Lux's Farewell

Chapter 513 [0506]

Chapter 513 [0506]
According to Shivana's guess, the ball held by the Art Support Association should be a special ball similar to a masquerade ball—according to her experience in Piltover, artists are a group of people who behave differently. People, in the form of the ball, she has long been mentally prepared.

However, after carefully reading the invitation instructions on the invitation card, Shivana realized that although it was a dance in name, in fact the dance itself was not important at all!
According to the statement on the invitation, after the dance is over and the relationship is over, the person who holds the invitation will sit down and discuss about a "group project".

The specific content of this collective project was not clearly stated on the invitation.

But considering the current situation of the Art Support Association, I'm afraid it has something to do with the angel's arrival.

This is undoubtedly in Shivana's arms - if you want to find out what is going on with this angel descending incident, this is the best entry point.


According to the requirements on the invitation, three days later, Shivana dressed up to attend.

Well, it's not really a fancy dress, although Shyvana's outfit looks quite gorgeous, but it's almost the same one that Kalya prepared for her, except that she just changed into a long dress that is more suitable for the ball.

Even so, it was enough to make Shyvana the center of attention at the ball—in addition to her special attire, her superior height was also important.

Shyvana in human form is more than seven feet tall, let alone Demacia, even in the Freljord, she would be super tall.

Even if Shyvana wasn't wearing high heels (of course she wasn't used to wearing them), she could still easily overlook most of the people here.

Maybe it was because of the different outfits, or maybe it was because of the amazing pressure brought by the height. When the ball started, no one came to invite Shivana to dance, and not many people even dared to approach her.

This situation undoubtedly made Shyvana very satisfied - anyway, the main event was the meeting after the dance, and it was a good thing that no annoying guy came to disturb her now!

So, the dance music of the ball changed round after round, and Shyvana just stayed by the buffet dining table, maintaining her eating posture gracefully and quickly.

As a humanoid dragon, Shivana's stomach is like a bottomless pit when she eats. If someone stares at her from the beginning to the end, then he will find that even though the invitation is worth three gold coins, Shivana not only relies on After eating desserts, I got back my money, and in turn earned dozens of gold coins.

Relying on the aura of not getting close to strangers, Shivana almost made up for the desserts she owed for more than a year—she hasn’t eaten delicious desserts since she left Piltover with her adoptive father , Even after settling down in Fossbarrow, Fossbarrow, which is not rich in products, has no desserts to eat.

In the North, meat was enough, but desserts were not even a thought. The sweetest thing Shyvana could eat in Fossbarrow was cold bee honey.

Then, just as Shyvana was feasting happily, a strange voice appeared beside her.

"This respected lady from a foreign country." A young man who was about the same height as Shivana and wearing a decent dress ignored the seemingly substantial atmosphere barrier around Shivana and came to her side, "Hi, do you mind talking to me?" Two sentences?"

Shyvana wanted to say she minded, but in this situation, it was obvious she couldn't.

So, she had no choice but to swallow the dessert in her mouth, rinse her mouth with wine, and then turned around.

"Of course." Shyvana nodded, "My name is Shyvana, what's your name?"


"It's a very familiar name..." Shyvana blinked, "I remember His Majesty the King and His Royal Highness of your country, the name is Jiawen?"

"You should be talking about me." To Shyvana's surprise, a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of the other party's mouth after hearing the words, "Jarvan IV."

Shyvana was dumbfounded.

She didn't think that someone would make such a joke on such an occasion—and, her gaze swept behind the other party calmly, and then she clearly saw a few guys who were incompatible with the prom.

If nothing else happened, these people were the bodyguards of Jarvan IV.

"When I got the invitation, I never heard that His Highness the Prince would come here." Shivana turned her gaze back to Jarvan IV, carefully sizing up the mighty Prince, "It's an honor to meet you you."

"That's probably because you didn't listen carefully when you got the invitation." Jarvan IV pointed out, "It seems that you are from Piltover?"

"It's Vazuan," Shyvana corrected. "Why, architecture lovers are not welcome at this banquet?"

"Welcome, but Miss Shivana may not get the architectural knowledge she wants." Jarvan IV said a bad joke, "Unless you are interested in religious architecture."

"No way?" Shyvana raised her brows, "What is that again... the angel descended? It has taken over the public galleries and art salons, even balls?"

"Pay attention to what you say, Miss Shivana." Jarvan IV shook his head lightly and said, "If you are illuminated and can hear your words, I'm afraid His Excellency the Bishop will hold you to have a good chat, so that you won't admit your mistake completely. will let you go."



Just like friends meeting for the first time, Shyvana and Jarvan IV chatted with each other for a while, until the dance music of the ball changed again.

"It was a pleasure chatting with you." Looking at Shyvana again, Jarvan IV raised his glass, "Thank you for providing me with a moment of relaxation."

With that said, Jarvan IV turned and left the dining table without hesitation, and quickly disappeared outside the side door of the ball hall.

And with Jarvan IV's departure, many scrutinizing gazes fell on Shivana, but in the end, these gazes were silently withdrawn.

Obviously, everyone understood the purpose of Jarvan IV—His Royal Highness was not very good at walking around this kind of ball, and it was better to chat with an outsider than to deal with the noble ladies in Xiongdu.

And in this situation, Shivana also understood the reason of the matter, it turned out that His Royal Highness used himself as a shield...

Shyvana just smiled slightly at this, and then waited for the follow-up meeting with peace of mind.


Unsurprisingly, the main body of the invitation-only meeting after the ball was indeed related to the arrival of angels.

As for the specific content, it is related to the sculpture - Jarvan IV, who presided over the meeting, asked the participating artists how to build a statue for the Flying Wing Sisters on the magnificent square.

The style should adopt a retro form, or the current popular form; build a statue of the flying wing sisters, or two separate ones; choose ancient stone as the material, or the special forbidden magic stone commonly used in statues now...

It sounds like a tender.

However, Shyvana was keenly aware of some subtleties in Jarvan IV's question.

According to Karya and Lacus, although the Feiyi sisters are sisters, in fact, the Demacians have always worshiped their elder sister Kyle, who is the angel who descended this time.

But of the many questions Jarvan IV had about the statue, quite a few involved another...

Considering that Jarvan III is getting older in recent years, and Jarvan IV often represents the king's opinion, maybe the royal family's attitude towards this descending angel is not as welcoming as it seems?

Or, besides the angel, Sister Feiyi's younger sister quietly returned to Demacia, but she found the royal family directly?

At this moment, many thoughts flashed through Shyvana's mind. While thinking in the way Kalya gave her, she quickly recorded all the requests and questions raised by Jarvan IV.

Shivana had a premonition that the information she recorded must contain some kind of truth about the Flying Wing sisters.

Soon, this impromptu meeting had to be suspended.

Several sculptors present at the meeting, from an artistic point of view, put forward their own opinions on the statue of the Feiyi sisters, and then they quarreled into a group, which could not be handed over.

Under such circumstances, Shyvana, as a "foreigner interested in architecture", naturally had to take advantage of the intermission to slip away.

The Art Support Association has some clues about things. After she goes back to tidy up, she will start the next step.

However, what Shivana never expected was that Jarvan IV, the nominal host of the meeting, was also the one who sneaked away with her.

That's right, when the sculptors were arguing about the statue proposed by Jarvan IV, Jarvan IV himself slipped away first, and had no intention of staying as a referee or peacemaker.

Seeing Jarvan IV leaving in a hurry, Shyvana couldn't help frowning.

His Royal Highness...seems to be very busy?
After that meeting, under the pretext of being interested in architecture, Shyvana wandered around the Art Support Association for two days, collecting all the news she could find about the angel's arrival.

The news was quite mixed, and Shyvana felt a headache every night when she sorted it out by herself.

On the third day, new news came from Sambor, and replies from Crownguard Manor and Bouvier Manor arrived—just in time, Fossbarrow’s Chamber of Commerce had completed its summer sales and was about to leave. Returning, so the Crown Guard Manor and the Bouvier Manor asked the Chamber of Commerce to bring the letterhead back.

After Shyvana got the news, she joined the caravan immediately and got two sheepskin letterheads sealed tightly with wax paint.

Shyvana, who had already inquired almost, took the letterhead and set off immediately to return.

Leaving Xiongdu City, in the deserted outskirts, Shivana directly transformed into a dragon, flapped her wings and soared into the sky, flying straight in the direction of Fossbarrow.


Shivana, who saved ten days of travel, returned to Fossbarrow smoothly with the information she collected from the Arts Support Association and two letters from home.

At this time, Ino had set off again with the caravan, and there were only two of the Big Three in the North. After getting their home letter, Lacus and Sona immediately chose to open it.

After reading it quickly, the same doubt appeared on the faces of the two people.

After looking at each other, the two tacitly folded half of the letter paper, and then exchanged it. After exchanging and reading the contents of the angel's arrival on the other party's letter paper, the doubts on the faces of the two became more intense.

In these two letters, part of the description of the angel's arrival is completely consistent - on a clear day a month ago, a ray of light from the south shone over the capital of Demacia, when all When everyone looked up at the sky, the legendary Angel of Judgment descended from the sky and reached Dawn Castle.

But after that, no one ever saw the Judgment Angel.

In the letter written by Mrs. Le Stara, there is an additional message, that is, after the arrival of the angel, Tariq, who had been in the Illuminati for self-salvation, suddenly disappeared.

Under such circumstances, it is natural for someone to have the idea that "the angel of judgment was murdered", but after the anxious deputy cardinal had an audience, the Illuminati did not move again-not only that, but they also actively cooperated with His Majesty the king, and the momentum They made a huge effort to commemorate the Feiyi sisters, but they didn't mention the matter of letting the angel of judgment appear in front of the public at all...

It seems that Jarvan III and the Illuminati have reached some consensus, but this consensus is completely hidden from the noble council, even the hard-core royalists such as the Crown Guard family and the Bouvier family do not know about it.

The nobles also tried to insinuate, but Jarvan III was very strict about this matter, and always kept the topic away quietly, making it clear that he was unwilling to speak out.

However, he also assured that "the arrival of an angel is an exciting event, and it will not affect the prosperity of Demacia."

In this case, the nobles can only give up.

And combined with the information collected by Shyvana, there is almost no decent news from the folks in Xiongdu. Once the Angel of Judgment fell into Dawn Castle, he never appeared again, and even disappeared with Tariq.

The only thing that can provide a little inspiration is Jarvan IV's emphasis on Morgana—and considering the protoss' combat effectiveness, Lux made a bold guess.

Maybe...Tariq and Morgana teamed up and imprisoned Kyle!

It's a pity that although this kind of speculation is very possible based on the current information, there is actually no evidence.

But in the case of limited information, even Karya participated in the brainstorming, which is the most plausible speculation they got.

However, although the specific circumstances of the angel's arrival have not yet been clarified, Shyvana's actions this time provided Lux ​​with an important conclusion - in a short period of time, Fossbarrow should not be greatly affected .

Whether Tarek and Morgana teamed up to imprison Kyle, or the Angel of Judgment landed on his face, at least the turmoil will not affect Fossbarrow now.

At present, Fossbarrow does not need to make any changes for this sudden change, as long as he maintains his attention.

And for Fossbarrow, this is the best news!

Change and development, the advantage is in Fossbarrow!

 Karya's Small Classroom: The Freedom of Demacian Art:

  Although the art of Demacia is not popular, and it often serves the nobles and the Illuminati, as long as the requirements of Party A can be fulfilled, the artists are quite free to create. Negotiations are very common.

(End of this chapter)

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