Lux's Farewell

Chapter 510 [0503]

Chapter 510 [0503]
Unsurprisingly, Tryndamere's behavior caused a stir in Frostport.

Even though he was the absolute winner of the previous Warrior Trial, when Ashe announced that he would become his first blood alliance, and most likely the only blood alliance, the whole of Avarosa was still in disarray. Small disturbance.

A foreigner who became the blood alliance of Avarosa's battle mother was simply a blatant insult to the school-age youths of Avarosa. Suddenly, many people came to Tryndamere and asked to fight him .

For these ignorant boys, Tryndamere showed mercy according to Ashe's request.

The back of the long knife was smashed down, and if the strength was controlled well, the bones would not be broken, but at least the nose would be bruised and the face would be swollen.

Soon, no Lengtouqing challenged Tryndamere, but the matter was obviously not over yet—although he couldn't beat Tryndamere, it didn't prevent everyone from seeing him as still disliked.

Even like Tryndamere, the group of fighters who joined Avarosa because of the Warrior Trial also had quite a problem with Tryndamere.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the existence of Tryndamere even subtly established a public enemy for the two groups, which was completely unexpected by Ashe.

For Tryndamere himself, he didn't think too much about Ashe's blood alliance at the beginning. In the Freljord, when survival is a problem, love is a luxury. It's the Avengers of the Lost Clan, and being a bloodline is more of a job.

In the Avarosa tribe, apart from being the blood alliance of the Warmother, Tryndamere's main duty is to be Ashe's duel representative, which makes Tryndamere have little to do on weekdays. Had plenty of time to watch Ashe.

Then, as the relationship with Ashe became closer and as he got to know Ashe better, Tryndamere was very surprised to find that this superficially gentle war mother actually had a kind of surprising personality in real contact. Wisdom, and an indescribable charm.

Unlike most of the warmothers in Tryndamere, Ashe doesn't like to forcefully issue self-respecting orders, but often thinks about problems from the perspective of others, looking for better solutions; although she is not as good as many people Direct, but when looking at affairs, they can often go through the appearance and go straight to the essence.

This is a kind of wisdom that is completely different from the experience of ordinary old people, and it is also a kind of charm that is completely different from other warrior mothers and daughters. This kind of wisdom and charm made Tryndamere truly admired.

However, since Tryndamere hasn't had any chance to show himself recently, even if he is Ashe's blood alliance, this admiration cannot be expressed-until Ashe mentioned "tea".

Tryndamere didn't know what tea was, and even the "tea" in Freljordian was just learned to him, but he could see that Ashe really liked that kind of tea, so the next morning, the sun was still there. At dawn, he dragged his long knife and left Frost Harbor, went to the northeast mountain, and found a hapless white bear.

The white bear that thought it had found its prey became Tryndamere's prey. In order to keep the fur relatively intact, Tryndamere spent a lot of effort, leaving a complete circular cut on the white bear's neck—don't look at the one he pulled back. The white bear is black and red, but as long as it is cleaned, it is easy to peel off a complete white bear skin.

Tryndamere's movements were huge. That night, the story of Tryndamere's exchange of a white bear for tea spread throughout Frost Harbor.

Those guys who didn't accept Tryndamere organized together and spent three days looking for and hunting a bigger white bear.

Unlike the white bears hunted in Tryndamere, these bold fellows even went to the lost man's territory to prove themselves, because the white bears there were all fat and strong, and they were the best prey.

In order to avoid attracting the eyes of the old gods, Ashe got the news and had to come forward in person and stopped the competition between the two sides, and because of several waves of exchanges, the tea inventory in the intelligence team's hands was almost gone. This kind of thing finally came to an end here.

However, although there was no exchange, the members of the intelligence team stationed in Frost Harbor gradually attracted attention. Many Avarosans found them and communicated with them, hoping to discover a new tea-like tea. stuff.

This undoubtedly made the members of the intelligence team both painful and happy. Facing the "enthusiastic" Avarosa people, after some discussion, they chose to share the tobacco.

Many Avarosa people chose to try it, and quite a few of them, after getting used to the spiciness and excitement, quickly fell in love with this wonderful indulgence like spirits.

The people of Avarosa in the Freljord need that kind of stimulation.

So, after the tea, the tobacco in the hands of the intelligence team was quickly replaced.

And because the contact between Frost Harbor and Fossbarrow is fixed frequency, so this matter did not have time to pass it back until Ino arrived at Frost Harbor with the caravan.

As a result, when the caravan arrived at Frost Harbor, in addition to the smooth progress of the oat trade, many Avarosans saved some prey, hoping to exchange tea and tobacco from the caravan.

The daily necessities did not sell much, but the tea and cigarettes sent over as supplies were sold out on the first day as commodities. Ino wrote to Ai Xi immediately, and then turned around with Ai Xi. It was discussed to "open an additional wave of special trade", go through private channels, and exchange tobacco and a small amount of tea for the prey in the hands of the Avarosa people.

Ashe thought about Ino's proposal for a long time.

As a war mother who is good at management, Ashe actually doesn't want the tribe to take out precious furs and meat in exchange for tobacco and tea as indulgences.

But at the same time, she also needs to take care of the spiritual needs of the clansmen.

In order to save food, the Avarosa tribe does not advocate brewing spirits.

And judging from the current situation, tobacco seems to be able to replace spirits and become a means to relax the clansmen?
But in any case, exchanging large prey for tobacco is too extravagant...

Fortunately, Ashe soon found a way - she did not agree with Eno's proposal of "allowing the Avarosa people to exchange their prey for tobacco and tea", but chose to "start war on the official tobacco trade".

In other words, the people of Avarosa can exchange the prey in their hands for tea, and the price can be negotiated between you two; but tobacco requires official transactions between Avarosa and Fossbarrow.

As for the reason...

Ashe has already figured it out, although the price of tobacco is also very expensive, it is completely worthless compared to spirits. If he can import tobacco from Fossbarrow, he can completely sell it to other tribes around him. Among them, after changing hands like this, Avarosa might still make some money!
Ino didn't know about the fact that Ai Xi taught herself and started to be a second-hand dealer. Of course, she would not care if she knew it. She happily agreed to Ai Xi's proposal. After the completion of the oatmeal-fur transaction, A new trade agreement on the tobacco trade was quickly struck.

Then, Eno wrote to Lux very excitedly, describing the content of this new agreement in detail, and estimated the size of the market based on the information provided by the intelligence team.

Lux was overjoyed when she received the news.

The trade in the Freljord is government-run trade. The specific trade process is "Lax buys oats and other commodities from the people, sends them to the Freljord in exchange for furs and true ice, and sells the returned furs. ".

Throughout the trade process, the proceeds belonged to Lux—or rather, to Fossbarrow.

This kind of government-run trade is an important source of income for Fossbarrow. Under the condition that no tax is collected from Fossbarrow people in a short period of time, this profit will be the main economic basis to support the reform of Fossbarrow.

Although the gross profit margin of trade seems to be very high, but due to the scale of trade and the cost of trade, Lux's life is actually very tight.

Now that there is suddenly an additional trade content, and it is a trade that may be more profitable, Lacus is naturally overjoyed. With this income, she can easily expand the scale of clerk training, and from now on, plan to start Fossby Luo's basic literacy!

Therefore, even though Lux didn't like the smell of tobacco very much, she still happily agreed to Ino's trading plan, and immediately started to buy tobacco, striving to organize the second batch of caravans as soon as possible, and start trading luxury goods as soon as possible.


With confidence in her mind, Lacus finally made use of the funds saved in her hands for the winter.

Putting on the appearance of a model aristocrat, she successively visited cities in the west and north such as Mithril City, Velos, Temuera, and Brisal, and discussed with the local lords about the fur trade.

In addition to Mithral City being her natal family, several lords in other places also respect and welcome the newly promoted Earl of Lacus. In addition to Lacus herself, the discount on fur prices she offers is also a big deal. important factor.

While the market was open, the entourage also brought a lot of orders for tea and tobacco.

Tobacco is good. Although Demacia only produces tobacco in the southernmost part of the country, this thing is not a rare item; but for tea, most cities only have a small amount of stock, and they are sold as luxury goods on weekdays.

It has to be said that Lux's own title and her origin of the defending family give her an advantage in the trade of Demacia. Begging grandpa to tell grandma can’t open a market, for Lacus, it’s just a matter of participating in a banquet and playing a song.

In Demacia, nobles and commoners are completely different things!

In this way, almost when Ino led the team back from the Freljord, Lux also ended her visit.

The success of the exchanges between the South and the North officially announced the official establishment of the northern trade channel with Fossbarrow as the main channel.

Later, Sona also brought good news: the first batch of schools for training clerks has been prepared, and two days later, Fossbarrow will start training the first batch of clerks who can help Lacus with her work!

The three girls held hands and finally hugged each other in Lux's office—after half a year of busy work, everything in Forsbarrow was finally on the right track, and Lacus really had a foundation here !

Next, the Archon will carry out organizational reconstruction. The team previously allocated for construction will be partially retained and partially rebuilt. The retained part will undertake the subsequent tasks of building artificial rivers and clearing the river, and the reconstructed part, On the other hand, they will be divided into different project teams according to their specialties.

These project groups will undertake their own professional tasks, such as Fuquelin's group, which is the most important plant breeding group in Forsbarrow.

Among the members of these groups, the group with the strongest ability to control magic will carry out the first batch of "Pure Ice Processing Training" in the next step. cognition.

As for the other team members, they will directly devote themselves to the work of all walks of life and continue to contribute to the construction of Forsbarrow.

In addition, the rewards and punishments for Archons will also be improved—now that Lux has money, in addition to spiritual rewards, Lux will also provide a certain degree of material rewards for those who have made outstanding contributions among Archons.

However, Lux still needs to think about the content of this material reward. After all, in Fossbarrow, even if you give real money, there are actually limited ways to spend it.

The next step of the Archon's plan is confirmed. At the same time, the responsibilities of Fossbarrow's private army will also be subdivided. In addition to the necessary garrison troops, some private troops will be dedicated as security teams and will be responsible for serving Fossbarrow's private army. Barrow's caravan escort; in addition, a very small number of soldiers will be drawn out as mentors to assist Fossbarrow's education.

Lacus, Ino, and Sona, who were in a great mood, quickly finalized a series of logical development matters. After Kalya's confirmation and filling of vacancies, these plans were quickly processed into orders and passed on. Executed by Archon and Forsbarrow's armies.

In this way, after a brief day's rest, the Big Three in the North got busy again.

Lacus needs to focus on the internal structural changes of the Archon, and Sona is responsible for the training of clerks and takes Karya to focus on the training of the ice processing.

As for Ino...

Ino, who had just returned to Forsbarrow not long ago, started to pack his things again and was ready to go.

She needs to personally monitor the purchase of tea and tobacco, and prepare for the second caravan to Frost Harbor this year as soon as possible.

Then, when everyone in Fossbarrow was busy doing their own things, in Xiongdu, Sambol sent back a shocking news.

"Angel is coming!"

 Carya's Small Classroom: Trade in the Eyes of Nobles:
  For the nobles of Demacia, besides making money, trade also has some social functions—just like art in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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