Lux's Farewell

Chapter 511 [0504] Shivana is out!

Chapter 511 [0504] Shivana is out!
Lux is on the side of Xiongdu, and there is no special channel for information transmission-Iva can fly freely in the Freljord, fearless of Anivia's breath, but he cannot fly to Xiongdu, that is for work die.

Regarding the situation in Xiongdu, Lux's main source of information is the monthly correspondence with her mother, Augsa. Although this is an intimate letter between relatives, Mrs. Augsa often talks about what happened in Xiongdu Things, Lux will also talk about the changes in Forsbarrow.

However, unlike the ever-changing Fossbarrow, Xiongdu is always the same, and the strife between nobles is the eternal theme.

Therefore, even in the letter, what Augesa can say is often only news that a certain nobleman married a certain nobleman, what happened to a certain family, etc., which are closer to gossip.

In addition, Lacus is very busy at work now, and the focus of her work is not in the south but in the north. For this information, she can at most glance at it and know it in her heart.

But this time, things seem to have changed.

Sambol, who was originally just going to the capital for trade, suddenly sent his men back early and brought back a letter to Lacus - when she got the letter, Lacus had already realized the seriousness of the problem.

Then, after opening the envelope and reading what Sambol had written, her brow furrowed even more.

The contents of the letter were very simple, all of which were what Sambol had seen and heard, but these extremely simple things pointed to something that caused Lacus and even Karya quite a headache.

Angels come!

Kyle, one of the Flying Wing Sisters who helped Demacia to establish, appeared in Xiongdu!
Considering her delicate identity as a "giant-human hybrid", her coming may not be a good thing for the current Demacia.

Without any hesitation, Lacus immediately sent someone to invite Ino and Sona.


Ino and Sona, who were called suddenly, were wondering why Lacus was in such a hurry to find themselves at this moment—then, they read Sambol's letter.

Then, the three of them put on the same frowning expression.

The last time Tariq came back from the summit, what the Illuminati did is still in sight. Now that the Feiyi sisters are here, I am afraid that there will be another round of competition between the royal power and the divine power!
This time, Lacus didn't come to the rescue!

"Your Majesty and the noble council may not be having a good time recently." Seeing that the two of them had finished reading the letter, Lacus said softly, "Will the light let this opportunity go, even if they lost a respected person last time?" cardinal."

"You're right." Sona plucked the strings and nodded slightly, "Normally speaking, the arrival of angels will definitely arouse the wholehearted welcome of the Illuminati."

"But the current situation seems to have some changes." Eno added, "If Sambol's letter is correct, it seems that the Illuminati will not make any major moves and can only pass on some news in private, which is very strange .”

Yeah, that's very strange.

If it is a bit far-fetched to say that it is a bit far-fetched to strengthen the theocracy through the return of the peak climbers, then now that the angels have descended, the Illuminati will not prepare a large-scale ceremony for [-] to [-] consecutive days, which is simply a pity for the efforts of their cardinals to expand their influence!

Based on the three people's understanding of the Illuminati, they will never give up the opportunity of this angel's arrival!
However, apart from a lot of news circulating and many people seeing the angel's figure with their own eyes, the entire Xiongdu is actually calm and shocking!


There is no ceremony.

Even the newly appointed cardinal, who always likes to appear in front of the public, has mysteriously disappeared for a while.

This is obviously not a normal situation, and it is definitely not the state that Xiongdu should have after the angel descends.

Of course, the situation in Xiongdu is actually not important to Fossbarrow now.

But from a long-term point of view, whether it is the nobles of Xiongdu or the angel Kyle, they are all obstacles on the way forward for Lacus and Fossbarrow.

Lacus, Ino, and Sona knew the so-called knowing themselves and the enemy, and never ending a hundred battles. They could not completely ignore the changes in Xiongdu.

"Let me go." After being silent for a while, Ino finally said, "Go to Xiongdu, if possible, I also want to go to Bilgewater... also for tea and tobacco. "

"But the trade in the northern border is really inseparable from you." Lacus shook her head immediately and said, "For the first special trade of tobacco and tea, you need to negotiate with that Ashe."

Ino blinked, and finally showed a helpless expression - Lacus was right, anyway, the current Freljord is an important trading partner of Fossbarrow, and the Avarosa people Trade negotiations are currently the top priority. In order to ensure the coherence and consistency of the content of the negotiations, it is best for Eno not to leave at this time.

"Let me come." Sona plucked the strings, "I can go back and meet my mother, she also has a little tobacco and tea trade."

Lacus and Ino looked at each other with hesitant expressions.

If Sona leaves, will it affect Fossbarrow's work?
Yes, and not a small one--the headmaster disappeared just as the clerk training had just begun, which in any case was a little unjustifiable.

Without Sona, Fossbarrow really had no one to focus on education.

But in comparison, Sona is already among the Big Three, the only one who can leave Fossbarrow at this time!

"Let Shivana go." Just when the three of them hesitated, Kalya, who had been silent before, said, "She has been studying for almost half a year. If it's just a task of inquiring about news, let her do it." It’s not a big deal if you’re responsible.”

"I believe in Shivana's ability." Lux pursed her lips, and then said helplessly, "But she has a special status after all, and it is difficult to use the information channels of the nobles..."

"Just one letter is enough for the nobles' information!" Kalya chuckled, obviously already had a solution, "Lax, Ni and Sona each write a letter home, and Shivana will take it with you. She Will bring the news back quickly - even if a letter is not written properly, she can fly two extra flights."



Lacus and Sona looked at each other, and immediately understood what Kalya meant.

In this matter, what is Shyvana's greatest advantage?
is flying.

It is impossible for Ivar to go back and forth between Xiongdu and Fossbarrow, because it will be attacked as long as it is close to Xiongdu.

But Shyvana can do it—as long as she leaves the city and finds a place where no one is around, Shyvana can quickly transform into a giant dragon, and then fly all the way back to Fossbarrow to bring back the news!

Therefore, let Shivana go to Xiongdu, not only can she collect information, but also let her act as a messenger to quickly deliver news!
"I can contact Grandma Ling." Yinuo also opened his mouth and added, "There should be some secret ways on the side of the silent people."

"So, let Shyvana come?"

"I can only work hard, little junior sister!"


When she received the news and learned that she had a mission, Shivana was eager to try.

In fact, in the past half a year, Shivana has been very leisurely - except for studying with Karya, she has almost no work to do, and most of the time, she is silently Watching Forsbarrow.

Then, she was very pleasantly surprised to find that when Ino found her, the promise she made did not deceive herself.

Fossbarrow is indeed the kind of place I expected. There is an unusual tolerance for the aliens here. Even the demon-infested who were rejected in Demacia will still be respected as a magician.

For Shivana, who has a special status, everything that Fossbarrow has shown, whether it is inclusiveness or rapid changes, is very appetizing to her. In addition, there is a teacher named Karya who can help her Learning to control her bestiality, Shyvana was content with her life in Forsbarrow.

Therefore, when she learned that she had a task to do, her attitude was excited and eager to try.

After Lux finished explaining the purpose and significance of this mission, Shivana accepted the mission without any hesitation, and started warming up on the spot—she couldn't wait to fly to Xiongdu to collect and bring back important news !
Shyvana's excitement really made Lux dumbfounded. In her impression, her junior sister was always very calm and silent. How could she be so excited after having a mission?
"Wait a minute, wait a moment." In this situation, Lacus could only wave his hands frequently, "The letter from my side has not been written yet, and it will take some time for Ino to find someone, although the angel's arrival came a bit suddenly. , but the situation has not yet reached that point of urgency."


"Also, Teacher Kalya has something to tell you." Lux handed her saber to Shivana, "Is this supposed to be special training?"

Shyvana blinked, reached out to take the saber, and then her expression gradually became a little more subtle.

Is it okay... like this?


The next day, Shivana got the letters from Lacus and Sona, and also learned some unique secrets from Ino, so she left Fossbarrow without any hesitation, and became an incarnation outside the city. Being a dragon, he flapped his wings and soared into the sky, galloping all the way towards the direction of Xiongdu in the south.

From Fossbarrow to Xiongdu, it will take about three days to fly directly.

And because Shyvana can't land carelessly in the form of a dragon, she needs to land outside the city before entering the city, so it takes her a little more time.

Under Kalya's previous point, she did not enter the city as a Fosbarrow, but went to the port of Xiongdu first, and pretended to be a Piltover merchant who came to Demacia—oh, now Call the Vazuan trader.

On the one hand, this kind of camouflage can give Shivana a special answer to her unusual appearance, and on the other hand, it can also prevent her from being noticed by those who want to, making her actions more convenient.

In this way, after mixing with the immigration team at the port, Shyvana successfully entered the capital of Demacia.

In Xiongdu City, the first thing she has to do is deliver the letter.

However, instead of sending the letter directly by herself, she sent the letter through the chamber of commerce. According to Carya's plan, she found the Fossbarrow caravan that was about to close the stall, and handed the letterheads of Lacus and Sona to Sam, who led the team. bol.

Sambol was quite surprised when he saw Shivana. He didn't know that Shivana was actually a dragon, so he felt quite strange about Shivana's arrival.

However, it's strange to be strange, Shivana is also a member of Fossbarrow's inner circle, so after hearing that this is the letter that Laxanna and Miss Sona asked to send to Crownguard Manor and Bouvier Manor, he Didn't think much of it, just picked it up.

"I'll visit in person later." He carefully put away the letterhead, and then promised, "Delivery guaranteed."

The letters on Lacus and Sona's side have been settled, which also means that the way for the nobles to collect information has been settled - with the support of the Crownguard family and the Bouvier family, Lacus will soon know what the nobles have seen.

Next, it's time to go to the Reticent Man.

For Shyvana, the next action will be the biggest challenge of this trip to Xiongdu!

Following the instructions of the map, Shyvana came to the abandoned Arcatraz—then, for the first time, she wondered if she was a Lu Chi.

According to Ino, after the Archon was removed, the Arcatraz should be empty - coupled with the damage caused by the previous escape incident, I am afraid that the entire prison will be abandoned. It may be difficult to find the secret path provided by Grandma Ling.

However, when Shivana came to the place where the Arcatraz was, what she saw was a complex of buildings rising from the ground.

Although it seems that many places have not been completed yet, what is certain is that this place has nothing to do with dilapidation or abandonment.

Under the circumstance that Yinuo and Grandma Ling had never heard of it, the Arcatraz was rebuilt!
"Wow!" Shyvana had an idea, put on a look of surprise, and approached the guards guarding the new Arcatraz, "What is this wonderful building? Can I go in and visit?"

The guards who saw Shivana were obviously a little confused. He nervously set up his spear, put on a look of vigilance, and immediately began to call the surrounding guards.

"What are you doing?" Shyvana stammered in Demacian with a Piltover accent, "You have no right to—"

Soon, a guy who looked like a small captain among the guards stood in front of Shivana, he glanced at Shivana, and then said in a serious voice: "Get out of here, outsider, this is not what you should come here place."

"I'm not interested in the secrets of Demacia, I just like these buildings." Shyvana spread her hands, showing a look of not wanting to cause trouble, "Can you tell me who designed it? It's so ingenious, beautiful It is magnificent, I never thought that classical architecture can be presented in such a peculiar form..."

A series of exaggerated compliments came out of Shyvana's mouth. This kind of praise with a foreign accent made the team leader who wanted to reprimand Shyvana suddenly not know what to say.

Even a sense of pride that didn't fit his current duties allowed a smile to creep up on the corner of the guard's captain's mouth.

Look, a guy from a foreign country is praising the art of Demacia in his unproficient Demacian language!

Tsk tsk tsk, what a pity, she seems to only understand art, otherwise she would definitely understand the greatness of Demacia better!

"You should go to the Art Support Association to inquire about it." The corner of his mouth slightly curled up, the team leader finally said in a low voice, this time, he also used polite language, "Now, please leave here, don't delay our work. "

"Okay, okay." Shyvana showed a grateful look, "Art Volunteer Association..."

"It's the Art Support Association!"

"Support, yes, support!"

 Karya's Little Classroom Karya's Cross-dressing:
  In order to hide Shivana's true identity, Kalya used some simple props to make some wonderful disguises for her-using paint to make Shivana's lavender skin look like part of a tattoo, and using alchemy masks to make her The dragon horns are disguised as decorations, etc. Although it may seem nondescript to those who know Hex technology, there is no problem in fooling the Demacians.

  After all, from Demacia's point of view, Hex technology and body modification are just such fancy things.

(End of this chapter)

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