the city-states of Shurima to inherit the glory of the empire at this time; The old guy had to move his body.

From the Pope of the Sun God Sect, to the president of the Shurima Self-Salvation Society; from the grand scholar in charge of the Imperial Library, to the wizard who hopes to save his best friend with the source of blood...

The golden feather that Lux used in Vazuan seemed to stir up a thousand waves of rocks, making Shurima, which was as quiet as a desert, once again stirred up rarely.

It's just that, as the instigators, Lacus and Ino entered the inaccessible Dasai desert area after finishing their work, and they ran much faster than the news, so her journey to the peak did not encounter too many accidents.

And Jax was also the one who was engulfed by this wave.

As an honorary member of the Icacia Autonomous Committee, things like taking the initiative to fight Fiona and give advice have always been the main content of his work-this kind of guidance is not free, but an investment. If Fiona Once Ona reaches the bottleneck again, Jax invites her to visit Icathia and "sharpen herself with the skills of another world."

During this process, the Icathian Autonomous Committee will unreservedly teach the martial arts from the weapon master and the witchcraft from the mage king, and as a price, the invitees will face the void wave in a cycle of nine years, Win-win cooperation.

However, after the news of the appearance of Kalya's heir spread, the work of the Jaxxras coming to fight against the wave of the void was urgently suspended—because the Icathians got the news and were wondering if they could join this Kalya While the Heirs were talking, two unexpected visitors made their way through the Void-blocked area without the help of the Icathian Autonomous Council!

Undoubtedly, these two people were regarded as heroes, and then, from their mouths, the Icathian knew the specific identity and name of the successor of Carya.

Just at this time, Jax returned from Demacia. The self-government committee immediately found Jax, who was often active outside, and asked him if he had heard of this "Lax".

Lax hadn't heard of it, but Jax had heard of the name Laxana, and not only had she heard of it, she was even one of the targets of Jax's friendship!

Discovering the subtlety, Jax set off again without hesitation, heading straight for Demacia—if Lax is Laxana, then he must persuade her anyway to help Icacia recover from the At sea, establish a trade route connecting Vazuan!
Icacia's life is too hard and supplies are too scarce. If this trade route can be established, it will be Icacia's lifeline.

Although Icacia used to be rich in spices, flowers and magic crystal ore, now Icacia is full of holes and devastation.

But there are a few mages from the Icathian Autonomous Council, as long as the trade route is established, they will be able to grow those precious spices that were once priced like gold without soil!
As for whether this is a waste of Master Fa's ability...

Don't make trouble, now the entire Icacia, all the supplies are supported by the soilless cultivation of these masters!
For them, planting a osmanthus is also planting; planting a stalk of wheat is also planting, but if a trade route connecting Vazuan can be established, that osmanthus can be exchanged for [-] stalks of wheat!

As for why Icacia never engaged in foreign trade before...

They really wanted to do it, but unfortunately, because of the Battle of Icacia, the surrounding forces did not allow them to do it.

Whether it is Ixtar in the north, Antasil in the west, or even Kamavia across the sea in the east, Icacia is currently not pleasing to the eye.

These places are held by different forces after the disintegration of Shurima, and they have an absolute tacit understanding on the issue of Icacia.

They are happy to see the Icacias struggling to survive under the threat of the void, and they are happy to let them be the gatekeepers of the void to "pay for their sins". They will not take the initiative to attack Icacia, but they will not allow Icacia People live comfortably.

But now, Kalya's golden feather gave Icacia hope.

If Icacia establishes trade relations with Vazuan, the ships will be marked with the banner of the Prince Golden Feather... Presumably, whether it is Ixtar, Kamavia or Antasil, they will more or less sell face, right?

After all, that is the successor of their most respected Lord Carya!
With this hope in mind, Jax set off again, no matter what, he had to convince the successor of Kalya to agree to this trade route!

It is for this reason that after meeting Lacus, Jax first pretended to be stupid, and then acted impetuously, revealing his identity early, because of the sentence that Lacus himself admitted "" Carya's successor".

As long as you are, then everything is fine!
You want an investigative report?

no problem!
You want fair trade?

I also want!
No matter what conditions Lux says, he is very easy to talk to, because as long as Lux is willing to nod and make a proposal, then from now on, Icacia will have a lifeline through the Sea of ​​Watch!

While asking for a report from Jax was a daunting task from Lux's point of view, from Jax's point of view...

That's it?

Within this year, I will definitely be back again!

To this day, Lux still doesn't realize what the golden feather she showed in Vazuan really means.

Everything seems to be calm, but that's because many people haven't figured out that Lacus is Laxana!
Groups of envoys and spies from various places, with different purposes, crossed the yellow sand or crossed the sea. After arriving in Vazuan, they all began to inquire about the news about Lux.

These people obey Vazuan's laws and rules on the surface, but they are not honest in private-they turn a blind eye to Vazuan's wealth, but they are at odds with each other. All kinds of contests and secret wars will start quickly.

At the very beginning, Camille wanted to clean up a few thorns and come to town, but what she never expected was that she almost overturned the car during the first action.

In the process of preventing two strange guys from dueling in the mining area, if it weren't for the fact that they didn't have any tacit understanding with each other and seemed to know nothing about hex technology, Camille would have been subdued by the prisoner in embarrassment!
In desperation, Vazuan could only issue an announcement, and reached a tacit agreement with these strange people who didn't know where they came from, limiting the scope of their activities to time and place, as long as you don't interfere with the normal operation of the city or harm innocent people, What about love?
As a result, the abandoned mining area in the lower level of Vazuan will directly become an arena when midnight falls.

The elite spies under the students of Carya will gather together actively, mocking each other, fighting each other, and testing each other.

These people seem to have some kind of subtle tacit understanding, and they are not easy to kill. In this secret battle that lasted for more than half a year, only a few unnamed war masons from Noxus were the only ones who were unlucky in the end— —Although these people still have a certain degree of restraint among each other, they seem to be full of disgust for the Noxus, so they have no intention of holding back.

In the end, with the outbreak of the Nasla-American War and the fall of the Great Desolation, the spies gathered here finally found a new target. They left Vazuan and began to shift locations—and with their departure, when Quarterly Wazuan's economic growth even showed a quarter-on-quarter decline.

It has to be said that Karya chose a very good way to climb the peak. By crossing the Dasai Desert, he made Lux disappear from everyone's sight for a short time, making these people's footsteps slow down forever. Silk step.

But the so-called traces left by human beings, with the death of the Great Desolate Star, those who are interested will eventually find the clues left by Lacus, even though a considerable part of these traces have long been submerged in the vast yellow sand of the Dasai Desert.

In a short time, these people couldn't find Demacia.

But it was foreseeable that if they found nothing in Shurima, they would always turn their attention elsewhere, and at that time, the little junior sister Lax might be discovered by them in the end.

However, compared to those passionate brothers and sisters, there is one more troublesome thing for Lacus now—just when Fossbarrow's development was on the right track, on Mount Targon, a During the birth of Demacia, the angel who made great contributions is about to walk down the mountain.

This will be her test of ascending to the rank of god, and it will also be a new way for the giant to control Runeterra.

In the past countless years, mortals have proved their abilities with their courage and wisdom. Even today, although the giant gods still overlook all living beings from above, when it comes to specific issues, they have now learned Put aside those arrogance for a while, and discuss the matter as it stands.

The victory of the Shurima Empire in the Icathian War and its collapse after the Icathian War seemed to prove to the giants that mortals can share adversity, but it is difficult to share wealth. This time, the giants intend to change their identities, Change your posture to face these mortals.

They will no longer use their beliefs to dominate them as gods, but will adopt more equal and direct methods, using endless life spans or great divine power as bait to lure those mortals who are willing to convert or even join.

Come to think of it, not every mortal would be like Karya, who would abandon the identity of a god like a shoe, right?
This time, it is no longer Twilight, who is so fierce and scalp-numbing every time he makes a move, but Justice, who has half mortal blood, and the giant god believes that this angel will be the one between him and mortals. The bonds and bridges of the gods, absorbing those outstanding mortals to join the array of giant gods.

As long as those elites are gone, the remaining mortals will inevitably become pawns played by the giant gods like the fanatics among the Rakkor people.

The Angel of Justice spread her wings and swooped down from Mount Targon.

As the stream of light flashed by, a fallen angel hiding in the shadows in an uninhabited swamp far away in Needle Creek County raised his head and looked in the direction of Mount Targon as if he had sensed something.

Her eyes seemed to have penetrated a distance of thousands of miles, and saw that stream of light.

Her body trembled slightly, as if she felt the throbbing that originated from the deepest part of her blood.

"Sister." She stood up, shaking her dusty wings bound by chains, "You're here."


Lacus is still ignorant of all of the above.

After Karya heard about Jax's arrival, although she had some guesses, she didn't say much to Lux in the end.

For Lux, her focus now is on Fossbarrow's first Freljord trade.

Bundles after bundles, sacks after sacks of oats were loaded onto the wagons, goods much needed by the Avarosa tribe, which would be the beginning of a great trade, a great exchange.

On the top of the city of Fossbarrow, Lux waved goodbye to Ino with a smile, until the convoy drifted away and disappeared around the foot of a mountain, and then Lux looked away.

"Teacher Kalya." Lux held the hilt of the sword and whispered, "Next, I'm afraid I will trouble you."

"Don't always try to trouble me." Carya snorted, "Now that the development plan has been determined, next, you need to cultivate a group of your own real team!"


The fifth volume [Red and Blue] is finished.

The next volume, 【How Glory Is Born】, stay tuned!

 The fifth volume can be regarded as the beginning of Lux's career.

  The red and blue in the name of this volume actually have two meanings: on the one hand, it represents the attitude of Lacus Red and the tradition of Demacian Blue; and blue ochre.

  In Fossbarrow, Lux really had her own territory, and really started to develop through magic means—thanks to Demacia's anti-magic system, so that Lux can have a useful team of archons, they Under the guidance of Lacus, he unconsciously acted as a vanguard and played an important role in the construction of Fossbarrow.

  In this volume, the part about the Freljord is just scratching the surface, and outside of Demacia, time does not stand still, but because of Karya's cunning route, most people still don't know that Lax is Laxan Na, there is still some time for Fossbarrow to farm now.

  In addition, about how Jax knew that Lax was Laxana, a big chapter will be updated at the end of this month [Icathia’s Unexpected Visitor], which tells about Kassadin and Ezreal crossing the void blockade and arriving in Alcacia. Cassia's story.

  In the next volume [How Glory Is Born], the content will be more focused on group portraits. Fossbarrow will also face different opportunities and challenges after a smooth initial development, so stay tuned!

  PS. Why is this chapter updated in the middle of the night, mainly because the 2nd is my birthday, so I won’t update it on my birthday.

  In the blink of an eye, it's almost thirty... Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

(End of this chapter)

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