Lux's Farewell

509 [0502] Unexpected popularity

509 [0502] Unexpected popularity

For any organization, the selection and flow of personnel is a top priority.

Under Lux's command, the private army is carefully selected by her from the reserve soldiers, the magic seeker is "helped" to select the magic seeker, and the clerk who is responsible for helping to maintain the order of Fossbarrow and guide the transformation of Fossbarrow , you need Lacus to teach and test in person.

Originally, Lux didn't have the capital to do this - Lux, who raised the court and raised the private army, really didn't have any more money before the new income came into her pocket. She had to buy food for this autumn. Just set aside a certain amount of funds!
Therefore, she could only grit her teeth and choose to be a clerk among those who had money since childhood.

But at this time, Ino, who was in Frost Harbor, brought back a letter through Iva, which described in detail how the Avarosa people had a great deal of life during the first Freljord trade. Supplies crave.

For this trade, the bulk should have been oats for fur.

These oats are not for human consumption, nor are they used to make wine, but as special feed to help Ernyuk calves overcome the weakness of the weaning period, so that they can bear the first breath of Anivia, so before During the negotiations, Eno would say "Avarosa needs oats in winter".

The daily necessities accompanying the team are actually Lux’s flash of inspiration, an attempt she made after remembering the great pressure Zaun faced with Piltover—however, it was this attempt that brought quite a surprise harvest.

Most of the products accompanying the team received mediocre responses. Take combs as an example. The Avarosans also have their own combs. Although they are not as good as Demacia’s combs, the teeth are uniform in width and are exquisite and easy to use. But these are made from animal horns. Combs and hair combs can also meet their daily needs, so there is really no need to spend extra money to buy them.

After all, the Avarosa people really don't have much money left.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that the products brought here had mediocre response, but as supplementary supplies, the group tea and tobacco leaves brought to the intelligence team stationed in Ningshuang Port became absolute hotspots.

Although these things are used by caravan members and intelligence teams, the people of Avarosa are very interested in them. Many young people even specially prepared special prey in exchange for a ball of tea, or A bunch of tobacco!

It is also a coincidence when it comes to the popularity of tobacco and tea among the Avarosa tribe.

Although the Freljord has a long and long history, tea and tobacco are not produced here, and the Freljord people have no contact with these things at all, although most of the Freljord people cook food. , Will also take the initiative to add leaves and rhizomes of some plants, but drinking tea has never happened.

Well, in fact, even in Demacia, the trend of drinking tea is not very popular-after all, the origin of tea is Ionia. It is a rarity.

There was, however, one person in Forsbarrow who was very fond of tea, and that person was none other than Sona.

As one of the three giants of Fossbarrow, Sona, who is in charge of culture and art, has always been the weather vane representing the trends in the Archon and Fossbarrow's army.

Unlike the kind but adoring Lacus and the serious and orderly Ino, Sona is undoubtedly the most "people-friendly" among the Big Three. Subtle fear, but there is little sense of distance when facing Sona.

Therefore, Sona can always subtly guide some value orientations and fashion trends, and her love of drinking tea has made many archons and Forsbarrow soldiers accept this wonderful drink.

Drinking tea can soothe the nerves, so like incense, it is of great benefit to the spellcaster's learning; in the cold winter, a cup of hot tea can even drive away the cold, making people feel warm from the inside out.

However, although tea is accepted, the price of tea is really unacceptable to most people.

Although it is said that Sarah Fortune, the pirate queen of Bilgewater, under the leadership of Lux, cooperated with the Shadow Stream Sect to transport a large number of Ionian specialties to Vazuan, and then sell them here, but after several changes of hands Afterwards, even the scattered tea scum was sold at an astonishing price in Demacia—what Sona brought to Fossbarrow was all her private collection!
If it weren't for the fact that the several intelligence teams stationed in the Freljord had a hard life, heavy tasks, and a lot of food, even Ino would not be embarrassed to ask Sona for some tea.

In this way, tea, as an important spiritual food, was sent from Fossbarrow to the Freljord when Ivar delivered letters several times. Smoke, burn a pot of water, make a pot of strong tea, take a few sips while the tea is still cold, then quickly write today's diary, drink the tea, and fall asleep peacefully in the fragrance of the tea— —this is their most precious means of relaxation in the evening.

In this way, tea has become a special benefit for personnel stationed abroad. In the view of the Freljord, drinking tea and smoking are just some insignificant customs of warm-blooded people, and no one cares.

So, how was tea discovered by the Avarosa people?

This is largely due to a coincidence.

Just when the Freljord trade was about to start, because there were occasional trade details that needed to be dealt with and negotiated (such as the reception of the caravan), Ashe had found the intelligence team in Frostport several times .

Once, when the communication between the two parties was relatively late, the leader of the Frost Harbor intelligence team wanted to have a cup of tea, so he was polite to Ashe.

And Ashe drank a little politely.

After drinking a cup of tea, Ashe, who is of the blood of ice, was surprised to find that at this moment, she felt much more comfortable.

Ashe, who got this surprise, didn't say anything on the spot, but after talking about the reception, she went back to her war mother's tent and told Tryndamere about her experience, emphasizing the description of the miraculous tea.

To Ashe, tea was a novelty, but to Tryndamere, he had listened.

Then, the next day, Tryndamere, who had nothing to do, left Frosthaven with a long knife in his hand. When he returned in the evening, he dragged a beast weighing at least two thousand pounds, almost bleeding out, behind him. Polar Bear.

Ignoring everyone's astonished gazes, Tryndamere dragged the white bear to the tent where the intelligence team was, and placed it in front of the team leader.

"It." Tryndamere, as always, spared words like gold, "for tea."

The leader of the intelligence team, who was dumbfounded, contributed all his share, and since then, in Avarosa, tea has also had some wonderful connections with love.

 Kalya's Little Classroom Tea in Runeterra:

  In Ionia, tea has a very important cultural and practical significance. Many sects have their own unique tea-making skills. Drinking special tea and lighting special incense are often regarded as important channels for communicating with all spirits. .

  PS. About the love story between Tryndamere and Ashe, there will be a side story later.

(End of this chapter)

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