Lux's Farewell

Chapter 54 [0052] Business atmosphere

Chapter 54 [0052] Business atmosphere

The day after leaving the port of Dornhold, the Blue Crystal officially entered the Sea of ​​Conquest.

And as the color of the ocean became deeper and darker, the wind and waves on the sea became stronger and stronger, and the entire ship of the Blue Crystal began to become more and more bumpy.

Lux was not used to this feeling of floating under her feet, even though her strong body made her not have to worry about severe seasickness, but when a big wave hit her, her throat still felt a little itchy.

Even with enough sleep, her head was always groggy.

In this case, Karya could only temporarily cancel her tutoring, and there was no way to make specific plans with her.

Simply because Ino seemed to have no feeling for the wind and waves, Karya simply started tutoring Ino wholeheartedly, giving this Iceblood who had a good talent but was seriously behind in his studies a make-up lesson.

Speaking of which, even according to Kalya's standards, Ino is considered to have a good talent, not inferior to Lux - although the talent of ice magic is not as rare as light magic, but after Kalya's inspection, he found that Ino There is at least one-eighth of the ice blood in the body, that is to say, one of Ino's great-grandfathers is the ice blood of the Freljord.

Karya doesn't know much about the ice blood, but what is certain is that Ino's blood has greatly strengthened her talent in ice magic, and it is precisely because of the ice blood that she was able to awaken early Magic, and it will not cause the magic power to get out of control.

You know, without Kalya's help, when Lux arrives, she will still need to wear gloves to live, unable to control her magic power.

However, because Ino's foundation is really bad, and the environment here is not suitable for quiet feeding, Kalya can't start from the basic theory like teaching Lux.

Considering the need to improve the team's combat effectiveness in the future, Karya simply changed his teaching ideas and focused directly on practice.

Although Suo Xingo's magic power is not as amazing as that of Lacus, it is quite good, and it is completely enough to support daily training.

In this way, Lux and Ino, who originally lived in two cabins, simply moved together. The "by-product" ice cubes that Ino learned every day can effectively relieve Lax's seasickness.

Kalya believes that after passing the assault training, Ino should have a considerable level of combat power when the Blue Crystal arrives in Kalamanda—how can he be a main force in Noxus? The kind of team leader of the regiment mage.


Fifth day from Dornhold.

The Blue Crystal has reached the center of the Sea of ​​Conquest—even if you are in the cabin, when the wind and waves come, it feels almost like a pirate ship in an amusement park.

The entire Blue Crystal has put down its sails as much as possible, and even lowered a mast on its own initiative. The armed merchant ship in this state is simply a tumbler in a storm, relying on the ballast in the bottom warehouse to maintain the most basic conditions. The balance will not be overturned on the spot.

Lacus lay helplessly on the sailor's bed, looking blankly at the gray sky outside the porthole, while Ino was diligently learning the spell model under the guidance of Kalya.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside, and after a moment of commotion, there was a knock on the door of the cabin.

"anyone here?"

"Who?" Lux asked through the door while biting the ice, "What's the matter?"

"I am the bosun of the Blue Crystal." The visitor introduced himself in a leisurely manner, "We are about to arrive in a dangerous sea area, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, I am here to remind passengers, please do not leave yourself The cabin, you have someone to handle everything, and the sailors will deliver meals and change the washing bucket later.”

"Well, I got it." Lux agreed, "I won't run around and cause you trouble."

"Thank you very much." The bosun seemed very satisfied with Lacus' reply, "The blue crystal armed merchant ship will protect your safety, please rest assured!"

After speaking, the boatswain left Lux's door and knocked on the next cabin door.

"Dangerous sea area, what is that?" Ino, who heard the conversation, couldn't help asking curiously, "It seems serious?"

"Ask Lux to come over, and I'll briefly introduce the current situation to you."

Ino nodded, stood up, came to Lux with a sword, sat on the edge of the bed, and took Lux's hand.

"There is a dangerous sea ahead. If there is any accident in the next day, the two of you should be prepared." Carya's tone became serious, "From the voyage, we should be close to Donnho now. It is the middle line of Kalamanda to Kalamanda, here is the center of the ocean, the wind is high and the waves are rough, and there are pirates infesting, you two should be more careful."

"Pirates?" x2
Hearing that there might be pirates, Lux was quite surprised, while Ino was full of panic—they had never seen pirates, they just heard of the name.

"As the war in Ionia has intensified in recent years, almost all the Noxian navy has been sent to the land of birth." Carya explained in a low voice, "Without the navy's suppression, Bilgewater The pirates are becoming more and more lawless... To be honest, I am not surprised to meet pirates here."

"But, how did you know this news?" Lux asked curiously, "Why haven't you heard of it?"

"Although the etiquette of the noble banquet is cumbersome and makes people unhappy, it is indeed a good way to collect information." Kalya took it for granted, "Of course, few people are as idle as I am, listening to everything and remembering everything. Already—in short, just do as I said, keep a low profile tomorrow, and just cross this dangerous sea!"

"Good!" x2
Ino naturally nodded hurriedly, and Lacus agreed sickly.

As a result, in the evening of that day, Lacus saw a huge pirate ship from the porthole.

The pirate ship seemed to display a set of semaphore (unfortunately Lux couldn’t understand it at all), and a round of shelling (without a single hit)—and almost at the same time, the Blue Crystal returned the color (also completely empty) up).

However, judging from the scale of the bombardment (mainly the number and height of the spray), it seems that the Blue Crystal is actually better?
It seemed that he felt that the Blue Crystal was not easy to mess with. In the end, after the pirate ship followed for a while, he stopped following, and Ino, who had been nervous all the time, let out a long sigh of relief.

The day after the encounter with the pirates, the Sapphire ended martial law.

In the evening of the same day, the strong wind that had been blowing for several days finally stopped.

Lux, who was almost moldy in the cabin, finally came to the deck again.

When she was standing on the side of the boat, watching the sunset on the sea, and listening to the sound of the cables tightening repeatedly after the sail was propped up, Lux suddenly felt that this salty sea breeze could be so lovely.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Just as Lux took a deep breath towards the sea, the voice of the bosun came from behind, "When the storm subsides and the enemy is far away, even the most rebellious villain will Will sincerely praise the protection of the snake mother; even the most stingy captain will willingly offer his share of tithes."

"It's a wonderful comparison." Lux subconsciously maintained her aristocratic demeanor before realizing that she was no longer in Demacia. "Well, I mean, I was shocked when I saw the pirate ship yesterday."

"Don't worry, the Blue Crystal armed merchant ship is safe and trustworthy." Mr. Bosun showed a bright smile, "If possible, I also hope that the lady can support our shipping business—we are all professional in manned and delivered goods. of."

Having said that, the bosun took out a cardboard card from a wallet and handed it to Lux.

Looking at the golden [Midarda Shipping and Trading Company] on the paper card, Lax realized at this time that the other party took the initiative to talk to her to sell business.

That's right, it is said that the first-class cabin of this kind of armed merchant ship is quite expensive. Considering that I booked two rooms with Ino but only lived in one, the other party must have regarded me as a big customer.

So, after receiving the name note, Lacus nodded politely, put it in her pocket, and said that if given the chance, she would definitely recommend and choose the Blue Crystal.

After getting a satisfactory answer, the boatswain said goodbye politely, and then returned to his job again.

Looking at the back of the other party, Lux couldn't help feeling that the business atmosphere here is really strong.

In Demacia, many things in business are linked to status. Many things can only be purchased by nobles, and commoners do not have extra money to buy consumer goods.

Therefore, such things as sales tend to happen at noble banquets, more by way of word of mouth among the nobles.

And here, the boatswain personally came to the door to sell, judging from his words, he still looked carefully prepared... This is really completely different from Demacia!

As the sun set and the bright moon rose, the Blue Crystal continued to head south, and finally entered the Yuren Sea.

Although Lacus did not see the legendary merman, nor heard the merman singing, at least since then, the journey has been peaceful.

Three days later, the armed merchant ship Blue Crystal arrived in Kalamanda smoothly.

Lux and Ino dragged two huge boxes, walked down the gangway, and set foot on the land of Shurima for the first time.

 Karya's Lesson Tithes:
  There is such a rule in Bilgewater that every time you go to sea, you have to throw a siren coin into the sea, and let the snake mother bless them from any disaster. This is called tithe. If you don’t pay the tithe, you will Pulled into the water by the Titan of the Deep.

  For the specific story, please refer to League of Legends Universe: Deep Sea Titan Nautilus.

(End of this chapter)

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