Lux's Farewell

Chapter 512 [0505] Art Support Association

Chapter 512 [0505] Art Support Association
The Art Support Association, headquartered in the east of the capital of Demacia, has been established for ten years.

The grass-roots team that was set up with Lux's pocket money as the start-up capital has become bigger and stronger in the past ten years. It moved into the current building three years ago and finally became a household name in Xiongdu. where.

For the locals in the capital of Demacia, the Art Support Association and its affiliated gardens are one of the few art fields in the city that are open to civilians.

Even though the activities here require money, few people will pay the money, but when there are no activities, many civilians will still come here to wander around and receive the influence of art.

In addition, there are also many well-to-do people who come here to seek help from artists who are not so well-to-do. The largest number of them are businessmen from other places who ask painters to help them paint group portraits.

Of course, if this is the case, the Art Support Association is nothing but water without roots, and it will not be able to achieve today's climate at all.

In fact, in the eyes of those who really understand the Art Volunteer Association, a large part of the reason for the increasing scale of this association is that it has assumed the function of a reservoir for the noble children of Demacia.

It is precisely this function that has allowed the Art Support Association to grow bigger and bigger in just ten years.


In Demacia, the inheritance of noble titles is strictly regulated. Although the territory generally does not change, the title itself will gradually degrade as it is passed on, and eventually become a knight. Moreover, no matter how many children the previous generation of nobles have , and only one of them can inherit the title.

The nobles have always been the most fertile group of people. Therefore, in the capital of Demacia, there have always been a large number of descendants of nobles without titles.

Most of the women among them will become tools for family marriages to cling to other nobles or win over talents, while the men will fall into an embarrassing situation with nowhere to go after they reach adulthood. There is a special title: noble children.

The children of the nobles were all from noble families, which made it difficult for them to engage in various labor jobs like ordinary people.

But they have no titles to inherit, and they are not nobles who really hold power. In Xiongdu, they are pure idlers.

In the past, these noble children usually had three paths to choose from.

The first way is to go back to the fief, help the brothers and sisters who have inherited the title manage the fief, and then mix a local noble or knight title under their hands, and go to their own fief to be the lord.

For example, the offshoots of the crown guard families in Mithril City are mostly this kind of people. They will obtain part of the management and income rights of a certain fiefdom on the basis of the clan fiefdom. It is part of the Demacia fiefdom system. The lower part, together with many tax-paying merchants and low-level family officials, formed the foundation of the kingdom's rule.

However, it is not an easy task to return to the family fief to be a master.

The simplest point is that only the noble children of the great noble family are eligible to do this - if the family fief is very small, it is completely impossible to continue to divide the fief; moreover, even if the family fief is large, but it is too remote It's also very troublesome, after all, not everyone who has seen the prosperity of Xiongdu is willing to go to the backcountry to be the emperor of the soil.

Therefore, the second way is to stay in Xiongdu and be a philanthropist, a broker, or a philanthropist and a part-time political broker.

Generally speaking, the children of nobles who did not have a title in the first generation usually grew up with the nobles who inherited the title. Their brother may be the one who inherited the title. When they grew up, they were surrounded by real nobles.

Therefore, although these people are not aristocrats, if the circle of friends is full of aristocrats, at least in this generation, they can still get along well in the circle of aristocrats.

Since you can get along well, then don't leave Xiongdu.

Putting on the title of a philanthropist of the Illuminati, trying to become the host of the noble banquet, and reconciling the noble communication like a lubricant-the above content has naturally become a way for some noble children to stay in Xiongdu.

They are not nobles, but they are people in the circle of nobles.

It is undeniable that the philanthropy of the Illuminati has indeed helped many people, but at the same time, there are also a large number of nominal people staying in the Illuminati, jumping up and down as philanthropists, and acting as brokers-in addition to lubricating the nobles' communication, they It also lubricated the relationship between the Illuminati and the nobles to a certain extent. It was this need that caused a considerable number of noble children to stay in Xiongdu.

Of course, in addition to the above two, noble children usually have a third way: relying on their status as noble children, join the army, and then earn a title for themselves.

This path can be regarded as the "righteous path" of the nobles themselves, but it is undoubtedly the most difficult path.

Regardless of the noble education received by the noble children, but entering the army and competing with them are vast numbers of civilians.

For these civilians, joining the army and making meritorious deeds is almost the only way to get promoted; but for the noble children, it is difficult for them to make up their minds to fight in the army, after all, they will really die on the battlefield .

The birth of the Art Support Association provided the fourth way for the noble children stranded in the capital of Demacia: to be an artist—or to be a broker with the name of an artist.

In Demacia, the nobles are the group of people who have the easiest access to art.

Compared with commoners who are busy running around for food, clothing, housing and transportation all day long, the noble children living in Xiongdu generally have good artistic accomplishments, which gives them a natural advantage in the field of art.

This advantage often didn't have much practical significance in the past, but with the birth of the Art Support Association, as more and more real artistic geniuses received funding, it began to shine, and many flexible-minded guys chose to join Arts Support Association.

The reputation of philanthropists is almost rotten, and in recent years, the relationship between the Illuminati and the noble council has become more and more rigid, so why not change their identity and use the identity of an artist to carry out activities in Xiongdu?
Being a philanthropist under the Illuminati, no matter how stingy you are, at least you have to spend some money to support your face, and you need heartache when you should donate money; but being an artist under the Art Support Association, even if you don’t get Subsidies, at least you don’t have to pay!
Moreover, it is not unacceptable for many noble N generations who are shy and have a declining family background to rely on the name of an artist to do some work. Feng, under the dilemma, what more decent job is there than "making art"?

After unlocking the true purpose of the Art Support Association, the organization soon became more and more complicated. In addition to some real artistic geniuses who will receive subsidies, there are also a large number of guys who have little knowledge of art and are better than ordinary people. joined the association.

At the beginning, Lacus and Sona looked down on these guys very much, but with the release of Kalya, and the "flying into the homes of ordinary people" visible to the naked eye of art, the two gradually accepted the support of art The dual role of the association.

Rather than letting these people flow into the Illuminati, it is better to let them do art!
Even when Lux left Xiongdu, Sona has been strictly controlling the internal subsidies in the Art Support Association. For those who do not receive subsidies, the Art Support Association will help them find jobs, organize salon.

Today, the Art Support Association has long gone beyond the scope of subsidizing unsatisfactory artists. It is now an important informal communication venue for the nobles of Xiongdu, and an important window for common people to understand art and seek spiritual food.

However, in the eyes of Shivana, who had seen the Piltover Art Museum, this Art Support just that.

Compared with the more lively, direct and avant-garde art of Piltover, Demacia's art field is undoubtedly conservative and solemn, even in the past ten years, art has gradually approached the common people and started to become popular , but overall it is still dominated by the grand style.

Whether it is architecture, painting, sculpture or literature, Demacians admire majesty, but in Shyvana's eyes, this is somewhat "not interesting enough".

However, the slander is the slander, on the surface Shivana still has to put on a look of interest. What she will do next is to use the Art Support Association to see if there is any special news about the angel's coming.


Originally, Shyvana prepared a lot of drafts on how to ask about the coming of angels. According to Kalya's guidance, she formulated five speech techniques to lead the topic to religion and gods, and made up her mind that no matter what the receivers said, Said, I have to talk about the descending of the angels.

However, after entering the Art Support Association, Shivana was shocked to find that there were more artists in the association than herself.

In the public gallery at the entrance, the paintings about the Feiyi sisters are already full of paintings one after another. Shyvana glanced at them, and all they saw were angel-related themes. The entire public gallery was almost the same as Fan art exhibition is average.

Among these paintings, many of the oil paints were hung up in a hurry, which shows the eagerness of the creators.

What type of situation is this?
Before coming to Xiongdu, Kalya had already introduced to Shivana the legend of the Flying Wing Sisters and that period of ancient history—so, Shivana knew very well that the Flying Wing Sisters hadn't shown up for almost a thousand years.

However, it was such an angel who hadn't been seen for a thousand years, which caused a sensation in the whole city once it arrived.

Obviously there is no official statement, but in private, the matter related to the Feiyi sisters has become the hottest among the hottest, the top among the top streamers, and the Art Support Association is all chasing this wave of hot spots! .

Is this the influence of the Flying Wing sisters?

Shyvana was amazed, and then chose to take the initiative to find the guide of the gallery, and according to the previous plan, began to ask questions about the building in the Aratraz.

Facing Shivana's question, the commentator gave an expected answer: "Recently, there have been no architectural salons at all, and there are only painting exhibitions, sculpture exhibitions, poetry readings and history salons about the Flying Wing Sisters— —Oh, and a special dance."

"A special ball?" Shyvana asked with some doubts, "What is that?"

"A special ball in the literal sense, without a theme." The other party looked Shivana's attire up and down, "It seems that you are from Piltover?"

"It's called Vazuan now," Shyvana corrected. "Vazuan's Piltover District."

"It's pretty much the same anyway." The other party looked indifferent, "If you are interested in architecture, you may be able to attend the dance, during which there will be many architectural talents attending, as for other activities... there are no recent events. Any activity related to construction."

"Understood." Shyvana nodded, "Do I need an invitation letter or tickets for the dance?"

"Maybe others need it, but you don't." There was a subtle smile on the other side's face, "After all, no one would refuse the opportunity to dance with a foreign lady."

"I'm here for art." Shivana's face became serious, "Even if it's avant-garde art, it doesn't mean frivolity."

Shivana's sudden change of face made the other party a little embarrassed, and then, before this guy could say anything, Shivana's aura suddenly changed.

The guide instinctively sensed the danger—as Shyvana's eyes narrowed slightly, all the hairs on his body stood on end in an instant!

At this moment, he seems to have become a helpless prey, and will be bitten to death in the next moment!

"If you need it, you can buy an invitation letter." After a few breaths, when Shyvana restrained her momentum, the commentator finally wiped the sweat from the corners of his eyes, and stumbled, "Three gold coins..."

Shyvana gave him a sideways glance, slapped three gold hexes in front of him, snatched the invitation letter from him, picked up the fountain pen next to it, and signed her name on it , turned around and walked away.

After a long while, the guide finally came back to his senses. He stared blankly at the three gold hexes in his hand, wanting to cry—although they were all gold coins, in Demacia, the three gold hexes usually cost only It can be exchanged for two Demacia gold coins plus fifty coppers.

The subsequent price difference needs to be made up by himself.

However, this guy didn't even have the courage to scold Shivana in his heart at this moment. He felt terrified when he recalled the moment of loss of focus before. Seeing that Shivana had left for a long time, he could only smile wryly. Then he opened his wallet to make up the difference, secretly terrified.

"What a terrifying stranger." The guide murmured, "The look in her eyes just now looks like a terrifying dragon!"

 Carya's Small Classroom·Longwei:

  There are two learning points for Shivana following Kalya, one is how to become a better human being, and the other is how to use the power of a dragon in human form - and the dragon power that shocked the commentator is Shivana's One of the learning outcomes.

(End of this chapter)

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