Lux's Farewell

Chapter 56 [0054] 3 Teachings 9 Streams, Human Ecology

Chapter 56 [0054] Three teachings and nine streams, all kinds of life

Compared with the previous voyage, the journey from Karamanda to Piltover can only be described as smooth sailing.

This time, what Lux and Ino were on was no longer an armed merchant ship with a mixture of people and cargo, but a sailing passenger ship named "Taiyin Stone".

After leaving Kalamanda, the passenger ship will travel eastward along the backflow of the summer current, and finally arrive at Piltover after stopping at Uzeris and Stonewall Town.

Because Uzeris and Stonewall Town are under the control of Noxus, Lux and Ino were a little nervous at first, but to their surprise, the port jurisdiction of these two places is extremely loose, as long as they don’t carry When large luggage comes in and out, the port staff will not even look at it.

Curious about this, Lux found the sailor on duty on the deck.

At Kalya's reminder, she generously treated the unlucky guy who stayed on duty to a few glasses of wine and a glass of lemonade herself.

Through this method, Lacus successfully obtained a lot of interesting news.

According to Karya's translation, Lacus learned that the economic situation of the route where the Taiyinshi is located in recent years seems to be not very good - even though it is far away from Bilgewater, with the Noxus navy Ran to blockade Ionia, and the nearby shipping trade was also hit hard.

"In the past, when a merchant ship or a passenger ship were together, at least they could scrape together a share of the money. Hire the Noxus' Sea of ​​Conquest fleet to escort them. Although the price is a bit high, it's always safe." Sailor after drinking The conversation obviously increased, "It's all right now, the ground is full of sea rats, they are so courageous, and now they don't even let go of the boat with the head portrait of the sea snake on it, I really hope that the snake mother will drag them back to the deep sea!"

"It's really interesting." At this point, Kalya commented in a timely manner, "The snake mother is Bilgewater's belief, and now it has spread to Western Shurima. Look at this sailor, he is obviously a Shuriman , but one snake mother at a time, tell me now, Lacus, what does this mean?"

"It means... the faith in Shurima is declining?" Lux hesitated for a moment, "So that Shurima people will believe in the snake mother?"

"Obviously not." Kalya sighed, "This shows that it doesn't really matter where the people are from. Most people believe in what they believe is useful!"

Lux blinked, feeling as if she understood.

On the other hand, the drunken sailor continued his complaints.

The passenger ship business is also very difficult now.

What Picheng guys are building their own fleet.

The toll for passing through the Sun Gate has increased again.

The black mist of Soul Eater Night began to appear in the Merman Sea.

The price of the flesh and skin of Kalamanda has also increased.

Well, wait, this one doesn't seem right!

Seeing that the drunken sailor had started to make some messy poses, Karyago ended his simultaneous interpretation and let the little girl off the deck—the following part is not something children should listen to content!

Lux is only 13 years old, hey!
What the hell, isn't it that sailors are a bunch of heavy drinkers?

How could this guy start complaining about his wife being too tight on the shore after only three glasses of whiskey, and that his back hurts as soon as he got home?

How did you become a sailor with such a low capacity for alcohol?

If the unlucky guy who was punished by the captain for being drunk on duty when he set sail that day knew Karya's complaints, he would definitely be wronged.

As a poor sailor on a passenger line, how could he drink such pure spirits as Lux treats guests on weekdays?

In the bar he frequents, the amount of water added is less than [-]%, which is because the bar owner is in a good mood!
Even if he was an old sailor, he never left his body with alcohol, and he couldn't usually afford to drink undiluted wine. In this case, how could his drinking capacity be better?


In this way, during the half-month voyage, with Kalya's help and advice, Lacus used various flexible wrists to talk to all kinds of people on board.

Up to the captain, first mate, first-class passengers, down to the sailors, cooks, poor boys in the Chase shop.

On a small passenger ship, Lux saw a world completely different from Demacia.

There are three teachings and nine streams of characters, everyone has their own story.

Like a real gentleman in first class, he's a researcher at a hot lab in Piltover and just finished a major development project.

This time he went to Kalamanda, he set off with a relaxed attitude, but unfortunately, because of the wrong season, he failed to see the snow on Mount Paektu that he longed for.

As a researcher, he is smart, quick to respond, and very eloquent. He can have a good chat with Lacus in the field of music, and even wants to invite this smart lady to watch a play at the Piltover Theater. After Lux was going to Zaun, she said it was a pity.

A well-dressed guy in the second-class cabin always spoke viciously to Lux at first, but after getting drunk, he became extremely fragile.

It turned out that he was not a high-class person, but a porter on the pier. The girl he loved always wanted to go to the westernmost part of the world to watch the sunset—then he saved money for half a year and bought two tickets to Kalamanda , plans to take the girl to settle there.

It's a pity that when he saved enough money, the girl had already accepted someone else's marriage proposal. In a fit of anger, he changed the two one-way tickets into round-trip tickets, and went to Kalamanda by himself to see the last sunset in the world.

This guy was very remorseful after he was drunk, and his whole body was immersed in pain, but the reason for his pain at this time was no longer the loss of love, but why he had to go this way so stupidly, he wailed "That's my yearly bonus" "Love is a wrench gear gravity hammer love", crying like a strong fool.

When it comes to Datongpu, the passengers are even more diverse.

There are gamblers who lost everything because of bad gambling and went to Piltover to hide their debts; there are also young people who gave up everything at home and hoped to go to Piltover to find a future.

There are families here who escaped the war and hoped to make a stable living after many twists and turns; there are also returning people who have spent most of their lives in Kalamanda and finally chose to return to their hometown.

Of course, people with bad intentions are also indispensable. Unfortunately, they chose the wrong target completely. When they tried to lure Lacus off the ship early, they were frozen into popsicles and hung on the deck.

A passenger ship is full of life.

Under Karya's guidance, Lacus patiently listened to their stories. While feeling their joys, sorrows and joys, she also learned about Piltover and Zaun from their mouths. A city that connects the continents of Shurima and Valoran.

From people's mouths, Lacus was surprised to find that it was the same city, but in some people's eyes, it was heaven, and in some people's eyes, it was hell; no future.

Some people think Piltover is full of progress and light, while others think Piltover is cold and hypocritical.

Some people think that Zaun is as sincere and real as ever, and some people think that Zaun is destined to be unable to support the wall with mud.

In this case, Lux couldn't help being curious about Piltover and Zaun.

She is curious about the relationship between the two cities, the history of the two cities, and everything about the two cities.

Apart from helping Lacus communicate with people, Karya did not provide any additional information from beginning to end.

After all... It is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books.

Now Lux is walking on her own path of glory.

As for myself, a dark descendant of the old era, it is better to bring students.

"Ino! Your spell model is wrong again! Where's the wrong book? Take it out and write it down!"


"Look at the mistakes in these models of yours. What's wrong, why did you put this permutation and combination in the wrong question book?"


"You are really the worst class I have ever taught!"


 Kalya's Small Classroom Noxus' Southern Raiders:
  For the Noxus Empire, their current main energy is placed in the east, in the battle situation in Ionia - but this does not mean that this greedy empire has stopped expanding to the south , in the coastal city in the northern part of Shurima, the Noxians adopted the method of dividing up and providing protection, attracting many city-states to join the Noxus Empire, the most famous of which are Uzeris and Belguen.

(End of this chapter)

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