Lux's Farewell

Chapter 51 [0050] Peak duel

Chapter 51 [0050] Peak duel

Fiona took the lead.

While Lux developed early and well, Fiona was still quite a bit taller than her.

Therefore, Fiona chose to take the lead, taking advantage of the larger attack range to directly seize the rhythm of the battle.

Fiona used a stabbing sword, which was different from the standard one-handed saber in Lux's hand. Because the blade was slender, the sword moved lightly, and the sword moves were extremely fast—just in the blink of an eye, a sword Han Guang went straight to Lacus.

The target of this sword is the gap in the armor of Lux's elbow. Attacking here can not only easily break the armor, but also directly cause Lux to lose her combat power without serious injury and death. Although Fiona is unwilling to accept marrying an idiot, but She also didn't want to hurt Lux's life for nothing.

After accepting the challenge, she was repeatedly told by her own father. This situation is bad enough now. Once she takes on the feud with the Crown Guard family, Laurent will be completely finished!

In Fiona's view, Lux came forward only to defend her own honor, and she probably didn't have much ability—she had heard that Galen was talented, but she had never heard that Lux was taught by a famous teacher or Train hard.

However, to Fiona's surprise, Lux's response was extremely calm in the face of her sword that could easily kill [-]% of the noble ladies in Xiongdu.

Not only did she react, she even seized Fiona's opportunity to underestimate the enemy. While throwing her arms away to avoid the swift blow, she swept across with her sword!
Although Lux's long sword is much shorter than Fiona's stabbing sword, because Fiona's center of gravity leaned forward when she took the initiative to attack, Lux's counterattack with this sword was very effective. Fiona had no choice but to take a step across in a rather embarrassing posture, avoiding Lux's sword pose.

Between attack and defense, it seems that there is nothing to gain, but Lux has successfully achieved her own tactical goal and interfered with Fiona's duel steps!

In the mind-eye swordsmanship of the Laurent family, footsteps are a very important part. Although in the hands of generations of unworthy descendants, this swordsmanship has almost degenerated into a dance, but it was famous for a while, even if it is this kind of swordsmanship. In a severely degraded state, there is still a lot of valuable experience.

And the footsteps of mind-eye swordsmanship are exactly its essence!
The essence of this special step called [Forward Fountain] is that it can be faster and faster in the form of small steps similar to small steps, while maintaining its own balance, just like a fountain. The thin springs can gather into a pool of clear water, completely submerging the opponent!
At the peak, the whole person will follow the opponent's side, and truly follow suit, like a shadow!
And now, because of Lux's sudden counterattack, Fiona's footsteps were messed up!
Without giving Fiona any time to adjust, Lux turned from defense to offense, bullying her - when her height and wingspan are not dominant, close combat can bring the best results.

Although Lux, who has undergone a lot of simulated training, has never learned any superb sword skills, she can use a set of basic Shurima sword skills with ease.

Even though she can't use magic to unleash her long sword with a wave of lightsaber here, a lot of actual combat experience still allows her to deal with close-to-body combat relatively calmly. In this state of fighting, it is Fiona's heart Swordsmanship is not so easy to perform!

At this time, Fiona has realized her mistake, but when the battle rhythm is extremely backward, how can it be so simple to switch from defense to offense again?

Seeing that the battle between the two dueling parties began to develop in a fierce direction from the very beginning, the nobles who were watching were stunned.

They never expected that Lux, known as the model of the new generation of Demacian nobles, would have such amazing sword skills!
And among the crowd, the few people with real swordsmanship were even more astonished, because they never dreamed that Lux's sword moves were simple and unpretentious, but they seemed to be extremely delicate when used by veterans.

Every trick is not gorgeous, but every trick is just right.

Shurima's basic swordsmanship is the earliest school of swordsmanship in Runeterra, and it is extremely simple. In addition, this ancient swordsmanship is almost completely lost now, so even Xin Zhao can only see that "Lax's foundation is extremely It's solid and has a keen sense of combat." That's all.

Compared with Lux's talent of "being able to use basic swordsmanship very proficiently without actual combat", Xin Zhao felt disgusted with his disciple Galen for the first time.

Also a member of the Crownguard family!

You look at your sister!

She has no advantage in physical strength, and she has never pursued exquisite moves, but she can be called a genius if she plays the most basic things well!

Xin Zhao was born as a gladiator. Although he also learned how to use a harpoon when he was in Ionia, but now his skills are more honed from fighting in the arena.

Therefore, from Xin Zhao's point of view, Lux's style is almost exactly the same as her own. She doesn't engage in those bells and whistles, but uses the most basic skills unpretentiously, but it is enough to sweep thousands of troops!
Well, in a sense, Xin Zhao's opinion is really okay.

He came out of the arena, and Lux ​​also came out of simulated training.

The gladiators in the arena fight until they die, and Lux's simulation training is also done until he dies.

The only pity is that due to age, Lux's strength is really not dominant, and because of insufficient exercise, many movements have not been able to form muscle memory, which is somewhat jerky.

So much so that it is obviously a more beneficial melee fight between the two, but every time Lux initiates a deadly rhythm, Lux is always unable to expand the results due to lack of strength...

Xin Zhao was secretly feeling sorry for her, but Fiona, who was fighting with Lux, no longer had the intention to "give way".

After fighting with Lux, the image of Lux in her heart has changed from "Miss Noble" to "Adversary Worth Fighting".

Facing this kind of opponent, Fiona has no room to hold back, and it is absolutely impossible to hold back!

As the two sword moves became faster and faster during close combat, Fiona felt that every pore in her body seemed to have been stretched!
At this moment, Fiona Laurent finally experienced the extreme joy of fighting for the first time. The more she fought, the more excited she became.

Fiona was pleasantly surprised to find that she seemed to be born for fighting!
Hurry up, hurry up!

that's it!
Step forward, chop left and right!
Every time she takes a step, Fiona steps to her own beat!
Fiona dances her own waltz every time she sticks out her rapier!

One sword after another!
Step by step!
The sluggish forward fountain was finally unobstructed, and her proficient mind-eye swordsmanship reached the pinnacle. As her body became lighter and lighter, her whole body entered an unprecedented unobstructed state.

It's now!

Under the stunned gazes of all the nobles watching the battle, Fiona made an incomparably gorgeous turn around, and lightly avoided Lux's deadly sword—then, she bent down slightly, while avoiding Lux's blow. In the follow-up attack, he turned his rapier into a sword flower, as if sending out a request for a pas de deux.

The next moment, before Lux could respond, Fiona stepped forward.

With the light of the sword shining, her slender figure disappeared into the radiance, and the nobles who had been sitting in the auditorium stood up almost at the same time.

In the duel hall, they saw the long-lost swordsmanship of the Laurent family.

The legendary... blade waltz!

 Sharp-edged waltz, five knives per second;

  Challenge the world's unparalleled, four breaks in one second.

  Fiona is always a hero I don't understand.

  Ask for collection, ask for follow-up, ask for recommendation, ask for monthly pass!
  I beg you readers!
(End of this chapter)

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