Lux's Farewell

Chapter 57 [0055] Under the Gate of the Sun

Chapter 57 [0055] Under the Gate of the Sun

Counting from the time when Demacia Xiongdu departed, when Lux arrived at the Sun Gate, a month had passed.

And during this month, Lux traveled a real journey of thousands of miles by boat.

Now, she and Ino finally arrived at Piltover, under the famous Sun Gate.

The Gate of the Sun is the last of the three gates of the Piltover Canal, and it is also the most majestic and magnificent.

This giant mixed-material gate can withstand astonishing water pressure. The people of Piltover control the opening and closing of the gate three times a day through the giant power machinery, so that the ships in the canal can pass here smoothly and directly communicate with the Watching Sea. and conquer the sea.

Of course, this process is not free. Ships passing through the canal need to pay a large toll—calculated by displacement, one gold hex for every ten tons, rounded up, silver coins and copper coins are not accepted.

However, considering the detour from the southernmost point of Shurima, countless ships will still line up every day when the sun just appears.

It is the only monopoly trade in Runeterra that has given Piltover an astonishing profit, allowing the people of Piltover to have the capital and qualifications to realize their whimsical ideas.

Lux and Ino disembarked at the northwest port of Piltover in front of the Gate of the Sun, and after paying a personal tax, they finally came to Piltover.

Rejecting the porter who came to pick up the passengers, and not renting a small truck, Lux and Ino dragged the heavy boxes, set off from the port, climbed up the steps, and soon arrived at the dam around the sea in Piltover.

Looking at the crowded crowd, listening to the whistle of law enforcement officials to maintain order, even Lux, who grew up in Xiongdu, was surprised by the prosperity of this city.

Even in the capital of Demacia, I am afraid that there are so many pedestrians only during celebrations, right?

As for Ino, who was born on the outskirts of Mithril City, she was completely shocked by this bustling city at this time. While protecting her suitcase, she carefully looked at Piltover under the afterglow of the setting sun.

The orange-red twilight is reflected on a large number of glass curtain walls, and the tall and artistic buildings are also plated with a layer of red gold.

Piltover's aesthetic is completely different from Demacia's.

Compared with Demacia's straightforward "big is good, white is beautiful", Piltover's artistic style is not only pursuing majesty, but also paying great attention to subtleties. It can be said that he has a tiger in his heart and smells roses carefully. up.

Many soliciting salesmen have been staring at the port steps of the Huanhai Dam. After seeing the surprised Lacus and Ino, they waved the leaflets in their hands and swarmed over, scrambling to introduce their own products. hotel.

"[-]% off today's stay!"

"Breakfast and dinner included!"

"Travel guides and rickshaws can be provided!"



A few quick-handed guys even wanted to pull the two people's boxes directly, so that Lux put his hand on the hilt and pulled out the saber halfway, and they dispersed angrily.

However, Lux's behavior also attracted the attention of the Harbor Law Enforcement Officer - this man in a blue uniform and a wide-brimmed hat came to Lux, and reminded Lux ​​in a tone unique to the people of Piltover : "Miss, showing your weapon in Piltover is not a good choice!"

Through the conversations with people along the way, and the difference between the New Shurima language used by Piltover and the Demacian language, the current Lux clearly understands the meaning of the other party without Kalya's translation.

"You people of Piltover are really overly enthusiastic." Lux added an emphasis on the word "enthusiasm." "This makes me somewhat at a loss."

"Piltover is a city with free trade." The other party obviously understood what happened just now, so they just stopped the matter from expanding, and did not continue to entangle. "Everyone is full of enthusiasm for the transaction."

"So, Mr. Law Enforcement Officer." Lux showed an impeccable smile, "I wonder if there is a hotel suitable for shy ladies in this warm city?"

"If you have plenty of gold hex in your pocket, then the hotel near Lanxun Manor fully meets your requirements." The law enforcement officer gave a suggestion without thinking, "If not, then there is not much difference in other places. you get what you pay for."

Lux nodded, and after asking about the direction and location of Lanxun Manor, she pulled Ino and dragged two huge suitcases, and quickly left Huanhai Dam.

After crossing two streets and turning a bay, Lacus and Ino successfully arrived at what the law enforcement officer said just now, "the huge building complex at the foot of the mountain overlooking the Gate of Sun".

What surprised Lacus a little was that although the road sign said "Blue" Smoked Manor, the walls of the buildings here were all red—however, the law enforcement officer was right, here It is indeed a quiet place.

Randomly found a hotel that looked good, and Lacus and Ino dragged their suitcases into it.

"Two... ladies." The waiter at the front desk saw the two little girls, Lacus and Ino. After a moment of stupefaction, he quickly realized that they were guests. "Excuse me, do you have an appointment?"

"There is no appointment." Lux shook her head, "I came here after being introduced by the law enforcement officer at the port, and he said that this place is relatively quiet."

"That's natural." A smile appeared on the waiter's face, "Blue Smoked Manor is located in the north of Sun Gate, backed by the foothills of Pilt Mountain, and in front of it are the northwest and northeast ports of Pilt City. These two ports are full of passengers. The port does not accept cargo ships to berth, there is no roar of cranes, and it is naturally quiet.”

"That's really great." Lux showed a satisfied smile, "Two people stay—well, one room is fine."

"There's only one double room left." The waiter looked down at the registration book, "It's a sea view room on the top of the manor, one gold hex per night."

"That's it!" Lux nodded, "I like high places!"

"A deposit is required to check in, and the facilities in the room can be used at will. There is a waiter in the room at the end of the corridor on call 24 hours a day... Is there any other service you need?"

"The service is gone, I only have a small curiosity." Lacus paid the three-day accommodation fee and the deposit, and then quickly put away the key, "Why is the wall here called Blue Smoked Manor even though the walls are red? "

"That's because the blue smoked grass here is of the best quality." The waiter seemed to have been asked this question many times, and he quickly answered, "There is also our special blue smoked grass bath bag in the bathroom, miss can try Try it."

"Thank you!"

Lux nodded, showing a perfect smile again, then pulled up the slightly embarrassed Ino, and strode into the manor.

The waiter at the front desk maintained a polite smile while speculating about the relationship between Lacus and Ino.

Well, it looks very much like the young lady and maid of the Qiao family!
Blinking his eyes, the waiter's eyes fell on the registration book where Lux had checked in.

"Lax... a very uncommon name!"

 Carya's Small Classroom: Gate of the Sun:
  Three huge Sungate sea gates stand in the east, west and middle of the Piltover Grand Canal respectively, cutting the entire canal into five sections. The three sea gates are arranged in parallel, and each has a giant sea wall. These sea gates The embankment is both a levee and a bridge, connecting the two sides of the Piltover Grand Canal.

(End of this chapter)

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