Lux's Farewell

Chapter 53 [0051] The Road to the Sea

Chapter 53 [0051] The Road to the Sea

According to the laws of Demacia, the tortured victims of the Stone Crown will climb Mount Targon with their bare hands.

However, because Targon is too dangerous, there is no one to supervise this process-the supervisor is likely to be finished.

Therefore, in many cases, the punishment of the stone crown is closer to "eternal exile deprived of political rights". Anyway, no one knows whether the victim has gone climbing. Will care about the results of climbing.

In a sense, this can be regarded as a back door opened by the Demacian nobles in the law, turning the death penalty into a punishment of the stone crown, and then actually dealing with it in the form of permanent exile.

Considering Lux's great contribution to the nobles of Demacia, her stone crown punishment was even easier than normal exile when it was actually executed.

The executive officers who were responsible for escorting her and Ino to the foot of Mount Targon, one counted as one, and all of them were very understanding. They had just left Demacia Xiongdu, and they took the initiative to go to the port of Dornhold. up the boat.

Except for two large boxes of supplies and initial equipment, nothing was left.

They'd have a nice vacation on the golden shores of Dornhold before returning to report, and they wouldn't ask a word about where Lux really went.

In this way, with the disembarkation of these executive officers, Lux was finally truly free.


After taking a long breath, Lacus quickly joined Ino, and then dragged the two large boxes back to her room.

Then, it took the two of them a lot of effort to count all the supplies in the box.

In the first box, there are eight sets of rune steel armors - four sets of Lux's and four sets of Ino's. Considering that they are still growing, the eight sets of armor can be said to be of various sizes.

Although the emblem of the Crownguard family was not printed on these armors to deceive people, but armors of such quality are still out-and-out contraband in Demacia's trade.

It is no exaggeration to say that any one of them, on the black market in Zaun or Bilgewater, is enough to sell for a high price of thousands of gold hexes or golden sirens.

In addition to the armor and the matching helmet, there are many things that would be used in the Demacian army such as ropes and hooks inside, filling the entire box to the brim.

In the second box, there are a large number of daily necessities and common field equipment, including but not limited to blankets, water bottles, professional equipment such as saddles.

Occupying most of the weight of the box was a pile of blank enchantment slabs, which was requested by Lux herself.

In addition, in the corner of the chest is a small chest full of gold - partly from Sona's "personal patronage" of pocket money she's saved up over the years.

Coupled with other miscellaneous gadgets, it is no exaggeration to say that Lux's current assets are enough to form a small business team.

With so many supplies provided, Augtha obviously didn't want Lux to start off lightly and climb Mount Targon.

Looking at this posture, she hoped that Lacus could live in Kalamanda safely - even if she didn't return to Demacia, she could spend her life in peace with no worries about food and clothing.

"Lax! We really came out!" Ino said happily while packing up the boxes after counting, "With these things, we can definitely buy a manor in Kalamanda and operate there for a period of time ..."

"Then change your name and surname and return to Demacia, right?" Looking at the cheerful Ino, Lacus shook her head helplessly, "Are you really going to do what my aunt said?"

"Ah? Isn't it? Didn't Ms. Tiana plan it this way?" Ino said a little confused, "Anyway, we are only twelve or thirteen years old, and we will return to Demacia after ten years. When we grow up, no one will Don't know who we are."

"I don't intend to go back to Demacia in despair!" Lux laughed when she heard the words, "The punishment of the stone crown is a punishment for others, but it is a good opportunity for me."

"Are you really going to climb Mount Targon?" Ino's eyes widened. "How can this be done? It's too dangerous—"

"I will climb Mount Targon, but not now—but after I have made all the preparations, only in this way can I return to Demacia openly." Lux shook her head with a smile, "Don't be nervous, Ino, In fact, Karya planned all this for me long ago."

"Ah, is it Mr. Confessor's magic weapon?" Yinuo blinked, "Can he really talk?"

"Of course." Lux handed the broken sword to Ino, "Just in time, he also wants to chat with you!"


Although she had heard Lacus tell the story of Kalya, when Ino held the hilt of the sword, the little girl was still a little nervous.

Mr. Karya, that's Miss Lux's teacher—he must be a learned and wise man, right?

"You're so accurate." Just as Ino was secretly guessing Kalya's image, Kalya's voice appeared in her mind, "You really deserve to be a descendant of the ice blood."

"Ice Bloodline? Are you talking about me?" Ino said, "Oh, wait, are you Mr. Carya?"

"You don't need to say it, just think about it, keep the magic flowing, and I will know what you think." Carya was really kind once in a while, "Don't be nervous, little girl, I don't know how to eat people."

"Ah, respected Mr. Carya!" Inoton stood up abruptly, "I am Ino, and I am Miss Lacus's...uh, secretary!"

"Okay, little secretary!" Kalya teased in a cheerful tone, "However, your heart tells me that you seem to regard yourself as her maid?"

"Ah? Well——" Ino lowered his head instantly, as if he was getting familiar, "Mr. Carya, don't say it!"

"Don't worry, I didn't tell Lacus." Kalya didn't continue to tease, but said in a serious tone, "But... don't think about becoming a servant from the beginning, Ino, I remember Lacus also told you Many times, there is no such thing as one person being more noble than another.”

"But Miss Lacus is so dazzling." Ino seemed a little embarrassed, "I can't do much."

"No, your potential is astonishing." Kalya denied Ino's self-denial, "The potential of the ice bloodline is simply endless—so, little girl, would you like to learn magic from me? Then you can I'm classmate with Lux."

"Really—is it really possible?" Ino's eyes widened, "Can I also learn magic?"

"Of course!" Carya said happily, "After learning magic, you can better perform your duties as a secretary—"

"Thank you so much, Mr. Karya!" Ino clenched his fists, "Thank you, Mr. Karya!"

"Is it still called Mr. Kalya?" Kalya said cheerfully, "Teacher!"

"Thank you, teacher!"

Since he has never experienced professional "acting training" and his personality is not as calm as Sona's, when communicating with Karya, Ino was full of joy and anger throughout the process.

From Lux's point of view, she saw that Ino was sometimes nervous, sometimes excited, and sometimes flushed. So many strange emotional changes made Lax confused, and she couldn't figure out what Karya said to Ino. what.

I always feel... something weird.

I and Sona didn't seem like this before, did they?

However, out of trust in Karya and respect for Ino's privacy, she did not ask the reason in the end.

Just like that, under Lacus's subtle gaze, Kalya had another student.

It was also when Kalya accepted a new student that the [Blue Crystal] armed merchant ship finally pulled up its anchor, raised its sails, and left Dornhold.

In the howling northeasterly wind, the ship finally left the port of Dornhold and the coast of Demacia, and slowly sailed towards the vast and boundless deep blue sea.

 Karya's Little Classroom Demacia to Shurima:

  Starting from the Xiongdu of Demacia, there are generally two ways to carry out the execution of the stone crown.

  One is to take a boat from Dornhold, cross the Sea of ​​Conquest, pass through the Merman Sea, and finally arrive at Kalamanda, and then go all the way south, along the shadow of the Targon Mountain.

  There is another way to go east by land, first crossing the Demacia Plain, then crossing the Shimmering Silver Mountains, boarding a boat at White Cliff City, crossing the Valoran Strait, and finally arriving at Uzeris, and then walking on the edge of the Dasai Desert, arriving at Targon.

  Because the latter would pass through the territory of a large number of Noxians, for the sake of safety, Lux was arranged to take the first route.

  Starting from this volume, the author of each chapter said that he will update a small class of Kalya, which is all about the interesting customs of Runeterra, and the background story that is not easy to count in the text.

  For the sake of my seriousness, please collect, ask for book list, ask for recommendation, ask for monthly pass, and ask for follow-up reading!
(End of this chapter)

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