Lux's Farewell

514 [0507] Daily life and seeking help

514 [0507] Daily life and seeking help

At six o'clock in the morning, just as the morning sun ushered in the northern border, Lux woke up very naturally - the trip to the peak plus the journey in the Shadow Realm, Lux had a biological clock that was like a clock, and when the time came, she would wake up. Wake up by yourself and hardly sleep for a second.

Yawning for a long time, Lux rubbed her eyes and glanced at Sona who was leaning on the violin case and still sleeping soundly.

Sometimes Lux is really envious of Sona - not her figure, but her quality of sleep.

A body that has not been tempered by celestial energy can enjoy a pleasant sleep, instead of a dreamless night like Lux.

Standing up, Lacus subconsciously touched the head of the bed, but there was no familiar saber on the familiar position. She was stunned for a moment before she realized that Karya had been taken away by Shivana to survey the terrain with the engineering team up.

After this year's winter and the seasonal river dries up, the construction team will start fixing the canal channel, and before that, Carya must come up with a complete construction plan.

No, it wasn't Karya who gave it this time.

When surveying the terrain, Carya will teach the team leader of the construction team by the way. They will become the first batch of professional "magic engineers" in Fossbarrow. There will be a special test, and those who fail the test are not eligible to join the construction team...

Shaking her head, Lacus no longer thought about it, but put on her slippers and went to prepare breakfast.

Although she is the lord of Fossbarrow, Lux does not have the servants in Crown Guard Manor who take care of her daily necessities—she has long been used to solving daily problems by herself during the three years in Zaun.

When she came to Fossbarrow, after most of the Archons moved into the city, she also set up the canteen system in Zaun. At this time, the canteen has started to serve breakfast, so what Lux has to do , just go to the stall in the big cafeteria and get two breakfasts.

One for yourself, one for Sona.

Changing into a robe, and casually pulling her long golden hair into a ponytail, Lacus crossed the street and came to the big cafeteria.

The Great Refectory was once part of the Lord Forsbarrow's residence and, judging from its decor and scale, would have served as a hall for balls and banquets.

Before Lux came here, it used to be an indoor training ground for the militia recruited by the Third Legion. After Lux arrived, this mansion was "returned to its original owner" and became Lux's lord's mansion.

However, Lux obviously didn't plan to build a manor for herself, so except for a small two-story building that was set aside as her mansion and office, all other places have been remodeled.

The garden that was originally reduced to a vegetable garden for citizens to grow vegetables has now become a training ground for private soldiers and militiamen.

The manor buildings, which had been abandoned for a long time, have been renovated and become the dormitories of the imperial court and the barracks of the private army. Most of these buildings are made of stone. Although they have been abandoned for hundreds of years, the overall structure is not bad. In good condition, as long as it is reinforced and repaired, it can be lived in.

After such a transformation, the lord's mansion, which occupies a large area, is now fully populated with nearly 2000 people, and the number has far exceeded that of the previous lord.

However, during the time of the previous lord, nobles and servants lived here, but after Lux's transformation, the courtiers and private soldiers of Fossbarrow lived here.

Greeting the Archon along the way, Lux quickly came to the breakfast window—compared with others, her main privileges were that she could skip the queue, take the tableware home to eat, and have unlimited food.

Glancing at the breakfast in the breakfast window, Lux showed such an expression.

Limited supply of special milk, buttered eggs and air-dried meat, unlimited supply of pickles and oatmeal bread, Fossbarrow's classic breakfast.

Although it seems that these things are richer than the breakfasts of most Demacian civilians, in fact, considering the products of Fossbarrow, the prices of these things are actually not expensive, and most of them are even produced by the Archons self-sufficiently. .

Special milk is a special drink in the north. It is made with animal fat and a little honey from Hanfeng, plus a little salt and spice powder. It looks like a milk product, but the entrance is Fragrant and greasy, a cup is enough for an armed cross-country in the morning.

Although air-dried meat is meat, it is really hard to say what kind of meat it is - Fossbarrow has no shortage of salt, so the people of Fossbarrow will use heavy salt to marinate the meat that is not good to eat directly, and then Hang to air dry.

There are many colors of pickled vegetables. In a place like Fossbarrow with high latitude, long winters, and permafrost, pickled vegetables are the best way to eat vegetables. There are more young shoots of saffron in it, it has a good taste, and it tastes a little crunchy, so Lacus took a little more.

As for oatmeal bread... Ever since the start of the Freljord trade, oatmeal has become the staple food of the Archons. Compared with purchasing grain by category, it is obviously easier to directly purchase bulk oatmeal, so the average dining hall has three Among the meals, two meals will be oatmeal food.

Lux herself doesn't have any addictions to food. After all, she used to be a ruthless person who crossed the Dasai Desert. As long as the food can be eaten, it is fine, but judging from the reaction of the archon, perhaps the issue of improving food should be put on the agenda.

Well, put this one on the memo.


With breakfast, Lux returned to her room.

Sona had already woken up at this time, Lux opened the memo, added a line "improving food" on it, and at the same time called Sona to come and have breakfast.

After tidying up the bed, Sona took out the violin case and let it float beside her, then sat at the table and had breakfast with Lacus.

Don't look at Sona who looks quiet, but her appetite is quite amazing - she drank more than half of the large can of special milk brought back by Lux by herself, which is not enough for even an ordinary Freljord man. go down.

After finishing breakfast and tidying up, the two of them will start today's work. Lux is going to the chamber of commerce to meet Sambol once, while Sona is going to the clerk training to prepare for today's class .

After changing into formal clothes, Lacus and Sona left the bedroom on the second floor one after the other. When they went downstairs, it was just in time for today's shift change at the security office. To say hello, Lacus went straight to the chamber of commerce.

Forsbarrow's Chamber of Commerce is busy.

The chamber of commerce has just finished its trade with the Xiongdu of Demacia this summer, selling a large number of Fossbarrow's special products and replacing them with needed supplies.

And because of Lux's arrival, this year's Fossbarrow Chamber of Commerce is different from previous years in terms of the goods it sells and the goods it buys. Therefore, even though Lacus has supported many Archons, the Chamber of Commerce is still in a hurry.

"Your Excellency Laxana." When Lax came to the Chamber of Commerce, Sambol had already been waiting at the gate, "Come here, the hall is unloading, it's very messy."

In the past, Sambol was quite humble when facing Lacus, but until now, he has respected and feared this kind Lord Lord.

He sincerely respected this competent and thoughtful lord, and he no longer looked down upon or approached him—on the one hand, it was because of the incident with the Hunter Guild, and on the other hand, it was also because of this visit to the lord. Xiongdu's experience.

Sambor, who used to be worthless in the eyes of the nobles, after coming to Xiongdu this time, his business is unbelievably good. There are also many noble butlers who come to shop. They never bargain, at most they stay A letter wished to be brought back to Forsbarrow.

After seeing this clearly, Sambol finally had a new understanding of the lord who used to pretend to be a maid, and finally understood what a model of nobility is. When facing Lacus again, he never dared to Pretending to be an elder.

For this kind of change, Lux can be said to be very familiar with it. It was like this in Zaun. At the beginning, she could joke with the Zaun people, but later, except for a few people, other Zaun people I saw myself as Sambol.

According to Karya, this is "something that all superiors have to go through." When you see this kind of situation, you must be more careful to prevent one day becoming a person who is off the ground and high above you.

She felt helpless in her heart, but Lacus still looked friendly on the surface, and followed Sambol to the side hall of the chamber of commerce. After a few pleasantries, she talked about the purpose of the trip.

Check accounts.

The comparison of the specific accounts does not need to be done by Lacus. The chamber of commerce has already sorted it out. The main thing Lacus needs to do is to refer to the accounts of this trade to make a new plan for the Xiongdu trade next year.

Originally, this kind of work should not be done by Lacus herself, but unfortunately, there is no one in Fossbarrow who can fully understand Lacus' needs, so Lacus had to check the accounts and the noble's letterhead herself to distinguish Which ones are business and which ones are human feelings, so as to analyze the market of Xiongdu trade.

Flipping through the thick bills, Lacus misses Karya while looking forward to the completion of the clerk training—it is already a headache to stay in the office and read the documents. If these documents have to be collected and summarized by themselves, then It's even more of a headache.

After spending the whole morning, Lux finally managed to know the accounts of this trade. After finishing the last touch on her memo, she finally stood up and invited Sambol to have lunch with herself.

Lunch is still in the big cafeteria, the staple food is still the familiar oatmeal bread, the dishes are much richer than breakfast, and there is even a limited supply of barbecued meat—the meat roasted by the magic flame has a special taste, Sambol also I don't know whether it is out of politeness or sincerity, but I am full of praise for this dish.

During the lunch, Lux and Sambol briefly talked about the autumn trade. This was an informal meeting, and it was Lux who communicated with the chamber of commerce.

Lacus roughly planned the scope of the autumn noble trade, and told Sambol to come up with a plan. After the follow-up of the summer capital trade is completed, everyone will hold a formal meeting to discuss it.

In this regard, Sambor naturally nodded.

Today, he is relatively familiar with Lacus's process of "making a plan first, then discussing it, then giving a complete plan, and finally implementing it". The task of making a plan.

However, although there are too many jobs, the enthusiasm for these jobs is very high, because Lacus will give a reward for every plan, although it is not high, it is still an income.

After lunch, Lux quietly drank a cup of tea, read through her memo, and then quickly got up again to go to the place where the clerks were trained.

This afternoon, the clerks will go to visit the artificial lake, and the vacated training base will be used as a special training site for the imperial practitioners to process pure ice fragments.

And the person in charge of teaching the processing of Zhenbing is Lacus.

Originally, the main person in charge of the Ice Processing Class was Ino, but since Ino led the team to Frost Harbor and hadn't returned yet, Lux could only come over temporarily to take over - anyway, her knowledge of magic theory is solid enough, The Ice Processing class has just started here, so it only needs simple lesson preparation, and Lacus can be a substitute teacher once.

Those who come to attend the processing class of Zhenbing are all extremely talented people among the magicians. They can get in touch with Zhenbing half a year after officially starting magic learning, even if it is only the fragments of Zhenbing. Among them, it also belongs to genius.

According to Carya, many of them are "not as talented as Ino".

For Fossbarrow, these archons will be the first batch of seeds to germinate, and they will become teachers in the subsequent advanced magic teaching, thus removing Lacus and Ino from the front-line teaching tasks. Liberated—and, when the magic school is formally established in the follow-up re-examination ratio, they will also become the backbone of teaching.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the Zhenbing processing class officially started. Before that, the royal masters who participated in the study had already understood Zhenbing. In this class, the main teaching content of Lux was to let them learn to correctly control Zhenbing. ice.

Archons are not of the blood of ice, and they will be frostbitten if they come into direct contact with Zhenbing. Therefore, in order to correctly control Zhenbing, Archons need to create a reliable magic barrier between themselves and Zhenbing. In this regard, This is exactly what Lux is good at.

With Karya’s precepts and deeds, Lacus’s teaching level is not bad, and she can learn it easily without detailed lesson plans. Then, when she spoke smoothly and the Archon listened deeply, someone suddenly rang the training ground’s bell. Door.

"Your Excellency." After Lacus opened the door, Sithlia lowered her voice, "Someone is here for help."

"Help?" Lux asked in surprise, "Who? What are you looking for?"

"It's the housewife of a hunter's family. She said that her son has symptoms of demon infection."

 Carya's Little Classroom: Cold Bee Honey:

  Compared with the bees in other places, the cold bees in the northern part of Demacia are larger in size and produce more honey-however, unlike the sweetness of honey elsewhere, the cold bee honey is not particularly sweet, but the fragrance very heavy.

(End of this chapter)

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