Lux's Farewell

Chapter 55 [0053] Long-term plan

Chapter 55 [0053] Long-term plan
Lux and Ino spent three full days in Kalamanda to recuperate.

(Lucus vehemently protests Kalya's jeering and orders him not to reveal her seasickness.)
In addition to recuperating on the spot and completely solving the seasickness, Kalya and Lacus took advantage of this time to formulate the next action plan in detail.

After finishing their repairs, they will then leave Kalamanda for Piltover.

After arriving in Piltover, they will cash out part of the supplies, and then enter the lower city of Piltover with the principal, and finally arrive in Zaun.

And Zaan is the final destination of their trip.

"Why is it Zaun?" Hearing that he was going to Zaun, Ino asked with some doubts, "I heard from the sailors on the ship that Zaun is a place that is rotten... stay in Karaman Da is fine, there are a lot of farmland in the northern suburbs of Kalamanda, even if it is for learning magic, we can stay here and build our own farm!"

"To be honest, if possible, I also want to stay in Kalamanda." Carya sighed, "However, for Lux, if she wants to stage a return of the king within six years, stay in Kalamanda." Manda farming is completely too late."

"I understand that you can't stay in Kalamanda, but why Zaun?" Speaking of this, Lux was also very curious, "I remember you said that Piltover and Zaun are very special places, and their Born and risen mainly because of the trade between Valoran and Shurima..."

"It is precisely for this reason that Zaun and Piltover are the easiest places to pry in the entire Runeterra." Kalya affirmed, "Many people don't know that Zaun used to be called Vazuan, and it was Shurima. An important port city in the city—I have quite a few good things left there!"

"Oh? Good stuff?" Hearing what Kalya said, Lux suddenly regained her spirits, "What is it?"

"It's just some insignificant seeds." Kalya said in a calm tone, "The main reason is that too much time has passed, and I'm not sure if there is anything left there. I won't tell you the main reason is Lest the greater your expectations, the greater your disappointment."

"What's there to be disappointed about?" Lux frowned, "I've already found out, Kalya—you seem to be hiding something from me!"

"It's not really a secret, I'm really not sure myself." Kalya said helplessly, "I've been asleep for too long, although I woke up a few times during the period and tried my best to understand a little bit about Runeterra. Circumstances—but time is relentless, and I’m not sure that Zaun must be what I thought it would be, so if you insist on telling me everything, I can only say ‘take one step at a time’.”

"So, going to Zaun is your first step?" Hearing what Kalya said, Lux finally nodded, "So, if Zaun is what you think, what should our every step look like? of?"

"At the beginning, it was observation." Kalya considered the words, "To understand the current Zaun, and to inquire about some of my old friends by the way."

"It's very understandable——but, Kalya, Zaun still has your good friend?" Lux nodded, and then said with some surprise, "Is it also that... Darkborn?"

"It's not a darkin." Carya denied Lacus' guess, and then warned in a serious tone, "Also, don't say the name of the darkin so easily, and don't get close to the darkin, although they once fought side by side with me But I can’t guarantee that they are still rational now—in essence, I don’t want to stay in Kalamanda, and a large part of the reason is that I don’t want you to have anything to do with the Darkborn at this time.”

"That's it..." Lux nodded, indicating that she understood, "What about after getting to know Zaun?"

"If the situation in Zaun is really similar to what I think, then the next thing to do is very simple!" Kalya said in a calm tone, "Build a regime from scratch, use Your own hard work, not blood, to gain real power, prepare for your return to Demacia and transform Demacia..."

"Wait, what are you talking about???" Lux was dumbfounded, and immediately interrupted Kalya's words, "Use this relaxed tone to say that you want to establish a regime? Are you going to overthrow Zaun? "

"Am I the kind of seditious villain?" Kalya denied Lux's accusation in an artificial and very sad tone. A wild place in the civilized world—if there is no political power, how can there be subversion?"

"...Really?" Lux was even more confused, "How can a commercial city have no political power?"

"Of course it is true." Kalya said firmly, "And you will build a city-state from scratch on the ruins, and through competition and cooperation with Piltover, you will understand the importance of diplomacy. important meaning……"

"And diplomacy?" Lux was already a little dumbfounded. "Wait, Kalya, this is different from what I imagined! This shouldn't be what I want to do, right? I just want to find a way to solve the problem of Demacia. The current situation, why establish a city-state in Zaan?!"

"Many problems in Demacia are brought out from the bones." Kalya said earnestly, "If you want to make a change, you need a world-shaking situation, and Zaun will be your platform for experience."

"It sounds like you use Zaun as my training ground?" Lux blinked, "If I fail, then wouldn't Zaun..."

"So you have to do your best and never fail." Kalya chuckled, "As long as you succeed, you can lead the people of Zaun out of the quagmire and prepare for the future changes in Demacia. Isn't that right? Kill two birds with one stone?"

"...Kalya, you are really optimistic about me!" Lux couldn't help rubbing the center of her brows when she heard this, "But, you know I hate politics the most!"

"What I'm talking about is not politics." Kalya sighed. "This is fighting for ideals."

"Don't use rhetoric to argue here." Lux also became serious, "To be honest, have you been thinking about this since you met me?"

"Want to hear the truth?" Kalya froze for a moment, then sighed helplessly, "The truth is... yes."

"You finally admitted it, villain!" Lux gritted her teeth, "I knew that from the very beginning, you had no good intentions!"

"Then are you willing?" Kalya did not deny Lacus's accusation this time, "Go to Zaun, abandon your identity as a noble lady, start from scratch, transform that dilapidated place into your as desired."

"Go! Why not!" Lux raised her face proudly upon hearing this, "After all, I'm your best student!"

"Obviously the worst class I've ever taught—"

"Now there is Ino!"

"Ino, Lux said you are not as good as her."

"Miss Lux is right!"

"You should be wrong at this time!"

"Miss Lux was right all along!"

"Lax, look at Ino! What have you brought into it?"



In the end, Karya's Raiders of Zaun was unanimously passed among the three-person team.

On the fourth day after arriving in Kalamanda, Lux and Ino bought two tickets and boarded the passenger ship to Piltover.

 Karya's Little Classroom: The Days of Karya's Sleep:

  Karya has been asleep for a long time, so most of his understanding of the power of runes comes from his knowledge and rough speculation based on these knowledge. Considering the butterfly effect, the world Karya lives in can already be regarded as a parallel universe.

  Therefore, although Kalya prepared a complete Zaun strategy early, the reality is likely to give him an interesting surprise-it needs to be explained that Kalya does not know about the Battle of the Two Cities.

(End of this chapter)

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