Lux's Farewell

517 [0510] Chicks about to leave the nest

With the opening of the Lux pattern, Fossbarrow's fur sales have also been opened up. It is not limited to Demacia, even if the Freljord hoards more furs, it should be possible. sold out!
However, when Ino, who had returned with a full load, heard about Lux's plan, he was stunned.

It's not that she has any other ways to sell furs or has any interests of her own in the Freljord trade. What makes Ino dumbfounded is that she will leave Lux and Fossbarrow again next time. Go on a business trip!

Moreover, unlike the "thousands of miles" trip to Ningshuang Harbor, this business trip will take a long time and travel a long way!

After all, according to Lux's idea, the final market for fur should be in Ionia and the northern border of Noxus, so Ino, who is in charge of this trade negotiation, may also go to Ionia in person!
If you want to go from Fossbarrow to Ionia, generally speaking, you need to go south to the capital of Demacia, take a boat at the port of Xiongdu, and then take the Valoran Strait all the way from west to east, cross the Grand Canal of Vazuan, and go to Bier Givot made a layover and eventually turned north.

The entire voyage, even if it is a straight-line distance, is more than [-] miles.

(Of course, real warriors can also choose to cross the Freljord directly, but the difficulty of doing so may be far more difficult than crossing the Great Sai Desert.)
What's more terrible is that this voyage is not only a long distance, but also a heavy task.

Ino needs to investigate and record business information along the way, and return to Vazuan to see where they fought, and try to establish a connection between Vazuan and Fossbarrow; in Bilgewater, Ino It is necessary to convince Sarah, the current pirate queen, that it is best to let her participate in the trade of Fossbarrow to Ionia; finally, in Ionia, Ino will get the fur sales, although she and Lak Si has some contacts in Yingliu, but this may be a very difficult task. After all, the current situation in Ionia is not very stable, and everything is in the process of change...

What's more, no matter how smooth the journey is, it will take at least half a year to go back and forth. When Ino returns to Fossbarrow, she can start preparing for the Freljord trade next year. , The two business trips can be seamlessly connected!

Good guy, not only are business trips one after another, but the time of business trips is getting longer each time, how can Eno not be dumbfounded by this?

People are not machines.

Although Ino understands the importance of opening up markets and establishing a trade network, it is still too painful for her to be so wandering—even now that Ino has understood and agreed with Lacus' ideals, and understands that Kalya Expectations for herself, but it still cannot be denied that in many cases, Lux is her source of motivation.

Reason told Ino that this trip was necessary, but when he thought of drifting at sea for a year, the indescribable feeling of being abandoned still made him unacceptable.

Looking at Ino who was a little dazed, Lux, who recovered from the excitement of finding a market, finally realized the problem in her plan.

"That...sorry." Lacus took the initiative to open her arms, and hugged Ino, "I didn't consider your feelings—I'll think about it, Teacher Kalya is coming back soon, maybe we have other ways .”

"Your plan is perfect." With his backhand wrapped around Lux's shoulders and smoothing her long golden hair, Ino quickly shook his head slightly after recovering, "At least in my opinion, Great... Indeed, the supplementary trade has brought us a large amount of furs, and these furs may be barely digested in a short period of time, but if it happens again next year, I'm afraid we really only have furs."

"Maybe we can invite Vazuan's representative to visit Fosbarrow." Lux whispered, "It is not necessary for us to send an envoy, but we can also ask Vazuan to send an envoy—I haven't seen Bobo for a long time, I wonder if she has full control over Jinx now..."

"No, that's not the same." It seemed that the psychological preparation had been done, and Ino quickly regained his senses, "Forsbarrow doesn't have any capital to cooperate with Vazuan, our business has just begun, Vazuan If you are willing to send an envoy, I am afraid the effect will not be good."

Eno puts the accent on "we".

"Although the development of Fossbarrow has just started, the spices and furs produced here are still irreplaceable." Lacus shook her head, "at least in a short time."

"In this case, why don't we avoid the disadvantages and only show Fossbarrow's advantages?" Ino finally let go of Lacus, looked at her with a smile and said, "Let me take Fossbarrow with me." Barrow's specialty, go for a run and be a salesman, just like we pretended to be when we arrived in Piltover for the investigation-it's better to be a salesman than to pretend to be a salesman. Is it easier for a salesman to come?"

Seeing Ino's smile, Lacus was a little dazed.

"When I first arrived in Piltover, I still needed your comfort." Ino's face showed nostalgia, and he continued, "Now, after I leave home, I only know A crying child hiding under the quilt."

Lux opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but when the words came to her mouth, nothing came out.

"We once set foot on the top of the mountain together." Ino looked directly into Lux's eyes, which seemed to be shining with stars, "It's just a long-distance sales promotion. Could it be more difficult than reaching the peak?"


Three days later, with Shivana's return, Ino's next trip was finally officially moved to the internal meeting of the Big Three in the North.

Sona, who heard about this journey for the first time, opened her mouth in astonishment—after being stunned for a while, she couldn't help but plucked the strings of her own.

"Maybe, let me try. This road is the one I took from Ionia to Demacia."

Unfortunately, Lacus and Ino immediately shook their heads simultaneously.

Although Sona is an Ionian, she is a voiceless person, even if she can communicate with people using 叆华, it will be inconvenient after all.

In addition, as a member of the Bouvier family, she can come to Fosbarrow to support her best friend, but it is still a bit ill-considered to leave Demacia rashly.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Sona has nothing to do with Vazuan—since the golden feather of Karya appeared in Vazuan, Vazuan, which was originally an important commercial city, has become the capital of Shurima. Sweetie, if Sona, who has no connections in Vazuan, comes to her door, even if she brings letters of recommendation from Lacus and Ino, it may not be able to open up a reliable trade route.

This is also reflected in the issue of Bilgewater. Lux and Sarah are comrades-in-arms who once fought side by side, and Eno has also dealt with Sarah before, so it can be said that there is something to be said between Sona and Sarah. Complete strangers, friends of friends may not be enough for the Bilgewater people to spend a lot of effort to create another [-]-mile route.

Even in Ionia, Sona is not as advantageous as Ino. After all, when she left Ionia, she was just an orphan fleeing for refuge, but Ino had a lot of cooperation with Yingliu.

Therefore, regarding Sona's self-recommendation, no matter Lacus, Ino or Karya, they all hold a negative attitude.

Looking at Lacus and Ino who shook their heads silently, and Kalya who directly objected, Sona could only shake her head with a wry smile after being silent for a moment.

"Lax's plan is very good." After directly denying Sona's proposal, Kalya also understood where this subtle atmosphere came from, so she took the initiative to say, "To be honest, the best candidate for this envoy would have been Lux's own—however, considering that Fossbarrow really can't do without her now, and someone has a very high intolerance to taking a boat, the best choice now is indeed Eno."


Lux, who was called out suddenly because of seasickness, widened her eyes in astonishment—— dear teacher, is this the time to say this?

However, also because of Karya's ridicule, the atmosphere of this small meeting has eased a lot. After a pause, Karya continued to add his own opinions.

"Foreign trade, I agree very much. If Fossbarrow wants to fully rise, he must cultivate both internally and externally. Now Demacia's domestic market with limited purchasing power cannot support your ideals at all. However, On the specific itinerary of this trip, I have some supplementary instructions."

Kalya’s words made the three giants in the northern border subconsciously sit in a state of distress—“I have some supplementary explanations” often appeared in Kalya’s teaching, usually after asking questions in class. For the little girl, this sentence is more or less a conditioned reflex.

"Wazuan, Bilgewater, and Ionia, these three places, we need to rank them in order of importance."

The order of importance?

Lacus and Ino really hadn't thought about this before. After all, according to Lacus's plan, this trip can be said to be on the way. Vazuan transit, Bilgewater transportation, Ioni Sub-shipment is a set of procedures.

"Lax's plan is good, but somewhat subjective." Kalya explained, "If you can get through the three links perfectly, that's naturally the best, but if you can't get through all of them and encounter problems in the middle, we also need to prepare One or more alternatives."

Karya's words made all three of them fall into thinking.

In fact, since the plan proposed by Lacus is relatively complete, after understanding what she meant, the thinking of the three people are subconsciously considering according to Lacus' plan.

As for whether there will be accidents in the plan, the three of them have no consideration for this.

"Preparing a backup plan is a good habit, especially when you are in a high position." Kalya continued, "It is not an easy thing to adapt to changing circumstances. I will not be able to act with Ino on this trip, so, for To be on the safe side, we need to prepare some backup plans—for example, if Vazuan’s current market becomes saturated, instead of being a transit distributor of Fossbarrow’s products thousands of miles away, Vazuan What do you do when you prefer to use the money to expand production, to manufacture and sell your own products?"

Karya's question stunned all three of them.

They really haven't thought about it.

In other words, in their subconscious mind, Vazuan should not refuse to transfer and distribute furs from Demacia anyway.

Even though Karya raised this question, the three of them couldn't help shaking their heads after thinking about it.

"How is this possible?" Lacus smiled wryly, "There are many kinds of Fossbarrow's specialties, whether it's fur, pigment ores or specialty spices, these are things that Vazuan doesn't have. I invite Vazuan as a distributor. Zaun, there is absolutely no reason to refuse this."

"Choosing Vazuan as a distributor and giving up part of Lilan is indeed a good way." Carya continued to add, "Whether it is for Zaun or Piltover, it is a great way to make money. Not a small amount of motivation, that's true—but what if the Lilan expectations of Forsbarrow's trade are not as good as Vazuan's main industry now?"


"How big is the Lilan space in the Hex processing industry? I think both Lux and Ino should understand this point?" After the three of them fell silent, Kalya continued, "And the establishment of a road from Foss Does the investment and risk involved in the route from Bailuo or Xiongdu to Vazuan need to be considered by the Vazuan people?"

Lacus blinked, with a subtle expression.

"Okay, okay, I know, even if it's for the sake of the leader of Lux, Vazuan will be happy to do this kind of business even if it doesn't make money." Seeing that the three girls were no longer blindly optimistic, Kalya finally He relaxed his tone, "But if you want to operate for a long time, relying on favors is not enough—and, a trade route should not be based on favors from the very beginning."

Lacus, Ino, and Sona looked at each other, and then all showed thoughtful expressions.

"After Yinuo set off, this will be a journey that I will not participate in at all. Without my help, the best preparation for you rookies is to think about possible problems and be prepared to respond accordingly. plan to avoid being in a hurry." Kalya used the tone of homework assignments, "Now, each of you will give me three possible problems that you may encounter, and let's lower your psychological expectations together!"

Hearing what Karya said, the three of them sat up straight again and began to think about the problems they might encounter.

Then, starting from Sona, the three spoke in turn, raised possible problems, and jointly proposed solutions.

During this time, Lux instinctively felt that something was wrong-she blinked, and then finally realized that under Karya's guidance, this meeting seemed to have skipped the question of "who will be the ambassador" perfectly. Unknowingly, the three of them accepted that Ino would have to work hard again.

Is this... also a kind of speech guidance?

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