Lux's Farewell

Chapter 516 [0509] Freljord Supplementary Trade

Chapter 516 [0509] Freljord Supplementary Trade

Lux is preparing for the official launch of Fossbarrow School of Magic, while at the same time, thousands of miles away in Frostport, Eno is working with Ashe on the issue of supplementary trade. sex negotiations.

The so-called supplementary trade refers to the trade in luxury goods including tobacco and tea between Forsbarrow and the Freljord.

Unlike Fossbarrow's large oat-fur trade with Avarosa, the indulgence trade did not stem from an official demand between the Avarosa tribe and Fossbarrow, but from the Avarosa people's desire for the taste driven by needs and desires for goods.

Therefore, according to Ino, Avarosa only needs to provide a special sales venue for supplementary trade and prepare a special tent in Frost Harbor.

But in Ashe's view, this is totally unacceptable.

Although she has not studied business systematically, Ashe is still very clear that her people should not—at least not now—trade directly with the Forsbarrows. After communicating with Ino, she is very clear , most of the Avarosa people are completely unable to wrestle with the Demacians in business.

To allow indulgences to be completely retailed is to help the Forsbarrows exploit their own people!
Therefore, Ashe insisted on changing the nature of luxury goods trade, and required that whether it was tobacco or tea, the Fossbarrow people must trade with the Avarosa tribe, that is, the Avarosa tribe directly purchased it. No retail involved.

In Ai Xi's view, directly conducting bulk trade negotiations with Ino can greatly reduce the price of luxury goods. distribution, in order to prevent the previous problem of Avarosa's infighting in order to buy tobacco and tea, which led to an increase in the price of commodities.

Obviously, Ashe has seen the meaning of "distribution". The previous oat trade with Fossbarrow has not only improved the survival rate of the Enuk and Ucal calves of the Avarosa people this year, but also made Ashe Obviously feeling that her control over the tribe has increased. Although she is still ignorant of the impact of trade, Ashe still chooses to hold the distributed power in her own hands.

As for Ashe's request, Ino put on an awkward look at the right time.

However, this "embarrassment" is actually just a negotiating tool.

In fact, from Fossbarrow's point of view, it is easier to deal with bulk trade than retail trade.

Furthermore, despite the fact that the intelligence team is doing well in Frost Harbor, in fact, if Fossbarrow is really required to prepare a special sales team to stay in Frost Harbor to sell luxury items, in fact, Yinuo’s Bian is not very confident.

After all, judging from the information given by the intelligence team, the current Port of Frost is actually "no business environment", even the Avarosa people who are already very easy-going among the Freljord people. It can also be unreasonable when trading.

Take the furs they took out in the small-scale trade before, these Avarosa people stubbornly believe that the furs of prey of similar size should be the same price regardless of the degree of fur treatment or integrity. .

(And in other tribes, they even think that the fur should be the same price regardless of the size.)
For those prey that were hit in the chest by a single blow, the Avarosa people would choose to keep the wound when skinning, so as to show the hunter's martial virtue, but in Fossbarrow's view, this would only Downgrade the quality of the fur...

Therefore, from the very beginning, Eno and Ashe had the same views on the form of luxury goods trade: at least for now, Fossbarrow cannot directly engage in retailing in Frost Harbor, without the conditions and manpower; As a war mother, Ashe can suppress these Avarosa people when assigned.

But, negotiate.

Although Ai Xi is a very smart person, she is still too tender—because she showed prematurely that she did not want the Fossbarrow people to come to Frost Harbor to do retail sales, Yinuo took advantage of the opportunity to take this as a fact. The conditions that Si Bailuo was unwilling to accept were used as his bargaining chips.

For Eno, who has been baptized in Zaun's business, this small method can be said to come at his fingertips, but for Ashe, who is like a blank sheet of paper in terms of trade, this is a tuition fee that is not cheap.

In terms of business, although Eno appreciates Ashe very much, she will still help Fossbarrow fight for profits when it comes to making profits.

Earn a little more from Frost Harbor, and the construction funds of Fossbarrow will be more in the future!
In this way, after five days of negotiations, due to the unequal level of trade negotiations between the two parties, Eno and Ashe finally settled on a supplementary trade agreement that is quite beneficial to Fossbarrow.

According to the new agreement, Fossbarrow and Avarosa will adopt the same form as the oat trade, using furs to trade tobacco. The Rosa sell tobacco and tea directly.

But as a price, Avarosa made a relatively large concession in terms of the price of luxury goods, and in terms of tea trade, he needs to settle the bill with crushed ice in accordance with Fossbarrow's request.

Considering that starting this winter, the new minted coins of both sides will start to be used, and the outflow of shattered ice will undoubtedly enable Fossbarrow to hoard a large amount of northern coins in the future.

Ashe is willing to accept this, mainly because from her point of view, the northern currency can only be used as a supplement to the trade between the two sides, so even if the Forsbarrows have a lot of them, it is not a big problem—anyway, the Avarosa tribe The fur and other products that can be left each year are limited, and no matter how much northern coins the Fossbarrow people save, they can't buy anything.

In Eno's view, holding a large amount of northern currency and successfully entering the Avarosa market for luxury goods and oats means that the entire Freljord will be against Fossbarrow's Merchandise opens the door!

Maybe the Avarosa tribe doesn't have so many things to sell, but the huge Freljord is not the only tribe of Avarosa!

Now Ashe has not realized what "Northern currency recognized by Avarosa and Fossbarrow" means to the still primitive trade system of the Freljord!
As long as Fossbarrow's supply is sufficient, and as long as luxury goods such as tobacco and tea are recognized in the Freljord, then the northern currency will become the only "legal currency" in the Freljord sooner or later!
At that time, for Fossbarrow who has the ability to mint coins, the seigniorage will allow them to collect money lying down on the basis of trade!


After completing the negotiations, Ino delivered all the tobacco and tea leaves, took another large amount of furs, animal bone products, and some special parts of air-dried animal meat, and set off on the road back to Forsbarrow.

On the way back, Eno was summarizing the gains from this trade negotiation.

At the same time, Lux in Fossbarrow was thinking about the issue of selling the goods.

After the last trade was completed, Ino, Lacus and Sona held a meeting about the sale of fur products. From the information collected from Lacus and Sona, Demacia has a great deal of fur products. Purchasing power is relatively limited.

The northern region needs fur to keep out the cold, but the northern region already produces fur.

The southern region does not produce fur, but their demand for fur is not too high.

In order to open up the fur sales channels, Lacus and Sona proposed a way to create a trend of fur fashion through the Art Support Association and Carya - I believe that the noble model and the lady of the Bouvier family appeared at the banquet wearing well-designed furs His actions should cause many people to follow suit, which will lead to a wave of fur sales.

Based on this, Fossbarrow can carry out the industrialization reform of the fur industry, allowing fur to "enter the homes of ordinary people" and become the new pillar of Fossbarrow.

However, the unexpected angel descending event completely disrupted Lux's arrangement.

The members of the Art Support Association are very rare who are willing to come to the north, but now almost all the nobles in the capital of Demacia have set their sights on Dawn Castle and the angel who came, seeing the art of opportunity The workers even lost any interest in Fossbarrow.

In this case, if you want to rely on the demonstration effect to bring about a wave of fur consumption, unless that Kyle also makes an appearance in public and wears the fur produced by Forsbarrow.

There has been news from Eno that the supplementary trade has been a great success, and Fossbarrow may have more furs in the warehouse, but the problem is that the fur sales place for the warehouses has not been found yet...

But at this time, Kalya was not in Fossborough (Sylvana took her to survey the artificial canal and build the terrain), and Sona was also very busy (teaching the clerk was very hard), and now only the lord Lacus herself Headache.

At the beginning, Lux was still thinking about whether she could sell it in Demacia, but after considering the map and considering each area, she had to admit that if the fur trade was only carried out in Demacia, the scale would be huge. Doomed time is limited.

Even if the furs from the northern border trade and supplementary trade can be sold after advanced processing this year, such a large share of furs in the future is bound to be unsalable.

Since the method of creating a fur trend was stopped by the Angel's Descending, Lacus's thinking got into a dead end, and when she had already started thinking about "whether she can directly participate in the Angel's Descending Event", the whole person was going crazy, An unintentional remark of little Luowa gave her a lot of inspiration.

"Sister Lacus, you said you have been to places other than Demacia, so what is there outside of Demacia?"

"There are many outside of Demacia, there is Kalamanda, there is Uzeris, there is Nasramme, there is Belgun, there is Vazuan..."

Wait, Vazuan?

Lux suddenly had a flash of inspiration in her mind, and she couldn't help but put her hand on her forehead.


Speaking of trade, how can we forget Vazuan!

Excitedly rubbing the ignorant little Lova's head, Lax called Sithlia directly and asked her to take Little Lova away first, then returned to the table by herself, and began to carefully recall the past in her hometown. Details of Ann's life.

Then, the more she recalled, the more excited Lacus became—because she discovered that for Vazuan, the fur trade was a complete blue ocean market!

Because of its location, although there are many trade routes through Vazuan, almost none of them are furs.

The entire coast of the Valoran Strait, whether it is the city-states of Shurima on the south coast or the cities of Noxus on the north coast, does not produce fur, and hardly consumes fur. After all, it is a tropical climate, and wearing mink is covering prickly heat.

But what about looking further afield?

Does Noxus need fur?

Does Ionia need fur?

Lux believes the answer is yes.

The civil war in Noxus is now gradually coming to an end. Although Lacus, who is far away in Fossbarrow, does not know the specific situation of the civil war in Noxus, the last time she got the news was that "Draius His armies have seen the Immortal Fortress".

During the civil war, the entire Noxus was in an obvious strategic contraction posture. In terms of Shurima, many city-states that originally covered the Noxus banner took advantage of the trend to become independent, and once again declared themselves to be the orthodox Shurima. Under such circumstances, I am afraid that the life of the Northern Legion will not be very easy on the front line of Fort Divor in the northern border of Noxus, right?
Once there is a problem in the northern border, the fur production of the Noxians may also cause big problems!

In this way, it will become possible to sell the furs purchased by Fossbarrow to the northern border of Noxus through Vazuan transit!
In addition, the Ionian people should also be very interested in fur. After all, when she was in Zaun, she heard from a sailor who had been to Ionia that in Ionia, which advocates balance, no matter how much a tree is cut Hunting is still strictly restricted, and outside the city of Ionia, there are various vastayas active everywhere.

From this point of view, I am afraid that Ionia's fur production will be very limited.

In Lux's impression, the Ionians are very rich, so such a rich Ionian should not refuse the cheap and high-quality fur from Demacia, right?

With the opening of her mind, Lux felt suddenly enlightened.

I have always focused on the Freljord and the trade in the Freljord before, but I am almost blind when I look hard-in fact, my biggest advantage should be that I have traveled thousands of miles and faced Dema. People outside of West Asia should also know something about it!

It's not okay to stick your eyes in one place!

Licking her dry lips, Lacus spread out the notebook and began to quickly write down everything she thought of.

Before you know it, it's getting late.

When Lux finished writing all the trivial items she thought of and raised her head, she found that it was already dinner time.

Looking at the profuse notes in the notebook, Lacus heaved a long sigh of relief. After thinking for a while, she turned her head and opened the memo, and added a note on it.

"Prepare a gift for Little Lova's enlightenment."

Then, after hesitating for a while, she finally crossed out the content of "preparing a real test", and put away the pen and paper with some unfinished thoughts.

Now, it's time to get something to eat!

 Karya's Little Classroom Ionia's Fur:
  Lux's judgment on the Ionian fur market is very accurate. In fact, because of the vastayas and the Kinkou sect, hunting and logging in Ionia are severely restricted, so most Ionians There is no chance of wearing fur products - considering that Ionia is probably the most densely populated place in Runeterra, it is indeed an amazing blue ocean market.

(End of this chapter)

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