Lux's Farewell

Chapter 52 Ending

Chapter 52 Ending
The Blade Waltz, the supreme mystery of the Laurent family's mind-eye swordsmanship.

Legend has it that when using this mystery, the user will completely disappear in the endless sword light, and the human and sword will be combined to strike the enemy indiscriminately.

Surrounded by the sword light, the enemy could only defend in vain against the attacks from all directions, and in the end they had no choice but to drink their hatred amidst the brilliance.

It's just that the level of the members of the recent generations of the Laurent family has been somewhat poor, and this trick has not appeared in people's vision for a long time, so many people think that this is just the Laurent family's self-boasting.

Maybe... that's just a good sword technique, but few people really want to believe that the user can disappear in the light of the sword.

And now, they saw this sword technique with their own eyes.

Fiona's figure almost merged with her sword light, like a tangled gorgeous ribbon, lingering around Lux.

The smear of bright red flowing on the ribbon is exactly the shawl outside Fiona's armor!
Standing behind Jarvan III, Xin Zhao held the spear in his hand.

Although it was not honorable enough, he was already prepared, ready to go down and end the battle at all times - no matter from which point of view, he couldn't just sit back and watch the two people in the duel field get hurt!
In the midst of the battle, the pressure Lux felt was even more astonishing.

In front of the blade waltz—even if it was a very immature blade waltz, Lux, who could maintain the situation in close combat for a while, finally fell into a complete disadvantage.

She dodged left and right in a panic, frequently blocked with the horizontal sword, and even used the thickest part of the armor to deal with Fiona's attack from the side - thanks to the thin and tough rapier that Fiona used this time, If she used the three-sided sharp dueling sword this time, I'm afraid Lux ​​would have already had her hatred on the spot!
Although she was quite shocked by "observing outstanding students" in the past, compared with her personal experience now, it is still not direct enough.

During the simulated training, Lux had faced many kinds of opponents, but because of Karya's "limited computing power", opponents of Fiona's level could not be simulated.

In this dazzling sword light, Lux seemed to have returned to the time when she was training for the first time and facing the scarab.

This continuous sword light, just like the endless beetles and yellow sand in the sky at that time, made her almost suffocate.

Relying solely on skill and reaction, it is impossible to face the sharp-edged waltz.

Realizing this, Lux took hold of the hilt of the sword with both hands for the first time while dodging another deadly thrust.


Facing Lacus' question, Karya, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke for the first time.

"It's now!"

Fiona's stabbing sword strikes again.

This time Lux didn't retreat, nor dodge.

I saw her holding the sword in both hands, exerting all her strength to meet the brightest sword light from bottom to top!


With an extremely ear-piercing sound of gold and iron intersecting, Lux's saber and Fiona's rapier finally collided head-on.

Lux's head-on blow landed on the blade of the rapier cleanly.

This time, the thin and tough stabbing sword failed to bounce off Lux's slash after bending as it did when it collided before, and continued its own attack.

As a sword was cut out, the two swords intersected, and the two passed by each other, the two swords broke almost at the same time.




The next moment, amidst the astonishment of the audience, the broken blade flew out and nailed to the table in the front row of audience seats.

Then, following two sounds of "ga" and "uh", the hearts of the two nobles behind the two tables froze, their eyes rolled up, and they fainted from shock.


Both Lux and Fiona's swords were broken.

And according to the rules of Demacia, the broken sword is negative-theoretically speaking, this is an extremely bad lose-lose ending.

According to the code of Demacia, there should be a "second round witnessed by the flying wing sisters" in a duel.

It's just that the Feiyi sisters haven't seen each other for a long time, so there won't be any witnesses in the second round—and the duel cannot be fought without witnesses, so in essence, both losers are equal to draws.

And considering Lux's age and the sharp-edged waltz Fiona used, the witnesses present obviously wouldn't think that anyone lost—this is clearly a win-win situation!
Even though many people knew that Lux had tried her best to get this ending, but if it was said, this duel would be regarded as a draw in the end.

Everything is developing towards a perfect result. Although many nobles are worried about Lux's performance and don't want to see another Tiana's rise, at least at this time, their choice should be to stand up and applaud enthusiastically .

Then, just as Jarvan III was preparing to deliver his testimony, the Bishop of the Illuminati, who was the presiding officer of the engagement yesterday, stood up first.

"Sure enough, there is a second round! The oracle is true!" The old white-haired bishop shouted in an extremely excited tone, "Sisters Feiyi have not forgotten us, they have been watching us and Germany Marcia! Laxana and Fiona, you will have a second round of duel under the glory of the Flying Sisters!"

This sudden change stunned all the nobles present.

Mr. Bishop is not crazy!
Why don't you look at who is fighting, these two are already happy to have a draw, no matter how much we want them to lose both, now we can only applaud honestly!
Are you getting impatient when you jump out at this time and create side effects?
At this time, all the nobles finally united with the enemy, and all glared at this uninvited guest-the Illuminati will be your charity honestly, so don't come out to make trouble at this time!

No matter how close Lux is to the royal family, it is also a matter of our nobles!
You Illuminati come out at this time and want to get involved?

However, what people didn't expect at all was that facing the murderous eyes of the nobles, the old bishop still looked calm, as if he didn't care.

"This is the oracle!" He smiled, as if bathed in supreme glory, "It is the will of Sister Feiyi! The Silent Man has interpreted the oracle, and Sister Feiyi is watching us!"

Hearing the oracle, the nobles present finally couldn't sit still. They looked at each other, and their originally resentful eyes instantly became horrified - if the silent people are sure that it is the oracle...

Can't really be true?

How could this be?
At this time the Illuminati received an oracle!
Many aristocrats who reacted very quickly have already remembered the history of the past, the history of the theocratic power represented by the Illuminati, and the history of the struggle for royal power represented by the royal family!

If it weren't for the royal family and the nobles who finally won the support of the people with blood sacrifices, the Illuminati would not be as harmless as it is now!

Although they have not experienced that era, many nobles have learned a lot of secrets from their elders—if it wasn’t for the silent people inside the Illuminati not intervening and the Illuminati not forging the oracle, then even if Jarvan I died in battle, Jarvan II It is difficult for the nobles to win a big victory in that political struggle.

But now, the Illuminati confidently took out the oracle...

Could it be that the Illuminati, which has kept a low profile for a hundred years, finally couldn't help showing its fangs?
"The Illuminati will not lie about the oracle." The bishop smiled and looked extremely proud. "Everyone, Sister Feiyi has never been far away from us. Next, let me announce the oracle—"

"No need." Just when he was complacently planning to spread the glory of the Flying Wing Sisters and make the Illuminati great again, Lux suddenly spoke and interrupted him without warning, "This duel is ours. If you lose, there is no need to announce the oracle, as a loser, I am willing to suffer the punishment of the stone crown."

No one expected that Lacus would say this.

When her loud words appeared in everyone's ears, the king, the nobles, and the bishop were stunned, and the entire duel hall became silent.


No one could have imagined that at this time, Lacus would take the initiative to stand up and use the method of receiving the punishment of the stone crown to actively interrupt the words of the bishops of the Illuminati and prevent them from declaring the oracle!
Voluntarily accepting the punishment of the stone crown means that Lux will climb the Targon mountain barefoot until reaching the summit, so as to wash away her failure and the blasphemy of the Wing sisters!

When Lacus uttered these words, no matter what oracle the Bishop of the Illuminati discovered, it was completely meaningless at this time - Lacus would not accept the oracle, and would rather suffer the punishment of the stone crown than accept it!
This made the bishop's breath almost stuck in his throat. He never expected that an opportunity to spread the glory of faith would finally appear, but he would be abruptly destroyed by Lacus with a posture almost like a martyr. Lost!
At this time, the nobles who came to their senses, without exception, sincerely paid the highest respect to Lacus.

Under such circumstances, no matter how slow the nobles reacted, they realized that if the bishop were allowed to announce the oracle, and then proceed to the second round of the duel with great fanfare, perhaps the religious sects within the Illuminati would rise again.

After all, the Illuminati was not so gentle from the beginning. This ancient organization born out of the Flying Wing Sisters, like the thirteen nobles, is the "founding father" of Demacia.

In Demacia, theocracy used to be an important force, and the Illuminati and nobles used to pull each other's hair and spit!
It's just that because of the foreign war, the nobles used their sacrifices to gain the support of the people, and finally pushed the Illuminati out of the center of power and turned it into a harmless charity organization—but even so, they didn't Forget about suppressing the Illuminati.

Even in Demacia, a large part of the reason for the rise of the Demon Seekers is to fight against the Illuminati Sun and suppress their influence in the field of magic.

And just now, when the Archbishop of Xiongdu announced the reappearance of the Silent Man and the coming of the oracle, the Illuminati, an organization that had been silent for a long time, already had a reason and opportunity to reactivate!
From what he meant, it seemed that the oracle mentioned the second round of the duel!

Considering the result of the duel between Lacus and Fiona, this is a real prophetic oracle, and it is said that countless people will fall into the arms of the Illuminati again!
Moreover, unlike the previous situation, even the silent people who are loyal to the Feiyi sisters will also be involved in the struggle-by then, one counts as one, and the lives of all nobles will not be easy!
However, at this critical moment, Lux admitted failure, rejected the oracle, and endured the punishment of the stone crown cleanly, blocking all the next roads of the Illuminati with one sentence.

Stop talking, I will take the punishment myself!
In the silence, Lux raised the broken sword high.

"In the name of Laxana Crownguard, I accept the punishment of the crown of stone, and climb the summit of the giant god to pay the shame of defeat!"

"If you don't climb the mountain, if you don't cast a broken blade, if you don't win, you won't return to Debang!"

As Lux made the oath, all the nobles took off their hats in unison, and put their hands on their chests to express their respect for her.

On the surface, this is for Lux's honesty of admitting failure and the uprightness of accepting the punishment.

In fact, it was because she truly sacrificed herself for others—sacrificing herself for the benefit of all the nobles.

Regardless of the relationship with the Crownguard family and Lux, at this moment, all nobles—even including the king—are willing to pay their respects to her sacrifice.

Although according to the usual style of the nobles, none of the people who suffered the punishment of the stone crown would really climb Mount Targon. In fact, it was almost equivalent to exile, but in this case, that is not important anymore.

Lux made a big mistake for the nobles and chose to go into self-imposed exile. The nobles are naturally happy to turn her into a harmless idol, which cannot be overstated!

Moreover, Lacus did such a beautiful thing. She obviously blocked the expansion of the Illuminati for the nobles, but the reason was that she lost the duel. He couldn't find any problems either—you see, the old bishop's face almost turned green after hearing Lux's oath.

There is no way!

In the midst of paying homage with their hats off, many nobles suddenly discovered that it turns out that sometimes it is a good thing to have a "noble model" by their side?


In the end, a duel ended neatly but unexpectedly in a way that no one could have imagined.

For the common people, the version they heard was that "the noble and righteous Miss Laxanna was tied in the duel, but she was willing to admit defeat because she fell into the disadvantage, and took the punishment of the stone crown".

For the nobles, they successfully curbed the expansion of the Illuminati, and also caused the Crown Guard family, which has been in the limelight recently, to lose a future star, causing a crack in the intimate relationship between the Crown Guard and the Light Shield.

For the Crownguard family, Lacus may not be able to return to Demacia in a short time, but the status of the entire family has officially changed from "a loyal dog following the king" to "a free man who is attracted by the king and nobles"— —Also, Fiona is willing to fight for the title despite the failed marriage-style relationship development.

In the end, everyone got the benefits, and all the pain was borne by Lacus alone.

As for the second half of the night on the day of the duel, there was a small problem with the walls of the Arcatraz due to "disrepair for a long time". No one in the entire Demacia Xiongdu would pay attention to such trivial matters.

So, what happened to all of this?
Let's go back in time a little bit and review Karya's entire plan.

First, the Sona part.

Throughout the plan, Sona's mission is to introduce a new faction, the Illuminati.

Through Karya's guidance, Lacus left some "oracles", which attracted the attention of the Illuminati. Because the matter was too big, the Illuminati finally invited the silent people who were usually only passed on, and identified the authenticity of these oracles. authenticity.

The Reticent identified that the oracle was true, but the content was somewhat vague, and Kalya left a very clever sentence, "God is watching here, waiting for the appointed person to appear in front of God."

Obviously, the Illuminati will not know that there is Kalya, an old guy who watched Demacia build up, so even the silent man who abides by the creed thinks it is time to spread the glory of the Feiyi sisters again, that's it, The Illuminati began to act.

The silent people were preparing to meet the oracle, while the secular faction planned to take the opportunity to attack the power of the aristocracy-it happened that there was a draw in the duel, and thinking of the second round of the double-lose battle, the bishop naturally couldn't hold back and jumped out.

Then, there's Lux's part.

Political issues are resolved with political means. During the entire duel process, Lux put herself on the absolute commanding heights of morality. She first stood up for her tribe and accepted the duel; Afterwards, admitting failure, maintaining justice and curbing the Illuminati's use of excuses - these are the most aboveboard parts.

At the same time, she stood from the perspective of the nobles, and protected the collective interests of the nobles according to the rules of the nobles. In addition, the punishment of the stone crown almost completely deprived her of her political rights. All nobles accept her love.

Here are two idiots named Di Li and Gao Kan.

They didn't get any real benefits this time, but they had to become loyal to the defending clan. As long as they were a little disloyal, they would be rejected by the entire aristocratic class.

Repeatedly jump?

Climb again?

Don't even think about it.

And Fiona, who doesn't know Lax, fully approves of Lax and is willing to belong to the defending family. Sworn, he simply joined the Ranger Legion.

It is precisely because of Lux's self-sacrifice that the Crownguard family has drawn herself into the relationship with other nobles. She has truly achieved what Tiana has been trying to do before-don't look at the fact that Lux paid the penalty of the stone crown. The price, but this punishment of the stone crown has brought a lot of favors at once!

Considering that Lux is no longer in anyone's way, these favors are overwhelming!
Finally, there is the part of Ino.

This part is the simplest. On the title page of the book, Lacus drew a magic circle for positioning.

After the book was delivered to Ino, Lux directly destroyed part of the walls of the Temperstone Prison that night, allowing Ino to impose a heavier sentence in the name of "breaking out of prison".

What's interesting is that after this duel, Tiana's attitude towards the relationship between Lax and Ino took a 180-degree turn.

Without waiting for Lux to ask Ino to come out and let her go to Mount Targon with her, Tiana took the initiative to change Ino's punishment into the punishment of the stone crown, at the same time as Lax.

Tiana's meaning is obvious, the punishment of the stone crown cannot bring guards, and Ino is the guard and maid prepared by Tiana for Lux.

Through this operation, Lux now has no political future. In this case, kindness and consideration for civilians are no longer a problem.

Even for the sake of Lux's safety, Tiana was happy to let Ino stay by Lux's side.

After all... Tiana has always loved her niece.

In the end, Lux's departure from Demacia was set at a month's end.

It was also during this month that Lacus accompanied the mourning Augsa every day, trying to comfort her mother—she repeatedly promised that she would definitely return to Demacia and would never rashly climb the Giant God. peak.

"Believe me, Mom, I'll be back in all glory."

"Silly boy, I just hope that you are safe and sound, even if you stay incognito at the foot of Kalamanda Mountain for the rest of your life!"

During the time when Lax was with her mother, Kalya consciously stayed with Sona for a month, trying to make up for her students as much as possible, and even left a set of "improvement self-study textbooks".


In this way, under Kalya's dazzling calculations and operations, the Demacia Xiongdu was surging.

And the whole incident finally ended with Lux swearing an oath with the broken sword, accepting the punishment of the stone crown, and climbing the Targon Peak.

After the incident gradually subsided, Lacus was surprised to find that the once hypocritical nobles sometimes showed some sincerity when facing themselves.

She never expected that after shedding her identity as a noble lady, she would be able to see a more real side of those people.

After all, for them, Lux is no longer a competitor, but more like a pure irrelevant person.

It was also at this time that Lacus clearly realized what Kalya often called "the alienation of power to people".

The thing Lux hated the most was the strife among the nobles of Demacia, especially the young people who were in their prime - they could enjoy all the joy frankly, but they always put on a straight face and ruined all the good things time.

Now, Lacus finally understands that it is the nobles' struggle for power and the very existence of the nobles that make them give up their natural innocence, and have to follow the rules, put on a straight face and wear a mask, and ruin all the good times!

In this way, Kalya taught Lux her final lesson in Demacia.

Finally, one month later, on a summer morning, Lux boarded the boat bound for Kalamanda.

Standing on the deck, she looked at the nobles who were either sincere or hypocritical in the port, and looked at their waving arms and sweat towels.

Leaning on the railing of the boat, she waved her arms towards her reluctant relatives and friends, as well as the confusion and doubts she once had.

Her long golden hair glistened in the morning sun.

Her blue eyes are pure and clean under the reflection of the ocean.

Farewell, Demacia!

Goodbye, my hometown!

From today, Lux will embark on a new journey!
Although only 13 years old.

But the girl Laksanna is no longer troubled!
[Volume [-]. The troubles of the girl Laxana. End]


It is rare to say a few more words at the end of the text, and I hope readers who are listening to the book will not be disgusted.

Just like Goethe's "The Sorrows of Young Werther", the theme of the first volume "The Sorrows of the Girl Laxana" is also the confusion and growth of young people.

Lacus is a kind little girl. Her background as a nobleman and her identity as a demon-infested person make her somewhat out of place in the peaceful Demacia. the order of the country.

And Karya is her enlightener and guide, guiding her to grow and directing her to look directly into her heart.

During this process, Kalya helped her establish the Three Views, but did not make choices for her. In the end, Lax transformed from a kind noble lady into a progressive youth in the true sense.

Now, she has shaken off the shackles of her identity and left Demacia—in the future, her story will be even more exciting!

Tomorrow, the second volume [A Tale of Two Cities] will be updated. The story will unfold in Piltover and Zaun. With firm ideals and beliefs, Lux will rise above the ruins with like-minded people and start from scratch. Some witnessed the birth of a whole new regime.

The follow-up plot will be even more exciting, and the author guarantees here that there will be [-] updates on the shelves, and [-] updates every day-one day double updates will be considered a rest!
Because this can be regarded as "changing the map", so I beg you to read more, I really want to go to Sanjiang.

I have been on the street for many years, and it is rare to have a promising book, and I implore everyone to support it!

I hope you will keep reading and looking forward to it!
In the end, I wish all the readers’ lives will be like Lacus’s smile, always full of sunshine!

We'll see you in the next volume—see you tomorrow at [-]:[-] pm!

(End of this chapter)

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