Lux's Farewell

Chapter 508 [0501] The New Order of Fossbarrow

Chapter 508 [0501] The New Order of Fossbarrow
The lukewarm midsummer is probably the happiest time in Forsbarrow, a northern city.

There is no severe cold wind in winter, nor the sticky heat and humidity of Xiongdu. Forsbarrow's summer is always dry and cool.

If it wasn't too far away from Xiongdu, and the roads along the way were not smooth, there must be many nobles from Xiongdu willing to come to Forsbarrow to escape the summer every summer.

However, the Forsbarrow people obviously don't have such a leisurely mind-for them, summer is the busiest time of the year.

The Longji Mountains in summer are the time of the year when the vegetation is the most lush and the animals are the most abundant. The entire Forsbarrow, whether hunters or herbalists, must seize the time when the summer environment is good and the animals and plants are abundant, and try to Possibly hunting and gathering, two-thirds of their yearly income came from the Forsbarrow summer months.

For them, if they seized the summer, they seized a year's livelihood.

For the members of the chamber of commerce, summer is the most important thing for Fossbarrow in the year, because in summer, the trade fair in Xiongdu of Demacia is the main place where Fossbarrow's products are sold. On the next day, they will form a caravan, load the goods they have collected hard in the past year, and set off to the capital of Demacia to exchange them for other goods that Fossbarrow needs.

Not only that, this year Fossbarrow apart from setting up a caravan to go to Xiongdu, there are two more important trade routes. The sudden increase in workload made the chamber of commerce, which was relatively well-managed, suddenly seem a bit stretched .

Even if a lot of people were temporarily added, and even if most of the trade route to the Freljord were Archons, the members of the caravan were still very busy, and they were almost busy when they were counting the departure supplies. Make mistakes and cause trouble.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly in the end. The three caravans loaded their goods and set off smoothly, heading for the Freljord, Mithril City, and the capital of Demacia.

The caravan to the Freljord was led by Ino himself, and Fiona served as the escort of the caravan. The main goods carried by the caravan were grain and linen, etc. Even in Fossbarrow, the price was not high. High basic daily necessities.

These goods are all negotiated by Ashe and Ino before. The food is not for people to eat, but to improve the survival rate of Erniuk and Yucal’s calves after weaning; the cloth is for people, but it is used as a underwear to use.

In addition, among the caravans going to Frost Harbor, they also carried a lot of gadgets that seemed inconspicuous, but none of the Freljords had them—such as exquisite combs and brushes, which were not used as weapons. Daily necessities such as iron knives and spoons.

These things are what the intelligence team discovered in Frost Harbor that the locals do not have and need to have. The Freljord people have things with similar functions, but in comparison, they are not as exquisite or convenient as Dema. West Asia products.

For caravans to the Freljord, bulk commodities are the main source of profit. A complete Ernuk pelt can be exchanged for thousands of pounds of oats in Demacia, but in this trade , the price was only worth two hundred pounds of oats, even so, Ashe felt that she was taking advantage.

And these gadgets are the main means to expand Fossbarrow's influence in Frost Harbor. These gadgets will be traded with the Avarosa people in the form of barter, in a silent way , causing their desire for Demacia.

Well, this trick was learned by Ashe and Mrs. Piltover. When the relationship between the two cities eased, but before they were reunified into Vazuan, Piltover once relied on its abundant supply of goods to attract The vision of many Zaun people.

As for the caravan in Miyin City, it was led by Cullen. It was not so much a caravan, but more like an exchange between nobles—the caravan carried carefully selected high-ranking officials. Quality intact pelts, and Fossbyrot specialties including Cassie Dorothy.

Although Lux came from the Crownguard family, the friendly relationship between Fossbarrow and Mithral City still needs to be diligently maintained.

Because the caravan going to Miyin City took away a lot of good things, the caravan participating in the Xiongdu Trade Fair this year has obviously shrunk a lot, but at this point, the problem is not too big, with Lux here, In the future, the trade proportion of Xiongdu Fair in Forsbarrow will be lower and lower.

Even nearly half of the caravan that went to the Xiongdu Trade Fair this time were not members of the chamber of commerce—several groups that performed well during the excavation of the artificial lake sent representatives to follow the caravan for half the journey. Procedure.

The representatives of these groups are the construction representatives of Fossbarrow. Their main task is to observe the roads and waterways going south from Fossbarrow, and to study how to build the next canal.


All in all, Forsbarrow is busy in the summer.

As the lord of Fossbarrow, Lux's current state is... busier than anyone else.

What is Lacus up to?

Lux was busy setting up Forsbarrow's administrative structure.

Through one winter and one spring of hard work, Lacus has gained a fairly good reputation in Forsbarrow, plus she is the rightful lord of Forsbarrow, and until now, she has finally initially grasped the city.

Among the four organizations originally responsible for maintaining order in the city, the Herb Pickers Guild, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Mining Association have completely turned to Lux. Putting it together, this part of independence is only reflected in the hunting order.

Now, what Lux, who has initially mastered Fossbarrow, has to do is to strengthen her own management of the city.

To manage a city, it is not enough to rely on just a few people or a dozen people. What Lux wants is not to rule the city, but to completely reform it.

To do this, she needs to fully mobilize the power of everyone in the city, from the production method to the social structure, so that the entire Forsbarrow will be completely renewed within five years!
And the first step, what she has to do is to form an administrative organization that can act according to the plan.

According to the general situation in Demacia, the administrative organization under the lord is usually a top-down organization with clear tasks, and because the lord's attention is mostly on noble communication, this kind of organization is usually in one person.

Tax collectors are in charge of taxes, sheriffs are in charge of law and order, garrison officers are in charge of private troops, clerks are in charge of documents, and so on.

Among them, the tax official is usually the person most trusted by the lord, because the nobles often only care about "how much tax they have collected". As for the law and order, security, stability, etc. of the territory, they can all be reflected in the tax.

As for the life of the residents of the territory, it has nothing to do with the noble lord - for the noble lord, it is not terrible that the common people in the territory cannot survive, but the terrible thing is that they cannot pay taxes.

However, because the agricultural conditions in most areas of Demacia are excellent and there are few natural disasters, such things as being unable to survive almost never happened—Since the founding of the country, the food price in Demacia has been maintained at an extremely low On the level of life, the lives of Demacians are generally at the level of "surviving, but only surviving".

But in Fossbarrow, Lacus obviously cannot copy the "general situation" of Demacia. Although this top-down rule is worry-free, it cannot bring about development, and it has little control over the grassroots.

What Lux needs is the intersection and combination of top-down and bottom-up—this is the main reason why she kept the four guilds and slowly transformed them later.

Of course, the idea is good, but when implementing it, Lux found that the difficulty was far beyond her imagination.

When I was in Zaun, since most people in Zaun were workers and had received a certain degree of education, it made sense for Lux to give speeches and reason. Coupled with the existence of the foreman as a grassroots organizer, she A team can be set up very smoothly, from which capable and like-minded people can be selected to help build the Zuan government.

But at Fossbarrow...

Let's put it this way, the locals of Fossbarrow have almost all prenatal education, and those who can write their own names are all knowledgeable. It is not ordinary difficult to reason with them and let them understand what is the concept of governance.

Specific to each policy, if you want Fossbarrow people to understand, you may be able to do it with some effort; but if you propose a development strategy and make some development plans, most of the Fossbarrow people will produce "Lord Lord" What are you talking about?" thought.

In this case, if Lux wants to form an administrative organization, it seems that the best way is to choose from the Archons.

After several months of training, most of the archons can read and write, have some historical knowledge, and are quite loyal to Lux.

But Lux obviously couldn't do that!

Not to mention that most of the Archons do not have any management experience, even if they have, it is impossible for Lux to directly use a group of outsiders to form Fossbarrow's administrative team!
Even if Lux dared to say that "there is no distinction between administrators and civilians", the Fossbarrow people would not believe it. What they would see would be a group of foreign law-enforcers occupying various positions. Be responsible for "managing" yourself.

Why, do you think the Archon has integrated into Fossbarrow too quickly, and want to artificially create a little separation?
Fortunately, through walking around the streets and alleys in the past winter, Lacus has a little understanding of the life of the Fossbarrow people. Through the four guilds, she issued a notice from the lord announcing the launch of Fossbarrow adult Education—and, at the end of the notice, she directly stated that "after the first adult school graduation, Earl Laxanna will select clerks to maintain order in Forsbarrow among outstanding graduates."

Once this announcement was released, it quickly aroused discussions among the Fossbarrow people.

Fossbarrow people don't know what a clerk is, and they don't know anything about most of the job content listed by Lacus, but at the back of the notice, they can understand the detailed treatment of clerks!

There is no need to go out of the city to work, and the salary is paid on a monthly basis - these two items alone have almost killed all the current jobs in Forsbarrow.

Don’t look at the Fossbarrow people who are either gathering herbs, hunting, or mining. They look like wild monkeys, but if possible, they also hope to sit in the city and work and get money every month!

Enticed by the benefits, the people of Fossbarrow began to inquire about the previous content from the Archon who was the guest announcer.

Learning, what is that learning?

Do you need money to study?Do you want to prepare something?
How long does it take to learn to be that clerk?

As for these questions, the Archon, who had already obtained the detailed rules from Lacus, also gave detailed answers.

The clerk's study time is six months, the main learning content is basic reading and writing and calculation, and also includes a small amount of art and history.

At the beginning of winter, Her Excellency Laxana will hold an exam, and those who pass the exam will be able to become clerks and participate in the subsequent operation of Fossbarrow.

After hearing these contents, many people who were previously enthusiastic began to back off immediately.

Six months of study covered Forsbarrow's entire summer and autumn—as long as he participated in the study, it meant that this person had hardly worked this year.

In Fossbarrow, if a living person does not work for a year, the family's life will be very difficult in winter.

Although it seems that the clerk job provided by Her Excellency Laxana is good, most families cannot support one person to go to school without work, even if it is only for six months.

The adult labor force does not go to study, and many families with half-children are interested in it.

Wouldn't it be okay if young people came to study?

The answer is yes, but not completely — Fossbarrow's adult education is naturally aimed at adults, and for half-children, there will be follow-up education for minors!
Now Lux needs a group of people with basic political skills to work for her. This is an immediate problem. What can I expect in the future? Let's talk about it later!

In the end, ten days after the notice was posted, there were less than 100 people in Fossbarrow who had signed up—this was the case when there were many "mother's family members" brought by Lacus among them.

Seeing that the number of people did not meet her requirements, Lux was about to get angry.

Then, at this time, Ivar returned from the Freljord and brought back the latest news about the Freljord trade from Ino's side - after reading the letter written by Ino, Lux's previous Sorrow finally swept away!

The first phase of the Freljord trade has far exceeded expectations!
Lux, who will soon have a large sum of money in her pocket, instantly gains confidence.

This time, with a wave of her little hand, she directly asked the four organizations to select a group of people according to the requirements to directly participate in this adult study.

What, they don't want to come?

It's okay, for this group of people, I will provide generous subsidies!
Studying is more profitable than working, no one will refuse this time, right?
 Carya's Small Classroom Demacia's Tax Collector:

  Tax officials in many places are tax-contractors themselves. For Demacian businessmen, saving money, building contacts, becoming tax-contractors, and becoming tax officials is a good way to rise.

(End of this chapter)

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