Lux's Farewell

Chapter 515 [0508] Outbreak

Chapter 515 [0508] Outbreak
In Demacia, because of the talent of spells and the ability to master magic without learning, it is called demonization.

On the other hand, the first time a child with more outstanding talent shows magical power unconsciously, it is called the outbreak of magic, and it is called magic awakening to describe it in neutral professional terms.

It should be noted that not all demon-infested people will experience demon-infected outbreaks. In essence, demon-infected outbreaks are a kind of out-of-control magic power. The magic talent is not that amazing, and the magic power grows slowly a little bit, and he can adapt to it, so he will not have the phenomenon of magic outbreak.

For the demon hunters who are in charge of dealing with the work related to the demon-infested, the outbreak of the demon-tained is the top priority of all work. Once there is an outbreak of demon-tained somewhere, a large number of blue-robed hyenas will flock to it. They will never give up if they don’t look up and down and find the demon-infested person—they know very well that the demon-infected person who can cause a demon-infested outbreak is a terrible guy, and if they are not careful, the consequences will be disastrous redeem.

But this time, although the outbreak of the demons directly led to the collapse of the two houses, after the smoke and dust cleared, no demon hunters came.

There are no demon seekers stationed in Fossbarrow City now.

A city of the size of Fossbarrow should theoretically be equipped with a team of demon hunters, but as Lux became the lord of Fossbarrow, and as Grandma Ling brought a few silent people who were willing to follow her They came to the north together, and the demon seekers wisely recalled the demon seeker team stationed in Fossbarrow directly.

The Arcatraz has been moved here, what are the demon hunters still searching for?

Are you making trouble for yourself?
This kind of matter, leave it to Earl Laxana to deal with the headache, and the demon seeker will not get involved.

Therefore, after Lacus learned about this incident, she immediately suspended the teaching, and directly brought the students who were supposed to learn how to deal with Zhenbing, and a group of people went straight to the scene of the incident.

This is the first person to be infected with demons after he became Lord Fossbarrow, and once he joins the Archon, it will be the first time that the Archon accepts a mage who is not a prisoner, which is of great significance. All Archons should come!

However, the agitated Lacus seems to have forgotten to take care of the client's feelings.

When a group of dozens of people headed by Lacus rushed out and came straight to the abandoned house, the Orion housewife who had asked the guards for help before was already stupid.

This is different from the help she imagined—according to her idea, the kind and amiable Lord Laxana will use her flexible methods to help cover up her child's problem of being infected with demons.

But what she never expected was that after receiving the news, Lacus rushed over with a large group of people. This posture completely bluffed her, and after a moment of astonishment, she directly opened her arms to meet Lux, and at the same time turned around to greet his shame-faced child, screaming with all his might.

"Run, run!"

Her actions surprised both Lux and the Archon who followed her, and afterward, wry smiles appeared on everyone's faces.


In order to avoid further problems, just as the little guy ran away, a member of the ice magic team behind Lux ​​made a silent move.

As he bent down and pressed his hands on the ground, a smooth layer of thin ice spread rapidly with his hands as the center.

The unprepared little mage was running desperately, but suddenly he slammed his foot and fell directly to the ground, sliding a long way on the ice.

Seeing this scene, the housewife, who was planning to risk her life to stop Lacus, was obviously stunned. She blinked her eyes, looked at the ice layer that suddenly appeared on the ground, and at the caster who had stood up after a long time, her eyes finally fell. On Lux's body.

"Let's pick him up." Lux smiled and stood in front of the housewife who had demonstrated the fur treatment technique to herself. "It seems that little Rova can't be a soldier anymore."


Mrs. Lowa opened and closed her mouth twice, but couldn't utter a single syllable.

"But he can join the Archons." Lux continued, "Here, we are all of the same kind."


In just one afternoon, little Luowa experienced ups and downs unimaginable by ordinary people.

At the very beginning, he vaguely heard the wall of his own house talking—then, when he leaned on it, the wall collapsed.

Little Luowa obviously didn't know that it wasn't "hearing", but the original elemental perception.

And without any control over the elements, he listened curiously, but in fact directly caused the entire house to suffer an elemental shock.

Although Little Luowa didn't know why, but judging from his mischievous experience in the past, he might be doomed this time.

Feeling that something was going wrong, little Luowa desperately wanted to escape from the rubble, thinking how to avoid being beaten, he didn't even realize that he was like a fish swimming freely among the ruins.

Finally, after he triggered a series of landslides and managed to get out of the ruins in one breath, what he saw were the guards surrounding him and his mother who was digging desperately toward the bedroom—his mother, Mrs. Lowa, didn't know that she Her son could walk between the earth and rocks, and when the wall collapsed, she only saw a shock visible to the naked eye sweeping away from Xiaoluowa's body, and the whole house collapsed quickly, without any reaction time.

In this case, Mrs. Lowa could only rush to the rubble pile after reporting to the guards, and began to look for Little Lowa among them.

Then, just when little Luowa finally started to think about how to explain this incident, sister Laxana, who had been a guest at home before, surrounded her with a large group of people. Seeing this scene, her mother immediately shouted to run away go out.

Although he hadn't figured out what was going on, little Luowa still took a step, but staggered, fell directly to the ground, and slid out a long way.

When the mother looked back in surprise and joy, half of little Luowa's body was sunk into the half-cut wall.

He was not injured, but activated his talent "passively" again.

Then, after Xiao Luowa got rid of the lack of magic power caused by "continuously triggering the passive", he was pleasantly surprised to find that he had a group of brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts.

Not every ten-year-old child can be as sensible as Lux back then.

In Xiao Luowa's view, joining the Archon is a great thing - this idea is not entirely because of the gifts given to him by other Archons, but also a considerable part of the reason comes from the fact that children can participate in the "adults' activities". "Between things", the subtle sense of honor and identity in my heart.

Little Luowa obviously couldn't understand his mother's nervousness and expectation. When he learned that he was going to attend classes at the lord's mansion, his heart was more excited about leaving home. He still has no idea about his future fate.

All he had was a childish pride called "I grew up."

All in all, little Rova's performance was very suitable for his age and identity. In comparison, the choice made by Mrs. Lova after calming down was completely beyond Lacus' expectations.

Lax originally thought that she would need to spend a lot of talking to get Mrs. Lowa to accept the reality, accept the status of a mage and the guardian of the law, but she has just started, and Mrs. Lowa simply said, "You are now You can take little Luowa away."

If she hadn't clearly felt Mrs. Lowa's love for the child when she visited the Lowa's house before, at this moment Lacus would even suspect that little Lowa was not her own.

"He is different from other children, at least after today, he will never be the same again." Facing the surprised Lacus, Mrs. Lowa explained helplessly, "About the Archon, there has been a long story I got the news, the guards I took the initiative to find—there were quite a lot of people just now.”

Looking at Mrs. Lova's appearance, Lux naturally understood that it was a misunderstanding.

Don't look at Mrs. Lova's appearance of "I'll leave the child to you", but Lux will never take the child away directly. After thinking for a while, Lux invited Mrs. Lova to attend the class together .

In Lux's view, this may be the best way to show her sincerity.

Facing Lacus' invitation, Mrs. Lowa was stunned for a moment, and then showed a moved expression.

If you can see how the Archon learns inside... that would be great!
In this way, at the invitation of Lacus, the elite study group of Archons held an open class for the first time.

The theme of the open class is "Micro-manipulation of Zhenbing under the barrier of materialization of elements".

The public class was very successful.

Although Mrs. Rowa couldn't understand what Lacus said at all, but from the class performance, she could at least see that Lacus had a good understanding of magic and was very good at it.

(It’s interesting to say that when Lux was in Piltover, she once complained about the open class of "Composite Tidal Power Engineering Machinery" at Piltover Hex Academy of Science and Progress, but now, the first public class she lectured, the difficulty Even above the Piltovers.)
In this case, she can feel a little more at ease when she entrusts the child to Lacus and the Archon to teach him.

After taking little Luo Wa to choose a dormitory and arranging everything for him, Mrs. Luo Wa gave her son to Lacus with great care.

"If this kid is disobedient, you can just do it." Glancing at little Lowa who was expecting to leave her hand, Mrs. Lowa gritted her teeth and said, "I heard that the guardians are very capable. A lake has been dug out, this kid must not embarrass the Archon!"

"Don't worry." Lux smiled, "I will take good care of him."


This burst of magic awakening finally ended with all the guardians welcoming the juniors, and it was finally resolved satisfactorily.

But after the class of the day was over and Little Lova was settled, Lacus returned home after a hasty bite of dinner, and stared at her memo in a daze.

The emergency was resolved satisfactorily, but the awakening of Little Rova reminded Lux ​​that after the situation in Fossbarrow stabilized, the Archons also needed to start recruiting new members.

According to the previous plan of Lacus, Ino, Sona, and Kalya, Fossbarrow should adopt a relatively passive way to accept the magician, that is, accept the demon-infested person directly from the demon hunter, and treat Fossbarrow as a German Marcia's new "Demonic Penalty".

However, after personally experiencing Little Rova's magical awakening, Lux couldn't help but start thinking about whether Fossbarrow more proactive in accepting the Archons.

Don't forget, among the demon-stained people sent to Fossbarrow, apart from those who have now become law-enforcers and are closely united with Lacus, there are also many guys who continue to serve sentences for magic crimes .

Some of these people became unscrupulous after mastering magic, and many people's crimes were related to the confrontation of the magic seekers. The magic seekers were called blue hyenas not only because of their sharp noses!
When facing the Demon Infested, the Demon Seeker did not hesitate at all.

This confrontational approach can easily cause mage dissatisfaction and equal confrontation, and once the two sides really stand up, things will become unhandy.

Obviously, this is not what Lux wants to see.

If possible, Lux hopes to actively recruit mages through the upcoming business network, and bring them to Fossbarrow in a more gentle way, so that they can accept the progressive nature of magic.

But this is no simple matter.

Not to mention how much extra expenses this kind of action would bring to Lux, just the simplest point - how to detect mages in other places through the trade network?

For this question, Lux's first reaction was magic vision.

People who have naturally awakened magic power will not know how to hide magic traces. As long as they expand their magic vision, the places where they have been active will leave magic traces for a long period of time.

And magic vision is not too outrageous a topic, and magic vision is also a very important part in the follow-up ice processing class.

However, just when she couldn't help picking up the pen and wanted to write and draw on the memo, a very real problem interrupted her imagination.

Where to find these traces of magic?
Through trade among nobles, Fossbarrow's caravans can indeed enter and exit many areas freely, but the problem is that the mages in these areas will not appear on the surface!

In terms of difficulty, going to other cities to find mages hidden among the people is like finding a brick of a different color in Dawn Castle-maybe the brick of a different color looks very conspicuous, but in the huge Dawn Castle, if you want to Finding those distinctive bricks is still surprisingly difficult.

Putting down the pen, Lux couldn't help rubbing her temples.

Perhaps, I can try to start from Mithral City and experiment first?
Thinking about this, she finally spread out the memo again, and then added a sentence after Mithral City Trade.

 Karya's Small Classroom Untouchable Ice:
  Except for the blood of the ice, anyone who comes into direct contact with Zhenbing will suffer severe frostbite; but if the human body is manipulated with magic power instead of direct contact through some magical means, small pieces of Zhenbing are relatively safe and can be processed.

(End of this chapter)

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